Cleaned the way based was used to generate submenu for admin, now it's much more clear to use submenu. Cleaned admin and added comment to middleware
## -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Html changes and cleanups, made folders for html templates, implemented tags and branches pages
<%inherit file="/base/base.html"/>
Cleaned the way based was used to generate submenu for admin, now it's much more clear to use submenu. Cleaned admin and added comment to middleware
Html changes and cleanups, made folders for html templates, implemented tags and branches pages
<%def name="title()">
Cleaned the way based was used to generate submenu for admin, now it's much more clear to use submenu. Cleaned admin and added comment to middleware
${_('User administration')}
Html changes and cleanups, made folders for html templates, implemented tags and branches pages
<%def name="breadcrumbs()">
Cleaned the way based was used to generate submenu for admin, now it's much more clear to use submenu. Cleaned admin and added comment to middleware
Html changes and cleanups, made folders for html templates, implemented tags and branches pages
<%def name="page_nav()">
new way of menu generation for base, and all admin pages
Cleaned the way based was used to generate submenu for admin, now it's much more clear to use submenu. Cleaned admin and added comment to middleware
Html changes and cleanups, made folders for html templates, implemented tags and branches pages
<%def name="main()">
<h2>${_('User')} - ${c.user.username}</h2>
${h.form(url('user', id=c.user.user_id),method='put')}
<td>${_('New password')}</td>
Cleaned the way based was used to generate submenu for admin, now it's much more clear to use submenu. Cleaned admin and added comment to middleware