diff --git a/docs/changelog.rst b/docs/changelog.rst
--- a/docs/changelog.rst
+++ b/docs/changelog.rst
@@ -27,8 +27,10 @@ news
   and options to disable those hooks from admin panel
 - introduced new enhanced changelog for merges that shows more accurate results
 - new improved and faster code stats (based on pygments lexers mapping tables, 
-  showing up to 10 trending sources for each repository
+  showing up to 10 trending sources for each repository. Additionally stats
+  can be disabled in repository settings.
 - gui optimizations, fixed application width to 1024px
+- added cut off (for large files/changesets) limit into config files
 - whoosh, celeryd, upgrade moved to paster command
 - other than sqlite database backends can be used
@@ -40,6 +42,8 @@ fixes
 - fixes #66 Name field misspelled
 - fixes #72 block user removal when he owns repositories
 - fixes #69 added password confirmation fields
+- fixes #87 RhodeCode crashes occasionally on updating repository owner
+- fixes #82 broken annotations on files with more than 1 blank line at the end
 - a lot of fixes and tweaks for file browser
 - fixed detached session issues
 - fixed when user had no repos he would see all repos listed in my account
diff --git a/docs/enable_git.rst b/docs/enable_git.rst
--- a/docs/enable_git.rst
+++ b/docs/enable_git.rst
@@ -17,5 +17,5 @@ uncomment git line in rhodecode/__init__
 .. note::
    Please note that it's not fully stable and it might crash (that's why it 
-   was disabled), so be carefull about enabling git support. Don't use it in 
+   was disabled), so be careful about enabling git support. Don't use it in 
    production !
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/docs/installation.rst b/docs/installation.rst
--- a/docs/installation.rst
+++ b/docs/installation.rst
@@ -10,11 +10,11 @@ recommended one is rabbitmq_ to make the
 Of course RhodeCode works in sync mode also, then You don't have to install
 any third party apps. Celery_ will give You large speed improvement when using
-many big repositories. If You plan to use it for 2 or 3 small repositories, it
+many big repositories. If You plan to use it for 7 or 10 small repositories, it
 will work just fine without celery running.
-After You decide to Run it with celery make sure You run celeryd and
-message broker together with the application.   
+After You decide to Run it with celery make sure You run celeryd using paster
+and message broker together with the application.   
 Requirements for Celery
@@ -35,8 +35,7 @@ It's very nice tutorial how to start cel
 Install from Cheese Shop
-Rhodecode requires python 2.5 or 2.6 and will not run on older or newer
-versions of python. Python 2.7 is untested and thus not supported.
+Rhodecode requires python 2.x greater than version 2.5
 Easiest way to install ``rhodecode`` is to run::
@@ -56,8 +55,9 @@ Step by step installation example
-- Assuming You have installed virtualenv_ create one using. The `--no-site-packages`
-  will make sure non of Your system libs are linked with this virtualenv_  
+- Assuming You have installed virtualenv_ create one using. 
+  The `--no-site-packages` will make sure non of Your system libs are linked 
+  with this virtualenv_  
diff --git a/docs/setup.rst b/docs/setup.rst
--- a/docs/setup.rst
+++ b/docs/setup.rst
@@ -7,13 +7,20 @@ Setup
 Setting up the application
+First You'll ned to create RhodeCode config file. Run the following command 
+to do this
  paster make-config RhodeCode production.ini
 - This will create `production.ini` config inside the directory
   this config contains various settings for RhodeCode, e.g proxy port, 
-  email settings,static files, cache and logging.
+  email settings, usage of static files, cache, celery settings and logging.
+Next we need to create the database.
@@ -24,10 +31,11 @@ Setting up the application
   existing ones. RhodeCode will simply add all new found repositories to 
   it's database. Also make sure You specify correct path to repositories.
 - Remember that the given path for mercurial_ repositories must be write 
-  accessible for the application. It's very important since RhodeCode web interface
-  will work even without such an access but, when trying to do a push it'll 
-  eventually fail with permission denied errors. 
-- Run 
+  accessible for the application. It's very important since RhodeCode web 
+  interface will work even without such an access but, when trying to do a 
+  push it'll eventually fail with permission denied errors. 
+You are ready to use rhodecode, to run it simply execute
@@ -35,10 +43,12 @@ Setting up the application
 - This command runs the RhodeCode server the app should be available at the This ip and port is configurable via the production.ini 
-  file  created in previous step
+  file created in previous step
 - Use admin account you created to login.
 - Default permissions on each repository is read, and owner is admin. So 
-  remember to update these if needed.
+  remember to update these if needed. In the admin panel You can toggle ldap,
+  anonymous, permissions settings. As well as edit more advanced options on 
+  users and repositories
 Setting up Whoosh full text search
@@ -52,13 +62,13 @@ incremental mode.
- paster make-index --repo-location=<location for repos> production.ini  
+ paster make-index production.ini --repo-location=<location for repos> 
 for full index rebuild You can use
- paster make-index -f --repo-location=<location for repos> production.ini
+ paster make-index production.ini -f --repo-location=<location for repos>
 - For full text search You can either put crontab entry for
@@ -68,7 +78,7 @@ look like this
- /path/to/python/bin/paster --repo-location=<location for repos> /path/to/rhodecode/production.ini
+ /path/to/python/bin/paster /path/to/rhodecode/production.ini --repo-location=<location for repos> 
 When using incremental(default) mode whoosh will check last modification date 
 of each file and add it to reindex if newer file is available. Also indexing 
@@ -234,7 +244,6 @@ Troubleshooting
  - don't worry RhodeCode works without them too. No extra setup required
 - long lasting push timeouts ?
  - make sure You set a longer timeouts in Your proxy/fcgi settings, timeouts
diff --git a/docs/upgrade.rst b/docs/upgrade.rst
--- a/docs/upgrade.rst
+++ b/docs/upgrade.rst
@@ -22,10 +22,26 @@ Then make sure You run from the installa
  paster make-config RhodeCode production.ini
 This will display any changes made from new version of RhodeCode To your
-current config. And tries to do an automerge.
+current config. And tries to do an automerge. It's always better to do a backup
+of config file and recheck the content after merge.
 It's also good to rebuild the whoosh index since after upgrading the whoosh 
-versionthere could be introduced incompatible index changes
+version there could be introduced incompatible index changes.
+The last step is to upgrade the database. To do this simply run
+ paster upgrade-db production.ini
+This will upgrade schema, as well as update some default on the database,
+always recheck the settings of the application, if there are no new options
+that need to be set.
+.. note::
+   Always perform a database backup before doing upgrade.
 .. _virtualenv: http://pypi.python.org/pypi/virtualenv