diff --git a/LICENSE.md b/LICENSE.md
--- a/LICENSE.md
+++ b/LICENSE.md
@@ -227,9 +227,9 @@ Kallithea includes a minified version of
git checkout hudson-yui2-2800
ln -sf JumpToPageDropDown.js src/paginator/js/JumpToPageDropdown.js # work around inconsistent casing
rm -f tmp.js
- for m in yahoo event dom connection animation dragdrop element datasource autocomplete container event-delegate json datatable paginator; do
- rm -f build/\$m/\$m.js
- ( cd src/\$m && ant build deploybuild ) && sed -e 's,@VERSION@,2.9.0,g' -e 's,@BUILD@,2800,g' build/\$m/\$m.js >> tmp.js
+ for m in yahoo event dom animation datasource autocomplete event-delegate; do
+ rm -f build/$m/$m.js
+ ( cd src/$m && ant build deploybuild ) && sed -e 's,@VERSION@,2.9.0,g' -e 's,@BUILD@,2800,g' build/$m/$m.js >> tmp.js
java -jar ../builder/componentbuild/lib/yuicompressor/yuicompressor-2.4.4.jar tmp.js -o yui.2.9.js
diff --git a/kallithea/public/js/base.js b/kallithea/public/js/base.js
--- a/kallithea/public/js/base.js
+++ b/kallithea/public/js/base.js
@@ -311,12 +311,6 @@ var pyroutes = (function() {
- * GLOBAL YUI Shortcuts
- */
-var YUD = YAHOO.util.Dom;
-var YUE = YAHOO.util.Event;
/* Invoke all functions in callbacks */
var _run_callbacks = function(callbacks){
if (callbacks !== undefined){
@@ -1394,46 +1388,6 @@ var quick_repo_menu = function(){
- */
-var revisionSort = function(a, b, desc, field) {
- var a_ = parseInt(a.getData('last_rev_raw') || 0);
- var b_ = parseInt(b.getData('last_rev_raw') || 0);
- return YAHOO.util.Sort.compare(a_, b_, desc);
-var ageSort = function(a, b, desc, field) {
- // data is like: 1 day and 23 hours ago
- var a_ = $(a.getData(field)).attr('date');
- var b_ = $(b.getData(field)).attr('date');
- return YAHOO.util.Sort.compare(a_, b_, desc);
-var lastLoginSort = function(a, b, desc, field) {
- var a_ = parseFloat(a.getData('last_login_raw') || 0);
- var b_ = parseFloat(b.getData('last_login_raw') || 0);
- return YAHOO.util.Sort.compare(a_, b_, desc);
-var nameSort = function(a, b, desc, field) {
- var a_ = a.getData('raw_name') || 0;
- var b_ = b.getData('raw_name') || 0;
- return YAHOO.util.Sort.compare(a_, b_, desc);
-var dateSort = function(a, b, desc, field) {
- var a_ = parseFloat(a.getData('raw_date') || 0);
- var b_ = parseFloat(b.getData('raw_date') || 0);
- return YAHOO.util.Sort.compare(a_, b_, desc);
var addPermAction = function(_html, users_list, groups_list){
var $last_node = $('.last_new_member').last(); // empty tr between last and add
var next_id = $('.new_members').length;
@@ -1502,289 +1456,6 @@ var MultiSelectWidget = function(selecte
-// custom paginator
-var YUI_paginator = function(links_per_page, containers){
- (function () {
- var Paginator = YAHOO.widget.Paginator,
- l = YAHOO.lang,
- setId = YAHOO.util.Dom.generateId;
- Paginator.ui.MyFirstPageLink = function (p) {
- this.paginator = p;
- p.subscribe('recordOffsetChange',this.update,this,true);
- p.subscribe('rowsPerPageChange',this.update,this,true);
- p.subscribe('totalRecordsChange',this.update,this,true);
- p.subscribe('destroy',this.destroy,this,true);
- // TODO: make this work
- p.subscribe('firstPageLinkLabelChange',this.update,this,true);
- p.subscribe('firstPageLinkClassChange',this.update,this,true);
- };
- Paginator.ui.MyFirstPageLink.init = function (p) {
- p.setAttributeConfig('firstPageLinkLabel', {
- value : 1,
- validator : l.isString
- });
- p.setAttributeConfig('firstPageLinkClass', {
- value : 'yui-pg-first',
- validator : l.isString
- });
- p.setAttributeConfig('firstPageLinkTitle', {
- value : 'First Page',
- validator : l.isString
- });
- };
- // Instance members and methods
- Paginator.ui.MyFirstPageLink.prototype = {
- current : null,
- leftmost_page: null,
- rightmost_page: null,
- link : null,
- span : null,
- dotdot : null,
- getPos : function(cur_page, max_page, items){
- var edge = parseInt(items / 2) + 1;
- if (cur_page <= edge){
- var radius = Math.max(parseInt(items / 2), items - cur_page);
- }
- else if ((max_page - cur_page) < edge) {
- var radius = (items - 1) - (max_page - cur_page);
- }
- else{
- var radius = parseInt(items / 2);
- }
- var left = Math.max(1, (cur_page - (radius)));
- var right = Math.min(max_page, cur_page + (radius));
- return [left, cur_page, right]
- },
- render : function (id_base) {
- var p = this.paginator,
- c = p.get('firstPageLinkClass'),
- label = p.get('firstPageLinkLabel'),
- title = p.get('firstPageLinkTitle');
- this.link = document.createElement('a');
- this.span = document.createElement('span');
- $(this.span).hide();
- var _pos = this.getPos(p.getCurrentPage(), p.getTotalPages(), 5);
- this.leftmost_page = _pos[0];
- this.rightmost_page = _pos[2];
- setId(this.link, id_base + '-first-link');
- this.link.href = '#';
- this.link.className = c;
- this.link.innerHTML = label;
- this.link.title = title;
- YUE.on(this.link,'click',this.onClick,this,true);
- setId(this.span, id_base + '-first-span');
- this.span.className = c;
- this.span.innerHTML = label;
- this.current = p.getCurrentPage() > 1 ? this.link : this.span;
- return this.current;
- },
- update : function (e) {
- var p = this.paginator;
- var _pos = this.getPos(p.getCurrentPage(), p.getTotalPages(), 5);
- this.leftmost_page = _pos[0];
- this.rightmost_page = _pos[2];
- if (e && e.prevValue === e.newValue) {
- return;
- }
- var par = this.current ? this.current.parentNode : null;
- if (this.leftmost_page > 1) {
- if (par && this.current === this.span) {
- par.replaceChild(this.link,this.current);
- this.current = this.link;
- }
- } else {
- if (par && this.current === this.link) {
- par.replaceChild(this.span,this.current);
- this.current = this.span;
- }
- }
- },
- destroy : function () {
- YUE.purgeElement(this.link);
- this.current.parentNode.removeChild(this.current);
- this.link = this.span = null;
- },
- onClick : function (e) {
- YUE.stopEvent(e);
- this.paginator.setPage(1);
- }
- };
- })();
- (function () {
- var Paginator = YAHOO.widget.Paginator,
- l = YAHOO.lang,
- setId = YAHOO.util.Dom.generateId;
- Paginator.ui.MyLastPageLink = function (p) {
- this.paginator = p;
- p.subscribe('recordOffsetChange',this.update,this,true);
- p.subscribe('rowsPerPageChange',this.update,this,true);
- p.subscribe('totalRecordsChange',this.update,this,true);
- p.subscribe('destroy',this.destroy,this,true);
- // TODO: make this work
- p.subscribe('lastPageLinkLabelChange',this.update,this,true);
- p.subscribe('lastPageLinkClassChange', this.update,this,true);
- };
- Paginator.ui.MyLastPageLink.init = function (p) {
- p.setAttributeConfig('lastPageLinkLabel', {
- value : -1,
- validator : l.isString
- });
- p.setAttributeConfig('lastPageLinkClass', {
- value : 'yui-pg-last',
- validator : l.isString
- });
- p.setAttributeConfig('lastPageLinkTitle', {
- value : 'Last Page',
- validator : l.isString
- });
- };
- Paginator.ui.MyLastPageLink.prototype = {
- current : null,
- leftmost_page: null,
- rightmost_page: null,
- link : null,
- span : null,
- dotdot : null,
- na : null,
- getPos : function(cur_page, max_page, items){
- var edge = parseInt(items / 2) + 1;
- if (cur_page <= edge){
- var radius = Math.max(parseInt(items / 2), items - cur_page);
- }
- else if ((max_page - cur_page) < edge) {
- var radius = (items - 1) - (max_page - cur_page);
- }
- else{
- var radius = parseInt(items / 2);
- }
- var left = Math.max(1, (cur_page - (radius)));
- var right = Math.min(max_page, cur_page + (radius));
- return [left, cur_page, right]
- },
- render : function (id_base) {
- var p = this.paginator,
- c = p.get('lastPageLinkClass'),
- label = p.get('lastPageLinkLabel'),
- last = p.getTotalPages(),
- title = p.get('lastPageLinkTitle');
- var _pos = this.getPos(p.getCurrentPage(), p.getTotalPages(), 5);
- this.leftmost_page = _pos[0];
- this.rightmost_page = _pos[2];
- this.link = document.createElement('a');
- this.span = document.createElement('span');
- $(this.span).hide();
- this.na = this.span.cloneNode(false);
- setId(this.link, id_base + '-last-link');
- this.link.href = '#';
- this.link.className = c;
- this.link.innerHTML = label;
- this.link.title = title;
- YUE.on(this.link,'click',this.onClick,this,true);
- setId(this.span, id_base + '-last-span');
- this.span.className = c;
- this.span.innerHTML = label;
- setId(this.na, id_base + '-last-na');
- if (this.rightmost_page < p.getTotalPages()){
- this.current = this.link;
- }
- else{
- this.current = this.span;
- }
- this.current.innerHTML = p.getTotalPages();
- return this.current;
- },
- update : function (e) {
- var p = this.paginator;
- var _pos = this.getPos(p.getCurrentPage(), p.getTotalPages(), 5);
- this.leftmost_page = _pos[0];
- this.rightmost_page = _pos[2];
- if (e && e.prevValue === e.newValue) {
- return;
- }
- var par = this.current ? this.current.parentNode : null,
- after = this.link;
- if (par) {
- // only show the last page if the rightmost one is
- // lower, so we don't have doubled entries at the end
- if (!(this.rightmost_page < p.getTotalPages())){
- after = this.span
- }
- if (this.current !== after) {
- par.replaceChild(after,this.current);
- this.current = after;
- }
- }
- this.current.innerHTML = this.paginator.getTotalPages();
- },
- destroy : function () {
- YUE.purgeElement(this.link);
- this.current.parentNode.removeChild(this.current);
- this.link = this.span = null;
- },
- onClick : function (e) {
- YUE.stopEvent(e);
- this.paginator.setPage(this.paginator.getTotalPages());
- }
- };
- })();
- var pagi = new YAHOO.widget.Paginator({
- rowsPerPage: links_per_page,
- alwaysVisible: false,
- template : "{PreviousPageLink} {MyFirstPageLink} {PageLinks} {MyLastPageLink} {NextPageLink}",
- pageLinks: 5,
- containerClass: 'pagination-wh',
- currentPageClass: 'pager_curpage',
- pageLinkClass: 'pager_link',
- nextPageLinkLabel: '>',
- previousPageLinkLabel: '<',
- containers:containers
- });
- return pagi
Branch Sorting callback for select2, modifying the filtered result so prefix
diff --git a/kallithea/templates/summary/statistics.html b/kallithea/templates/summary/statistics.html
--- a/kallithea/templates/summary/statistics.html
+++ b/kallithea/templates/summary/statistics.html
@@ -123,6 +123,9 @@ for (var i=0;i