%if c.repo_info.locked[0]:
${h.hidden('set_unlock', '1')}
${'Locked by %s on %s' % (h.person_by_id(c.repo_info.locked[0]),h.fmt_date(h.time_to_datetime(c.repo_info.locked[1])))}
${h.hidden('set_lock', '1')}
${_('Repository is not locked')}
${_('Force locking on repository. Works only when anonymous access is disabled. Trigering a pull locks repository by user who pulled, only the same user can unlock by doing a push')}
${h.form(url('repo', repo_name=c.repo_name),method='delete')}
%if c.repo_info.forks.count():
${ungettext('this repository has %s fork', 'this repository has %s forks', c.repo_info.forks.count()) % c.repo_info.forks.count()}
${_('This repository will be renamed in a special way in order to be unaccesible for Kallithea and VCS systems. If you need to fully delete it from file system please do it manually')}