## -*- coding: utf-8 -*- <%inherit file="/base/base.html"/> <%block name="title"> ${_('About')} <%block name="header_menu"> ${self.menu('about')} <%def name="main()">
${_('About')} Kallithea

Kallithea is a project of the Software Freedom Conservancy, Inc. and is released under the terms of the GNU General Public License, v 3.0 (GPLv3).

Kallithea is copyrighted by various authors, including but not necessarily limited to the following:

The above are the copyright holders who have submitted direct contributions to the Kallithea repository.

In the Kallithea source code, there is a list of third-party libraries and code that Kallithea incorporates.

The front-end contains a list of software that is used to build the front-end but isn't distributed as a part of Kallithea.