#!/bin/bash set -e set -x cleanup() { echo "Removing venv $venv" rm -rf "$venv" } echo "Checking that you are NOT inside a virtualenv" [ -z "$VIRTUAL_ENV" ] venv=$(mktemp -d --tmpdir kallithea-release-XXXXX) trap cleanup EXIT echo "Setting up a fresh virtualenv in $venv" virtualenv -p python2 "$venv" . "$venv/bin/activate" echo "Install/verify tools needed for building and uploading stuff" pip install --upgrade -e . pip install --upgrade -r dev_requirements.txt twine echo "Cleanup and update copyrights ... and clean checkout" scripts/run-all-cleanup scripts/update-copyrights.py hg up -cr . echo "Make release build from clean checkout in build/" rm -rf build dist hg archive build cd build echo "Check that each entry in MANIFEST.in match something" sed -e 's/[^ ]*[ ]*\([^ ]*\).*/\1/g' MANIFEST.in | xargs ls -lad echo "Build dist" python2 setup.py compile_catalog python2 setup.py sdist echo "Verify VERSION from kallithea/__init__.py" namerel=$(cd dist && echo Kallithea-*.tar.gz) namerel=${namerel%.tar.gz} version=${namerel#Kallithea-} ls -l $(pwd)/dist/$namerel.tar.gz echo "Releasing Kallithea $version in directory $namerel" echo "Verify dist file content" diff -u <((hg mani | grep -v '^\.hg') | LANG=C sort) <(tar tf dist/Kallithea-$version.tar.gz | sed "s|^$namerel/||" | grep . | grep -v '^kallithea/i18n/.*/LC_MESSAGES/kallithea.mo$\|^Kallithea.egg-info/\|^PKG-INFO$\|/$' | LANG=C sort) echo "Verify docs build" python2 setup.py build_sphinx # the results are not actually used, but we want to make sure it builds cat - << EOT Now, make sure * all tests are passing * release note is ready * announcement is ready * source has been pushed to https://kallithea-scm.org/repos/kallithea EOT echo "Verify current revision is tagged for $version" hg log -r "'$version'&." | grep . echo -n "Enter \"pypi\" to upload Kallithea $version to pypi: " read answer [ "$answer" = "pypi" ] echo "Rebuild readthedocs for docs.kallithea-scm.org" xdg-open https://readthedocs.org/projects/kallithea/ curl -X POST http://readthedocs.org/build/kallithea xdg-open https://readthedocs.org/builds/kallithea/ xdg-open http://docs.kallithea-scm.org/en/latest/ # or whatever the branch is twine upload dist/* xdg-open https://pypi.python.org/pypi/Kallithea