##// END OF EJS Templates
Add mousetrap.js file from Mousetrap 1.4.5, under the Apache license....
Add mousetrap.js file from Mousetrap 1.4.5, under the Apache license. The file was download and verified via these commands: $ git clone https://github.com/ccampbell/mousetrap.git $ cd mousetrap; git checkout 1.4.5 The file in that repository named mousetrap.js is exactly the same one that appeared in RhodeCode 2.2.5 in changeset c8d3c0d61d95. The mousetrap.js states clearly that it is licensed under Apache-2.0.

File last commit:

r4026:a60a0e90 default
r4126:158ef336 rhodecode-2.2.5-gpl
Show More
267 lines | 7.0 KiB | application/javascript | JavascriptLexer
* Link to the project's GitHub page:
* https://github.com/duralog/CodeMirror
(function() {
CodeMirror.defineMode('livescript', function(){
var tokenBase, external;
tokenBase = function(stream, state){
var next_rule, nr, i$, len$, r, m;
if (next_rule = state.next || 'start') {
state.next = state.next;
if (Array.isArray(nr = Rules[next_rule])) {
for (i$ = 0, len$ = nr.length; i$ < len$; ++i$) {
r = nr[i$];
if (r.regex && (m = stream.match(r.regex))) {
state.next = r.next;
return r.token;
return 'error';
if (stream.match(r = Rules[next_rule])) {
if (r.regex && stream.match(r.regex)) {
state.next = r.next;
return r.token;
} else {
return 'error';
return 'error';
external = {
startState: function(){
return {
next: 'start',
lastToken: null
token: function(stream, state){
var style;
style = tokenBase(stream, state);
state.lastToken = {
style: style,
indent: stream.indentation(),
content: stream.current()
return style.replace(/\./g, ' ');
indent: function(state){
var indentation;
indentation = state.lastToken.indent;
if (state.lastToken.content.match(indenter)) {
indentation += 2;
return indentation;
return external;
var identifier = '(?![\\d\\s])[$\\w\\xAA-\\uFFDC](?:(?!\\s)[$\\w\\xAA-\\uFFDC]|-[A-Za-z])*';
var indenter = RegExp('(?:[({[=:]|[-~]>|\\b(?:e(?:lse|xport)|d(?:o|efault)|t(?:ry|hen)|finally|import(?:\\s*all)?|const|var|let|new|catch(?:\\s*' + identifier + ')?))\\s*$');
var keywordend = '(?![$\\w]|-[A-Za-z]|\\s*:(?![:=]))';
var stringfill = {
token: 'string',
regex: '.+'
var Rules = {
start: [
token: 'comment.doc',
regex: '/\\*',
next: 'comment'
}, {
token: 'comment',
regex: '#.*'
}, {
token: 'keyword',
regex: '(?:t(?:h(?:is|row|en)|ry|ypeof!?)|c(?:on(?:tinue|st)|a(?:se|tch)|lass)|i(?:n(?:stanceof)?|mp(?:ort(?:\\s+all)?|lements)|[fs])|d(?:e(?:fault|lete|bugger)|o)|f(?:or(?:\\s+own)?|inally|unction)|s(?:uper|witch)|e(?:lse|x(?:tends|port)|val)|a(?:nd|rguments)|n(?:ew|ot)|un(?:less|til)|w(?:hile|ith)|o[fr]|return|break|let|var|loop)' + keywordend
}, {
token: 'constant.language',
regex: '(?:true|false|yes|no|on|off|null|void|undefined)' + keywordend
}, {
token: 'invalid.illegal',
regex: '(?:p(?:ackage|r(?:ivate|otected)|ublic)|i(?:mplements|nterface)|enum|static|yield)' + keywordend
}, {
token: 'language.support.class',
regex: '(?:R(?:e(?:gExp|ferenceError)|angeError)|S(?:tring|yntaxError)|E(?:rror|valError)|Array|Boolean|Date|Function|Number|Object|TypeError|URIError)' + keywordend
}, {
token: 'language.support.function',
regex: '(?:is(?:NaN|Finite)|parse(?:Int|Float)|Math|JSON|(?:en|de)codeURI(?:Component)?)' + keywordend
}, {
token: 'variable.language',
regex: '(?:t(?:hat|il|o)|f(?:rom|allthrough)|it|by|e)' + keywordend
}, {
token: 'identifier',
regex: identifier + '\\s*:(?![:=])'
}, {
token: 'variable',
regex: identifier
}, {
token: 'keyword.operator',
regex: '(?:\\.{3}|\\s+\\?)'
}, {
token: 'keyword.variable',
regex: '(?:@+|::|\\.\\.)',
next: 'key'
}, {
token: 'keyword.operator',
regex: '\\.\\s*',
next: 'key'
}, {
token: 'string',
regex: '\\\\\\S[^\\s,;)}\\]]*'
}, {
token: 'string.doc',
regex: '\'\'\'',
next: 'qdoc'
}, {
token: 'string.doc',
regex: '"""',
next: 'qqdoc'
}, {
token: 'string',
regex: '\'',
next: 'qstring'
}, {
token: 'string',
regex: '"',
next: 'qqstring'
}, {
token: 'string',
regex: '`',
next: 'js'
}, {
token: 'string',
regex: '<\\[',
next: 'words'
}, {
token: 'string.regex',
regex: '//',
next: 'heregex'
}, {
token: 'string.regex',
regex: '\\/(?:[^[\\/\\n\\\\]*(?:(?:\\\\.|\\[[^\\]\\n\\\\]*(?:\\\\.[^\\]\\n\\\\]*)*\\])[^[\\/\\n\\\\]*)*)\\/[gimy$]{0,4}',
next: 'key'
}, {
token: 'constant.numeric',
regex: '(?:0x[\\da-fA-F][\\da-fA-F_]*|(?:[2-9]|[12]\\d|3[0-6])r[\\da-zA-Z][\\da-zA-Z_]*|(?:\\d[\\d_]*(?:\\.\\d[\\d_]*)?|\\.\\d[\\d_]*)(?:e[+-]?\\d[\\d_]*)?[\\w$]*)'
}, {
token: 'lparen',
regex: '[({[]'
}, {
token: 'rparen',
regex: '[)}\\]]',
next: 'key'
}, {
token: 'keyword.operator',
regex: '\\S+'
}, {
token: 'text',
regex: '\\s+'
heregex: [
token: 'string.regex',
regex: '.*?//[gimy$?]{0,4}',
next: 'start'
}, {
token: 'string.regex',
regex: '\\s*#{'
}, {
token: 'comment.regex',
regex: '\\s+(?:#.*)?'
}, {
token: 'string.regex',
regex: '\\S+'
key: [
token: 'keyword.operator',
regex: '[.?@!]+'
}, {
token: 'identifier',
regex: identifier,
next: 'start'
}, {
token: 'text',
regex: '.',
next: 'start'
comment: [
token: 'comment.doc',
regex: '.*?\\*/',
next: 'start'
}, {
token: 'comment.doc',
regex: '.+'
qdoc: [
token: 'string',
regex: ".*?'''",
next: 'key'
}, stringfill
qqdoc: [
token: 'string',
regex: '.*?"""',
next: 'key'
}, stringfill
qstring: [
token: 'string',
regex: '[^\\\\\']*(?:\\\\.[^\\\\\']*)*\'',
next: 'key'
}, stringfill
qqstring: [
token: 'string',
regex: '[^\\\\"]*(?:\\\\.[^\\\\"]*)*"',
next: 'key'
}, stringfill
js: [
token: 'string',
regex: '[^\\\\`]*(?:\\\\.[^\\\\`]*)*`',
next: 'key'
}, stringfill
words: [
token: 'string',
regex: '.*?\\]>',
next: 'key'
}, stringfill
for (var idx in Rules) {
var r = Rules[idx];
if (Array.isArray(r)) {
for (var i = 0, len = r.length; i < len; ++i) {
var rr = r[i];
if (rr.regex) {
Rules[idx][i].regex = new RegExp('^' + rr.regex);
} else if (r.regex) {
Rules[idx].regex = new RegExp('^' + r.regex);
CodeMirror.defineMIME('text/x-livescript', 'livescript');