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backport fix fixed password refill in login form when wrong password was given It's better to not refill the passwords on wrong credentials given. Standard behaviour on all pages are making the password blank

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<h1>CodeMirror: Q mode</h1>
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/ utilities to quickly load a csv file - for more exhaustive analysis of the csv contents see csvguess.q
/ 2009.09.20 - updated to match latest csvguess.q
/ .csv.colhdrs[file] - return a list of colhdrs from file
/ info:.csv.info[file] - return a table of information about the file
/ columns are:
/ c - column name; ci - column index; t - load type; mw - max width;
/ dchar - distinct characters in values; rule - rule that caught the type
/ maybe - needs checking, _could_ be say a date, but perhaps just a float?
/ .csv.info0[file;onlycols] - like .csv.info except that it only analyses <onlycols>
/ example:
/ info:.csv.info0[file;(.csv.colhdrs file)like"*price"]
/ info:.csv.infolike[file;"*price"]
/ show delete from info where t=" "
/ .csv.data[file;info] - use the info from .csv.info to read the data
/ .csv.data10[file;info] - like .csv.data but only returns the first 10 rows
/ bulkload[file;info] - bulk loads file into table DATA (which must be already defined :: DATA:() )
/ .csv.read[file]/read10[file] - for when you don't care about checking/tweaking the <info> before reading
\d .csv
ZAPHDRS:0b / lowercase and remove _ from colhdrs (junk characters are always removed)
WIDTHHDR:25000 / number of characters read to get the header
READLINES:222 / number of lines read and used to guess the types
SYMMAXWIDTH:11 / character columns narrower than this are stored as symbols
SYMMAXGR:10 / max symbol granularity% before we give up and keep as a * string
FORCECHARWIDTH:30 / every field (of any type) with values this wide or more is forced to character "*"
DISCARDEMPTY:0b / completely ignore empty columns if true else set them to "C"
CHUNKSIZE:50000000 / used in fs2 (modified .Q.fs)
k)nameltrim:{$[~@x;.z.s'x;~(*x)in aA:.Q.a,.Q.A;(+/&\~x in aA)_x;x]}
cleanhdrs:{{$[ZAPHDRS;lower x except"_";x]}x where x in DELIM,.Q.an}
cancast:{nw:x$"";if[not x in"BXCS";nw:(min 0#;max 0#;::)@\:nw];$[not any nw in x$(11&count y)#y;$[11<count y;not any nw in x$y;1b];0b]}
`$nameltrim DELIM vs cleanhdrs first read0(file;0;1+first where 0xa=read1(file;0;WIDTHHDR))}
(exec c from info where not t=" ")xcol(exec t from info;enlist DELIM)0:file}
data[;info](file;0;1+last 11#where 0xa=read1(file;0;15*WIDTHHDR))}
colhdrs:`$nameltrim DELIM vs cleanhdrs first head:read0(file;0;1+last where 0xa=read1(file;0;WIDTHHDR));
loadfmts:(count colhdrs)#"S";if[count onlycols;loadfmts[where not colhdrs in onlycols]:"C"];
breaks:where 0xa=read1(file;0;floor(10+READLINES)*WIDTHHDR%count head);
nas:count as:colhdrs xcol(loadfmts;enlist DELIM)0:(file;0;1+last((1+READLINES)&count breaks)#breaks);
info:([]c:key flip as;v:value flip as);as:();
info:update res:c in reserved from info;
info:update ci:i,t:"?",ipa:0b,mdot:0,mw:0,rule:0,gr:0,ndv:0,maybe:0b,empty:0b,j10:0b,j12:0b from info;
info:update ci:`s#ci from info;
if[count onlycols;info:update t:" ",rule:10 from info where not c in onlycols];
info:update sdv:{string(distinct x)except`}peach v from info;
info:update ndv:count each sdv from info;
info:update gr:floor 0.5+100*ndv%nas,mw:{max count each x}peach sdv from info where 0<ndv;
info:update t:"*",rule:20 from info where mw>.csv.FORCECHARWIDTH; / long values
info:update t:"C "[.csv.DISCARDEMPTY],rule:30,empty:1b from info where t="?",mw=0; / empty columns
info:update dchar:{asc distinct raze x}peach sdv from info where t="?";
info:update mdot:{max sum each"."=x}peach sdv from info where t="?",{"."in x}each dchar;
info:update t:"n",rule:40 from info where t="?",{any x in"0123456789"}each dchar; / vaguely numeric..
info:update t:"I",rule:50,ipa:1b from info where t="n",mw within 7 15,mdot=3,{all x in".0123456789"}each dchar,.csv.cancast["I"]peach sdv; / ip-address
info:update t:"J",rule:60 from info where t="n",mdot=0,{all x in"+-0123456789"}each dchar,.csv.cancast["J"]peach sdv;
info:update t:"I",rule:70 from info where t="J",mw<12,.csv.cancast["I"]peach sdv;
info:update t:"H",rule:80 from info where t="I",mw<7,.csv.cancast["H"]peach sdv;
info:update t:"F",rule:90 from info where t="n",mdot<2,mw>1,.csv.cancast["F"]peach sdv;
info:update t:"E",rule:100,maybe:1b from info where t="F",mw<9;
info:update t:"M",rule:110,maybe:1b from info where t in"nIHEF",mdot<2,mw within 4 7,.csv.cancast["M"]peach sdv;
info:update t:"D",rule:120,maybe:1b from info where t in"nI",mdot in 0 2,mw within 6 11,.csv.cancast["D"]peach sdv;
info:update t:"V",rule:130,maybe:1b from info where t="I",mw in 5 6,7<count each dchar,{all x like"*[0-9][0-5][0-9][0-5][0-9]"}peach sdv,.csv.cancast["V"]peach sdv; / 235959 12345
info:update t:"U",rule:140,maybe:1b from info where t="H",mw in 3 4,7<count each dchar,{all x like"*[0-9][0-5][0-9]"}peach sdv,.csv.cancast["U"]peach sdv; /2359
info:update t:"U",rule:150,maybe:0b from info where t="n",mw in 4 5,mdot=0,{all x like"*[0-9]:[0-5][0-9]"}peach sdv,.csv.cancast["U"]peach sdv;
info:update t:"T",rule:160,maybe:0b from info where t="n",mw within 7 12,mdot<2,{all x like"*[0-9]:[0-5][0-9]:[0-5][0-9]*"}peach sdv,.csv.cancast["T"]peach sdv;
info:update t:"V",rule:170,maybe:0b from info where t="T",mw in 7 8,mdot=0,.csv.cancast["V"]peach sdv;
info:update t:"T",rule:180,maybe:1b from info where t in"EF",mw within 7 10,mdot=1,{all x like"*[0-9][0-5][0-9][0-5][0-9].*"}peach sdv,.csv.cancast["T"]peach sdv;
info:update t:"Z",rule:190,maybe:0b from info where t="n",mw within 11 24,mdot<4,.csv.cancast["Z"]peach sdv;
info:update t:"P",rule:200,maybe:1b from info where t="n",mw within 12 29,mdot<4,{all x like"[12]*"}peach sdv,.csv.cancast["P"]peach sdv;
info:update t:"N",rule:210,maybe:1b from info where t="n",mw within 3 28,mdot=1,.csv.cancast["N"]peach sdv;
info:update t:"?",rule:220,maybe:0b from info where t="n"; / reset remaining maybe numeric
info:update t:"C",rule:230,maybe:0b from info where t="?",mw=1; / char
info:update t:"B",rule:240,maybe:0b from info where t in"HC",mw=1,mdot=0,{$[all x in"01tTfFyYnN";(any"0fFnN"in x)and any"1tTyY"in x;0b]}each dchar; / boolean
info:update t:"B",rule:250,maybe:1b from info where t in"HC",mw=1,mdot=0,{all x in"01tTfFyYnN"}each dchar; / boolean
info:update t:"X",rule:260,maybe:0b from info where t="?",mw=2,{$[all x in"0123456789abcdefABCDEF";(any .Q.n in x)and any"abcdefABCDEF"in x;0b]}each dchar; /hex
info:update t:"S",rule:270,maybe:1b from info where t="?",mw<.csv.SYMMAXWIDTH,mw>1,gr<.csv.SYMMAXGR; / symbols (max width permitting)
info:update t:"*",rule:280,maybe:0b from info where t="?"; / the rest as strings
/ flag those S/* columns which could be encoded to integers (.Q.j10/x10/j12/x12) to avoid symbols
info:update j12:1b from info where t in"S*",mw<13,{all x in .Q.nA}each dchar;
info:update j10:1b from info where t in"S*",mw<11,{all x in .Q.b6}each dchar;
select c,ci,t,maybe,empty,res,j10,j12,ipa,mw,mdot,rule,gr,ndv,dchar from info}
info:info0[;()] / by default don't restrict columns
infolike:{[file;pattern] info0[file;{x where x like y}[lower colhdrs[file];pattern]]} / .csv.infolike[file;"*time"]
\d .
/ DATA:()
if[not`DATA in system"v";'`DATA.not.defined];
if[count DATA;'`DATA.not.empty];
loadhdrs:exec c from info where not t=" ";loadfmts:exec t from info;
.csv.fs2[{[file;loadhdrs;loadfmts] `DATA insert $[count DATA;flip loadhdrs!(loadfmts;.csv.DELIM)0:file;loadhdrs xcol(loadfmts;enlist .csv.DELIM)0:file]}[file;loadhdrs;loadfmts]];
count DATA}
@[.:;"\\l csvutil.custom.q";::]; / save your custom settings in csvutil.custom.q to override those set at the beginning of the file
var editor = CodeMirror.fromTextArea(document.getElementById("code"), {
lineNumbers: true,
matchBrackets: true
<p><strong>MIME type defined:</strong> <code>text/x-q</code>.</p>