##// END OF EJS Templates
fixed issues with form upload if settings for repo paths are blocked
fixed issues with form upload if settings for repo paths are blocked

File last commit:

r4026:a60a0e90 default
r4046:38ab60c1 default
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182 lines | 6.4 KiB | application/javascript | JavascriptLexer
CodeMirror.defineMode("verilog", function(config, parserConfig) {
var indentUnit = config.indentUnit,
keywords = parserConfig.keywords || {},
blockKeywords = parserConfig.blockKeywords || {},
atoms = parserConfig.atoms || {},
hooks = parserConfig.hooks || {},
multiLineStrings = parserConfig.multiLineStrings;
var isOperatorChar = /[&|~><!\)\(*#%@+\/=?\:;}{,\.\^\-\[\]]/;
var curPunc;
function tokenBase(stream, state) {
var ch = stream.next();
if (hooks[ch]) {
var result = hooks[ch](stream, state);
if (result !== false) return result;
if (ch == '"') {
state.tokenize = tokenString(ch);
return state.tokenize(stream, state);
if (/[\[\]{}\(\),;\:\.]/.test(ch)) {
curPunc = ch;
return null;
if (/[\d']/.test(ch)) {
return "number";
if (ch == "/") {
if (stream.eat("*")) {
state.tokenize = tokenComment;
return tokenComment(stream, state);
if (stream.eat("/")) {
return "comment";
if (isOperatorChar.test(ch)) {
return "operator";
var cur = stream.current();
if (keywords.propertyIsEnumerable(cur)) {
if (blockKeywords.propertyIsEnumerable(cur)) curPunc = "newstatement";
return "keyword";
if (atoms.propertyIsEnumerable(cur)) return "atom";
return "variable";
function tokenString(quote) {
return function(stream, state) {
var escaped = false, next, end = false;
while ((next = stream.next()) != null) {
if (next == quote && !escaped) {end = true; break;}
escaped = !escaped && next == "\\";
if (end || !(escaped || multiLineStrings))
state.tokenize = tokenBase;
return "string";
function tokenComment(stream, state) {
var maybeEnd = false, ch;
while (ch = stream.next()) {
if (ch == "/" && maybeEnd) {
state.tokenize = tokenBase;
maybeEnd = (ch == "*");
return "comment";
function Context(indented, column, type, align, prev) {
this.indented = indented;
this.column = column;
this.type = type;
this.align = align;
this.prev = prev;
function pushContext(state, col, type) {
return state.context = new Context(state.indented, col, type, null, state.context);
function popContext(state) {
var t = state.context.type;
if (t == ")" || t == "]" || t == "}")
state.indented = state.context.indented;
return state.context = state.context.prev;
// Interface
return {
startState: function(basecolumn) {
return {
tokenize: null,
context: new Context((basecolumn || 0) - indentUnit, 0, "top", false),
indented: 0,
startOfLine: true
token: function(stream, state) {
var ctx = state.context;
if (stream.sol()) {
if (ctx.align == null) ctx.align = false;
state.indented = stream.indentation();
state.startOfLine = true;
if (stream.eatSpace()) return null;
curPunc = null;
var style = (state.tokenize || tokenBase)(stream, state);
if (style == "comment" || style == "meta") return style;
if (ctx.align == null) ctx.align = true;
if ((curPunc == ";" || curPunc == ":") && ctx.type == "statement") popContext(state);
else if (curPunc == "{") pushContext(state, stream.column(), "}");
else if (curPunc == "[") pushContext(state, stream.column(), "]");
else if (curPunc == "(") pushContext(state, stream.column(), ")");
else if (curPunc == "}") {
while (ctx.type == "statement") ctx = popContext(state);
if (ctx.type == "}") ctx = popContext(state);
while (ctx.type == "statement") ctx = popContext(state);
else if (curPunc == ctx.type) popContext(state);
else if (ctx.type == "}" || ctx.type == "top" || (ctx.type == "statement" && curPunc == "newstatement"))
pushContext(state, stream.column(), "statement");
state.startOfLine = false;
return style;
indent: function(state, textAfter) {
if (state.tokenize != tokenBase && state.tokenize != null) return 0;
var firstChar = textAfter && textAfter.charAt(0), ctx = state.context, closing = firstChar == ctx.type;
if (ctx.type == "statement") return ctx.indented + (firstChar == "{" ? 0 : indentUnit);
else if (ctx.align) return ctx.column + (closing ? 0 : 1);
else return ctx.indented + (closing ? 0 : indentUnit);
electricChars: "{}"
(function() {
function words(str) {
var obj = {}, words = str.split(" ");
for (var i = 0; i < words.length; ++i) obj[words[i]] = true;
return obj;
var verilogKeywords = "always and assign automatic begin buf bufif0 bufif1 case casex casez cell cmos config " +
"deassign default defparam design disable edge else end endcase endconfig endfunction endgenerate endmodule " +
"endprimitive endspecify endtable endtask event for force forever fork function generate genvar highz0 " +
"highz1 if ifnone incdir include initial inout input instance integer join large liblist library localparam " +
"macromodule medium module nand negedge nmos nor noshowcancelled not notif0 notif1 or output parameter pmos " +
"posedge primitive pull0 pull1 pulldown pullup pulsestyle_onevent pulsestyle_ondetect rcmos real realtime " +
"reg release repeat rnmos rpmos rtran rtranif0 rtranif1 scalared showcancelled signed small specify specparam " +
"strong0 strong1 supply0 supply1 table task time tran tranif0 tranif1 tri tri0 tri1 triand trior trireg " +
"unsigned use vectored wait wand weak0 weak1 while wire wor xnor xor";
var verilogBlockKeywords = "begin bufif0 bufif1 case casex casez config else end endcase endconfig endfunction " +
"endgenerate endmodule endprimitive endspecify endtable endtask for forever function generate if ifnone " +
"macromodule module primitive repeat specify table task while";
function metaHook(stream) {
return "meta";
CodeMirror.defineMIME("text/x-verilog", {
name: "verilog",
keywords: words(verilogKeywords),
blockKeywords: words(verilogBlockKeywords),
atoms: words("null"),
hooks: {"`": metaHook, "$": metaHook}