##// END OF EJS Templates
tests: skip reading Git system and global configuration in test_vcs_operations...
tests: skip reading Git system and global configuration in test_vcs_operations The parent changeset reduced the dependency on global configuration and made it possible to run tests without any global git configuration. But it is still unfortunate to even look at the global configuration when running tests. Global configuration is already disabled for Mercurial by setting HGRCPATH. Now do something similar for Git. According to the git man page, GIT_CONFIG_GLOBAL and GIT_CONFIG_SYSTEM set to /dev/null will make Git skip reading the configuration files on all platforms. Note that the GIT_CONFIG variables were introduced in Git 2.32.0, so this will not work with all the Git versions supported by Kallithea.

File last commit:

r8767:0a9ddb8c stable
r8769:511b20a6 stable
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211 lines | 8.7 KiB | text/plain | TextLexer
def createvirtualenv = ''
def activatevirtualenv = ''
node {
properties([[$class: 'BuildDiscarderProperty',
strategy: [$class: 'LogRotator',
artifactDaysToKeepStr: '',
artifactNumToKeepStr: '10',
daysToKeepStr: '',
numToKeepStr: '']]]);
if (isUnix()) {
createvirtualenv = 'rm -r $JENKINS_HOME/venv/$JOB_NAME || true && python3 -m venv $JENKINS_HOME/venv/$JOB_NAME'
activatevirtualenv = '. $JENKINS_HOME/venv/$JOB_NAME/bin/activate'
} else {
createvirtualenv = 'rmdir /s /q %JENKINS_HOME%\\venv\\%JOB_NAME% || true && python3 -m venv %JENKINS_HOME%\\venv\\%JOB_NAME%'
activatevirtualenv = 'call %JENKINS_HOME%\\venv\\%JOB_NAME%\\Scripts\\activate.bat'
stage('checkout') {
checkout scm
if (isUnix()) {
sh 'hg --config extensions.purge= purge --all'
} else {
bat 'hg --config extensions.purge= purge --all'
stage('virtual env') {
def virtualenvscript = """$createvirtualenv
python -m pip install --upgrade pip
pip install --upgrade "setuptools<67"
pip install --upgrade pylint
pip install --upgrade pytest-cov
if (isUnix()) {
virtualenvscript += """
pip install --upgrade python-ldap
pip install --upgrade python-pam
sh virtualenvscript
} else {
bat virtualenvscript
stage('setup') {
def virtualenvscript = """$activatevirtualenv
pip install --upgrade -e . -r dev_requirements.txt
python setup.py compile_catalog
if (isUnix()) {
sh virtualenvscript
} else {
bat virtualenvscript
stash name: 'kallithea', useDefaultExcludes: false
stage('pylint') {
sh script: """$activatevirtualenv
pylint -j 0 --disable=C -f parseable kallithea > pylint.out
""", returnStatus: true
archiveArtifacts 'pylint.out'
try {
step([$class: 'WarningsPublisher', canComputeNew: false, canResolveRelativePaths: false, defaultEncoding: '', excludePattern: '', healthy: '', includePattern: '', messagesPattern: '', parserConfigurations: [[parserName: 'PyLint', pattern: 'pylint.out']], unHealthy: ''])
} catch (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException exc) {
echo "You need to install the 'Warnings Plug-in' to display the pylint report."
currentBuild.result = 'UNSTABLE'
echo "Caught: ${exc}"
def pytests = [:]
pytests['sqlite'] = {
node {
ws {
unstash name: 'kallithea'
if (isUnix()) {
sh script: """$activatevirtualenv
py.test -p no:sugar --cov-config .coveragerc --junit-xml=pytest_sqlite.xml --cov=kallithea
""", returnStatus: true
} else {
bat script: """$activatevirtualenv
py.test -p no:sugar --cov-config .coveragerc --junit-xml=pytest_sqlite.xml --cov=kallithea
""", returnStatus: true
sh 'sed --in-place "s/\\(classname=[\'\\"]\\)/\\1SQLITE./g" pytest_sqlite.xml'
archiveArtifacts 'pytest_sqlite.xml'
junit 'pytest_sqlite.xml'
writeFile(file: '.coverage.sqlite', text: readFile('.coverage'))
stash name: 'coverage.sqlite', includes: '.coverage.sqlite'
pytests['de'] = {
node {
if (isUnix()) {
ws {
unstash name: 'kallithea'
]) {
sh script: """$activatevirtualenv
py.test -p no:sugar --cov-config .coveragerc --junit-xml=pytest_de.xml --cov=kallithea
""", returnStatus: true
sh 'sed --in-place "s/\\(classname=[\'\\"]\\)/\\1DE./g" pytest_de.xml'
archiveArtifacts 'pytest_de.xml'
junit 'pytest_de.xml'
writeFile(file: '.coverage.de', text: readFile('.coverage'))
stash name: 'coverage.de', includes: '.coverage.de'
pytests['mysql'] = {
node {
if (isUnix()) {
ws {
unstash name: 'kallithea'
sh """$activatevirtualenv
pip install --upgrade MySQL-python
withEnv(['TEST_DB=mysql://kallithea:kallithea@jenkins_mysql/kallithea_test?charset=utf8']) {
if (isUnix()) {
sh script: """$activatevirtualenv
py.test -p no:sugar --cov-config .coveragerc --junit-xml=pytest_mysql.xml --cov=kallithea
""", returnStatus: true
} else {
bat script: """$activatevirtualenv
py.test -p no:sugar --cov-config .coveragerc --junit-xml=pytest_mysql.xml --cov=kallithea
""", returnStatus: true
sh 'sed --in-place "s/\\(classname=[\'\\"]\\)/\\1MYSQL./g" pytest_mysql.xml'
archiveArtifacts 'pytest_mysql.xml'
junit 'pytest_mysql.xml'
writeFile(file: '.coverage.mysql', text: readFile('.coverage'))
stash name: 'coverage.mysql', includes: '.coverage.mysql'
pytests['postgresql'] = {
node {
if (isUnix()) {
ws {
unstash name: 'kallithea'
sh """$activatevirtualenv
pip install --upgrade psycopg2
withEnv(['TEST_DB=postgresql://kallithea:kallithea@jenkins_postgresql/kallithea_test']) {
if (isUnix()) {
sh script: """$activatevirtualenv
py.test -p no:sugar --cov-config .coveragerc --junit-xml=pytest_postgresql.xml --cov=kallithea
""", returnStatus: true
} else {
bat script: """$activatevirtualenv
py.test -p no:sugar --cov-config .coveragerc --junit-xml=pytest_postgresql.xml --cov=kallithea
""", returnStatus: true
sh 'sed --in-place "s/\\(classname=[\'\\"]\\)/\\1POSTGRES./g" pytest_postgresql.xml'
archiveArtifacts 'pytest_postgresql.xml'
junit 'pytest_postgresql.xml'
writeFile(file: '.coverage.postgresql', text: readFile('.coverage'))
stash name: 'coverage.postgresql', includes: '.coverage.postgresql'
stage('Tests') {
parallel pytests
node {
unstash 'coverage.sqlite'
unstash 'coverage.de'
unstash 'coverage.mysql'
unstash 'coverage.postgresql'
if (isUnix()) {
sh script: """$activatevirtualenv
coverage combine .coverage.sqlite .coverage.de .coverage.mysql .coverage.postgresql
coverage xml
""", returnStatus: true
} else {
bat script: """$activatevirtualenv
coverage combine .coverage.sqlite .coverage.de .coverage.mysql .coverage.postgresql
coverage xml
""", returnStatus: true
try {
step([$class: 'CoberturaPublisher', autoUpdateHealth: false, autoUpdateStability: false, coberturaReportFile: 'coverage.xml', failNoReports: false, failUnhealthy: false, failUnstable: false, maxNumberOfBuilds: 0, onlyStable: false, zoomCoverageChart: false])
} catch (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException exc) {
echo "You need to install the pipeline compatible 'CoberturaPublisher Plug-in' to display the coverage report."
currentBuild.result = 'UNSTABLE'
echo "Caught: ${exc}"