##// END OF EJS Templates
fixed bug when there was no dbfile, and dbmanage raise an exception
fixed bug when there was no dbfile, and dbmanage raise an exception

File last commit:

r0:564e4082 default
r243:9d64df49 default
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269 lines | 7.2 KiB | application/javascript | JavascriptLexer
Copyright (c) 2009, Yahoo! Inc. All rights reserved.
Code licensed under the BSD License:
version: 2.8.0r4
(function () {
var version = 0;
var UA = YAHOO.env.ua;
var sF = "ShockwaveFlash";
if (UA.gecko || UA.webkit || UA.opera) {
if ((mF = navigator.mimeTypes['application/x-shockwave-flash'])) {
if ((eP = mF.enabledPlugin)) {
var vS = [];
vS = eP.description.replace(/\s[rd]/g, '.').replace(/[A-Za-z\s]+/g, '').split('.');
version = vS[0] + '.';
case 1:
version += "00";
case 2:
version += "0";
version += vS[2];
version = parseFloat(version);
else if(UA.ie) {
var ax6 = new ActiveXObject(sF + "." + sF + ".6");
ax6.AllowScriptAccess = "always";
if(ax6 != null)
version = 6.0;
if (version == 0) {
var ax = new ActiveXObject(sF + "." + sF);
var vS = [];
vS = ax.GetVariable("$version").replace(/[A-Za-z\s]+/g, '').split(',');
version = vS[0] + '.';
case 1:
version += "00";
case 2:
version += "0";
version += vS[2];
version = parseFloat(version);
} catch (e) {}
UA.flash = version;
YAHOO.util.SWFDetect = {
getFlashVersion : function () {
return version;
isFlashVersionAtLeast : function (ver) {
return version >= ver;
var Dom = YAHOO.util.Dom,
Event = YAHOO.util.Event,
SWFDetect = YAHOO.util.SWFDetect,
Lang = YAHOO.lang,
// private
FLASH_CID = "clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000",
FLASH_TYPE = "application/x-shockwave-flash",
FLASH_VER = "10.22",
EXPRESS_INSTALL_URL = "http://fpdownload.macromedia.com/pub/flashplayer/update/current/swf/autoUpdater.swf?" + Math.random(),
EVENT_HANDLER = "YAHOO.widget.SWF.eventHandler",
possibleAttributes = {align:"", allowNetworking:"", allowScriptAccess:"", base:"", bgcolor:"", menu:"", name:"", quality:"", salign:"", scale:"", tabindex:"", wmode:""};
* The SWF utility is a tool for embedding Flash applications in HTMl pages.
* @module swf
* @title SWF Utility
* @requires yahoo, dom, event
* @namespace YAHOO.widget
* Creates the SWF instance and keeps the configuration data
* @class SWF
* @extends YAHOO.util.Element
* @constructor
* @param {String|HTMLElement} id The id of the element, or the element itself that the SWF will be inserted into.
* The width and height of the SWF will be set to the width and height of this container element.
* @param {String} swfURL The URL of the SWF to be embedded into the page.
* @param {Object} p_oAttributes (optional) Configuration parameters for the Flash application and values for Flashvars
* to be passed to the SWF.
YAHOO.widget.SWF = function (p_oElement /*:String*/, swfURL /*:String*/, p_oAttributes /*:Object*/ ) {
this._queue = this._queue || [];
this._events = this._events || {};
this._configs = this._configs || {};
* The DOM id of this instance of the element. Automatically generated.
* @property _id
* @type String
this._id = Dom.generateId(null, "yuiswf");
if(p_oAttributes.host) this._host = p_oAttributes.host;
var _id = this._id;
var oElement = Dom.get(p_oElement);
var flashVersion = (p_oAttributes["version"] || FLASH_VER);
var isFlashVersionRight = SWFDetect.isFlashVersionAtLeast(flashVersion);
var canExpressInstall = (UA.flash >= 8.0);
var shouldExpressInstall = canExpressInstall && !isFlashVersionRight && p_oAttributes["useExpressInstall"];
var flashURL = (shouldExpressInstall)?EXPRESS_INSTALL_URL:swfURL;
var objstring = '<object ';
var w, h;
var flashvarstring = "YUISwfId=" + _id + "&YUIBridgeCallback=" + EVENT_HANDLER;
YAHOO.widget.SWF._instances[_id] = this;
if (oElement && (isFlashVersionRight || shouldExpressInstall) && flashURL) {
objstring += 'id="' + _id + '" ';
if (UA.ie) {
objstring += 'classid="' + FLASH_CID + '" '
else {
objstring += 'type="' + FLASH_TYPE + '" data="' + flashURL + '" ';
w = "100%";
h = "100%";
objstring += 'width="' + w + '" height="' + h + '">';
if (UA.ie) {
objstring += '<param name="movie" value="' + flashURL + '"/>';
for (var attribute in p_oAttributes.fixedAttributes) {
if (possibleAttributes.hasOwnProperty(attribute)) {
objstring += '<param name="' + attribute + '" value="' + p_oAttributes.fixedAttributes[attribute] + '"/>';
for (var flashvar in p_oAttributes.flashVars) {
var fvar = p_oAttributes.flashVars[flashvar];
if (Lang.isString(fvar)) {
flashvarstring += "&" + flashvar + "=" + encodeURIComponent(fvar);
if (flashvarstring) {
objstring += '<param name="flashVars" value="' + flashvarstring + '"/>';
objstring += "</object>";
oElement.innerHTML = objstring;
YAHOO.widget.SWF.superclass.constructor.call(this, Dom.get(_id));
this._swf = Dom.get(_id);
* The static collection of all instances of the SWFs on the page.
* @property _instances
* @private
* @type Object
YAHOO.widget.SWF._instances = YAHOO.widget.SWF._instances || {};
* Handles an event coming from within the SWF and delegate it
* to a specific instance of SWF.
* @method eventHandler
* @param swfid {String} the id of the SWF dispatching the event
* @param event {Object} the event being transmitted.
* @private
YAHOO.widget.SWF.eventHandler = function (swfid, event) {
YAHOO.extend(YAHOO.widget.SWF, YAHOO.util.Element, {
_eventHandler: function(event)
if (event.type == "swfReady")
this.createEvent("swfReady", {fireOnce:true});
this.fireEvent("swfReady", event);
else if(event.type == "log")
YAHOO.log(event.message, event.category, this._host ? this._host.toString() : this.toString());
if(this._host && this._host.fireEvent)
this._host.fireEvent(event.type, event);
this.fireEvent(event.type, event);
* Calls a specific function exposed by the SWF's
* ExternalInterface.
* @method callSWF
* @param func {String} the name of the function to call
* @param args {Object} the set of arguments to pass to the function.
callSWF: function (func, args)
if (!args) {
args= [];
if (this._swf[func]) {
return(this._swf[func].apply(this._swf, args));
} else {
return null;
* Public accessor to the unique name of the SWF instance.
* @method toString
* @return {String} Unique name of the SWF instance.
toString: function()
return "SWF " + this._id;
YAHOO.register("swf", YAHOO.widget.SWF, {version: "2.8.0r4", build: "2449"});