Kallithea has a simple JSON RPC API with a single schema for calling all API methods. Everything is available by sending JSON encoded http(s) requests to <your_server>/_admin/api.
API access for web views
API access can also be turned on for each web view in Kallithea that is decorated with the @LoginRequired decorator. Some views use @LoginRequired(api_access=True) and are always available. By default only RSS/Atom feed views are enabled. Other views are only available if they have been whitelisted. Edit the api_access_controllers_whitelist option in your .ini file and define views that should have API access enabled.
For example, to enable API access to patch/diff, raw file and archive:
api_access_controllers_whitelist = ChangesetController:changeset_patch, ChangesetController:changeset_raw, FilesController:raw, FilesController:archivefile
After this change, a Kallithea view can be accessed without login by adding a GET parameter ?api_key=<api_key> to the URL.
Exposing raw diffs is a good way to integrate with third-party services like code review, or build farms that can download archives.
API access
Clients must send JSON encoded JSON-RPC requests:
{ "id: "<id>", "api_key": "<api_key>", "method": "<method_name>", "args": {"<arg_key>": "<arg_val>"} }
For example, to pull to a local "CPython" mirror using curl:
curl https://example.com/_admin/api -X POST -H 'content-type:text/plain' \ --data-binary '{"id":1,"api_key":"xe7cdb2v278e4evbdf5vs04v832v0efvcbcve4a3","method":"pull","args":{"repo":"CPython"}}'
- In general, provide
- id, a value of any type, can be used to match the response with the request that it is replying to.
- api_key, for authentication and permission validation.
- method, the name of the method to call -- a list of available methods can be found below.
- args, the arguments to pass to the method.
api_key can be found or set on the user account page.
The response to the JSON-RPC API call will always be a JSON structure:
{ "id": <id>, # the id that was used in the request "result": <result>|null, # JSON formatted result (null on error) "error": null|<error_message> # JSON formatted error (null on success) }
All responses from the API will be HTTP/1.0 200 OK. If an error occurs, the reponse will have a failure description in error and result will be null.
API client
Kallithea comes with a kallithea-api command line tool, providing a convenient way to call the JSON-RPC API.
For example, to call get_repo:
kallithea-api --apihost=<your.kallithea.server.url> --apikey=<yourapikey> get_repo calling {"api_key": "<apikey>", "id": 75, "args": {}, "method": "get_repo"} to Kallithea said: {'error': 'Missing non optional `repoid` arg in JSON DATA', 'id': 75, 'result': None}
Oops, looks like we forgot to add an argument. Let's try again, now providing the repoid as a parameter:
kallithea-api get_repo repoid:myrepo calling {"api_key": "<apikey>", "id": 39, "args": {"repoid": "myrepo"}, "method": "get_repo"} to Kallithea said: {'error': None, 'id': 39, 'result': <json data...>}
To avoid specifying apihost and apikey every time, run:
kallithea-api --save-config --apihost=<your.kallithea.server.url> --apikey=<yourapikey>
This will create a ~/.config/kallithea with the specified hostname and API key so you don't have to specify them every time.
API methods
Pull the given repo from remote location. Can be used to automatically keep remote repos up to date. This command can only be executed using the api_key of a user with admin rights.
id : <id_for_response> api_key : "<api_key>" method : "pull" args : { "repoid" : "<reponame or repo_id>" }
id : <id_given_in_input> result : "Pulled from `<reponame>`" error : null
Rescan repositories. If remove_obsolete is set, Kallithea will delete repos that are in the database but not in the filesystem. This command can only be executed using the api_key of a user with admin rights.
id : <id_for_response> api_key : "<api_key>" method : "rescan_repos" args : { "remove_obsolete" : "<boolean = Optional(False)>" }
id : <id_given_in_input> result : "{'added': [<list of names of added repos>], 'removed': [<list of names of removed repos>]}" error : null
Invalidate the cache for a repository. This command can only be executed using the api_key of a user with admin rights, or that of a regular user with admin or write access to the repository.
id : <id_for_response> api_key : "<api_key>" method : "invalidate_cache" args : { "repoid" : "<reponame or repo_id>" }
id : <id_given_in_input> result : "Caches of repository `<reponame>`" error : null
Set the locking state on the given repository by the given user. If the param userid is skipped, it is set to the ID of the user who is calling this method. If param locked is skipped, the current lock state of the repository is returned. This command can only be executed using the api_key of a user with admin rights, or that of a regular user with admin or write access to the repository.
id : <id_for_response> api_key : "<api_key>" method : "lock" args : { "repoid" : "<reponame or repo_id>" "userid" : "<user_id or username = Optional(=apiuser)>", "locked" : "<bool true|false = Optional(=None)>" }
id : <id_given_in_input> result : { "repo": "<reponame>", "locked": "<bool true|false>", "locked_since": "<float lock_time>", "locked_by": "<username>", "msg": "User `<username>` set lock state for repo `<reponame>` to `<false|true>`" } error : null
Return IP address as seen from Kallithea server, together with all defined IP addresses for given user. This command can only be executed using the api_key of a user with admin rights.
id : <id_for_response> api_key : "<api_key>" method : "get_ip" args : { "userid" : "<user_id or username>", }
id : <id_given_in_input> result : { "ip_addr_server": <ip_from_clien>", "user_ips": [ { "ip_addr": "<ip_with_mask>", "ip_range": ["<start_ip>", "<end_ip>"], }, ... ] } error : null
Get a user by username or userid. The result is empty if user can't be found. If userid param is skipped, it is set to id of user who is calling this method. Any userid can be specified when the command is executed using the api_key of a user with admin rights. Regular users can only speicy their own userid.
id : <id_for_response> api_key : "<api_key>" method : "get_user" args : { "userid" : "<username or user_id Optional(=apiuser)>" }
id : <id_given_in_input> result: None if user does not exist or { "user_id" : "<user_id>", "api_key" : "<api_key>", "username" : "<username>", "firstname": "<firstname>", "lastname" : "<lastname>", "email" : "<email>", "emails": "<list_of_all_additional_emails>", "ip_addresses": "<list_of_ip_addresses_for_user>", "active" : "<bool>", "admin" : "<bool>", "ldap_dn" : "<ldap_dn>", "last_login": "<last_login>", "permissions": { "global": ["hg.create.repository", "repository.read", "hg.register.manual_activate"], "repositories": {"repo1": "repository.none"}, "repositories_groups": {"Group1": "group.read"} }, } error: null
List all existing users. This command can only be executed using the api_key of a user with admin rights.
id : <id_for_response> api_key : "<api_key>" method : "get_users" args : { }
id : <id_given_in_input> result: [ { "user_id" : "<user_id>", "api_key" : "<api_key>", "username" : "<username>", "firstname": "<firstname>", "lastname" : "<lastname>", "email" : "<email>", "emails": "<list_of_all_additional_emails>", "ip_addresses": "<list_of_ip_addresses_for_user>", "active" : "<bool>", "admin" : "<bool>", "ldap_dn" : "<ldap_dn>", "last_login": "<last_login>", }, … ] error: null
Create new user. This command can only be executed using the api_key of a user with admin rights.
id : <id_for_response> api_key : "<api_key>" method : "create_user" args : { "username" : "<username>", "email" : "<useremail>", "password" : "<password = Optional(None)>", "firstname" : "<firstname> = Optional(None)", "lastname" : "<lastname> = Optional(None)", "active" : "<bool> = Optional(True)", "admin" : "<bool> = Optional(False)", "ldap_dn" : "<ldap_dn> = Optional(None)" }
id : <id_given_in_input> result: { "msg" : "created new user `<username>`", "user": { "user_id" : "<user_id>", "username" : "<username>", "firstname": "<firstname>", "lastname" : "<lastname>", "email" : "<email>", "emails": "<list_of_all_additional_emails>", "active" : "<bool>", "admin" : "<bool>", "ldap_dn" : "<ldap_dn>", "last_login": "<last_login>", }, } error: null
kallithea-api create_user username:bent email:bent@example.com firstname:Bent lastname:Bentsen extern_type:ldap extern_name:uid=bent,dc=example,dc=com
Update the given user if such user exists. This command can only be executed using the api_key of a user with admin rights.
id : <id_for_response> api_key : "<api_key>" method : "update_user" args : { "userid" : "<user_id or username>", "username" : "<username> = Optional(None)", "email" : "<useremail> = Optional(None)", "password" : "<password> = Optional(None)", "firstname" : "<firstname> = Optional(None)", "lastname" : "<lastname> = Optional(None)", "active" : "<bool> = Optional(None)", "admin" : "<bool> = Optional(None)", "ldap_dn" : "<ldap_dn> = Optional(None)" }
id : <id_given_in_input> result: { "msg" : "updated user ID:<userid> <username>", "user": { "user_id" : "<user_id>", "api_key" : "<api_key>", "username" : "<username>", "firstname": "<firstname>", "lastname" : "<lastname>", "email" : "<email>", "emails": "<list_of_all_additional_emails>", "active" : "<bool>", "admin" : "<bool>", "ldap_dn" : "<ldap_dn>", "last_login": "<last_login>", }, } error: null
Delete the given user if such a user exists. This command can only be executed using the api_key of a user with admin rights.
id : <id_for_response> api_key : "<api_key>" method : "delete_user" args : { "userid" : "<user_id or username>", }
id : <id_given_in_input> result: { "msg" : "deleted user ID:<userid> <username>", "user": null } error: null
Get an existing user group. This command can only be executed using the api_key of a user with admin rights.
id : <id_for_response> api_key : "<api_key>" method : "get_user_group" args : { "usergroupid" : "<user group id or name>" }
id : <id_given_in_input> result : None if group not exist { "users_group_id" : "<id>", "group_name" : "<groupname>", "active": "<bool>", "members" : [ { "user_id" : "<user_id>", "api_key" : "<api_key>", "username" : "<username>", "firstname": "<firstname>", "lastname" : "<lastname>", "email" : "<email>", "emails": "<list_of_all_additional_emails>", "active" : "<bool>", "admin" : "<bool>", "ldap_dn" : "<ldap_dn>", "last_login": "<last_login>", }, … ] } error : null
List all existing user groups. This command can only be executed using the api_key of a user with admin rights.
id : <id_for_response> api_key : "<api_key>" method : "get_user_groups" args : { }
id : <id_given_in_input> result : [ { "users_group_id" : "<id>", "group_name" : "<groupname>", "active": "<bool>", }, … ] error : null
Create a new user group. This command can only be executed using the api_key of a user with admin rights.
id : <id_for_response> api_key : "<api_key>" method : "create_user_group" args: { "group_name": "<groupname>", "owner" : "<owner_name_or_id = Optional(=apiuser)>", "active": "<bool> = Optional(True)" }
id : <id_given_in_input> result: { "msg": "created new user group `<groupname>`", "users_group": { "users_group_id" : "<id>", "group_name" : "<groupname>", "active": "<bool>", }, } error: null
Adds a user to a user group. If the user already is in that group, success will be false. This command can only be executed using the api_key of a user with admin rights.
id : <id_for_response> api_key : "<api_key>" method : "add_user_user_group" args: { "usersgroupid" : "<user group id or name>", "userid" : "<user_id or username>", }
id : <id_given_in_input> result: { "success": True|False # depends on if member is in group "msg": "added member `<username>` to a user group `<groupname>` | User is already in that group" } error: null
Remove a user from a user group. If the user isn't in the given group, success will be false. This command can only be executed using the api_key of a user with admin rights.
id : <id_for_response> api_key : "<api_key>" method : "remove_user_from_user_group" args: { "usersgroupid" : "<user group id or name>", "userid" : "<user_id or username>", }
id : <id_given_in_input> result: { "success": True|False, # depends on if member is in group "msg": "removed member <username> from user group <groupname> | User wasn't in group" } error: null
Get an existing repository by its name or repository_id. Members will contain either users_group or users associated to that repository. This command can only be executed using the api_key of a user with admin rights, or that of a regular user with at least read access to the repository.
id : <id_for_response> api_key : "<api_key>" method : "get_repo" args: { "repoid" : "<reponame or repo_id>" }
id : <id_given_in_input> result: None if repository does not exist or { "repo_id" : "<repo_id>", "repo_name" : "<reponame>" "repo_type" : "<repo_type>", "clone_uri" : "<clone_uri>", "enable_downloads": "<bool>", "enable_locking": "<bool>", "enable_statistics": "<bool>", "private": "<bool>", "created_on" : "<date_time_created>", "description" : "<description>", "landing_rev": "<landing_rev>", "last_changeset": { "author": "<full_author>", "date": "<date_time_of_commit>", "message": "<commit_message>", "raw_id": "<raw_id>", "revision": "<numeric_revision>", "short_id": "<short_id>" } "owner": "<repo_owner>", "fork_of": "<name_of_fork_parent>", "members" : [ { "type": "user", "user_id" : "<user_id>", "api_key" : "<api_key>", "username" : "<username>", "firstname": "<firstname>", "lastname" : "<lastname>", "email" : "<email>", "emails": "<list_of_all_additional_emails>", "active" : "<bool>", "admin" : "<bool>", "ldap_dn" : "<ldap_dn>", "last_login": "<last_login>", "permission" : "repository.(read|write|admin)" }, … { "type": "users_group", "id" : "<usersgroupid>", "name" : "<usersgroupname>", "active": "<bool>", "permission" : "repository.(read|write|admin)" }, … ] "followers": [ { "user_id" : "<user_id>", "username" : "<username>", "api_key" : "<api_key>", "firstname": "<firstname>", "lastname" : "<lastname>", "email" : "<email>", "emails": "<list_of_all_additional_emails>", "ip_addresses": "<list_of_ip_addresses_for_user>", "active" : "<bool>", "admin" : "<bool>", "ldap_dn" : "<ldap_dn>", "last_login": "<last_login>", }, … ] } error: null
List all existing repositories. This command can only be executed using the api_key of a user with admin rights, or that of a regular user with at least read access to the repository.
id : <id_for_response> api_key : "<api_key>" method : "get_repos" args: { }
id : <id_given_in_input> result: [ { "repo_id" : "<repo_id>", "repo_name" : "<reponame>" "repo_type" : "<repo_type>", "clone_uri" : "<clone_uri>", "private" : "<bool>", "created_on" : "<datetimecreated>", "description" : "<description>", "landing_rev": "<landing_rev>", "owner": "<repo_owner>", "fork_of": "<name_of_fork_parent>", "enable_downloads": "<bool>", "enable_locking": "<bool>", "enable_statistics": "<bool>", }, … ] error: null
Return a list of files and directories for a given path at the given revision. It is possible to specify ret_type to show only files or dirs. This command can only be executed using the api_key of a user with admin rights.
id : <id_for_response> api_key : "<api_key>" method : "get_repo_nodes" args: { "repoid" : "<reponame or repo_id>" "revision" : "<revision>", "root_path" : "<root_path>", "ret_type" : "<ret_type> = Optional('all')" }
id : <id_given_in_input> result: [ { "name" : "<name>" "type" : "<type>", }, … ] error: null
Create a repository. If the repository name contains "/", all needed repository groups will be created. For example "foo/bar/baz" will create repository groups "foo", "bar" (with "foo" as parent), and create "baz" repository with "bar" as group. This command can only be executed using the api_key of a user with admin rights, or that of a regular user with create repository permission. Regular users cannot specify owner parameter.
id : <id_for_response> api_key : "<api_key>" method : "create_repo" args: { "repo_name" : "<reponame>", "owner" : "<owner_name_or_id = Optional(=apiuser)>", "repo_type" : "<repo_type> = Optional('hg')", "description" : "<description> = Optional('')", "private" : "<bool> = Optional(False)", "clone_uri" : "<clone_uri> = Optional(None)", "landing_rev" : "<landing_rev> = Optional('tip')", "enable_downloads": "<bool> = Optional(False)", "enable_locking": "<bool> = Optional(False)", "enable_statistics": "<bool> = Optional(False)", }
id : <id_given_in_input> result: { "msg": "Created new repository `<reponame>`", "repo": { "repo_id" : "<repo_id>", "repo_name" : "<reponame>" "repo_type" : "<repo_type>", "clone_uri" : "<clone_uri>", "private" : "<bool>", "created_on" : "<datetimecreated>", "description" : "<description>", "landing_rev": "<landing_rev>", "owner": "<username or user_id>", "fork_of": "<name_of_fork_parent>", "enable_downloads": "<bool>", "enable_locking": "<bool>", "enable_statistics": "<bool>", }, } error: null
Update a repository. This command can only be executed using the api_key of a user with admin rights, or that of a regular user with create repository permission. Regular users cannot specify owner parameter.
id : <id_for_response> api_key : "<api_key>" method : "update_repo" args: { "repoid" : "<reponame or repo_id>" "name" : "<reponame> = Optional('')", "group" : "<group_id> = Optional(None)", "owner" : "<owner_name_or_id = Optional(=apiuser)>", "description" : "<description> = Optional('')", "private" : "<bool> = Optional(False)", "clone_uri" : "<clone_uri> = Optional(None)", "landing_rev" : "<landing_rev> = Optional('tip')", "enable_downloads": "<bool> = Optional(False)", "enable_locking": "<bool> = Optional(False)", "enable_statistics": "<bool> = Optional(False)", }
id : <id_given_in_input> result: { "msg": "updated repo ID:repo_id `<reponame>`", "repository": { "repo_id" : "<repo_id>", "repo_name" : "<reponame>" "repo_type" : "<repo_type>", "clone_uri" : "<clone_uri>", "private": "<bool>", "created_on" : "<datetimecreated>", "description" : "<description>", "landing_rev": "<landing_rev>", "owner": "<username or user_id>", "fork_of": "<name_of_fork_parent>", "enable_downloads": "<bool>", "enable_locking": "<bool>", "enable_statistics": "<bool>", "last_changeset": { "author": "<full_author>", "date": "<date_time_of_commit>", "message": "<commit_message>", "raw_id": "<raw_id>", "revision": "<numeric_revision>", "short_id": "<short_id>" } "locked_by": "<username>", "locked_date": "<float lock_time>", }, } error: null
Create a fork of the given repo. If using Celery, this will return success message immediately and a fork will be created asynchronously. This command can only be executed using the api_key of a user with admin rights, or with the global fork permission, by a regular user with create repository permission and at least read access to the repository. Regular users cannot specify owner parameter.
id : <id_for_response> api_key : "<api_key>" method : "fork_repo" args: { "repoid" : "<reponame or repo_id>", "fork_name": "<forkname>", "owner": "<username or user_id = Optional(=apiuser)>", "description": "<description>", "copy_permissions": "<bool>", "private": "<bool>", "landing_rev": "<landing_rev>" }
id : <id_given_in_input> result: { "msg": "Created fork of `<reponame>` as `<forkname>`", "success": true } error: null
Delete a repository. This command can only be executed using the api_key of a user with admin rights, or that of a regular user with admin access to the repository. When forks param is set it is possible to detach or delete forks of the deleted repository.
id : <id_for_response> api_key : "<api_key>" method : "delete_repo" args: { "repoid" : "<reponame or repo_id>", "forks" : "`delete` or `detach` = Optional(None)" }
id : <id_given_in_input> result: { "msg": "Deleted repository `<reponame>`", "success": true } error: null
Grant permission for a user on the given repository, or update the existing one if found. This command can only be executed using the api_key of a user with admin rights.
id : <id_for_response> api_key : "<api_key>" method : "grant_user_permission" args: { "repoid" : "<reponame or repo_id>" "userid" : "<username or user_id>" "perm" : "(repository.(none|read|write|admin))", }
id : <id_given_in_input> result: { "msg" : "Granted perm: `<perm>` for user: `<username>` in repo: `<reponame>`", "success": true } error: null
Revoke permission for a user on the given repository. This command can only be executed using the api_key of a user with admin rights.
id : <id_for_response> api_key : "<api_key>" method : "revoke_user_permission" args: { "repoid" : "<reponame or repo_id>" "userid" : "<username or user_id>" }
id : <id_given_in_input> result: { "msg" : "Revoked perm for user: `<username>` in repo: `<reponame>`", "success": true } error: null
Grant permission for a user group on the given repository, or update the existing one if found. This command can only be executed using the api_key of a user with admin rights.
id : <id_for_response> api_key : "<api_key>" method : "grant_user_group_permission" args: { "repoid" : "<reponame or repo_id>" "usersgroupid" : "<user group id or name>" "perm" : "(repository.(none|read|write|admin))", }
id : <id_given_in_input> result: { "msg" : "Granted perm: `<perm>` for group: `<usersgroupname>` in repo: `<reponame>`", "success": true } error: null
Revoke permission for a user group on the given repository. This command can only be executed using the api_key of a user with admin rights.
id : <id_for_response> api_key : "<api_key>" method : "revoke_user_group_permission" args: { "repoid" : "<reponame or repo_id>" "usersgroupid" : "<user group id or name>" }
id : <id_given_in_input> result: { "msg" : "Revoked perm for group: `<usersgroupname>` in repo: `<reponame>`", "success": true } error: null