##// END OF EJS Templates
Migrate to Mergely 3.3.4....
Migrate to Mergely 3.3.4. RhodeCode 2.2.5 distributed Mergely 3.3.4 with some of the changes that Mergely 3.3.3 in RhodeCode 1.7.2 also had. That do however not seem to be changes we want for Kallithea this way and we take the 3.3.4 files as they are. I've also included the Mergely license file, as downloaded from: http://www.mergely.com/license.php That LICENSE file is kept in HTML just as it was downloaded from their website. While it's a bit annoying to keep the license file in HTML, this is the way it came from upstream so we'll leave it that way. Since the Javascript code is used with other GPLv3 Javascript, we are using the GPL option of Mergely's tri-license. Finally, note that previously, this was incorrectly called "mergerly", so the opportunity is taken here to correct the name. That required changes to diff_2way.html. As commands:: $ wget -N --output-document LICENSE-MERGELY.html http://www.mergely.com/license.php $ hg add LICENSE-MERGELY.html $ hg mv rhodecode/public/css/mergerly.css rhodecode/public/css/mergely.css $ hg mv rhodecode/public/js/mergerly.js rhodecode/public/js/mergely.js $ sed -i 's,mergerly\.,mergely,g' rhodecode/templates/files/diff_2way.html $ ( cd /tmp; \ wget -N http://www.mergely.com/releases/mergely-3.3.4.zip; \ unzip mergely-3.3.4.zip ) $ sha256sum /tmp/mergely-3.3.4.zip 87415d30494bbe829c248881aa7cdc0303f7e70b458a5f687615564d4498cc82 mergely-3.3.4.zip $ cp /tmp/mergely-3.3.4/lib/mergely.js rhodecode/public/js/mergely.js $ cp /tmp/mergely-3.3.4/lib/mergely.css rhodecode/public/css/mergely.css $ sed -i -e '/^ \* Version/a\ *\n * NOTE by bkuhn@sfconservancy.org for Kallithea:\n * Mergely license appears at http://www.mergely.com/license.php and in LICENSE-MERGELY.html' rhodecode/public/js/mergely.js rhodecode/public/css/mergely.css

File last commit:

r1818:cf51bbfb beta
r4125:aa3b5594 rhodecode-2.2.5-gpl
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242 lines | 7.8 KiB | text/x-python | PythonLexer
SQLAlchemy migrate repository management.
import os
import shutil
import string
import logging
from pkg_resources import resource_filename
from tempita import Template as TempitaTemplate
from rhodecode.lib.dbmigrate.migrate import exceptions
from rhodecode.lib.dbmigrate.migrate.versioning import version, pathed, cfgparse
from rhodecode.lib.dbmigrate.migrate.versioning.template import Template
from rhodecode.lib.dbmigrate.migrate.versioning.config import *
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class Changeset(dict):
"""A collection of changes to be applied to a database.
Changesets are bound to a repository and manage a set of
scripts from that repository.
Behaves like a dict, for the most part. Keys are ordered based on step value.
def __init__(self, start, *changes, **k):
Give a start version; step must be explicitly stated.
self.step = k.pop('step', 1)
self.start = version.VerNum(start)
self.end = self.start
for change in changes:
def __iter__(self):
return iter(self.items())
def keys(self):
In a series of upgrades x -> y, keys are version x. Sorted.
ret = super(Changeset, self).keys()
# Reverse order if downgrading
ret.sort(reverse=(self.step < 1))
return ret
def values(self):
return [self[k] for k in self.keys()]
def items(self):
return zip(self.keys(), self.values())
def add(self, change):
"""Add new change to changeset"""
key = self.end
self.end += self.step
self[key] = change
def run(self, *p, **k):
"""Run the changeset scripts"""
for version, script in self:
script.run(*p, **k)
class Repository(pathed.Pathed):
"""A project's change script repository"""
_config = 'migrate.cfg'
_versions = 'versions'
def __init__(self, path):
log.debug('Loading repository %s...' % path)
super(Repository, self).__init__(path)
self.config = cfgparse.Config(os.path.join(self.path, self._config))
self.versions = version.Collection(os.path.join(self.path,
log.debug('Repository %s loaded successfully' % path)
log.debug('Config: %r' % self.config.to_dict())
def verify(cls, path):
Ensure the target path is a valid repository.
:raises: :exc:`InvalidRepositoryError <migrate.exceptions.InvalidRepositoryError>`
# Ensure the existence of required files
cls.require_found(os.path.join(path, cls._config))
cls.require_found(os.path.join(path, cls._versions))
except exceptions.PathNotFoundError, e:
raise exceptions.InvalidRepositoryError(path)
def prepare_config(cls, tmpl_dir, name, options=None):
Prepare a project configuration file for a new project.
:param tmpl_dir: Path to Repository template
:param config_file: Name of the config file in Repository template
:param name: Repository name
:type tmpl_dir: string
:type config_file: string
:type name: string
:returns: Populated config file
if options is None:
options = {}
options.setdefault('version_table', 'migrate_version')
options.setdefault('repository_id', name)
options.setdefault('required_dbs', [])
options.setdefault('use_timestamp_numbering', False)
tmpl = open(os.path.join(tmpl_dir, cls._config)).read()
ret = TempitaTemplate(tmpl).substitute(options)
# cleanup
del options['__template_name__']
return ret
def create(cls, path, name, **opts):
"""Create a repository at a specified path"""
theme = opts.pop('templates_theme', None)
t_path = opts.pop('templates_path', None)
# Create repository
tmpl_dir = Template(t_path).get_repository(theme=theme)
shutil.copytree(tmpl_dir, path)
# Edit config defaults
config_text = cls.prepare_config(tmpl_dir, name, options=opts)
fd = open(os.path.join(path, cls._config), 'w')
opts['repository_name'] = name
# Create a management script
manager = os.path.join(path, 'manage.py')
Repository.create_manage_file(manager, templates_theme=theme,
templates_path=t_path, **opts)
return cls(path)
def create_script(self, description, **k):
"""API to :meth:`migrate.versioning.version.Collection.create_new_python_version`"""
k['use_timestamp_numbering'] = self.use_timestamp_numbering
self.versions.create_new_python_version(description, **k)
def create_script_sql(self, database, description, **k):
"""API to :meth:`migrate.versioning.version.Collection.create_new_sql_version`"""
k['use_timestamp_numbering'] = self.use_timestamp_numbering
self.versions.create_new_sql_version(database, description, **k)
def latest(self):
"""API to :attr:`migrate.versioning.version.Collection.latest`"""
return self.versions.latest
def version_table(self):
"""Returns version_table name specified in config"""
return self.config.get('db_settings', 'version_table')
def id(self):
"""Returns repository id specified in config"""
return self.config.get('db_settings', 'repository_id')
def use_timestamp_numbering(self):
"""Returns use_timestamp_numbering specified in config"""
if self.config.has_option('db_settings', 'use_timestamp_numbering'):
return self.config.getboolean('db_settings', 'use_timestamp_numbering')
return False
def version(self, *p, **k):
"""API to :attr:`migrate.versioning.version.Collection.version`"""
return self.versions.version(*p, **k)
def clear(cls):
# TODO: deletes repo
super(Repository, cls).clear()
def changeset(self, database, start, end=None):
"""Create a changeset to migrate this database from ver. start to end/latest.
:param database: name of database to generate changeset
:param start: version to start at
:param end: version to end at (latest if None given)
:type database: string
:type start: int
:type end: int
:returns: :class:`Changeset instance <migration.versioning.repository.Changeset>`
start = version.VerNum(start)
if end is None:
end = self.latest
end = version.VerNum(end)
if start <= end:
step = 1
range_mod = 1
op = 'upgrade'
step = -1
range_mod = 0
op = 'downgrade'
versions = range(start + range_mod, end + range_mod, step)
changes = [self.version(v).script(database, op) for v in versions]
ret = Changeset(start, step=step, *changes)
return ret
def create_manage_file(cls, file_, **opts):
"""Create a project management script (manage.py)
:param file_: Destination file to be written
:param opts: Options that are passed to :func:`migrate.versioning.shell.main`
mng_file = Template(opts.pop('templates_path', None))\
.get_manage(theme=opts.pop('templates_theme', None))
tmpl = open(mng_file).read()
fd = open(file_, 'w')