##// END OF EJS Templates
Pass in old groups data to CanWriteToGroup validator for later skipping group checks....
Pass in old groups data to CanWriteToGroup validator for later skipping group checks. This will be a part of refactoring done to do user permissions changes without messing with main repo form data

File last commit:

r3415:b8f929bf beta
r3524:af96fb19 beta
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78 lines | 2.9 KiB | text/html | HtmlLexer
## -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
<%inherit file="/base/base.html"/>
<%def name="title()">
${_('Repository groups administration')} - ${c.rhodecode_name}
<%def name="breadcrumbs_links()">
${_('repository groups')}
<%def name="page_nav()">
<%def name="main()">
<div class="box">
<!-- box / title -->
<div class="title">
<ul class="links">
%if h.HasPermissionAny('hg.admin')():
<span>${h.link_to(_(u'Add group'),h.url('new_repos_group'))}</span>
<!-- end box / title -->
<div class="table">
% if c.groups:
<table class="table_disp">
<th class="left"><a href="#">${_('Group name')}</a></th>
<th class="left"><a href="#">${_('Description')}</a></th>
<th class="left"><a href="#">${_('Number of toplevel repositories')}</a></th>
<th class="left" colspan="2">${_('action')}</th>
% for gr in c.groups:
<% gr_cn = gr.repositories.count() %>
<div style="white-space: nowrap">
<img class="icon" alt="${_('Repository group')}" src="${h.url('/images/icons/database_link.png')}"/>
${h.link_to(h.literal(' &raquo; '.join(map(h.safe_unicode,[g.name for g in gr.parents+[gr]]))), url('repos_group_home',group_name=gr.group_name))}
<a href="${h.url('edit_repos_group',group_name=gr.group_name)}" title="${_('edit')}">
${h.submit('edit_%s' % gr.group_name,_('edit'),class_="edit_icon action_button")}
${h.form(url('repos_group', group_name=gr.group_name),method='delete')}
${h.submit('remove_%s' % gr.name,_('delete'),class_="delete_icon action_button",onclick="return confirm('"+ungettext('Confirm to delete this group: %s with %s repository','Confirm to delete this group: %s with %s repositories',gr_cn) % (gr.name,gr_cn)+"');")}
% endfor
% else:
${_('There are no repository groups yet')}
% endif