Optimizing RhodeCode Performance
Follow these few steps to improve performance of RhodeCode system.
Increase cache
in the .ini file:
beaker.cache.sql_cache_long.expire=3600 <-- set this to higher number
This option affects the cache expiration time for main page. Having few hundreds of repositories on main page can sometimes make the system to behave slow when cache expires for all of them. Increasing expire option to day (86400) or a week (604800) will improve general response times for the main page
Switch from sqlite to postgres or mysql
sqlite is a good option when having small load on the system. But due to locking issues with sqlite, it's not recommended to use it for larger setup. Switching to mysql or postgres will result in a immediate performance increase.
Scale RhodeCode horizontally
- running two or more instances on the same server can speed up things a lot
- load balance using round robin or ip hash
- you need to handle consistent user session storage by switching to db sessions, client side sessions or sharing session data folder across instances. See http://beaker.readthedocs.org/ docs for details.
- remember that each instance needs it's own .ini file and unique instance_id set in them