##// END OF EJS Templates
tests: stabilize Git committer in test_vcs_operations...
tests: stabilize Git committer in test_vcs_operations Git tries to find out name and email in this order: 1. The author can be set e.g. via the `--author` option of `git commit`. 2. If set, the environment variables GIT_AUTHOR_NAME, GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL, GIT_COMMITTER_NAME and GIT_COMMITTER_EMAIL are taken. 3. If set, various (global) config files are considered. 4. Unless disabled by the user.useconfigonly config, the names and emails are inferred from various system sources such as various fields from /etc/passwd, /etc/mailname and the environment variable EMAIL. The author can be provided on the command line (1), but that is not possible for the committer. It is not an option to modify Git’s configuration files, so the result of (3) depends on the system the tests run on, which should be avoided. A follow-up patch will try to instruct Git to not read the system Git configuration files. (4) is also system-dependent. On some systems, (4) is disabled in the Git configuration. If enabled, Git will try to infer the committer name from the gecko field in /etc/passwd, but will fail if it is empty. The previous code passed the environment variable EMAIL to provide the corresponding email address. By passing the names and emails via (2), we can set the author and committer name and email uniformly and prevent Git from using the system-dependent ways (3) and (4). This will replace the use of of EMAIL. The environment variables were introduced in 2005, so there should be no backwards compatibility problems. The tests will specify --author explicitly in the cases where the actual name matters. We just need default values that can be used for committing when we don't care. We set it as static defaults to: Author: test_regular <test_regular@example.com> Commit: test_admin <test_admin@example.com> Based on changes and research by Manuel Jacob <me@manueljacob.de>.

File last commit:

r8768:d6d3cb59 stable
r8768:d6d3cb59 stable
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644 lines | 29.1 KiB | text/x-python | PythonLexer
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
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# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
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# GNU General Public License for more details.
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Test suite for vcs push/pull operations.
The tests need Git > 1.8.1.
This file was forked by the Kallithea project in July 2014.
Original author and date, and relevant copyright and licensing information is below:
:created_on: Dec 30, 2010
:author: marcink
:copyright: (c) 2013 RhodeCode GmbH, and others.
:license: GPLv3, see LICENSE.md for more details.
import json
import os
import re
import tempfile
import time
import urllib.request
from subprocess import PIPE, Popen
from tempfile import _RandomNameSequence
import pytest
import kallithea
from kallithea.lib.utils2 import ascii_bytes, safe_str
from kallithea.model import db, meta
from kallithea.model.ssh_key import SshKeyModel
from kallithea.model.user import UserModel
from kallithea.tests import base
from kallithea.tests.fixture import Fixture
DEBUG = True
HOST = '' # test host
fixture = Fixture()
# Parameterize different kinds of VCS testing - both the kind of VCS and the
# access method (HTTP/SSH)
# Mixin for using HTTP and SSH URLs
class HttpVcsTest(object):
def repo_url_param(webserver, repo_name, **kwargs):
return webserver.repo_url(repo_name, **kwargs)
class SshVcsTest(object):
public_keys = {
base.TEST_USER_REGULAR_LOGIN: 'ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAAAgQC6Ycnc2oUZHQnQwuqgZqTTdMDZD7ataf3JM7oG2Fw8JR6cdmz4QZLe5mfDwaFwG2pWHLRpVqzfrD/Pn3rIO++bgCJH5ydczrl1WScfryV1hYMJ/4EzLGM657J1/q5EI+b9SntKjf4ax+KP322L0TNQGbZUHLbfG2MwHMrYBQpHUQ== kallithea@localhost',
base.TEST_USER_ADMIN_LOGIN: 'ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAAAgQC6Ycnc2oUZHQnQwuqgZqTTdMDZD7ataf3JM7oG2Fw8JR6cdmz4QZLe5mfDwaFwG2pWHLRpVqzfrD/Pn3rIO++bgCJH5ydczrl1WScfryV1hYMJ/4EzLGM657J1/q5EI+b9SntKjf4ax+KP322L0TNQGbZUHLbfG2MwHMrYBQpHUq== kallithea@localhost',
def repo_url_param(cls, webserver, repo_name, username=base.TEST_USER_ADMIN_LOGIN, password=base.TEST_USER_ADMIN_PASS, client_ip=base.IP_ADDR):
user = db.User.get_by_username(username)
if user.ssh_keys:
ssh_key = user.ssh_keys[0]
sshkeymodel = SshKeyModel()
ssh_key = sshkeymodel.create(user, 'test key', cls.public_keys[user.username])
return cls._ssh_param(repo_name, user, ssh_key, client_ip)
# Mixins for using Mercurial and Git
class HgVcsTest(object):
repo_type = 'hg'
repo_name = base.HG_REPO
class GitVcsTest(object):
repo_type = 'git'
repo_name = base.GIT_REPO
# Combine mixins to give the combinations we want to parameterize tests with
class HgHttpVcsTest(HgVcsTest, HttpVcsTest):
class GitHttpVcsTest(GitVcsTest, HttpVcsTest):
class HgSshVcsTest(HgVcsTest, SshVcsTest):
def _ssh_param(repo_name, user, ssh_key, client_ip):
# Specify a custom ssh command on the command line
return r"""--config ui.ssh="bash -c 'SSH_ORIGINAL_COMMAND=\"\$2\" SSH_CONNECTION=\"%s 1024 22\" kallithea-cli ssh-serve -c %s %s %s' --" ssh://someuser@somehost/%s""" % (
class GitSshVcsTest(GitVcsTest, SshVcsTest):
def _ssh_param(repo_name, user, ssh_key, client_ip):
# Set a custom ssh command in the global environment
os.environ['GIT_SSH_COMMAND'] = r"""bash -c 'SSH_ORIGINAL_COMMAND="$2" SSH_CONNECTION="%s 1024 22" kallithea-cli ssh-serve -c %s %s %s' --""" % (
return "ssh://someuser@somehost/%s""" % repo_name
parametrize_vcs_test = base.parametrize('vt', [
parametrize_vcs_test_hg = base.parametrize('vt', [
parametrize_vcs_test_http = base.parametrize('vt', [
class Command(object):
def __init__(self, cwd):
self.cwd = cwd
def execute(self, *args, **environ):
Runs command on the system with given ``args`` using simple space
join without safe quoting.
command = ' '.join(args)
ignoreReturnCode = environ.pop('ignoreReturnCode', False)
print('*** CMD %s ***' % command)
testenv = dict(os.environ)
testenv['LANG'] = 'en_US.UTF-8'
testenv['LANGUAGE'] = 'en_US:en'
testenv['HGPLAIN'] = ''
testenv['HGRCPATH'] = ''
p = Popen(command, shell=True, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, cwd=self.cwd, env=testenv)
stdout, stderr = p.communicate()
if stdout:
print('stdout:', stdout)
if stderr:
print('stderr:', stderr)
if not ignoreReturnCode:
assert p.returncode == 0
return safe_str(stdout), safe_str(stderr)
def _get_tmp_dir(prefix='vcs_operations-', suffix=''):
return tempfile.mkdtemp(dir=base.TESTS_TMP_PATH, prefix=prefix, suffix=suffix)
def _add_files(vcs, dest_dir, files_no=3):
Generate some files, add it to dest_dir repo and push back
vcs is git or hg and defines what VCS we want to make those files for
:param vcs:
:param dest_dir:
added_file = '%ssetup.py' % next(_RandomNameSequence())
open(os.path.join(dest_dir, added_file), 'a').close()
Command(dest_dir).execute(vcs, 'add', added_file)
email = 'me@example.com'
if os.name == 'nt':
author_str = 'User <%s>' % email
author_str = 'User ǝɯɐᴎ <%s>' % email
for i in range(files_no):
cmd = """echo "added_line%s" >> %s""" % (i, added_file)
if vcs == 'hg':
cmd = """hg commit -m "committed new %s" -u "%s" "%s" """ % (
i, author_str, added_file
elif vcs == 'git':
cmd = """git commit -m "committed new %s" --author "%s" "%s" """ % (
i, author_str, added_file
def _add_files_and_push(webserver, vt, dest_dir, clone_url, ignoreReturnCode=False, files_no=3):
_add_files(vt.repo_type, dest_dir, files_no=files_no)
# PUSH it back
stdout = stderr = None
if vt.repo_type == 'hg':
stdout, stderr = Command(dest_dir).execute('hg push -f --verbose', clone_url, ignoreReturnCode=ignoreReturnCode)
elif vt.repo_type == 'git':
stdout, stderr = Command(dest_dir).execute('git push -f --verbose', clone_url, "master", ignoreReturnCode=ignoreReturnCode)
return stdout, stderr
def _check_outgoing(vcs, cwd, clone_url):
if vcs == 'hg':
# hg removes the password from default URLs, so we have to provide it here via the clone_url
return Command(cwd).execute('hg -q outgoing', clone_url, ignoreReturnCode=True)
elif vcs == 'git':
Command(cwd).execute('git remote update')
return Command(cwd).execute('git log origin/master..master')
def set_anonymous_access(enable=True):
user = db.User.get_default_user()
user.active = enable
if enable != db.User.get_default_user().active:
raise Exception('Cannot set anonymous access')
def _check_proper_git_push(stdout, stderr):
assert 'fatal' not in stderr
assert 'rejected' not in stderr
assert 'Pushing to' in stderr
assert 'master -> master' in stderr
class TestVCSOperations(base.TestController):
def setup_class(cls):
def testhook_cleanup(self):
# remove hook
for hook in ['prechangegroup', 'pretxnchangegroup', 'preoutgoing', 'changegroup', 'outgoing', 'incoming']:
entry = db.Ui.get_by_key('hooks', '%s.testhook' % hook)
if entry:
def testfork(self):
# create fork so the repo stays untouched
git_fork_name = '%s_fork%s' % (base.GIT_REPO, next(_RandomNameSequence()))
fixture.create_fork(base.GIT_REPO, git_fork_name)
hg_fork_name = '%s_fork%s' % (base.HG_REPO, next(_RandomNameSequence()))
fixture.create_fork(base.HG_REPO, hg_fork_name)
return {'git': git_fork_name, 'hg': hg_fork_name}
def test_clone_repo_by_admin(self, webserver, vt):
clone_url = vt.repo_url_param(webserver, vt.repo_name)
stdout, stderr = Command(base.TESTS_TMP_PATH).execute(vt.repo_type, 'clone', clone_url, _get_tmp_dir())
if vt.repo_type == 'git':
assert 'Cloning into' in stdout + stderr
assert stderr == '' or stdout == ''
elif vt.repo_type == 'hg':
assert 'requesting all changes' in stdout
assert 'adding changesets' in stdout
assert 'adding manifests' in stdout
assert 'adding file changes' in stdout
assert stderr == ''
def test_clone_wrong_credentials(self, webserver, vt):
clone_url = vt.repo_url_param(webserver, vt.repo_name, password='bad!')
stdout, stderr = Command(base.TESTS_TMP_PATH).execute(vt.repo_type, 'clone', clone_url, _get_tmp_dir(), ignoreReturnCode=True)
if vt.repo_type == 'git':
assert 'fatal: Authentication failed' in stderr
elif vt.repo_type == 'hg':
assert 'abort: authorization failed' in stderr
def test_clone_git_dir_as_hg(self, webserver):
clone_url = HgHttpVcsTest.repo_url_param(webserver, base.GIT_REPO)
stdout, stderr = Command(base.TESTS_TMP_PATH).execute('hg clone', clone_url, _get_tmp_dir(), ignoreReturnCode=True)
assert 'HTTP Error 404: Not Found' in stderr or "not a valid repository" in stdout and 'abort:' in stderr
def test_clone_hg_repo_as_git(self, webserver):
clone_url = GitHttpVcsTest.repo_url_param(webserver, base.HG_REPO)
stdout, stderr = Command(base.TESTS_TMP_PATH).execute('git clone', clone_url, _get_tmp_dir(), ignoreReturnCode=True)
assert 'not found' in stderr
def test_clone_non_existing_path(self, webserver, vt):
clone_url = vt.repo_url_param(webserver, 'trololo')
stdout, stderr = Command(base.TESTS_TMP_PATH).execute(vt.repo_type, 'clone', clone_url, _get_tmp_dir(), ignoreReturnCode=True)
if vt.repo_type == 'git':
assert 'not found' in stderr or 'abort: Access to %r denied' % 'trololo' in stderr
elif vt.repo_type == 'hg':
assert 'HTTP Error 404: Not Found' in stderr or 'abort: no suitable response from remote hg' in stderr and 'remote: abort: Access to %r denied' % 'trololo' in stdout + stderr
def test_push_new_repo(self, webserver, vt):
# Clear the log so we know what is added
# Create an empty server repo using the API
repo_name = 'new_%s_%s' % (vt.repo_type, next(_RandomNameSequence()))
usr = db.User.get_by_username(base.TEST_USER_ADMIN_LOGIN)
params = {
"id": 7,
"api_key": usr.api_key,
"method": 'create_repo',
"args": dict(repo_name=repo_name,
req = urllib.request.Request(
'http://%s:%s/_admin/api' % webserver.server_address,
headers={'content-type': 'application/json'})
response = urllib.request.urlopen(req)
result = json.loads(response.read())
# Expect something like:
# {u'result': {u'msg': u'Created new repository `new_XXX`', u'task': None, u'success': True}, u'id': 7, u'error': None}
assert result['result']['success']
# Create local clone of the empty server repo
local_clone_dir = _get_tmp_dir()
clone_url = vt.repo_url_param(webserver, repo_name)
stdout, stderr = Command(base.TESTS_TMP_PATH).execute(vt.repo_type, 'clone', clone_url, local_clone_dir)
# Make 3 commits and push to the empty server repo.
# The server repo doesn't have any other heads than the
# refs/heads/master we are pushing, but the `git log` in the push hook
# should still list the 3 commits.
stdout, stderr = _add_files_and_push(webserver, vt, local_clone_dir, clone_url=clone_url)
if vt.repo_type == 'git':
_check_proper_git_push(stdout, stderr)
elif vt.repo_type == 'hg':
assert 'pushing to ' in stdout
assert 'remote: added ' in stdout
# Verify that we got the right events in UserLog. Expect something like:
# <UserLog('id:new_git_XXX:started_following_repo')>
# <UserLog('id:new_git_XXX:user_created_repo')>
# <UserLog('id:new_git_XXX:pull')>
# <UserLog('id:new_git_XXX:push:aed9d4c1732a1927da3be42c47eb9afdc200d427,d38b083a07af10a9f44193486959a96a23db78da,4841ff9a2b385bec995f4679ef649adb3f437622')>
meta.Session.close() # make sure SA fetches all new log entries (apparently only needed for MariaDB/MySQL ...)
action_parts = [ul.action.split(':', 1) for ul in db.UserLog.query().order_by(db.UserLog.user_log_id)]
assert [(t[0], (t[1].count(',') + 1) if len(t) == 2 else 0) for t in action_parts] == ([
('started_following_repo', 0),
('user_created_repo', 0),
('pull', 0),
('push', 3)]
if vt.repo_type == 'git' else [
('started_following_repo', 0),
('user_created_repo', 0),
# (u'pull', 0), # Mercurial outgoing hook is not called for empty clones
('push', 3)])
def test_push_new_file(self, webserver, testfork, vt):
dest_dir = _get_tmp_dir()
clone_url = vt.repo_url_param(webserver, vt.repo_name)
stdout, stderr = Command(base.TESTS_TMP_PATH).execute(vt.repo_type, 'clone', clone_url, dest_dir)
clone_url = vt.repo_url_param(webserver, testfork[vt.repo_type])
stdout, stderr = _add_files_and_push(webserver, vt, dest_dir, clone_url=clone_url)
if vt.repo_type == 'git':
_check_proper_git_push(stdout, stderr)
elif vt.repo_type == 'hg':
assert 'pushing to' in stdout
assert 'Repository size' in stdout
assert 'Last revision is now' in stdout
meta.Session.close() # make sure SA fetches all new log entries (apparently only needed for MariaDB/MySQL ...)
action_parts = [ul.action.split(':', 1) for ul in db.UserLog.query().order_by(db.UserLog.user_log_id)]
assert [(t[0], (t[1].count(',') + 1) if len(t) == 2 else 0) for t in action_parts] == \
[('pull', 0), ('push', 3)]
def test_pull(self, webserver, testfork, vt):
dest_dir = _get_tmp_dir()
stdout, stderr = Command(base.TESTS_TMP_PATH).execute(vt.repo_type, 'init', dest_dir)
clone_url = vt.repo_url_param(webserver, vt.repo_name)
stdout, stderr = Command(dest_dir).execute(vt.repo_type, 'pull', clone_url)
meta.Session.close() # make sure SA fetches all new log entries (apparently only needed for MariaDB/MySQL ...)
if vt.repo_type == 'git':
assert 'FETCH_HEAD' in stderr
elif vt.repo_type == 'hg':
assert 'new changesets' in stdout
action_parts = [ul.action for ul in db.UserLog.query().order_by(db.UserLog.user_log_id)]
assert action_parts == ['pull']
# Test handling of URLs with extra '/' around repo_name
stdout, stderr = Command(dest_dir).execute(vt.repo_type, 'pull', clone_url.replace('/' + vt.repo_name, '/./%s/' % vt.repo_name), ignoreReturnCode=True)
if issubclass(vt, HttpVcsTest):
if vt.repo_type == 'git':
# NOTE: when pulling from http://hostname/./vcs_test_git/ , the git client will normalize that and issue an HTTP request to /vcs_test_git/info/refs
assert 'Already up to date.' in stdout
assert vt.repo_type == 'hg'
assert "abort: HTTP Error 404: Not Found" in stderr
assert issubclass(vt, SshVcsTest)
if vt.repo_type == 'git':
assert "abort: Access to './%s' denied" % vt.repo_name in stderr
assert "abort: Access to './%s' denied" % vt.repo_name in stdout + stderr
stdout, stderr = Command(dest_dir).execute(vt.repo_type, 'pull', clone_url.replace('/' + vt.repo_name, '/%s/' % vt.repo_name), ignoreReturnCode=True)
if vt.repo_type == 'git':
assert 'Already up to date.' in stdout
assert vt.repo_type == 'hg'
assert "no changes found" in stdout
assert "denied" not in stderr
assert "denied" not in stdout
assert "404" not in stdout
def test_push_invalidates_cache(self, webserver, testfork, vt):
pre_cached_tip = [repo.get_api_data()['last_changeset']['short_id'] for repo in db.Repository.query().filter(db.Repository.repo_name == testfork[vt.repo_type])]
dest_dir = _get_tmp_dir()
clone_url = vt.repo_url_param(webserver, testfork[vt.repo_type])
stdout, stderr = Command(base.TESTS_TMP_PATH).execute(vt.repo_type, 'clone', clone_url, dest_dir)
stdout, stderr = _add_files_and_push(webserver, vt, dest_dir, files_no=1, clone_url=clone_url)
if vt.repo_type == 'git':
_check_proper_git_push(stdout, stderr)
meta.Session.close() # expire session to make sure SA fetches new Repository instances after last_changeset has been updated by server side hook in another process
post_cached_tip = [repo.get_api_data()['last_changeset']['short_id'] for repo in db.Repository.query().filter(db.Repository.repo_name == testfork[vt.repo_type])]
assert pre_cached_tip != post_cached_tip
def test_push_wrong_credentials(self, webserver, vt):
dest_dir = _get_tmp_dir()
clone_url = vt.repo_url_param(webserver, vt.repo_name)
stdout, stderr = Command(base.TESTS_TMP_PATH).execute(vt.repo_type, 'clone', clone_url, dest_dir)
clone_url = webserver.repo_url(vt.repo_name, username='bad', password='name')
stdout, stderr = _add_files_and_push(webserver, vt, dest_dir,
clone_url=clone_url, ignoreReturnCode=True)
if vt.repo_type == 'git':
assert 'fatal: Authentication failed' in stderr
elif vt.repo_type == 'hg':
assert 'abort: authorization failed' in stderr
def test_push_with_readonly_credentials(self, webserver, vt):
dest_dir = _get_tmp_dir()
clone_url = vt.repo_url_param(webserver, vt.repo_name, username=base.TEST_USER_REGULAR_LOGIN, password=base.TEST_USER_REGULAR_PASS)
stdout, stderr = Command(base.TESTS_TMP_PATH).execute(vt.repo_type, 'clone', clone_url, dest_dir)
stdout, stderr = _add_files_and_push(webserver, vt, dest_dir, ignoreReturnCode=True, clone_url=clone_url)
if vt.repo_type == 'git':
assert 'The requested URL returned error: 403' in stderr or 'abort: Push access to %r denied' % str(vt.repo_name) in stderr
elif vt.repo_type == 'hg':
assert 'abort: HTTP Error 403: Forbidden' in stderr or 'abort: push failed on remote' in stderr and 'remote: Push access to %r denied' % str(vt.repo_name) in stdout
meta.Session.close() # make sure SA fetches all new log entries (apparently only needed for MariaDB/MySQL ...)
action_parts = [ul.action.split(':', 1) for ul in db.UserLog.query().order_by(db.UserLog.user_log_id)]
assert [(t[0], (t[1].count(',') + 1) if len(t) == 2 else 0) for t in action_parts] == \
[('pull', 0)]
def test_push_back_to_wrong_url(self, webserver, vt):
dest_dir = _get_tmp_dir()
clone_url = vt.repo_url_param(webserver, vt.repo_name)
stdout, stderr = Command(base.TESTS_TMP_PATH).execute(vt.repo_type, 'clone', clone_url, dest_dir)
stdout, stderr = _add_files_and_push(
webserver, vt, dest_dir, clone_url='http://%s:%s/tmp' % (
webserver.server_address[0], webserver.server_address[1]),
if vt.repo_type == 'git':
assert 'not found' in stderr
elif vt.repo_type == 'hg':
assert 'HTTP Error 404: Not Found' in stderr
def test_ip_restriction(self, webserver, vt):
user_model = UserModel()
# Add IP constraint that excludes the test context:
user_model.add_extra_ip(base.TEST_USER_ADMIN_LOGIN, '')
# IP permissions are cached, need to wait for the cache in the server process to expire
clone_url = vt.repo_url_param(webserver, vt.repo_name)
stdout, stderr = Command(base.TESTS_TMP_PATH).execute(vt.repo_type, 'clone', clone_url, _get_tmp_dir(), ignoreReturnCode=True)
if vt.repo_type == 'git':
# The message apparently changed in Git 1.8.3, so match it loosely.
assert re.search(r'\b403\b', stderr) or 'abort: User test_admin from cannot be authorized' in stderr
elif vt.repo_type == 'hg':
assert 'abort: HTTP Error 403: Forbidden' in stderr or 'remote: abort: User test_admin from cannot be authorized' in stdout + stderr
# release IP restrictions
for ip in db.UserIpMap.query():
# IP permissions are cached, need to wait for the cache in the server process to expire
clone_url = vt.repo_url_param(webserver, vt.repo_name)
stdout, stderr = Command(base.TESTS_TMP_PATH).execute(vt.repo_type, 'clone', clone_url, _get_tmp_dir())
if vt.repo_type == 'git':
assert 'Cloning into' in stdout + stderr
assert stderr == '' or stdout == ''
elif vt.repo_type == 'hg':
assert 'requesting all changes' in stdout
assert 'adding changesets' in stdout
assert 'adding manifests' in stdout
assert 'adding file changes' in stdout
assert stderr == ''
@parametrize_vcs_test_hg # git hooks doesn't work like hg hooks
def test_custom_hooks_preoutgoing(self, testhook_cleanup, webserver, testfork, vt):
# set prechangegroup to failing hook (returns True)
db.Ui.create_or_update_hook('preoutgoing.testhook', 'python:kallithea.tests.fixture.failing_test_hook')
# clone repo
clone_url = vt.repo_url_param(webserver, testfork[vt.repo_type], username=base.TEST_USER_ADMIN_LOGIN, password=base.TEST_USER_ADMIN_PASS)
dest_dir = _get_tmp_dir()
stdout, stderr = Command(base.TESTS_TMP_PATH) \
.execute(vt.repo_type, 'clone', clone_url, dest_dir, ignoreReturnCode=True)
if vt.repo_type == 'hg':
assert 'preoutgoing.testhook hook failed' in stdout + stderr
elif vt.repo_type == 'git':
assert 'error: 406' in stderr
@parametrize_vcs_test_hg # git hooks doesn't work like hg hooks
def test_custom_hooks_prechangegroup(self, testhook_cleanup, webserver, testfork, vt):
# set prechangegroup to failing hook (returns exit code 1)
db.Ui.create_or_update_hook('prechangegroup.testhook', 'python:kallithea.tests.fixture.failing_test_hook')
# clone repo
clone_url = vt.repo_url_param(webserver, testfork[vt.repo_type], username=base.TEST_USER_ADMIN_LOGIN, password=base.TEST_USER_ADMIN_PASS)
dest_dir = _get_tmp_dir()
stdout, stderr = Command(base.TESTS_TMP_PATH).execute(vt.repo_type, 'clone', clone_url, dest_dir)
stdout, stderr = _add_files_and_push(webserver, vt, dest_dir, clone_url,
assert 'failing_test_hook failed' in stdout + stderr
assert 'Traceback' not in stdout + stderr
assert 'prechangegroup.testhook hook failed' in stdout + stderr
# there are still outgoing changesets
stdout, stderr = _check_outgoing(vt.repo_type, dest_dir, clone_url)
assert stdout != ''
# set prechangegroup hook to exception throwing method
db.Ui.create_or_update_hook('prechangegroup.testhook', 'python:kallithea.tests.fixture.exception_test_hook')
# re-try to push
stdout, stderr = Command(dest_dir).execute('%s push' % vt.repo_type, clone_url, ignoreReturnCode=True)
if vt is HgHttpVcsTest:
# like with 'hg serve...' 'HTTP Error 500: INTERNAL SERVER ERROR' should be returned
assert 'HTTP Error 500: INTERNAL SERVER ERROR' in stderr
elif vt is HgSshVcsTest:
assert 'remote: Exception: exception_test_hook threw an exception' in stdout
else: assert False
# there are still outgoing changesets
stdout, stderr = _check_outgoing(vt.repo_type, dest_dir, clone_url)
assert stdout != ''
# set prechangegroup hook to method that returns False
db.Ui.create_or_update_hook('prechangegroup.testhook', 'python:kallithea.tests.fixture.passing_test_hook')
# re-try to push
stdout, stderr = Command(dest_dir).execute('%s push' % vt.repo_type, clone_url, ignoreReturnCode=True)
assert 'passing_test_hook succeeded' in stdout + stderr
assert 'Traceback' not in stdout + stderr
assert 'prechangegroup.testhook hook failed' not in stdout + stderr
# no more outgoing changesets
stdout, stderr = _check_outgoing(vt.repo_type, dest_dir, clone_url)
assert stdout == ''
assert stderr == ''
def test_add_submodule_git(self, webserver, testfork):
dest_dir = _get_tmp_dir()
clone_url = GitHttpVcsTest.repo_url_param(webserver, base.GIT_REPO)
fork_url = GitHttpVcsTest.repo_url_param(webserver, testfork['git'])
# add submodule
stdout, stderr = Command(base.TESTS_TMP_PATH).execute('git clone', fork_url, dest_dir)
stdout, stderr = Command(dest_dir).execute('git submodule add', clone_url, 'testsubmodule')
stdout, stderr = Command(dest_dir).execute('git commit -am "added testsubmodule pointing to', clone_url, '"')
stdout, stderr = Command(dest_dir).execute('git push', fork_url, 'master')
# check for testsubmodule link in files page
response = self.app.get(base.url(controller='files', action='index',
# check _repo_files_url that will be used to reload as AJAX
response.mustcontain('var _repo_files_url = ("/%s/files/");' % testfork['git'])
response.mustcontain('<a class="submodule-dir" href="%s" target="_blank"><i class="icon-file-submodule"></i><span>testsubmodule @ ' % clone_url)
# check that following a submodule link actually works - and redirects
response = self.app.get(base.url(controller='files', action='index',
assert response.location == clone_url