""" Extensions to SQLAlchemy for altering existing tables. At the moment, this isn't so much based off of ANSI as much as things that just happen to work with multiple databases. """ import StringIO import sqlalchemy as sa from sqlalchemy.schema import SchemaVisitor from sqlalchemy.engine.default import DefaultDialect from sqlalchemy.sql import ClauseElement from sqlalchemy.schema import (ForeignKeyConstraint, PrimaryKeyConstraint, CheckConstraint, UniqueConstraint, Index) from rhodecode.lib.dbmigrate.migrate import exceptions from rhodecode.lib.dbmigrate.migrate.changeset import constraint, SQLA_06 if not SQLA_06: from sqlalchemy.sql.compiler import SchemaGenerator, SchemaDropper else: from sqlalchemy.schema import AddConstraint, DropConstraint from sqlalchemy.sql.compiler import DDLCompiler SchemaGenerator = SchemaDropper = DDLCompiler class AlterTableVisitor(SchemaVisitor): """Common operations for ``ALTER TABLE`` statements.""" if SQLA_06: # engine.Compiler looks for .statement # when it spawns off a new compiler statement = ClauseElement() def append(self, s): """Append content to the SchemaIterator's query buffer.""" self.buffer.write(s) def execute(self): """Execute the contents of the SchemaIterator's buffer.""" try: return self.connection.execute(self.buffer.getvalue()) finally: self.buffer.truncate(0) def __init__(self, dialect, connection, **kw): self.connection = connection self.buffer = StringIO.StringIO() self.preparer = dialect.identifier_preparer self.dialect = dialect def traverse_single(self, elem): ret = super(AlterTableVisitor, self).traverse_single(elem) if ret: # adapt to 0.6 which uses a string-returning # object self.append(" %s" % ret) def _to_table(self, param): """Returns the table object for the given param object.""" if isinstance(param, (sa.Column, sa.Index, sa.schema.Constraint)): ret = param.table else: ret = param return ret def start_alter_table(self, param): """Returns the start of an ``ALTER TABLE`` SQL-Statement. Use the param object to determine the table name and use it for building the SQL statement. :param param: object to determine the table from :type param: :class:`sqlalchemy.Column`, :class:`sqlalchemy.Index`, :class:`sqlalchemy.schema.Constraint`, :class:`sqlalchemy.Table`, or string (table name) """ table = self._to_table(param) self.append('\nALTER TABLE %s ' % self.preparer.format_table(table)) return table class ANSIColumnGenerator(AlterTableVisitor, SchemaGenerator): """Extends ansisql generator for column creation (alter table add col)""" def visit_column(self, column): """Create a column (table already exists). :param column: column object :type column: :class:`sqlalchemy.Column` instance """ if column.default is not None: self.traverse_single(column.default) table = self.start_alter_table(column) self.append("ADD ") self.append(self.get_column_specification(column)) for cons in column.constraints: self.traverse_single(cons) self.execute() # ALTER TABLE STATEMENTS # add indexes and unique constraints if column.index_name: Index(column.index_name,column).create() elif column.unique_name: constraint.UniqueConstraint(column, name=column.unique_name).create() # SA bounds FK constraints to table, add manually for fk in column.foreign_keys: self.add_foreignkey(fk.constraint) # add primary key constraint if needed if column.primary_key_name: cons = constraint.PrimaryKeyConstraint(column, name=column.primary_key_name) cons.create() if SQLA_06: def add_foreignkey(self, fk): self.connection.execute(AddConstraint(fk)) class ANSIColumnDropper(AlterTableVisitor, SchemaDropper): """Extends ANSI SQL dropper for column dropping (``ALTER TABLE DROP COLUMN``). """ def visit_column(self, column): """Drop a column from its table. :param column: the column object :type column: :class:`sqlalchemy.Column` """ table = self.start_alter_table(column) self.append('DROP COLUMN %s' % self.preparer.format_column(column)) self.execute() class ANSISchemaChanger(AlterTableVisitor, SchemaGenerator): """Manages changes to existing schema elements. Note that columns are schema elements; ``ALTER TABLE ADD COLUMN`` is in SchemaGenerator. All items may be renamed. Columns can also have many of their properties - type, for example - changed. Each function is passed a tuple, containing (object, name); where object is a type of object you'd expect for that function (ie. table for visit_table) and name is the object's new name. NONE means the name is unchanged. """ def visit_table(self, table): """Rename a table. Other ops aren't supported.""" self.start_alter_table(table) self.append("RENAME TO %s" % self.preparer.quote(table.new_name, table.quote)) self.execute() def visit_index(self, index): """Rename an index""" if hasattr(self, '_validate_identifier'): # SA <= 0.6.3 self.append("ALTER INDEX %s RENAME TO %s" % ( self.preparer.quote( self._validate_identifier( index.name, True), index.quote), self.preparer.quote( self._validate_identifier( index.new_name, True), index.quote))) else: # SA >= 0.6.5 self.append("ALTER INDEX %s RENAME TO %s" % ( self.preparer.quote( self._index_identifier( index.name), index.quote), self.preparer.quote( self._index_identifier( index.new_name), index.quote))) self.execute() def visit_column(self, delta): """Rename/change a column.""" # ALTER COLUMN is implemented as several ALTER statements keys = delta.keys() if 'type' in keys: self._run_subvisit(delta, self._visit_column_type) if 'nullable' in keys: self._run_subvisit(delta, self._visit_column_nullable) if 'server_default' in keys: # Skip 'default': only handle server-side defaults, others # are managed by the app, not the db. self._run_subvisit(delta, self._visit_column_default) if 'name' in keys: self._run_subvisit(delta, self._visit_column_name, start_alter=False) def _run_subvisit(self, delta, func, start_alter=True): """Runs visit method based on what needs to be changed on column""" table = self._to_table(delta.table) col_name = delta.current_name if start_alter: self.start_alter_column(table, col_name) ret = func(table, delta.result_column, delta) self.execute() def start_alter_column(self, table, col_name): """Starts ALTER COLUMN""" self.start_alter_table(table) self.append("ALTER COLUMN %s " % self.preparer.quote(col_name, table.quote)) def _visit_column_nullable(self, table, column, delta): nullable = delta['nullable'] if nullable: self.append("DROP NOT NULL") else: self.append("SET NOT NULL") def _visit_column_default(self, table, column, delta): default_text = self.get_column_default_string(column) if default_text is not None: self.append("SET DEFAULT %s" % default_text) else: self.append("DROP DEFAULT") def _visit_column_type(self, table, column, delta): type_ = delta['type'] if SQLA_06: type_text = str(type_.compile(dialect=self.dialect)) else: type_text = type_.dialect_impl(self.dialect).get_col_spec() self.append("TYPE %s" % type_text) def _visit_column_name(self, table, column, delta): self.start_alter_table(table) col_name = self.preparer.quote(delta.current_name, table.quote) new_name = self.preparer.format_column(delta.result_column) self.append('RENAME COLUMN %s TO %s' % (col_name, new_name)) class ANSIConstraintCommon(AlterTableVisitor): """ Migrate's constraints require a separate creation function from SA's: Migrate's constraints are created independently of a table; SA's are created at the same time as the table. """ def get_constraint_name(self, cons): """Gets a name for the given constraint. If the name is already set it will be used otherwise the constraint's :meth:`autoname <migrate.changeset.constraint.ConstraintChangeset.autoname>` method is used. :param cons: constraint object """ if cons.name is not None: ret = cons.name else: ret = cons.name = cons.autoname() return self.preparer.quote(ret, cons.quote) def visit_migrate_primary_key_constraint(self, *p, **k): self._visit_constraint(*p, **k) def visit_migrate_foreign_key_constraint(self, *p, **k): self._visit_constraint(*p, **k) def visit_migrate_check_constraint(self, *p, **k): self._visit_constraint(*p, **k) def visit_migrate_unique_constraint(self, *p, **k): self._visit_constraint(*p, **k) if SQLA_06: class ANSIConstraintGenerator(ANSIConstraintCommon, SchemaGenerator): def _visit_constraint(self, constraint): constraint.name = self.get_constraint_name(constraint) self.append(self.process(AddConstraint(constraint))) self.execute() class ANSIConstraintDropper(ANSIConstraintCommon, SchemaDropper): def _visit_constraint(self, constraint): constraint.name = self.get_constraint_name(constraint) self.append(self.process(DropConstraint(constraint, cascade=constraint.cascade))) self.execute() else: class ANSIConstraintGenerator(ANSIConstraintCommon, SchemaGenerator): def get_constraint_specification(self, cons, **kwargs): """Constaint SQL generators. We cannot use SA visitors because they append comma. """ if isinstance(cons, PrimaryKeyConstraint): if cons.name is not None: self.append("CONSTRAINT %s " % self.preparer.format_constraint(cons)) self.append("PRIMARY KEY ") self.append("(%s)" % ', '.join(self.preparer.quote(c.name, c.quote) for c in cons)) self.define_constraint_deferrability(cons) elif isinstance(cons, ForeignKeyConstraint): self.define_foreign_key(cons) elif isinstance(cons, CheckConstraint): if cons.name is not None: self.append("CONSTRAINT %s " % self.preparer.format_constraint(cons)) self.append("CHECK (%s)" % cons.sqltext) self.define_constraint_deferrability(cons) elif isinstance(cons, UniqueConstraint): if cons.name is not None: self.append("CONSTRAINT %s " % self.preparer.format_constraint(cons)) self.append("UNIQUE (%s)" % \ (', '.join(self.preparer.quote(c.name, c.quote) for c in cons))) self.define_constraint_deferrability(cons) else: raise exceptions.InvalidConstraintError(cons) def _visit_constraint(self, constraint): table = self.start_alter_table(constraint) constraint.name = self.get_constraint_name(constraint) self.append("ADD ") self.get_constraint_specification(constraint) self.execute() class ANSIConstraintDropper(ANSIConstraintCommon, SchemaDropper): def _visit_constraint(self, constraint): self.start_alter_table(constraint) self.append("DROP CONSTRAINT ") constraint.name = self.get_constraint_name(constraint) self.append(self.preparer.format_constraint(constraint)) if constraint.cascade: self.cascade_constraint(constraint) self.execute() def cascade_constraint(self, constraint): self.append(" CASCADE") class ANSIDialect(DefaultDialect): columngenerator = ANSIColumnGenerator columndropper = ANSIColumnDropper schemachanger = ANSISchemaChanger constraintgenerator = ANSIConstraintGenerator constraintdropper = ANSIConstraintDropper