# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ rhodecode.tests.test_hg_operations ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Test suite for making push/pull operations :created_on: Dec 30, 2010 :copyright: (c) 2010 by marcink. :license: LICENSE_NAME, see LICENSE_FILE for more details. """ import os import shutil import logging from subprocess import Popen, PIPE from os.path import join as jn from rhodecode.tests import TESTS_TMP_PATH, NEW_HG_REPO, HG_REPO USER = 'test_admin' PASS = 'test12' HOST = '' log = logging.getLogger(__name__) def __execute_cmd(cmd, *args): """Runs command on the system with given ``args``. """ command = cmd + ' ' + ' '.join(args) log.debug('Executing %s' % command) print command p = Popen(command, shell=True, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE) stdout, stderr = p.communicate() print stdout, stderr return stdout, stderr #=============================================================================== # TESTS #=============================================================================== def test_clone(): #rm leftovers try: log.debug('removing old directory') shutil.rmtree(jn(TESTS_TMP_PATH, HG_REPO)) except OSError: pass clone_url = 'http://%(user)s:%(pass)s@%(host)s/%(cloned_repo)s %(dest)s' % \ {'user':USER, 'pass':PASS, 'host':HOST, 'cloned_repo':HG_REPO, 'dest':jn(TESTS_TMP_PATH, HG_REPO)} stdout, stderr = __execute_cmd('hg clone', clone_url) def test_pull(): pass def test_push(): modified_file = jn(TESTS_TMP_PATH, HG_REPO, 'setup.py') for i in xrange(5): cmd = """echo 'added_line%s' >> %s""" % (i, modified_file) __execute_cmd(cmd) cmd = """hg ci -m 'changed file %s' %s """ % (i, modified_file) __execute_cmd(cmd) __execute_cmd('hg push %s' % jn(TESTS_TMP_PATH, HG_REPO)) def test_push_new_file(): added_file = jn(TESTS_TMP_PATH, HG_REPO, 'setup.py') __execute_cmd('touch %s' % added_file) __execute_cmd('hg add %s' % added_file) for i in xrange(15): cmd = """echo 'added_line%s' >> %s""" % (i, added_file) __execute_cmd(cmd) cmd = """hg ci -m 'commited new %s' %s """ % (i, added_file) __execute_cmd(cmd) __execute_cmd('hg push %s' % jn(TESTS_TMP_PATH, HG_REPO)) def test_push_wrong_credentials(): clone_url = 'http://%(user)s:%(pass)s@%(host)s/%(cloned_repo)s' % \ {'user':USER + 'xxx', 'pass':PASS, 'host':HOST, 'cloned_repo':HG_REPO, 'dest':jn(TESTS_TMP_PATH, HG_REPO)} modified_file = jn(TESTS_TMP_PATH, HG_REPO, 'setup.py') for i in xrange(5): cmd = """echo 'added_line%s' >> %s""" % (i, modified_file) __execute_cmd(cmd) cmd = """hg ci -m 'commited %s' %s """ % (i, modified_file) __execute_cmd(cmd) __execute_cmd('hg push %s' % clone_url) def test_push_wrong_path(): added_file = jn(TESTS_TMP_PATH, HG_REPO, 'somefile.py') try: os.makedirs(jn(TESTS_TMP_PATH, HG_REPO)) except OSError: pass __execute_cmd("""echo '' > %s""" % added_file) __execute_cmd("""hg add %s""" % added_file) for i in xrange(2): cmd = """echo 'added_line%s' >> %s""" % (i, added_file) __execute_cmd(cmd) cmd = """hg ci -m 'commited new %s' %s """ % (i, added_file) __execute_cmd(cmd) __execute_cmd('hg push %s' % jn(TESTS_TMP_PATH, HG_REPO + '_error')) if __name__ == '__main__': test_clone() test_push_wrong_path() test_push_wrong_credentials() test_push_new_file()