"""Helper functions
Consists of functions to typically be used within templates, but also
available to Controllers. This module is available to both as 'h'.
import random
import hashlib
from pygments.formatters import HtmlFormatter
from pygments import highlight as code_highlight
from pylons import url, app_globals as g
from pylons.i18n.translation import _, ungettext
from vcs.utils.annotate import annotate_highlight
from webhelpers.html import literal, HTML, escape
from webhelpers.html.tools import *
from webhelpers.html.builder import make_tag
from webhelpers.html.tags import auto_discovery_link, checkbox, css_classes, \
end_form, file, form, hidden, image, javascript_link, link_to, link_to_if, \
link_to_unless, ol, required_legend, select, stylesheet_link, submit, text, \
password, textarea, title, ul, xml_declaration, radio
from webhelpers.html.tools import auto_link, button_to, highlight, js_obfuscate, \
mail_to, strip_links, strip_tags, tag_re
from webhelpers.number import format_byte_size, format_bit_size
from webhelpers.pylonslib import Flash as _Flash
from webhelpers.pylonslib.secure_form import secure_form
from webhelpers.text import chop_at, collapse, convert_accented_entities, \
convert_misc_entities, lchop, plural, rchop, remove_formatting, \
replace_whitespace, urlify, truncate, wrap_paragraphs
from webhelpers.date import time_ago_in_words
from webhelpers.html.tags import _set_input_attrs, _set_id_attr, \
convert_boolean_attrs, NotGiven
def _reset(name, value=None, id=NotGiven, type="reset", **attrs):
_set_input_attrs(attrs, type, name, value)
_set_id_attr(attrs, id, name)
convert_boolean_attrs(attrs, ["disabled"])
return HTML.input(**attrs)
reset = _reset
def get_token():
"""Return the current authentication token, creating one if one doesn't
already exist.
token_key = "_authentication_token"
from pylons import session
if not token_key in session:
token = hashlib.sha1(str(random.getrandbits(128))).hexdigest()
except AttributeError: # Python < 2.4
token = hashlib.sha1(str(random.randrange(2 ** 128))).hexdigest()
session[token_key] = token
if hasattr(session, 'save'):
return session[token_key]
#Custom helpers here :)
class _Link(object):
Make a url based on label and url with help of url_for
:param label:name of link if not defined url is used
:param url: the url for link
def __call__(self, label='', *url_, **urlargs):
if label is None or '':
label = url
link_fn = link_to(label, url(*url_, **urlargs))
return link_fn
link = _Link()
class _GetError(object):
def __call__(self, field_name, form_errors):
tmpl = """%s"""
if form_errors and form_errors.has_key(field_name):
return literal(tmpl % form_errors.get(field_name))
get_error = _GetError()
def recursive_replace(str, replace=' '):
Recursive replace of given sign to just one instance
:param str: given string
:param replace:char to find and replace multiple instances
>>> recursive_replace("Mighty---Mighty-Bo--sstones",'-')
if str.find(replace * 2) == -1:
return str
str = str.replace(replace * 2, replace)
return recursive_replace(str, replace)
class _ToolTip(object):
def __call__(self, tooltip_title, trim_at=50):
Special function just to wrap our text into nice formatted autowrapped
:param tooltip_title:
return wrap_paragraphs(escape(tooltip_title), trim_at)\
.replace('\n', '
def activate(self):
Adds tooltip mechanism to the given Html all tooltips have to have
set class tooltip and set attribute tooltip_title.
Then a tooltip will be generated based on that
All with yui js tooltip
js = '''
function toolTipsId(){
var ids = [];
var tts = YAHOO.util.Dom.getElementsByClassName('tooltip');
for (var i = 0; i < tts.length; i++) {
//if element doesn't not have and id autgenerate one for tooltip
if (!tts[i].id){
return ids
var myToolTips = new YAHOO.widget.Tooltip("tooltip", {
context: toolTipsId(),
xyoffset :[0,0],
//Mouse Over event disabled for new repositories since they don't
//have last commit message
function(type, args) {
var context = args[0];
var txt = context.getAttribute('tooltip_title');
return true;
return false;
// Set the text for the tooltip just before we display it. Lazy method
function(type, args) {
var context = args[0];
var txt = context.getAttribute('tooltip_title');
this.cfg.setProperty("text", txt);
// positioning of tooltip
var tt_w = this.element.clientWidth;
var tt_h = this.element.clientHeight;
var context_w = context.offsetWidth;
var context_h = context.offsetHeight;
var pos_x = YAHOO.util.Dom.getX(context);
var pos_y = YAHOO.util.Dom.getY(context);
var display_strategy = 'top';
var xy_pos = [0,0];
switch (display_strategy){
case 'top':
var cur_x = (pos_x+context_w/2)-(tt_w/2);
var cur_y = pos_y-tt_h-4;
xy_pos = [cur_x,cur_y];
case 'bottom':
var cur_x = (pos_x+context_w/2)-(tt_w/2);
var cur_y = pos_y+context_h+4;
xy_pos = [cur_x,cur_y];
case 'left':
var cur_x = (pos_x-tt_w-4);
var cur_y = pos_y-((tt_h/2)-context_h/2);
xy_pos = [cur_x,cur_y];
case 'right':
var cur_x = (pos_x+context_w+4);
var cur_y = pos_y-((tt_h/2)-context_h/2);
xy_pos = [cur_x,cur_y];
var cur_x = (pos_x+context_w/2)-(tt_w/2);
var cur_y = pos_y-tt_h-4;
xy_pos = [cur_x,cur_y];
//Mouse out
function(type, args) {
var context = args[0];
return literal(js)
tooltip = _ToolTip()
class _FilesBreadCrumbs(object):
def __call__(self, repo_name, rev, paths):
url_l = [link_to(repo_name, url('files_home',
revision=rev, f_path=''))]
paths_l = paths.split('/')
for cnt, p in enumerate(paths_l):
if p != '':
url_l.append(link_to(p, url('files_home',
f_path='/'.join(paths_l[:cnt + 1]))))
return literal('/'.join(url_l))
files_breadcrumbs = _FilesBreadCrumbs()
class CodeHtmlFormatter(HtmlFormatter):
def wrap(self, source, outfile):
return self._wrap_div(self._wrap_pre(self._wrap_code(source)))
def _wrap_code(self, source):
for cnt, it in enumerate(source):
i, t = it
t = '