/* Copyright (c) 2009, Yahoo! Inc. All rights reserved. Code licensed under the BSD License: http://developer.yahoo.net/yui/license.txt version: 2.8.0r4 */ /** * Augments the Event Utility with support for the mouseenter and mouseleave * events: A mouseenter event fires the first time the mouse enters an * element; a mouseleave event first the first time the mouse leaves an * element. * * @module event-mouseenter * @title Event Utility mouseenter and mouseout Module * @namespace YAHOO.util * @requires event */ (function () { var Event = YAHOO.util.Event, Lang = YAHOO.lang, addListener = Event.addListener, removeListener = Event.removeListener, getListeners = Event.getListeners, delegates = [], specialTypes = { mouseenter: "mouseover", mouseleave: "mouseout" }, remove = function(el, type, fn) { var index = Event._getCacheIndex(delegates, el, type, fn), cacheItem, returnVal; if (index >= 0) { cacheItem = delegates[index]; } if (el && cacheItem) { // removeListener will translate the value of type returnVal = removeListener.call(Event, cacheItem[0], type, cacheItem[3]); if (returnVal) { delete delegates[index][2]; delete delegates[index][3]; delegates.splice(index, 1); } } return returnVal; }; Lang.augmentObject(Event._specialTypes, specialTypes); Lang.augmentObject(Event, { /** * Creates a delegate function used to call mouseover and mouseleave * event listeners specified via the * <code>YAHOO.util.Event.addListener</code> * or <code>YAHOO.util.Event.on</code> method. * * @method _createMouseDelegate * * @param {Function} fn The method (event listener) to call * @param {Object} obj An arbitrary object that will be * passed as a parameter to the listener * @param {Boolean|object} overrideContext If true, the value of the * obj parameter becomes the execution context * of the listener. If an object, this object * becomes the execution context. * @return {Function} Function that will call the event listener * specified by either the <code>YAHOO.util.Event.addListener</code> * or <code>YAHOO.util.Event.on</code> method. * @private * @static * @for Event */ _createMouseDelegate: function (fn, obj, overrideContext) { return function (event, container) { var el = this, relatedTarget = Event.getRelatedTarget(event), context, args; if (el != relatedTarget && !YAHOO.util.Dom.isAncestor(el, relatedTarget)) { context = el; if (overrideContext) { if (overrideContext === true) { context = obj; } else { context = overrideContext; } } // The default args passed back to a mouseenter or // mouseleave listener are: the event, the element // to which the listener is bound, and any object the // user passed when subscribing args = [event, el, obj]; // Add the delegation container as an argument when // delegating mouseenter and mouseleave if (container) { args.splice(2, 0, container); } return fn.apply(context, args); } }; }, addListener: function (el, type, fn, obj, overrideContext) { var fnDelegate, returnVal; if (specialTypes[type]) { fnDelegate = Event._createMouseDelegate(fn, obj, overrideContext); fnDelegate.mouseDelegate = true; delegates.push([el, type, fn, fnDelegate]); // addListener will translate the value of type returnVal = addListener.call(Event, el, type, fnDelegate); } else { returnVal = addListener.apply(Event, arguments); } return returnVal; }, removeListener: function (el, type, fn) { var returnVal; if (specialTypes[type]) { returnVal = remove.apply(Event, arguments); } else { returnVal = removeListener.apply(Event, arguments); } return returnVal; }, getListeners: function (el, type) { // If the user specified the type as mouseover or mouseout, // need to filter out those used by mouseenter and mouseleave. // If the user specified the type as mouseenter or mouseleave, // need to filter out the true mouseover and mouseout listeners. var listeners = [], elListeners, bMouseOverOrOut = (type === "mouseover" || type === "mouseout"), bMouseDelegate, i, l; if (type && (bMouseOverOrOut || specialTypes[type])) { elListeners = getListeners.call(Event, el, this._getType(type)); if (elListeners) { for (i=elListeners.length-1; i>-1; i--) { l = elListeners[i]; bMouseDelegate = l.fn.mouseDelegate; if ((specialTypes[type] && bMouseDelegate) || (bMouseOverOrOut && !bMouseDelegate)) { listeners.push(l); } } } } else { listeners = getListeners.apply(Event, arguments); } return (listeners && listeners.length) ? listeners : null; } }, true); Event.on = Event.addListener; }()); YAHOO.register("event-mouseenter", YAHOO.util.Event, {version: "2.8.0r4", build: "2449"});