# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ rhodecode.lib.celerylib.tasks ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ RhodeCode task modules, containing all task that suppose to be run by celery daemon :created_on: Oct 6, 2010 :author: marcink :copyright: (C) 2010-2012 Marcin Kuzminski :license: GPLv3, see COPYING for more details. """ # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . from celery.decorators import task import os import traceback import logging from os.path import join as jn from time import mktime from operator import itemgetter from string import lower from pylons import config, url from pylons.i18n.translation import _ from vcs import get_backend from rhodecode import CELERY_ON from rhodecode.lib import LANGUAGES_EXTENSIONS_MAP, safe_str from rhodecode.lib.celerylib import run_task, locked_task, dbsession, \ str2bool, __get_lockkey, LockHeld, DaemonLock, get_session from rhodecode.lib.helpers import person from rhodecode.lib.rcmail.smtp_mailer import SmtpMailer from rhodecode.lib.utils import add_cache, action_logger from rhodecode.lib.compat import json, OrderedDict from rhodecode.model.db import Statistics, Repository, User add_cache(config) __all__ = ['whoosh_index', 'get_commits_stats', 'reset_user_password', 'send_email'] def get_logger(cls): if CELERY_ON: try: log = cls.get_logger() except: log = logging.getLogger(__name__) else: log = logging.getLogger(__name__) return log @task(ignore_result=True) @locked_task @dbsession def whoosh_index(repo_location, full_index): from rhodecode.lib.indexers.daemon import WhooshIndexingDaemon log = whoosh_index.get_logger(whoosh_index) DBS = get_session() index_location = config['index_dir'] WhooshIndexingDaemon(index_location=index_location, repo_location=repo_location, sa=DBS)\ .run(full_index=full_index) @task(ignore_result=True) @dbsession def get_commits_stats(repo_name, ts_min_y, ts_max_y): log = get_logger(get_commits_stats) DBS = get_session() lockkey = __get_lockkey('get_commits_stats', repo_name, ts_min_y, ts_max_y) lockkey_path = config['here'] log.info('running task with lockkey %s' % lockkey) try: lock = l = DaemonLock(file_=jn(lockkey_path, lockkey)) # for js data compatibility cleans the key for person from ' akc = lambda k: person(k).replace('"', "") co_day_auth_aggr = {} commits_by_day_aggregate = {} repo = Repository.get_by_repo_name(repo_name) if repo is None: return True repo = repo.scm_instance repo_size = repo.count() # return if repo have no revisions if repo_size < 1: lock.release() return True skip_date_limit = True parse_limit = int(config['app_conf'].get('commit_parse_limit')) last_rev = None last_cs = None timegetter = itemgetter('time') dbrepo = DBS.query(Repository)\ .filter(Repository.repo_name == repo_name).scalar() cur_stats = DBS.query(Statistics)\ .filter(Statistics.repository == dbrepo).scalar() if cur_stats is not None: last_rev = cur_stats.stat_on_revision if last_rev == repo.get_changeset().revision and repo_size > 1: # pass silently without any work if we're not on first revision or # current state of parsing revision(from db marker) is the # last revision lock.release() return True if cur_stats: commits_by_day_aggregate = OrderedDict(json.loads( cur_stats.commit_activity_combined)) co_day_auth_aggr = json.loads(cur_stats.commit_activity) log.debug('starting parsing %s' % parse_limit) lmktime = mktime last_rev = last_rev + 1 if last_rev >= 0 else 0 log.debug('Getting revisions from %s to %s' % ( last_rev, last_rev + parse_limit) ) for cs in repo[last_rev:last_rev + parse_limit]: last_cs = cs # remember last parsed changeset k = lmktime([cs.date.timetuple()[0], cs.date.timetuple()[1], cs.date.timetuple()[2], 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]) if akc(cs.author) in co_day_auth_aggr: try: l = [timegetter(x) for x in co_day_auth_aggr[akc(cs.author)]['data']] time_pos = l.index(k) except ValueError: time_pos = False if time_pos >= 0 and time_pos is not False: datadict = \ co_day_auth_aggr[akc(cs.author)]['data'][time_pos] datadict["commits"] += 1 datadict["added"] += len(cs.added) datadict["changed"] += len(cs.changed) datadict["removed"] += len(cs.removed) else: if k >= ts_min_y and k <= ts_max_y or skip_date_limit: datadict = {"time": k, "commits": 1, "added": len(cs.added), "changed": len(cs.changed), "removed": len(cs.removed), } co_day_auth_aggr[akc(cs.author)]['data']\ .append(datadict) else: if k >= ts_min_y and k <= ts_max_y or skip_date_limit: co_day_auth_aggr[akc(cs.author)] = { "label": akc(cs.author), "data": [{"time":k, "commits":1, "added":len(cs.added), "changed":len(cs.changed), "removed":len(cs.removed), }], "schema": ["commits"], } #gather all data by day if k in commits_by_day_aggregate: commits_by_day_aggregate[k] += 1 else: commits_by_day_aggregate[k] = 1 overview_data = sorted(commits_by_day_aggregate.items(), key=itemgetter(0)) if not co_day_auth_aggr: co_day_auth_aggr[akc(repo.contact)] = { "label": akc(repo.contact), "data": [0, 1], "schema": ["commits"], } stats = cur_stats if cur_stats else Statistics() stats.commit_activity = json.dumps(co_day_auth_aggr) stats.commit_activity_combined = json.dumps(overview_data) log.debug('last revison %s' % last_rev) leftovers = len(repo.revisions[last_rev:]) log.debug('revisions to parse %s' % leftovers) if last_rev == 0 or leftovers < parse_limit: log.debug('getting code trending stats') stats.languages = json.dumps(__get_codes_stats(repo_name)) try: stats.repository = dbrepo stats.stat_on_revision = last_cs.revision if last_cs else 0 DBS.add(stats) DBS.commit() except: log.error(traceback.format_exc()) DBS.rollback() lock.release() return False #final release lock.release() #execute another task if celery is enabled if len(repo.revisions) > 1 and CELERY_ON: run_task(get_commits_stats, repo_name, ts_min_y, ts_max_y) return True except LockHeld: log.info('LockHeld') return 'Task with key %s already running' % lockkey @task(ignore_result=True) @dbsession def send_password_link(user_email): from rhodecode.model.notification import EmailNotificationModel log = get_logger(send_password_link) DBS = get_session() try: user = User.get_by_email(user_email) if user: log.debug('password reset user found %s' % user) link = url('reset_password_confirmation', key=user.api_key, qualified=True) reg_type = EmailNotificationModel.TYPE_PASSWORD_RESET body = EmailNotificationModel().get_email_tmpl(reg_type, **{'user':user.short_contact, 'reset_url':link}) log.debug('sending email') run_task(send_email, user_email, _("password reset link"), body) log.info('send new password mail to %s' % user_email) else: log.debug("password reset email %s not found" % user_email) except: log.error(traceback.format_exc()) return False return True @task(ignore_result=True) @dbsession def reset_user_password(user_email): from rhodecode.lib import auth log = get_logger(reset_user_password) DBS = get_session() try: try: user = User.get_by_email(user_email) new_passwd = auth.PasswordGenerator().gen_password(8, auth.PasswordGenerator.ALPHABETS_BIG_SMALL) if user: user.password = auth.get_crypt_password(new_passwd) user.api_key = auth.generate_api_key(user.username) DBS.add(user) DBS.commit() log.info('change password for %s' % user_email) if new_passwd is None: raise Exception('unable to generate new password') except: log.error(traceback.format_exc()) DBS.rollback() run_task(send_email, user_email, 'Your new password', 'Your new RhodeCode password:%s' % (new_passwd)) log.info('send new password mail to %s' % user_email) except: log.error('Failed to update user password') log.error(traceback.format_exc()) return True @task(ignore_result=True) @dbsession def send_email(recipients, subject, body, html_body=''): """ Sends an email with defined parameters from the .ini files. :param recipients: list of recipients, it this is empty the defined email address from field 'email_to' is used instead :param subject: subject of the mail :param body: body of the mail :param html_body: html version of body """ log = get_logger(send_email) DBS = get_session() email_config = config subject = "%s %s" % (email_config.get('email_prefix'), subject) if not recipients: # if recipients are not defined we send to email_config + all admins admins = [u.email for u in User.query() .filter(User.admin == True).all()] recipients = [email_config.get('email_to')] + admins mail_from = email_config.get('app_email_from', 'RhodeCode') user = email_config.get('smtp_username') passwd = email_config.get('smtp_password') mail_server = email_config.get('smtp_server') mail_port = email_config.get('smtp_port') tls = str2bool(email_config.get('smtp_use_tls')) ssl = str2bool(email_config.get('smtp_use_ssl')) debug = str2bool(config.get('debug')) smtp_auth = email_config.get('smtp_auth') try: m = SmtpMailer(mail_from, user, passwd, mail_server, smtp_auth, mail_port, ssl, tls, debug=debug) m.send(recipients, subject, body, html_body) except: log.error('Mail sending failed') log.error(traceback.format_exc()) return False return True @task(ignore_result=True) @dbsession def create_repo_fork(form_data, cur_user): """ Creates a fork of repository using interval VCS methods :param form_data: :param cur_user: """ from rhodecode.model.repo import RepoModel log = get_logger(create_repo_fork) DBS = get_session() base_path = Repository.base_path() RepoModel(DBS).create(form_data, cur_user, just_db=True, fork=True) alias = form_data['repo_type'] org_repo_name = form_data['org_path'] fork_name = form_data['repo_name_full'] update_after_clone = form_data['update_after_clone'] source_repo_path = os.path.join(base_path, org_repo_name) destination_fork_path = os.path.join(base_path, fork_name) log.info('creating fork of %s as %s', source_repo_path, destination_fork_path) backend = get_backend(alias) backend(safe_str(destination_fork_path), create=True, src_url=safe_str(source_repo_path), update_after_clone=update_after_clone) action_logger(cur_user, 'user_forked_repo:%s' % fork_name, org_repo_name, '', DBS) action_logger(cur_user, 'user_created_fork:%s' % fork_name, fork_name, '', DBS) # finally commit at latest possible stage DBS.commit() def __get_codes_stats(repo_name): repo = Repository.get_by_repo_name(repo_name).scm_instance tip = repo.get_changeset() code_stats = {} def aggregate(cs): for f in cs[2]: ext = lower(f.extension) if ext in LANGUAGES_EXTENSIONS_MAP.keys() and not f.is_binary: if ext in code_stats: code_stats[ext] += 1 else: code_stats[ext] = 1 map(aggregate, tip.walk('/')) return code_stats or {}