.. _contributing: ========================= Contributing to Kallithea ========================= Kallithea is developed and maintained by its users. Please join us and scratch your own itch. Infrastructure -------------- The main repository is hosted on Our Own Kallithea (aka OOK) at https://kallithea-scm.org/repos/kallithea/, our self-hosted instance of Kallithea. For now, we use Bitbucket_ for `pull requests`_ and `issue tracking`_. The issue tracker is for tracking bugs, not for support, discussion, or ideas -- please use the `mailing list`_ or :ref:`IRC ` to reach the community. We use Weblate_ to translate the user interface messages into languages other than English. Join our project on `Hosted Weblate`_ to help us. To register, you can use your Bitbucket or GitHub account. See :ref:`translations` for more details. Getting started --------------- To get started with development:: hg clone https://kallithea-scm.org/repos/kallithea cd kallithea virtualenv ../kallithea-venv source ../kallithea-venv/bin/activate pip install --upgrade pip setuptools pip install -e . paster make-config Kallithea my.ini paster setup-db my.ini --user=user --email=user@example.com --password=password --repos=/tmp paster serve my.ini --reload & firefox You can also start out by forking https://bitbucket.org/conservancy/kallithea on Bitbucket_ and create a local clone of your own fork. Running tests ------------- After finishing your changes make sure all tests pass cleanly. Install the test dependencies, then run the testsuite by invoking ``py.test`` from the project root:: pip install -r dev_requirements.txt py.test Note that testing on Python 2.6 also requires ``unittest2``. You can also use ``tox`` to run the tests with all supported Python versions (currently Python 2.6--2.7). When running tests, Kallithea uses `kallithea/tests/test.ini` and populates the SQLite database specified there. It is possible to avoid recreating the full test database on each invocation of the tests, thus eliminating the initial delay. To achieve this, run the tests as:: paster serve kallithea/tests/test.ini --pid-file=test.pid --daemon KALLITHEA_WHOOSH_TEST_DISABLE=1 KALLITHEA_NO_TMP_PATH=1 py.test kill -9 $(cat test.pid) In these commands, the following variables are used:: KALLITHEA_WHOOSH_TEST_DISABLE=1 - skip whoosh index building and tests KALLITHEA_NO_TMP_PATH=1 - disable new temp path for tests, used mostly for testing_vcs_operations You can run individual tests by specifying their path as argument to py.test. py.test also has many more options, see `py.test -h`. Some useful options are:: -k EXPRESSION only run tests which match the given substring expression. An expression is a python evaluable expression where all names are substring-matched against test names and their parent classes. Example: -x, --exitfirst exit instantly on first error or failed test. --lf rerun only the tests that failed at the last run (or all if none failed) --ff run all tests but run the last failures first. This may re-order tests and thus lead to repeated fixture setup/teardown --pdb start the interactive Python debugger on errors. -s, --capture=no don't capture stdout (any stdout output will be printed immediately) Coding/contribution guidelines ------------------------------ Kallithea is GPLv3 and we assume all contributions are made by the committer/contributor and under GPLv3 unless explicitly stated. We do care a lot about preservation of copyright and license information for existing code that is brought into the project. We don't have a formal coding/formatting standard. We are currently using a mix of Mercurial (http://mercurial.selenic.com/wiki/CodingStyle), pep8, and consistency with existing code. Run ``scripts/run-all-cleanup`` before committing to ensure some basic code formatting consistency. We support both Python 2.6.x and 2.7.x and nothing else. For now we don't care about Python 3 compatibility. We try to support the most common modern web browsers. IE9 is still supported to the extent it is feasible, IE8 is not. We primarily support Linux and OS X on the server side but Windows should also work. HTML templates should use 2 spaces for indentation ... but be pragmatic. We should use templates cleverly and avoid duplication. We should use reasonable semantic markup with element classes and IDs that can be used for styling and testing. We should only use inline styles in places where it really is semantic (such as ``display: none``). JavaScript must use ``;`` between/after statements. Indentation 4 spaces. Inline multiline functions should be indented two levels -- one for the ``()`` and one for ``{}``. Variables holding jQuery objects should be named with a leading ``$``. Commit messages should have a leading short line summarizing the changes. For bug fixes, put ``(Issue #123)`` at the end of this line. Use American English grammar and spelling overall. Use `English title case`_ for page titles, button labels, headers, and 'labels' for fields in forms. .. _English title case: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Capitalization#Title_case Contributions will be accepted in most formats -- such as pull requests on Bitbucket, something hosted on your own Kallithea instance, or patches sent by email to the `kallithea-general`_ mailing list. When contributing via Bitbucket, please make your fork of https://bitbucket.org/conservancy/kallithea/ `non-publishing`_ -- it is one of the settings on "Repository details" page. This ensures your commits are in "draft" phase and makes it easier for you to address feedback and for project maintainers to integrate your changes. .. _non-publishing: https://www.mercurial-scm.org/wiki/Phases#Publishing_Repository Make sure to test your changes both manually and with the automatic tests before posting. We care about quality and review and keeping a clean repository history. We might give feedback that requests polishing contributions until they are "perfect". We might also rebase and collapse and make minor adjustments to your changes when we apply them. We try to make sure we have consensus on the direction the project is taking. Everything non-sensitive should be discussed in public -- preferably on the mailing list. We aim at having all non-trivial changes reviewed by at least one other core developer before pushing. Obvious non-controversial changes will be handled more casually. For now we just have one official branch ("default") and will keep it so stable that it can be (and is) used in production. Experimental changes should live elsewhere (for example in a pull request) until they are ready. "Roadmap" --------- We do not have a road map but are waiting for your contributions. Refer to the wiki_ for some ideas of places we might want to go -- contributions in these areas are very welcome. Thank you for your contribution! -------------------------------- .. _Weblate: http://weblate.org/ .. _issue tracking: https://bitbucket.org/conservancy/kallithea/issues?status=new&status=open .. _pull requests: https://bitbucket.org/conservancy/kallithea/pull-requests .. _bitbucket: http://bitbucket.org/ .. _mailing list: http://lists.sfconservancy.org/mailman/listinfo/kallithea-general .. _kallithea-general: http://lists.sfconservancy.org/mailman/listinfo/kallithea-general .. _Hosted Weblate: https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/kallithea/kallithea/ .. _wiki: https://bitbucket.org/conservancy/kallithea/wiki/Home