/* Copyright (c) 2010, Yahoo! Inc. All rights reserved. Code licensed under the BSD License: http://developer.yahoo.com/yui/license.html version: 2.8.2r1 */ /** * Provides a swf based storage implementation * * @module swfstore */ /** * Class for the YUI SWFStore util. * * @namespace YAHOO.util * @class SWFStore * @uses YAHOO.util.AttributeProvider * @constructor * @param containerId {HTMLElement} Container element for the Flash Player instance. * @param shareData {Boolean} Whether or not data should be shared across browsers * @param useCompression {Boolean} Container element for the Flash Player instance. */ YAHOO.util.SWFStore = function(containerID, shareData, useCompression) { //browser detection var browser; var newValue; //convert Booleans to strings for flashvars compatibility shareData = shareData.toString(); useCompression = useCompression.toString(); if (YAHOO.env.ua.ie) browser = "ie"; else if (YAHOO.env.ua.gecko) browser = "gecko"; //Firefox else if (YAHOO.env.ua.webkit) browser = "webkit"; // Safari, Webkit else if (YAHOO.env.ua.caja) browser = "caja"; else if (YAHOO.env.ua.opera) browser = "opera"; else browser = "other"; if(YAHOO.util.Cookie.get("swfstore") == null || YAHOO.util.Cookie.get("swfstore") == "null" || YAHOO.util.Cookie.get("swfstore") == "") { newValue = Math.round(Math.random() * Math.PI * 100000); YAHOO.util.Cookie.set("swfstore", newValue); } else { newValue = YAHOO.util.Cookie.get("swfstore"); } var params = { version: 9.115, useExpressInstall: false, fixedAttributes: {allowScriptAccess:"always", allowNetworking:"all", scale:"noScale"}, flashVars: {shareData: shareData, browser: newValue, useCompression: useCompression} }; this.embeddedSWF = new YAHOO.widget.SWF(containerID, YAHOO.util.SWFStore.SWFURL, params); /** * Fires when an error occurs * * @event error * @param event.type {String} The event type * @param event.message {String} The data * */ this.createEvent("error"); /** * Fires when there is not enough space available to store the data * * @event quotaExceededError * @param event.type {String} The event type * @param event.message {String} The data * */ this.createEvent("quotaExceededError"); /** * Fires when the url matching for the security whitelist is invalid. * If no whitelist is used, fires when page's url does not match the embedded swf's url * * @event securityError * @param event.type {String} The event type * @param event.message {String} The data * */ this.createEvent("securityError"); /** * Fires when a store is saved successfully * * @event save * @param event.type {String} The event type * */ this.createEvent("save"); /** * Fires when a store is successfully cleared * * @event clear * @param event.type {String} The event type * */ this.createEvent("clear"); /** * Fires when the save is pending, due to a request for additional storage * * @event error * @param event.type {String} The event type * */ this.createEvent("pending"); /** * Fires as the settings dialog displays * * @event openingDialog * @param event.type {String} The event type * */ this.createEvent("openingDialog"); /** * Fires when a settings dialog is not able to be displayed due to * the SWF not being large enough to show it. In this case, the developer * needs to resize the SWF to width of 215px and height of 138px or above, * or display an external settings page. * * @event inadequateDimensions * @param event.type {String} The event type * */ this.createEvent("inadequateDimensions"); }; YAHOO.extend(YAHOO.util.SWFStore, YAHOO.util.AttributeProvider, { /** * Method to attach listeners to events * @param type {String} The tyep of event to listen for * @param listener {String} The function to call */ on: function(type, listener) { this.embeddedSWF.addListener(type, listener); }, /** * Method to attach listeners to events * @param type {String} The tyep of event to listen for * @param listener {String} The function to call */ addListener: function(type, listener) { YAHOO.log("adding '" + type + "' listener"); this.embeddedSWF.addListener(type, listener); }, /** * Public accessor to the unique name of the SWFStore instance. * * @method toString * @return {String} Unique name of the SWFStore instance. */ toString: function() { return "SWFStore " + this._id; }, /** * Public accessor to the unique name of the SWFStore instance. * * @method getShareData * @return {Boolean} Whether or not data is being shared among browsers */ getShareData: function() { return this.embeddedSWF.callSWF("getShareData"); }, /** * Public accessor to the unique name of the SWFStore instance. * * @method setShareData * @param {Boolean} Whether or not to share among browsers */ setShareData: function(value) { YAHOO.log("Setting share data to " + value); this.embeddedSWF.callSWF("setShareData", [value]); }, /** * Determines if SWF's visible area is large enough to fit the settings panel * * @method hasAdequateDimensions * @return {Boolean} Whether or not to share among browsers */ hasAdequateDimensions: function() { YAHOO.log("dimensions adequate? " + this.embeddedSWF.callSWF("hasAdequateDimensions")); return this.embeddedSWF.callSWF("hasAdequateDimensions"); }, /** * Public accessor to the unique name of the SWFStore instance. * * @method getUseCompression * @return {Boolean} Whether or compression is being used */ getUseCompression: function() { return this.embeddedSWF.callSWF("getUseCompression"); }, /** * Public accessor to the unique name of the SWFStore instance. * * @method setUseCompression * @param {Boolean} Whether or to compress stored data */ setUseCompression: function(value) { YAHOO.log("Setting compression to " + value); this.embeddedSWF.callSWF("setUseCompression", [value]); }, /** * Saves data to local storage. It returns a String that can * be one of three values: "true" if the storage succeeded; "false" if the user * has denied storage on their machine or storage space allotted is not sufficient. * <p>The size limit for the passed parameters is ~40Kb.</p> * @method setItem * @param data {Object} The data to store * @param location {String} The name of the "cookie" or store * @return {Boolean} Whether or not the save was successful * */ setItem: function(location,data) { YAHOO.log("setting " + location + " to " + data); return this.embeddedSWF.callSWF("setItem", [location, data]); } , /** * Returns the value of the store at the specified index, if any. * @method getValueAt * @param index {Number} The index of the stored item * @return {Object} The value of the store at that index * */ getValueAt: function(index) { YAHOO.log("value at " + index + " is " + this.embeddedSWF.callSWF("getValueAt", [index]) ); return this.embeddedSWF.callSWF("getValueAt", [index]); }, /** * Returns the key name in storage, if any, at the specified index. * * @param index {Number} The index of the "cookie" or store * @return {Object}The data * @method setItem * */ getNameAt: function(index) { YAHOO.log("name at " + index + " is " + this.embeddedSWF.callSWF("getNameAt", [index]) ); return this.embeddedSWF.callSWF("getNameAt", [index]); }, /** * Returns the value of the item in storage, if any. * @method getValueOf * @param location {String} The name of the "cookie" or store * @return {Object} The data * */ getValueOf: function(location) { YAHOO.log("value of " + location + " is " + this.embeddedSWF.callSWF("getValueOf", [location]) ); return this.embeddedSWF.callSWF("getValueOf", [location]); } , /** * Returns the data type of of the storage. * <p>May be one of the following types: * <ul> * <li>boolean</li> * <li>function</li> * <li>number</li> * <li>object</li> * <li>string</li> * <li>number</li> * <li>xml</li> * </ul> * </p> * @method getTypeOf * @param location {String} The name of the "cookie" or store * @return {String} The type * */ getTypeOf: function(location) { YAHOO.log("type of " + location + " is " + this.embeddedSWF.callSWF("getTypeOf", [location]) ); return this.embeddedSWF.callSWF("getTypeOf", [location]); } , /** * Returns the data type of of the storage. * <p>May be one of the following types: * <ul> * <li>boolean</li> * <li>function</li> * <li>number</li> * <li>object</li> * <li>string</li> * <li>number</li> * <li>xml</li> * </ul> * </p> * @method getTypeAt * @param location {Number} The index of the "cookie" or store * @return {String} The type * */ getTypeAt: function(index) { YAHOO.log("type at " + index + " is " + this.embeddedSWF.callSWF("getTypeAt", [index]) ); return this.embeddedSWF.callSWF("getTypeAt", [index]); } , /** * Returns the items in storage as an array. * @method getItems * @return {Object} The data. * @public */ getItems: function() { return this.embeddedSWF.callSWF("getItems", []); }, /** * Removes the item in storage, if any. * @method removeItem * @param location {String} The name of the "cookie" or store * */ removeItem: function(location) { YAHOO.log("removing " + location); return this.embeddedSWF.callSWF("removeItem", [location]); } , /** * Removes the item in storage at the specified index, if any. * @method removeItem * @param index {Number} The index of the "cookie" or store * */ removeItemAt: function(index) { YAHOO.log("removing item at " + index); return this.embeddedSWF.callSWF("removeItemAt", [index]); } , /** * Returns the number of items in storage, if any. * @method getLength * @return {Number} The number of items * */ getLength: function() { return this.embeddedSWF.callSWF("getLength", []); } , /** * Removes all data in local storage for this domain. * <p>Be careful when using this method, as it may * remove stored information that is used by other applications * in this domain </p> * @method clear */ clear: function() { YAHOO.log("clearing all items"); return this.embeddedSWF.callSWF("clear", []); } , /** * Gets the current size, in KB, of the amount of space taken by the current store. * Note that this is calculated, and may take time depending on the number of items stored * @method calculateCurrentSize * @return {Number} The size of the store in KB */ calculateCurrentSize: function() { YAHOO.log("calculating size"); return this.embeddedSWF.callSWF("calculateCurrentSize", []); } , /** * Gets the timestamp of the last store. This value is automatically set when * data is stored. * @method getModificationDate * @return {Date} A Date object */ getModificationDate: function() { YAHOO.log("getting date"); return this.embeddedSWF.callSWF("getModificationDate", []); } , /** * This method requests more storage (if the amount is above 100KB or the current setting). * * The request dialog has to be displayed within the Flash player itself * so the SWF it is called from must be visible and at least 215px x 138px (w x h) in size. * * @method setSize * @param value {Number} The size, in KB * @return {String} */ setSize: function(value) { var result = this.embeddedSWF.callSWF("setSize", [value]); YAHOO.log("attempt to set size to " + value*1024 + " bytes resulted in " + result); return result; } , /** * Displays the settings dialog to allow the user to configure * storage settings manually. If the SWF height and width are smaller than * what is allowable to display the local settings panel, * an openExternalDialog message will be sent to JavaScript. * @method displaySettings */ displaySettings: function() { YAHOO.log("attempting to show settings. are dimensions adequate? " + this.embeddedSWF.callSWF("hasAdequateDimensions")); this.embeddedSWF.callSWF("displaySettings", []); } }); YAHOO.util.SWFStore.SWFURL = "swfstore.swf"; YAHOO.register("swfstore", YAHOO.util.SWFStore, {version: "2.8.2r1", build: "7"}); YAHOO.register("swfstore", YAHOO.util.SWFStore, {version: "2.8.2r1", build: "7"});