# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ vcs.nodes ~~~~~~~~~ Module holding everything related to vcs nodes. :created_on: Apr 8, 2010 :copyright: (c) 2010-2011 by Marcin Kuzminski, Lukasz Balcerzak. """ import os import stat import posixpath import mimetypes from pygments import lexers from rhodecode.lib.vcs.utils.lazy import LazyProperty from rhodecode.lib.vcs.utils import safe_unicode from rhodecode.lib.vcs.exceptions import NodeError from rhodecode.lib.vcs.exceptions import RemovedFileNodeError from rhodecode.lib.vcs.backends.base import EmptyChangeset class NodeKind: SUBMODULE = -1 DIR = 1 FILE = 2 class NodeState: ADDED = u'added' CHANGED = u'changed' NOT_CHANGED = u'not changed' REMOVED = u'removed' class NodeGeneratorBase(object): """ Base class for removed added and changed filenodes, it's a lazy generator class that will create filenodes only on iteration or call The len method doesn't need to create filenodes at all """ def __init__(self, current_paths, cs): self.cs = cs self.current_paths = current_paths def __call__(self): return [n for n in self] def __getslice__(self, i, j): for p in self.current_paths[i:j]: yield self.cs.get_node(p) def __len__(self): return len(self.current_paths) def __iter__(self): for p in self.current_paths: yield self.cs.get_node(p) class AddedFileNodesGenerator(NodeGeneratorBase): """ Class holding Added files for current changeset """ pass class ChangedFileNodesGenerator(NodeGeneratorBase): """ Class holding Changed files for current changeset """ pass class RemovedFileNodesGenerator(NodeGeneratorBase): """ Class holding removed files for current changeset """ def __iter__(self): for p in self.current_paths: yield RemovedFileNode(path=p) def __getslice__(self, i, j): for p in self.current_paths[i:j]: yield RemovedFileNode(path=p) class Node(object): """ Simplest class representing file or directory on repository. SCM backends should use ``FileNode`` and ``DirNode`` subclasses rather than ``Node`` directly. Node's ``path`` cannot start with slash as we operate on *relative* paths only. Moreover, every single node is identified by the ``path`` attribute, so it cannot end with slash, too. Otherwise, path could lead to mistakes. """ def __init__(self, path, kind): if path.startswith('/'): raise NodeError("Cannot initialize Node objects with slash at " "the beginning as only relative paths are supported") self.path = path.rstrip('/') if path == '' and kind != NodeKind.DIR: raise NodeError("Only DirNode and its subclasses may be " "initialized with empty path") self.kind = kind #self.dirs, self.files = [], [] if self.is_root() and not self.is_dir(): raise NodeError("Root node cannot be FILE kind") @LazyProperty def parent(self): parent_path = self.get_parent_path() if parent_path: if self.changeset: return self.changeset.get_node(parent_path) return DirNode(parent_path) return None @LazyProperty def unicode_path(self): return safe_unicode(self.path) @LazyProperty def name(self): """ Returns name of the node so if its path then only last part is returned. """ return safe_unicode(self.path.rstrip('/').split('/')[-1]) def _get_kind(self): return self._kind def _set_kind(self, kind): if hasattr(self, '_kind'): raise NodeError("Cannot change node's kind") else: self._kind = kind # Post setter check (path's trailing slash) if self.path.endswith('/'): raise NodeError("Node's path cannot end with slash") kind = property(_get_kind, _set_kind) def __cmp__(self, other): """ Comparator using name of the node, needed for quick list sorting. """ kind_cmp = cmp(self.kind, other.kind) if kind_cmp: return kind_cmp return cmp(self.name, other.name) def __eq__(self, other): for attr in ['name', 'path', 'kind']: if getattr(self, attr) != getattr(other, attr): return False if self.is_file(): if self.content != other.content: return False else: # For DirNode's check without entering each dir self_nodes_paths = list(sorted(n.path for n in self.nodes)) other_nodes_paths = list(sorted(n.path for n in self.nodes)) if self_nodes_paths != other_nodes_paths: return False return True def __nq__(self, other): return not self.__eq__(other) def __repr__(self): return '<%s %r>' % (self.__class__.__name__, self.path) def __str__(self): return self.__repr__() def __unicode__(self): return self.name def get_parent_path(self): """ Returns node's parent path or empty string if node is root. """ if self.is_root(): return '' return posixpath.dirname(self.path.rstrip('/')) + '/' def is_file(self): """ Returns ``True`` if node's kind is ``NodeKind.FILE``, ``False`` otherwise. """ return self.kind == NodeKind.FILE def is_dir(self): """ Returns ``True`` if node's kind is ``NodeKind.DIR``, ``False`` otherwise. """ return self.kind == NodeKind.DIR def is_root(self): """ Returns ``True`` if node is a root node and ``False`` otherwise. """ return self.kind == NodeKind.DIR and self.path == '' def is_submodule(self): """ Returns ``True`` if node's kind is ``NodeKind.SUBMODULE``, ``False`` otherwise. """ return self.kind == NodeKind.SUBMODULE @LazyProperty def added(self): return self.state is NodeState.ADDED @LazyProperty def changed(self): return self.state is NodeState.CHANGED @LazyProperty def not_changed(self): return self.state is NodeState.NOT_CHANGED @LazyProperty def removed(self): return self.state is NodeState.REMOVED class FileNode(Node): """ Class representing file nodes. :attribute: path: path to the node, relative to repostiory's root :attribute: content: if given arbitrary sets content of the file :attribute: changeset: if given, first time content is accessed, callback :attribute: mode: octal stat mode for a node. Default is 0100644. """ def __init__(self, path, content=None, changeset=None, mode=None): """ Only one of ``content`` and ``changeset`` may be given. Passing both would raise ``NodeError`` exception. :param path: relative path to the node :param content: content may be passed to constructor :param changeset: if given, will use it to lazily fetch content :param mode: octal representation of ST_MODE (i.e. 0100644) """ if content and changeset: raise NodeError("Cannot use both content and changeset") super(FileNode, self).__init__(path, kind=NodeKind.FILE) self.changeset = changeset self._content = content self._mode = mode or 0100644 @LazyProperty def mode(self): """ Returns lazily mode of the FileNode. If ``changeset`` is not set, would use value given at initialization or 0100644 (default). """ if self.changeset: mode = self.changeset.get_file_mode(self.path) else: mode = self._mode return mode def _get_content(self): if self.changeset: content = self.changeset.get_file_content(self.path) else: content = self._content return content @property def content(self): """ Returns lazily content of the FileNode. If possible, would try to decode content from UTF-8. """ content = self._get_content() if bool(content and '\0' in content): return content return safe_unicode(content) @LazyProperty def size(self): if self.changeset: return self.changeset.get_file_size(self.path) raise NodeError("Cannot retrieve size of the file without related " "changeset attribute") @LazyProperty def message(self): if self.changeset: return self.last_changeset.message raise NodeError("Cannot retrieve message of the file without related " "changeset attribute") @LazyProperty def last_changeset(self): if self.changeset: return self.changeset.get_file_changeset(self.path) raise NodeError("Cannot retrieve last changeset of the file without " "related changeset attribute") def get_mimetype(self): """ Mimetype is calculated based on the file's content. If ``_mimetype`` attribute is available, it will be returned (backends which store mimetypes or can easily recognize them, should set this private attribute to indicate that type should *NOT* be calculated). """ if hasattr(self, '_mimetype'): if (isinstance(self._mimetype, (tuple, list,)) and len(self._mimetype) == 2): return self._mimetype else: raise NodeError('given _mimetype attribute must be an 2 ' 'element list or tuple') mtype, encoding = mimetypes.guess_type(self.name) if mtype is None: if self.is_binary: mtype = 'application/octet-stream' encoding = None else: mtype = 'text/plain' encoding = None return mtype, encoding @LazyProperty def mimetype(self): """ Wrapper around full mimetype info. It returns only type of fetched mimetype without the encoding part. use get_mimetype function to fetch full set of (type,encoding) """ return self.get_mimetype()[0] @LazyProperty def mimetype_main(self): return ['', ''] return self.mimetype.split('/')[0] @LazyProperty def lexer(self): """ Returns pygment's lexer class. Would try to guess lexer taking file's content, name and mimetype. """ try: lexer = lexers.guess_lexer_for_filename(self.name, self.content) except lexers.ClassNotFound: lexer = lexers.TextLexer() # returns first alias return lexer @LazyProperty def lexer_alias(self): """ Returns first alias of the lexer guessed for this file. """ return self.lexer.aliases[0] @LazyProperty def history(self): """ Returns a list of changeset for this file in which the file was changed """ if self.changeset is None: raise NodeError('Unable to get changeset for this FileNode') return self.changeset.get_file_history(self.path) @LazyProperty def annotate(self): """ Returns a list of three element tuples with lineno,changeset and line """ if self.changeset is None: raise NodeError('Unable to get changeset for this FileNode') return self.changeset.get_file_annotate(self.path) @LazyProperty def state(self): if not self.changeset: raise NodeError("Cannot check state of the node if it's not " "linked with changeset") elif self.path in (node.path for node in self.changeset.added): return NodeState.ADDED elif self.path in (node.path for node in self.changeset.changed): return NodeState.CHANGED else: return NodeState.NOT_CHANGED @property def is_binary(self): """ Returns True if file has binary content. """ return False _bin = '\0' in self._get_content() return _bin @LazyProperty def extension(self): """Returns filenode extension""" return self.name.split('.')[-1] def is_executable(self): """ Returns ``True`` if file has executable flag turned on. """ return bool(self.mode & stat.S_IXUSR) def __repr__(self): return '<%s %r @ %s>' % (self.__class__.__name__, self.path, getattr(self.changeset, 'short_id', '')) class RemovedFileNode(FileNode): """ Dummy FileNode class - trying to access any public attribute except path, name, kind or state (or methods/attributes checking those two) would raise RemovedFileNodeError. """ ALLOWED_ATTRIBUTES = [ 'name', 'path', 'state', 'is_root', 'is_file', 'is_dir', 'kind', 'added', 'changed', 'not_changed', 'removed' ] def __init__(self, path): """ :param path: relative path to the node """ super(RemovedFileNode, self).__init__(path=path) def __getattribute__(self, attr): if attr.startswith('_') or attr in RemovedFileNode.ALLOWED_ATTRIBUTES: return super(RemovedFileNode, self).__getattribute__(attr) raise RemovedFileNodeError("Cannot access attribute %s on " "RemovedFileNode" % attr) @LazyProperty def state(self): return NodeState.REMOVED class DirNode(Node): """ DirNode stores list of files and directories within this node. Nodes may be used standalone but within repository context they lazily fetch data within same repositorty's changeset. """ def __init__(self, path, nodes=(), changeset=None): """ Only one of ``nodes`` and ``changeset`` may be given. Passing both would raise ``NodeError`` exception. :param path: relative path to the node :param nodes: content may be passed to constructor :param changeset: if given, will use it to lazily fetch content :param size: always 0 for ``DirNode`` """ if nodes and changeset: raise NodeError("Cannot use both nodes and changeset") super(DirNode, self).__init__(path, NodeKind.DIR) self.changeset = changeset self._nodes = nodes @LazyProperty def content(self): raise NodeError("%s represents a dir and has no ``content`` attribute" % self) @LazyProperty def nodes(self): if self.changeset: nodes = self.changeset.get_nodes(self.path) else: nodes = self._nodes self._nodes_dict = dict((node.path, node) for node in nodes) return sorted(nodes) @LazyProperty def files(self): return sorted((node for node in self.nodes if node.is_file())) @LazyProperty def dirs(self): return sorted((node for node in self.nodes if node.is_dir())) def __iter__(self): for node in self.nodes: yield node def get_node(self, path): """ Returns node from within this particular ``DirNode``, so it is now allowed to fetch, i.e. node located at 'docs/api/index.rst' from node 'docs'. In order to access deeper nodes one must fetch nodes between them first - this would work:: docs = root.get_node('docs') docs.get_node('api').get_node('index.rst') :param: path - relative to the current node .. note:: To access lazily (as in example above) node have to be initialized with related changeset object - without it node is out of context and may know nothing about anything else than nearest (located at same level) nodes. """ try: path = path.rstrip('/') if path == '': raise NodeError("Cannot retrieve node without path") self.nodes # access nodes first in order to set _nodes_dict paths = path.split('/') if len(paths) == 1: if not self.is_root(): path = '/'.join((self.path, paths[0])) else: path = paths[0] return self._nodes_dict[path] elif len(paths) > 1: if self.changeset is None: raise NodeError("Cannot access deeper " "nodes without changeset") else: path1, path2 = paths[0], '/'.join(paths[1:]) return self.get_node(path1).get_node(path2) else: raise KeyError except KeyError: raise NodeError("Node does not exist at %s" % path) @LazyProperty def state(self): raise NodeError("Cannot access state of DirNode") @LazyProperty def size(self): size = 0 for root, dirs, files in self.changeset.walk(self.path): for f in files: size += f.size return size def __repr__(self): return '<%s %r @ %s>' % (self.__class__.__name__, self.path, getattr(self.changeset, 'short_id', '')) class RootNode(DirNode): """ DirNode being the root node of the repository. """ def __init__(self, nodes=(), changeset=None): super(RootNode, self).__init__(path='', nodes=nodes, changeset=changeset) def __repr__(self): return '<%s>' % self.__class__.__name__ class SubModuleNode(Node): """ represents a SubModule of Git or SubRepo of Mercurial """ is_binary = False size = 0 def __init__(self, name, url=None, changeset=None, alias=None): self.path = name self.kind = NodeKind.SUBMODULE self.alias = alias # we have to use emptyChangeset here since this can point to svn/git/hg # submodules we cannot get from repository self.changeset = EmptyChangeset(str(changeset), alias=alias) self.url = url or self._extract_submodule_url() def __repr__(self): return '<%s %r @ %s>' % (self.__class__.__name__, self.path, getattr(self.changeset, 'short_id', '')) def _extract_submodule_url(self): if self.alias == 'git': #TODO: find a way to parse gits submodule file and extract the # linking URL return self.path if self.alias == 'hg': return self.path @LazyProperty def name(self): """ Returns name of the node so if its path then only last part is returned. """ org = safe_unicode(self.path.rstrip('/').split('/')[-1]) return u'%s @ %s' % (org, self.changeset.short_id)