################################################################################ ################################################################################ # RhodeCode - Pylons environment configuration # # # # The %(here)s variable will be replaced with the parent directory of this file# ################################################################################ [DEFAULT] debug = true pdebug = false ################################################################################ ## Uncomment and replace with the address which should receive ## ## any error reports after application crash ## ## Additionally those settings will be used by RhodeCode mailing system ## ################################################################################ #email_to = admin@localhost #error_email_from = paste_error@localhost #app_email_from = rhodecode-noreply@localhost #error_message = #email_prefix = [RhodeCode] #smtp_server = mail.server.com #smtp_username = #smtp_password = #smtp_port = #smtp_use_tls = false #smtp_use_ssl = true # Specify available auth parameters here (e.g. LOGIN PLAIN CRAM-MD5, etc.) #smtp_auth = [server:main] ##nr of threads to spawn threadpool_workers = 5 ##max request before thread respawn threadpool_max_requests = 10 ##option to use threads of process use_threadpool = true use = egg:Paste#http host = port = 8001 [app:main] use = egg:rhodecode full_stack = true static_files = true lang=en cache_dir = %(here)s/data index_dir = %(here)s/data/index app_instance_uuid = prod1234 cut_off_limit = 256000 force_https = false commit_parse_limit = 50 use_gravatar = true container_auth_enabled = false proxypass_auth_enabled = false ## overwrite schema of clone url ## available vars: ## scheme - http/https ## user - current user ## pass - password ## netloc - network location ## path - usually repo_name #clone_uri = {scheme}://{user}{pass}{netloc}{path} ## issue tracking mapping for commits messages ## comment out issue_pat, issue_server, issue_prefix to enable ## pattern to get the issues from commit messages ## default one used here is # with a regex passive group for `#` ## {id} will be all groups matched from this pattern issue_pat = (?:\s*#)(\d+) ## server url to the issue, each {id} will be replaced with match ## fetched from the regex and {repo} is replaced with repository name issue_server_link = https://myissueserver.com/{repo}/issue/{id} ## prefix to add to link to indicate it's an url ## #314 will be replaced by issue_prefix = # #################################### ### CELERY CONFIG #### #################################### use_celery = false broker.host = localhost broker.vhost = rabbitmqhost broker.port = 5672 broker.user = rabbitmq broker.password = qweqwe celery.imports = rhodecode.lib.celerylib.tasks celery.result.backend = amqp celery.result.dburi = amqp:// celery.result.serialier = json #celery.send.task.error.emails = true #celery.amqp.task.result.expires = 18000 celeryd.concurrency = 2 #celeryd.log.file = celeryd.log celeryd.log.level = debug celeryd.max.tasks.per.child = 1 #tasks will never be sent to the queue, but executed locally instead. celery.always.eager = false #################################### ### BEAKER CACHE #### #################################### beaker.cache.data_dir=%(here)s/data/cache/data beaker.cache.lock_dir=%(here)s/data/cache/lock beaker.cache.regions=super_short_term,short_term,long_term,sql_cache_short,sql_cache_med,sql_cache_long beaker.cache.super_short_term.type=memory beaker.cache.super_short_term.expire=10 beaker.cache.super_short_term.key_length = 256 beaker.cache.short_term.type=memory beaker.cache.short_term.expire=60 beaker.cache.short_term.key_length = 256 beaker.cache.long_term.type=memory beaker.cache.long_term.expire=36000 beaker.cache.long_term.key_length = 256 beaker.cache.sql_cache_short.type=memory beaker.cache.sql_cache_short.expire=10 beaker.cache.sql_cache_short.key_length = 256 beaker.cache.sql_cache_med.type=memory beaker.cache.sql_cache_med.expire=360 beaker.cache.sql_cache_med.key_length = 256 beaker.cache.sql_cache_long.type=file beaker.cache.sql_cache_long.expire=3600 beaker.cache.sql_cache_long.key_length = 256 #################################### ### BEAKER SESSION #### #################################### ## Type of storage used for the session, current types are ## dbm, file, memcached, database, and memory. ## The storage uses the Container API ## that is also used by the cache system. ## db session example #beaker.session.type = ext:database #beaker.session.sa.url = postgresql://postgres:qwe@localhost/rhodecode #beaker.session.table_name = db_session ## encrypted cookie session, good for many instances #beaker.session.type = cookie beaker.session.type = file beaker.session.key = rhodecode #beaker.session.encrypt_key = g654dcno0-9873jhgfreyu #beaker.session.validate_key = 9712sds2212c--zxc123 beaker.session.timeout = 36000 beaker.session.httponly = true ## uncomment for https secure cookie beaker.session.secure = false ##auto save the session to not to use .save() beaker.session.auto = False ##true exire at browser close #beaker.session.cookie_expires = 3600 ################################################################################ ## WARNING: *THE LINE BELOW MUST BE UNCOMMENTED ON A PRODUCTION ENVIRONMENT* ## ## Debug mode will enable the interactive debugging tool, allowing ANYONE to ## ## execute malicious code after an exception is raised. ## ################################################################################ set debug = false ################################## ### LOGVIEW CONFIG ### ################################## logview.sqlalchemy = #faa logview.pylons.templating = #bfb logview.pylons.util = #eee ######################################################### ### DB CONFIGS - EACH DB WILL HAVE IT'S OWN CONFIG ### ######################################################### #sqlalchemy.db1.url = sqlite:///%(here)s/rhodecode.db sqlalchemy.db1.url = postgresql://postgres:qwe@localhost/rhodecode sqlalchemy.db1.echo = false sqlalchemy.db1.pool_recycle = 3600 sqlalchemy.convert_unicode = true ################################ ### LOGGING CONFIGURATION #### ################################ [loggers] keys = root, routes, rhodecode, sqlalchemy, beaker, templates [handlers] keys = console, console_sql [formatters] keys = generic, color_formatter, color_formatter_sql ############# ## LOGGERS ## ############# [logger_root] level = NOTSET handlers = console [logger_routes] level = DEBUG handlers = qualname = routes.middleware # "level = DEBUG" logs the route matched and routing variables. propagate = 1 [logger_beaker] level = DEBUG handlers = qualname = beaker.container propagate = 1 [logger_templates] level = INFO handlers = qualname = pylons.templating propagate = 1 [logger_rhodecode] level = DEBUG handlers = qualname = rhodecode propagate = 1 [logger_sqlalchemy] level = INFO handlers = console_sql qualname = sqlalchemy.engine propagate = 0 ############## ## HANDLERS ## ############## [handler_console] class = StreamHandler args = (sys.stderr,) level = INFO formatter = generic [handler_console_sql] class = StreamHandler args = (sys.stderr,) level = WARN formatter = generic ################ ## FORMATTERS ## ################ [formatter_generic] format = %(asctime)s.%(msecs)03d %(levelname)-5.5s [%(name)s] %(message)s datefmt = %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S [formatter_color_formatter] class=rhodecode.lib.colored_formatter.ColorFormatter format= %(asctime)s.%(msecs)03d %(levelname)-5.5s [%(name)s] %(message)s datefmt = %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S [formatter_color_formatter_sql] class=rhodecode.lib.colored_formatter.ColorFormatterSql format= %(asctime)s.%(msecs)03d %(levelname)-5.5s [%(name)s] %(message)s datefmt = %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S