""" this is forms validation classes http://formencode.org/module-formencode.validators.html for list off all availible validators we can create our own validators The table below outlines the options which can be used in a schema in addition to the validators themselves pre_validators [] These validators will be applied before the schema chained_validators [] These validators will be applied after the schema allow_extra_fields False If True, then it is not an error when keys that aren't associated with a validator are present filter_extra_fields False If True, then keys that aren't associated with a validator are removed if_key_missing NoDefault If this is given, then any keys that aren't available but are expected will be replaced with this value (and then validated). This does not override a present .if_missing attribute on validators. NoDefault is a special FormEncode class to mean that no default values has been specified and therefore missing keys shouldn't take a default value. ignore_key_missing False If True, then missing keys will be missing in the result, if the validator doesn't have .if_missing on it already = formencode.validators. must equal form name list=[1,2,3,4,5] for SELECT use formencode.All(OneOf(list), Int()) """ import os import re import logging import traceback import formencode from formencode import All from formencode.validators import UnicodeString, OneOf, Int, Number, Regex, \ Email, Bool, StringBoolean, Set from pylons.i18n.translation import _ from webhelpers.pylonslib.secure_form import authentication_token from rhodecode.lib.utils import repo_name_slug from rhodecode.lib.auth import authenticate, get_crypt_password from rhodecode.lib.exceptions import LdapImportError from rhodecode.model.user import UserModel from rhodecode.model.repo import RepoModel from rhodecode.model.db import User, UsersGroup, Group from rhodecode import BACKENDS log = logging.getLogger(__name__) #this is needed to translate the messages using _() in validators class State_obj(object): _ = staticmethod(_) #============================================================================== # VALIDATORS #============================================================================== class ValidAuthToken(formencode.validators.FancyValidator): messages = {'invalid_token':_('Token mismatch')} def validate_python(self, value, state): if value != authentication_token(): raise formencode.Invalid(self.message('invalid_token', state, search_number=value), value, state) def ValidUsername(edit, old_data): class _ValidUsername(formencode.validators.FancyValidator): def validate_python(self, value, state): if value in ['default', 'new_user']: raise formencode.Invalid(_('Invalid username'), value, state) #check if user is unique old_un = None if edit: old_un = UserModel().get(old_data.get('user_id')).username if old_un != value or not edit: if UserModel().get_by_username(value, cache=False, case_insensitive=True): raise formencode.Invalid(_('This username already ' 'exists') , value, state) if re.match(r'^[a-zA-Z0-9]{1}[a-zA-Z0-9\-\_\.]+$', value) is None: raise formencode.Invalid(_('Username may only contain ' 'alphanumeric characters ' 'underscores, periods or dashes ' 'and must begin with alphanumeric ' 'character'), value, state) return _ValidUsername def ValidUsersGroup(edit, old_data): class _ValidUsersGroup(formencode.validators.FancyValidator): def validate_python(self, value, state): if value in ['default']: raise formencode.Invalid(_('Invalid group name'), value, state) #check if group is unique old_ugname = None if edit: old_ugname = UsersGroup.get( old_data.get('users_group_id')).users_group_name if old_ugname != value or not edit: if UsersGroup.get_by_group_name(value, cache=False, case_insensitive=True): raise formencode.Invalid(_('This users group ' 'already exists') , value, state) if re.match(r'^[a-zA-Z0-9]{1}[a-zA-Z0-9\-\_\.]+$', value) is None: raise formencode.Invalid(_('Group name may only contain ' 'alphanumeric characters ' 'underscores, periods or dashes ' 'and must begin with alphanumeric ' 'character'), value, state) return _ValidUsersGroup def ValidReposGroup(edit, old_data): class _ValidReposGroup(formencode.validators.FancyValidator): def validate_python(self, value, state): #TODO WRITE VALIDATIONS group_name = value.get('group_name') group_parent_id = value.get('group_parent_id') # slugify repo group just in case :) slug = repo_name_slug(group_name) old_gname = None if edit: old_gname = Group.get( old_data.get('group_id')).group_name if old_gname != group_name or not edit: # check filesystem gr = Group.query().filter(Group.group_name == slug)\ .filter(Group.group_parent_id == group_parent_id).scalar() if gr: e_dict = {'group_name':_('This group already exists')} raise formencode.Invalid('', value, state, error_dict=e_dict) return _ValidReposGroup class ValidPassword(formencode.validators.FancyValidator): def to_python(self, value, state): if value: if value.get('password'): try: value['password'] = get_crypt_password(value['password']) except UnicodeEncodeError: e_dict = {'password':_('Invalid characters in password')} raise formencode.Invalid('', value, state, error_dict=e_dict) if value.get('password_confirmation'): try: value['password_confirmation'] = \ get_crypt_password(value['password_confirmation']) except UnicodeEncodeError: e_dict = {'password_confirmation':_('Invalid characters in password')} raise formencode.Invalid('', value, state, error_dict=e_dict) if value.get('new_password'): try: value['new_password'] = \ get_crypt_password(value['new_password']) except UnicodeEncodeError: e_dict = {'new_password':_('Invalid characters in password')} raise formencode.Invalid('', value, state, error_dict=e_dict) return value class ValidPasswordsMatch(formencode.validators.FancyValidator): def validate_python(self, value, state): if value['password'] != value['password_confirmation']: e_dict = {'password_confirmation': _('Password do not match')} raise formencode.Invalid('', value, state, error_dict=e_dict) class ValidAuth(formencode.validators.FancyValidator): messages = { 'invalid_password':_('invalid password'), 'invalid_login':_('invalid user name'), 'disabled_account':_('Your account is disabled') } #error mapping e_dict = {'username':messages['invalid_login'], 'password':messages['invalid_password']} e_dict_disable = {'username':messages['disabled_account']} def validate_python(self, value, state): password = value['password'] username = value['username'] user = UserModel().get_by_username(username) if authenticate(username, password): return value else: if user and user.active is False: log.warning('user %s is disabled', username) raise formencode.Invalid(self.message('disabled_account', state=State_obj), value, state, error_dict=self.e_dict_disable) else: log.warning('user %s not authenticated', username) raise formencode.Invalid(self.message('invalid_password', state=State_obj), value, state, error_dict=self.e_dict) class ValidRepoUser(formencode.validators.FancyValidator): def to_python(self, value, state): try: self.user_db = User.query()\ .filter(User.active == True)\ .filter(User.username == value).one() except Exception: raise formencode.Invalid(_('This username is not valid'), value, state) return value def ValidRepoName(edit, old_data): class _ValidRepoName(formencode.validators.FancyValidator): def to_python(self, value, state): repo_name = value.get('repo_name') slug = repo_name_slug(repo_name) if slug in ['_admin', '']: e_dict = {'repo_name': _('This repository name is disallowed')} raise formencode.Invalid('', value, state, error_dict=e_dict) if value.get('repo_group'): gr = Group.get(value.get('repo_group')) group_path = gr.full_path # value needs to be aware of group name in order to check # db key repo_name_full = group_path + Group.url_sep() + repo_name else: group_path = '' repo_name_full = repo_name value['repo_name_full'] = repo_name_full if old_data.get('repo_name') != repo_name_full or not edit: if group_path != '': if RepoModel().get_by_repo_name(repo_name_full,): e_dict = {'repo_name':_('This repository already ' 'exists in group "%s"') % gr.group_name} raise formencode.Invalid('', value, state, error_dict=e_dict) else: if RepoModel().get_by_repo_name(repo_name_full): e_dict = {'repo_name':_('This repository ' 'already exists')} raise formencode.Invalid('', value, state, error_dict=e_dict) return value return _ValidRepoName def SlugifyName(): class _SlugifyName(formencode.validators.FancyValidator): def to_python(self, value, state): return repo_name_slug(value) return _SlugifyName def ValidCloneUri(): from mercurial.httprepo import httprepository, httpsrepository from rhodecode.lib.utils import make_ui class _ValidCloneUri(formencode.validators.FancyValidator): def to_python(self, value, state): if not value: pass elif value.startswith('https'): try: httpsrepository(make_ui('db'), value).capabilities except Exception, e: log.error(traceback.format_exc()) raise formencode.Invalid(_('invalid clone url'), value, state) elif value.startswith('http'): try: httprepository(make_ui('db'), value).capabilities except Exception, e: log.error(traceback.format_exc()) raise formencode.Invalid(_('invalid clone url'), value, state) else: raise formencode.Invalid(_('Invalid clone url, provide a ' 'valid clone http\s url'), value, state) return value return _ValidCloneUri def ValidForkType(old_data): class _ValidForkType(formencode.validators.FancyValidator): def to_python(self, value, state): if old_data['repo_type'] != value: raise formencode.Invalid(_('Fork have to be the same ' 'type as original'), value, state) return value return _ValidForkType class ValidPerms(formencode.validators.FancyValidator): messages = {'perm_new_member_name':_('This username or users group name' ' is not valid')} def to_python(self, value, state): perms_update = [] perms_new = [] #build a list of permission to update and new permission to create for k, v in value.items(): #means new added member to permissions if k.startswith('perm_new_member'): new_perm = value.get('perm_new_member', False) new_member = value.get('perm_new_member_name', False) new_type = value.get('perm_new_member_type') if new_member and new_perm: if (new_member, new_perm, new_type) not in perms_new: perms_new.append((new_member, new_perm, new_type)) elif k.startswith('u_perm_') or k.startswith('g_perm_'): member = k[7:] t = {'u':'user', 'g':'users_group'}[k[0]] if member == 'default': if value['private']: #set none for default when updating to private repo v = 'repository.none' perms_update.append((member, v, t)) value['perms_updates'] = perms_update value['perms_new'] = perms_new #update permissions for k, v, t in perms_new: try: if t is 'user': self.user_db = User.query()\ .filter(User.active == True)\ .filter(User.username == k).one() if t is 'users_group': self.user_db = UsersGroup.query()\ .filter(UsersGroup.users_group_active == True)\ .filter(UsersGroup.users_group_name == k).one() except Exception: msg = self.message('perm_new_member_name', state=State_obj) raise formencode.Invalid(msg, value, state, error_dict={'perm_new_member_name':msg}) return value class ValidSettings(formencode.validators.FancyValidator): def to_python(self, value, state): #settings form can't edit user if value.has_key('user'): del['value']['user'] return value class ValidPath(formencode.validators.FancyValidator): def to_python(self, value, state): if not os.path.isdir(value): msg = _('This is not a valid path') raise formencode.Invalid(msg, value, state, error_dict={'paths_root_path':msg}) return value def UniqSystemEmail(old_data): class _UniqSystemEmail(formencode.validators.FancyValidator): def to_python(self, value, state): value = value.lower() if old_data.get('email') != value: user = User.query().filter(User.email == value).scalar() if user: raise formencode.Invalid( _("This e-mail address is already taken"), value, state) return value return _UniqSystemEmail class ValidSystemEmail(formencode.validators.FancyValidator): def to_python(self, value, state): value = value.lower() user = User.query().filter(User.email == value).scalar() if user is None: raise formencode.Invalid(_("This e-mail address doesn't exist.") , value, state) return value class LdapLibValidator(formencode.validators.FancyValidator): def to_python(self, value, state): try: import ldap except ImportError: raise LdapImportError return value class AttrLoginValidator(formencode.validators.FancyValidator): def to_python(self, value, state): if not value or not isinstance(value, (str, unicode)): raise formencode.Invalid(_("The LDAP Login attribute of the CN " "must be specified - this is the name " "of the attribute that is equivalent " "to 'username'"), value, state) return value #=============================================================================== # FORMS #=============================================================================== class LoginForm(formencode.Schema): allow_extra_fields = True filter_extra_fields = True username = UnicodeString( strip=True, min=1, not_empty=True, messages={ 'empty':_('Please enter a login'), 'tooShort':_('Enter a value %(min)i characters long or more')} ) password = UnicodeString( strip=True, min=6, not_empty=True, messages={ 'empty':_('Please enter a password'), 'tooShort':_('Enter %(min)i characters or more')} ) #chained validators have access to all data chained_validators = [ValidAuth] def UserForm(edit=False, old_data={}): class _UserForm(formencode.Schema): allow_extra_fields = True filter_extra_fields = True username = All(UnicodeString(strip=True, min=1, not_empty=True), ValidUsername(edit, old_data)) if edit: new_password = All(UnicodeString(strip=True, min=6, not_empty=False)) admin = StringBoolean(if_missing=False) else: password = All(UnicodeString(strip=True, min=6, not_empty=True)) active = StringBoolean(if_missing=False) name = UnicodeString(strip=True, min=1, not_empty=True) lastname = UnicodeString(strip=True, min=1, not_empty=True) email = All(Email(not_empty=True), UniqSystemEmail(old_data)) chained_validators = [ValidPassword] return _UserForm def UsersGroupForm(edit=False, old_data={}, available_members=[]): class _UsersGroupForm(formencode.Schema): allow_extra_fields = True filter_extra_fields = True users_group_name = All(UnicodeString(strip=True, min=1, not_empty=True), ValidUsersGroup(edit, old_data)) users_group_active = StringBoolean(if_missing=False) if edit: users_group_members = OneOf(available_members, hideList=False, testValueList=True, if_missing=None, not_empty=False) return _UsersGroupForm def ReposGroupForm(edit=False, old_data={}, available_groups=[]): class _ReposGroupForm(formencode.Schema): allow_extra_fields = True filter_extra_fields = True group_name = All(UnicodeString(strip=True, min=1, not_empty=True), SlugifyName()) group_description = UnicodeString(strip=True, min=1, not_empty=True) group_parent_id = OneOf(available_groups, hideList=False, testValueList=True, if_missing=None, not_empty=False) chained_validators = [ValidReposGroup(edit, old_data)] return _ReposGroupForm def RegisterForm(edit=False, old_data={}): class _RegisterForm(formencode.Schema): allow_extra_fields = True filter_extra_fields = True username = All(ValidUsername(edit, old_data), UnicodeString(strip=True, min=1, not_empty=True)) password = All(UnicodeString(strip=True, min=6, not_empty=True)) password_confirmation = All(UnicodeString(strip=True, min=6, not_empty=True)) active = StringBoolean(if_missing=False) name = UnicodeString(strip=True, min=1, not_empty=True) lastname = UnicodeString(strip=True, min=1, not_empty=True) email = All(Email(not_empty=True), UniqSystemEmail(old_data)) chained_validators = [ValidPasswordsMatch, ValidPassword] return _RegisterForm def PasswordResetForm(): class _PasswordResetForm(formencode.Schema): allow_extra_fields = True filter_extra_fields = True email = All(ValidSystemEmail(), Email(not_empty=True)) return _PasswordResetForm def RepoForm(edit=False, old_data={}, supported_backends=BACKENDS.keys(), repo_groups=[]): class _RepoForm(formencode.Schema): allow_extra_fields = True filter_extra_fields = False repo_name = All(UnicodeString(strip=True, min=1, not_empty=True), SlugifyName()) clone_uri = All(UnicodeString(strip=True, min=1, not_empty=False), ValidCloneUri()()) repo_group = OneOf(repo_groups, hideList=True) repo_type = OneOf(supported_backends) description = UnicodeString(strip=True, min=1, not_empty=True) private = StringBoolean(if_missing=False) enable_statistics = StringBoolean(if_missing=False) enable_downloads = StringBoolean(if_missing=False) if edit: #this is repo owner user = All(UnicodeString(not_empty=True), ValidRepoUser) chained_validators = [ValidRepoName(edit, old_data), ValidPerms] return _RepoForm def RepoForkForm(edit=False, old_data={}, supported_backends=BACKENDS.keys()): class _RepoForkForm(formencode.Schema): allow_extra_fields = True filter_extra_fields = False fork_name = All(UnicodeString(strip=True, min=1, not_empty=True), SlugifyName()) description = UnicodeString(strip=True, min=1, not_empty=True) private = StringBoolean(if_missing=False) repo_type = All(ValidForkType(old_data), OneOf(supported_backends)) return _RepoForkForm def RepoSettingsForm(edit=False, old_data={}): class _RepoForm(formencode.Schema): allow_extra_fields = True filter_extra_fields = False repo_name = All(UnicodeString(strip=True, min=1, not_empty=True), SlugifyName()) description = UnicodeString(strip=True, min=1, not_empty=True) private = StringBoolean(if_missing=False) chained_validators = [ValidRepoName(edit, old_data), ValidPerms, ValidSettings] return _RepoForm def ApplicationSettingsForm(): class _ApplicationSettingsForm(formencode.Schema): allow_extra_fields = True filter_extra_fields = False rhodecode_title = UnicodeString(strip=True, min=1, not_empty=True) rhodecode_realm = UnicodeString(strip=True, min=1, not_empty=True) rhodecode_ga_code = UnicodeString(strip=True, min=1, not_empty=False) return _ApplicationSettingsForm def ApplicationUiSettingsForm(): class _ApplicationUiSettingsForm(formencode.Schema): allow_extra_fields = True filter_extra_fields = False web_push_ssl = OneOf(['true', 'false'], if_missing='false') paths_root_path = All(ValidPath(), UnicodeString(strip=True, min=1, not_empty=True)) hooks_changegroup_update = OneOf(['True', 'False'], if_missing=False) hooks_changegroup_repo_size = OneOf(['True', 'False'], if_missing=False) hooks_pretxnchangegroup_push_logger = OneOf(['True', 'False'], if_missing=False) hooks_preoutgoing_pull_logger = OneOf(['True', 'False'], if_missing=False) return _ApplicationUiSettingsForm def DefaultPermissionsForm(perms_choices, register_choices, create_choices): class _DefaultPermissionsForm(formencode.Schema): allow_extra_fields = True filter_extra_fields = True overwrite_default = StringBoolean(if_missing=False) anonymous = OneOf(['True', 'False'], if_missing=False) default_perm = OneOf(perms_choices) default_register = OneOf(register_choices) default_create = OneOf(create_choices) return _DefaultPermissionsForm def LdapSettingsForm(tls_reqcert_choices, search_scope_choices, tls_kind_choices): class _LdapSettingsForm(formencode.Schema): allow_extra_fields = True filter_extra_fields = True pre_validators = [LdapLibValidator] ldap_active = StringBoolean(if_missing=False) ldap_host = UnicodeString(strip=True,) ldap_port = Number(strip=True,) ldap_tls_kind = OneOf(tls_kind_choices) ldap_tls_reqcert = OneOf(tls_reqcert_choices) ldap_dn_user = UnicodeString(strip=True,) ldap_dn_pass = UnicodeString(strip=True,) ldap_base_dn = UnicodeString(strip=True,) ldap_filter = UnicodeString(strip=True,) ldap_search_scope = OneOf(search_scope_choices) ldap_attr_login = All(AttrLoginValidator, UnicodeString(strip=True,)) ldap_attr_firstname = UnicodeString(strip=True,) ldap_attr_lastname = UnicodeString(strip=True,) ldap_attr_email = UnicodeString(strip=True,) return _LdapSettingsForm