# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . """ rhodecode.lib.db_manage ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Database creation, and setup module for RhodeCode. Used for creation of database as well as for migration operations :created_on: Apr 10, 2010 :author: marcink :copyright: (c) 2013 RhodeCode GmbH. :license: GPLv3, see LICENSE for more details. """ import os import sys import time import uuid import logging from os.path import dirname as dn, join as jn import datetime from rhodecode import __dbversion__, __py_version__ from rhodecode.model.user import UserModel from rhodecode.lib.utils import ask_ok from rhodecode.model import init_model from rhodecode.model.db import User, Permission, RhodeCodeUi, \ RhodeCodeSetting, UserToPerm, DbMigrateVersion, RepoGroup, \ UserRepoGroupToPerm, CacheInvalidation, UserGroup, Repository from sqlalchemy.engine import create_engine from rhodecode.model.repo_group import RepoGroupModel #from rhodecode.model import meta from rhodecode.model.meta import Session, Base from rhodecode.model.repo import RepoModel from rhodecode.model.permission import PermissionModel from rhodecode.model.user_group import UserGroupModel log = logging.getLogger(__name__) def notify(msg): """ Notification for migrations messages """ ml = len(msg) + (4 * 2) print('\n%s\n*** %s ***\n%s' % ('*' * ml, msg, '*' * ml)).upper() class DbManage(object): def __init__(self, log_sql, dbconf, root, tests=False, SESSION=None, cli_args={}): self.dbname = dbconf.split('/')[-1] self.tests = tests self.root = root self.dburi = dbconf self.log_sql = log_sql self.db_exists = False self.cli_args = cli_args self.init_db(SESSION=SESSION) force_ask = self.cli_args.get('force_ask') if force_ask is not None: global ask_ok ask_ok = lambda *args, **kwargs: force_ask def init_db(self, SESSION=None): if SESSION: self.sa = SESSION else: #init new sessions engine = create_engine(self.dburi, echo=self.log_sql) init_model(engine) self.sa = Session() def create_tables(self, override=False): """ Create a auth database """ log.info("Any existing database is going to be destroyed") if self.tests: destroy = True else: destroy = ask_ok('Are you sure to destroy old database ? [y/n]') if not destroy: print 'Nothing done.' sys.exit(0) if destroy: Base.metadata.drop_all() checkfirst = not override Base.metadata.create_all(checkfirst=checkfirst) log.info('Created tables for %s' % self.dbname) def set_db_version(self): ver = DbMigrateVersion() ver.version = __dbversion__ ver.repository_id = 'rhodecode_db_migrations' ver.repository_path = 'versions' self.sa.add(ver) log.info('db version set to: %s' % __dbversion__) def upgrade(self): """ Upgrades given database schema to given revision following all needed steps, to perform the upgrade """ from rhodecode.lib.dbmigrate.migrate.versioning import api from rhodecode.lib.dbmigrate.migrate.exceptions import \ DatabaseNotControlledError if 'sqlite' in self.dburi: print ( '********************** WARNING **********************\n' 'Make sure your version of sqlite is at least 3.7.X. \n' 'Earlier versions are known to fail on some migrations\n' '*****************************************************\n') upgrade = ask_ok('You are about to perform database upgrade, make ' 'sure You backed up your database before. ' 'Continue ? [y/n]') if not upgrade: print 'No upgrade performed' sys.exit(0) repository_path = jn(dn(dn(dn(os.path.realpath(__file__)))), 'rhodecode/lib/dbmigrate') db_uri = self.dburi try: curr_version = api.db_version(db_uri, repository_path) msg = ('Found current database under version ' 'control with version %s' % curr_version) except (RuntimeError, DatabaseNotControlledError): curr_version = 1 msg = ('Current database is not under version control. Setting ' 'as version %s' % curr_version) api.version_control(db_uri, repository_path, curr_version) notify(msg) if curr_version == __dbversion__: print 'This database is already at the newest version' sys.exit(0) # clear cache keys log.info("Clearing cache keys now...") CacheInvalidation.clear_cache() upgrade_steps = range(curr_version + 1, __dbversion__ + 1) notify('attempting to do database upgrade from ' 'version %s to version %s' % (curr_version, __dbversion__)) # CALL THE PROPER ORDER OF STEPS TO PERFORM FULL UPGRADE _step = None for step in upgrade_steps: notify('performing upgrade step %s' % step) time.sleep(0.5) api.upgrade(db_uri, repository_path, step) notify('schema upgrade for step %s completed' % (step,)) _step = step notify('upgrade to version %s successful' % _step) def fix_repo_paths(self): """ Fixes a old rhodecode version path into new one without a '*' """ paths = self.sa.query(RhodeCodeUi)\ .filter(RhodeCodeUi.ui_key == '/')\ .scalar() paths.ui_value = paths.ui_value.replace('*', '') try: self.sa.add(paths) self.sa.commit() except Exception: self.sa.rollback() raise def fix_default_user(self): """ Fixes a old default user with some 'nicer' default values, used mostly for anonymous access """ def_user = self.sa.query(User)\ .filter(User.username == User.DEFAULT_USER)\ .one() def_user.name = 'Anonymous' def_user.lastname = 'User' def_user.email = 'anonymous@kallithea-scm.org' try: self.sa.add(def_user) self.sa.commit() except Exception: self.sa.rollback() raise def fix_settings(self): """ Fixes rhodecode settings adds ga_code key for google analytics """ hgsettings3 = RhodeCodeSetting('ga_code', '') try: self.sa.add(hgsettings3) self.sa.commit() except Exception: self.sa.rollback() raise def admin_prompt(self, second=False): if not self.tests: import getpass # defaults defaults = self.cli_args username = defaults.get('username') password = defaults.get('password') email = defaults.get('email') def get_password(): password = getpass.getpass('Specify admin password ' '(min 6 chars):') confirm = getpass.getpass('Confirm password:') if password != confirm: log.error('passwords mismatch') return False if len(password) < 6: log.error('password is to short use at least 6 characters') return False return password if username is None: username = raw_input('Specify admin username:') if password is None: password = get_password() if not password: #second try password = get_password() if not password: sys.exit() if email is None: email = raw_input('Specify admin email:') self.create_user(username, password, email, True) else: log.info('creating admin and regular test users') from rhodecode.tests import TEST_USER_ADMIN_LOGIN, \ TEST_USER_ADMIN_PASS, TEST_USER_ADMIN_EMAIL, \ TEST_USER_REGULAR_LOGIN, TEST_USER_REGULAR_PASS, \ TEST_USER_REGULAR_EMAIL, TEST_USER_REGULAR2_LOGIN, \ TEST_USER_REGULAR2_PASS, TEST_USER_REGULAR2_EMAIL self.create_user(TEST_USER_ADMIN_LOGIN, TEST_USER_ADMIN_PASS, TEST_USER_ADMIN_EMAIL, True) self.create_user(TEST_USER_REGULAR_LOGIN, TEST_USER_REGULAR_PASS, TEST_USER_REGULAR_EMAIL, False) self.create_user(TEST_USER_REGULAR2_LOGIN, TEST_USER_REGULAR2_PASS, TEST_USER_REGULAR2_EMAIL, False) def create_ui_settings(self, repo_store_path): """ Creates ui settings, fills out hooks and disables dotencode """ #HOOKS hooks1_key = RhodeCodeUi.HOOK_UPDATE hooks1_ = self.sa.query(RhodeCodeUi)\ .filter(RhodeCodeUi.ui_key == hooks1_key).scalar() hooks1 = RhodeCodeUi() if hooks1_ is None else hooks1_ hooks1.ui_section = 'hooks' hooks1.ui_key = hooks1_key hooks1.ui_value = 'hg update >&2' hooks1.ui_active = False self.sa.add(hooks1) hooks2_key = RhodeCodeUi.HOOK_REPO_SIZE hooks2_ = self.sa.query(RhodeCodeUi)\ .filter(RhodeCodeUi.ui_key == hooks2_key).scalar() hooks2 = RhodeCodeUi() if hooks2_ is None else hooks2_ hooks2.ui_section = 'hooks' hooks2.ui_key = hooks2_key hooks2.ui_value = 'python:rhodecode.lib.hooks.repo_size' self.sa.add(hooks2) hooks3 = RhodeCodeUi() hooks3.ui_section = 'hooks' hooks3.ui_key = RhodeCodeUi.HOOK_PUSH hooks3.ui_value = 'python:rhodecode.lib.hooks.log_push_action' self.sa.add(hooks3) hooks4 = RhodeCodeUi() hooks4.ui_section = 'hooks' hooks4.ui_key = RhodeCodeUi.HOOK_PRE_PUSH hooks4.ui_value = 'python:rhodecode.lib.hooks.pre_push' self.sa.add(hooks4) hooks5 = RhodeCodeUi() hooks5.ui_section = 'hooks' hooks5.ui_key = RhodeCodeUi.HOOK_PULL hooks5.ui_value = 'python:rhodecode.lib.hooks.log_pull_action' self.sa.add(hooks5) hooks6 = RhodeCodeUi() hooks6.ui_section = 'hooks' hooks6.ui_key = RhodeCodeUi.HOOK_PRE_PULL hooks6.ui_value = 'python:rhodecode.lib.hooks.pre_pull' self.sa.add(hooks6) # enable largefiles largefiles = RhodeCodeUi() largefiles.ui_section = 'extensions' largefiles.ui_key = 'largefiles' largefiles.ui_value = '' self.sa.add(largefiles) # set default largefiles cache dir, defaults to # /repo location/.cache/largefiles largefiles = RhodeCodeUi() largefiles.ui_section = 'largefiles' largefiles.ui_key = 'usercache' largefiles.ui_value = os.path.join(repo_store_path, '.cache', 'largefiles') self.sa.add(largefiles) # enable hgsubversion disabled by default hgsubversion = RhodeCodeUi() hgsubversion.ui_section = 'extensions' hgsubversion.ui_key = 'hgsubversion' hgsubversion.ui_value = '' hgsubversion.ui_active = False self.sa.add(hgsubversion) # enable hggit disabled by default hggit = RhodeCodeUi() hggit.ui_section = 'extensions' hggit.ui_key = 'hggit' hggit.ui_value = '' hggit.ui_active = False self.sa.add(hggit) def create_auth_plugin_options(self, skip_existing=False): """ Create default auth plugin settings, and make it active :param skip_existing: """ for k, v, t in [('auth_plugins', 'rhodecode.lib.auth_modules.auth_rhodecode', 'list'), ('auth_rhodecode_enabled', 'True', 'bool')]: if skip_existing and RhodeCodeSetting.get_by_name(k) != None: log.debug('Skipping option %s' % k) continue setting = RhodeCodeSetting(k, v, t) self.sa.add(setting) def create_default_options(self, skip_existing=False): """Creates default settings""" for k, v, t in [ ('default_repo_enable_locking', False, 'bool'), ('default_repo_enable_downloads', False, 'bool'), ('default_repo_enable_statistics', False, 'bool'), ('default_repo_private', False, 'bool'), ('default_repo_type', 'hg', 'unicode')]: if skip_existing and RhodeCodeSetting.get_by_name(k) is not None: log.debug('Skipping option %s' % k) continue setting = RhodeCodeSetting(k, v, t) self.sa.add(setting) def fixup_groups(self): def_usr = User.get_default_user() for g in RepoGroup.query().all(): g.group_name = g.get_new_name(g.name) self.sa.add(g) # get default perm default = UserRepoGroupToPerm.query()\ .filter(UserRepoGroupToPerm.group == g)\ .filter(UserRepoGroupToPerm.user == def_usr)\ .scalar() if default is None: log.debug('missing default permission for group %s adding' % g) perm_obj = RepoGroupModel()._create_default_perms(g) self.sa.add(perm_obj) def reset_permissions(self, username): """ Resets permissions to default state, usefull when old systems had bad permissions, we must clean them up :param username: """ default_user = User.get_by_username(username) if not default_user: return u2p = UserToPerm.query()\ .filter(UserToPerm.user == default_user).all() fixed = False if len(u2p) != len(Permission.DEFAULT_USER_PERMISSIONS): for p in u2p: Session().delete(p) fixed = True self.populate_default_permissions() return fixed def update_repo_info(self): RepoModel.update_repoinfo() def config_prompt(self, test_repo_path='', retries=3): defaults = self.cli_args _path = defaults.get('repos_location') if retries == 3: log.info('Setting up repositories config') if _path is not None: path = _path elif not self.tests and not test_repo_path: path = raw_input( 'Enter a valid absolute path to store repositories. ' 'All repositories in that path will be added automatically:' ) else: path = test_repo_path path_ok = True # check proper dir if not os.path.isdir(path): path_ok = False log.error('Given path %s is not a valid directory' % (path,)) elif not os.path.isabs(path): path_ok = False log.error('Given path %s is not an absolute path' % (path,)) # check if path is at least readable. if not os.access(path, os.R_OK): path_ok = False log.error('Given path %s is not readable' % (path,)) # check write access, warn user about non writeable paths elif not os.access(path, os.W_OK) and path_ok: log.warn('No write permission to given path %s' % (path,)) if not ask_ok('Given path %s is not writeable, do you want to ' 'continue with read only mode ? [y/n]' % (path,)): log.error('Canceled by user') sys.exit(-1) if retries == 0: sys.exit('max retries reached') if not path_ok: retries -= 1 return self.config_prompt(test_repo_path, retries) real_path = os.path.normpath(os.path.realpath(path)) if real_path != os.path.normpath(path): if not ask_ok(('Path looks like a symlink, Rhodecode will store ' 'given path as %s ? [y/n]') % (real_path,)): log.error('Canceled by user') sys.exit(-1) return real_path def create_settings(self, path): self.create_ui_settings(path) ui_config = [ ('web', 'push_ssl', 'false'), ('web', 'allow_archive', 'gz zip bz2'), ('web', 'allow_push', '*'), ('web', 'baseurl', '/'), ('paths', '/', path), #('phases', 'publish', 'false') ] for section, key, value in ui_config: ui_conf = RhodeCodeUi() setattr(ui_conf, 'ui_section', section) setattr(ui_conf, 'ui_key', key) setattr(ui_conf, 'ui_value', value) self.sa.add(ui_conf) settings = [ ('realm', 'RhodeCode', 'unicode'), ('title', '', 'unicode'), ('ga_code', '', 'unicode'), ('show_public_icon', True, 'bool'), ('show_private_icon', True, 'bool'), ('stylify_metatags', False, 'bool'), ('dashboard_items', 100, 'int'), ('admin_grid_items', 25, 'int'), ('show_version', True, 'bool'), ('use_gravatar', True, 'bool'), ('gravatar_url', User.DEFAULT_GRAVATAR_URL, 'unicode'), ('clone_uri_tmpl', Repository.DEFAULT_CLONE_URI, 'unicode'), ('update_url', RhodeCodeSetting.DEFAULT_UPDATE_URL, 'unicode'), ] for key, val, type_ in settings: sett = RhodeCodeSetting(key, val, type_) self.sa.add(sett) self.create_auth_plugin_options() self.create_default_options() log.info('created ui config') def create_user(self, username, password, email='', admin=False): log.info('creating user %s' % username) UserModel().create_or_update(username, password, email, firstname='RhodeCode', lastname='Admin', active=True, admin=admin, extern_type="rhodecode") def create_default_user(self): log.info('creating default user') # create default user for handling default permissions. user = UserModel().create_or_update(username=User.DEFAULT_USER, password=str(uuid.uuid1())[:20], email='anonymous@kallithea-scm.org', firstname='Anonymous', lastname='User') # based on configuration options activate/deactive this user which # controlls anonymous access if self.cli_args.get('public_access') is False: log.info('Public access disabled') user.active = False Session().add(user) Session().commit() def create_permissions(self): """ Creates all permissions defined in the system """ # module.(access|create|change|delete)_[name] # module.(none|read|write|admin) log.info('creating permissions') PermissionModel(self.sa).create_permissions() def populate_default_permissions(self): """ Populate default permissions. It will create only the default permissions that are missing, and not alter already defined ones """ log.info('creating default user permissions') PermissionModel(self.sa).create_default_permissions(user=User.DEFAULT_USER) @staticmethod def check_waitress(): """ Function executed at the end of setup """ if not __py_version__ >= (2, 6): notify('Python2.5 detected, please switch ' 'egg:waitress#main -> egg:Paste#http ' 'in your .ini file')