########################## # to create new language # ########################## Translations are available on transifex under:: https://www.transifex.com/projects/p/RhodeCode/ Preferred method is to register on transifex and request new language translation. manual creation of new language +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Dowload sources of RhodeCode. Run:: python setup.py develop To prepare the enviroment Make sure all translation strings are extracted by running:: python setup.py extract_messages Create new language by executing following command:: python setup.py init_catalog -l This creates a new language under directory rhodecode/i18n/ Be sure to update transifex mapping under .tx/config for new language Edit the new PO file located in LC_MESSAGES directory with poedit or your favorite PO files editor. Do translations and at the end verify the translation file for any errors. This can be done by executing:: msgfmt -f -c rhodecode/i18n//LC_MESSAGES/ finally compile the translations:: python setup.py compile_catalog -l ########################## # to update translations # ########################## Fetch latest version of strings for translation by running:: python setup.py extract_messages Update PO file by doing:: python setup.py update_catalog -l <- to update the translations Edit the new updated po file. Repeat all steps after `init_catalog` step from new translation instructions ######################## # testing translations # ######################## Edit test.ini file and set lang attribute to:: lang= Run RhodeCode tests by executing:: nosetests