# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ rhodecode.lib.celerylib.tasks ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ RhodeCode task modules, containing all task that suppose to be run by celery daemon :created_on: Oct 6, 2010 :author: marcink :copyright: (C) 2009-2011 Marcin Kuzminski :license: GPLv3, see COPYING for more details. """ # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . from celery.decorators import task import os import traceback import logging from time import mktime from operator import itemgetter from pylons import config from pylons.i18n.translation import _ from rhodecode.lib.celerylib import run_task, locked_task, str2bool from rhodecode.lib.helpers import person from rhodecode.lib.smtp_mailer import SmtpMailer from rhodecode.lib.utils import OrderedDict, add_cache from rhodecode.model import init_model from rhodecode.model import meta from rhodecode.model.db import RhodeCodeUi from vcs.backends import get_repo from sqlalchemy import engine_from_config add_cache(config) try: import json except ImportError: #python 2.5 compatibility import simplejson as json __all__ = ['whoosh_index', 'get_commits_stats', 'reset_user_password', 'send_email'] CELERY_ON = str2bool(config['app_conf'].get('use_celery')) def get_session(): if CELERY_ON: engine = engine_from_config(config, 'sqlalchemy.db1.') init_model(engine) sa = meta.Session() return sa def get_repos_path(): sa = get_session() q = sa.query(RhodeCodeUi).filter(RhodeCodeUi.ui_key == '/').one() return q.ui_value @task(ignore_result=True) @locked_task def whoosh_index(repo_location, full_index): #log = whoosh_index.get_logger() from rhodecode.lib.indexers.daemon import WhooshIndexingDaemon index_location = config['index_dir'] WhooshIndexingDaemon(index_location=index_location, repo_location=repo_location, sa=get_session())\ .run(full_index=full_index) @task(ignore_result=True) @locked_task def get_commits_stats(repo_name, ts_min_y, ts_max_y): try: log = get_commits_stats.get_logger() except: log = logging.getLogger(__name__) from rhodecode.model.db import Statistics, Repository #for js data compatibilty author_key_cleaner = lambda k: person(k).replace('"', "") commits_by_day_author_aggregate = {} commits_by_day_aggregate = {} repos_path = get_repos_path() p = os.path.join(repos_path, repo_name) repo = get_repo(p) skip_date_limit = True parse_limit = int(config['app_conf'].get('commit_parse_limit')) last_rev = 0 last_cs = None timegetter = itemgetter('time') sa = get_session() dbrepo = sa.query(Repository)\ .filter(Repository.repo_name == repo_name).scalar() cur_stats = sa.query(Statistics)\ .filter(Statistics.repository == dbrepo).scalar() if cur_stats is not None: last_rev = cur_stats.stat_on_revision #return if repo is empty if not repo.revisions: return True if last_rev == repo.get_changeset().revision and len(repo.revisions) > 1: #pass silently without any work if we're not on first revision or #current state of parsing revision(from db marker) is the last revision return True if cur_stats: commits_by_day_aggregate = OrderedDict( json.loads( cur_stats.commit_activity_combined)) commits_by_day_author_aggregate = json.loads(cur_stats.commit_activity) log.debug('starting parsing %s', parse_limit) lmktime = mktime last_rev = last_rev + 1 if last_rev > 0 else last_rev for cs in repo[last_rev:last_rev + parse_limit]: last_cs = cs #remember last parsed changeset k = lmktime([cs.date.timetuple()[0], cs.date.timetuple()[1], cs.date.timetuple()[2], 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]) if commits_by_day_author_aggregate.has_key(author_key_cleaner(cs.author)): try: l = [timegetter(x) for x in commits_by_day_author_aggregate\ [author_key_cleaner(cs.author)]['data']] time_pos = l.index(k) except ValueError: time_pos = False if time_pos >= 0 and time_pos is not False: datadict = commits_by_day_author_aggregate\ [author_key_cleaner(cs.author)]['data'][time_pos] datadict["commits"] += 1 datadict["added"] += len(cs.added) datadict["changed"] += len(cs.changed) datadict["removed"] += len(cs.removed) else: if k >= ts_min_y and k <= ts_max_y or skip_date_limit: datadict = {"time":k, "commits":1, "added":len(cs.added), "changed":len(cs.changed), "removed":len(cs.removed), } commits_by_day_author_aggregate\ [author_key_cleaner(cs.author)]['data'].append(datadict) else: if k >= ts_min_y and k <= ts_max_y or skip_date_limit: commits_by_day_author_aggregate[author_key_cleaner(cs.author)] = { "label":author_key_cleaner(cs.author), "data":[{"time":k, "commits":1, "added":len(cs.added), "changed":len(cs.changed), "removed":len(cs.removed), }], "schema":["commits"], } #gather all data by day if commits_by_day_aggregate.has_key(k): commits_by_day_aggregate[k] += 1 else: commits_by_day_aggregate[k] = 1 overview_data = sorted(commits_by_day_aggregate.items(), key=itemgetter(0)) if not commits_by_day_author_aggregate: commits_by_day_author_aggregate[author_key_cleaner(repo.contact)] = { "label":author_key_cleaner(repo.contact), "data":[0, 1], "schema":["commits"], } stats = cur_stats if cur_stats else Statistics() stats.commit_activity = json.dumps(commits_by_day_author_aggregate) stats.commit_activity_combined = json.dumps(overview_data) log.debug('last revison %s', last_rev) leftovers = len(repo.revisions[last_rev:]) log.debug('revisions to parse %s', leftovers) if last_rev == 0 or leftovers < parse_limit: log.debug('getting code trending stats') stats.languages = json.dumps(__get_codes_stats(repo_name)) try: stats.repository = dbrepo stats.stat_on_revision = last_cs.revision if last_cs else 0 sa.add(stats) sa.commit() except: log.error(traceback.format_exc()) sa.rollback() return False if len(repo.revisions) > 1: run_task(get_commits_stats, repo_name, ts_min_y, ts_max_y) return True @task(ignore_result=True) def reset_user_password(user_email): try: log = reset_user_password.get_logger() except: log = logging.getLogger(__name__) from rhodecode.lib import auth from rhodecode.model.db import User try: try: sa = get_session() user = sa.query(User).filter(User.email == user_email).scalar() new_passwd = auth.PasswordGenerator().gen_password(8, auth.PasswordGenerator.ALPHABETS_BIG_SMALL) if user: user.password = auth.get_crypt_password(new_passwd) user.api_key = auth.generate_api_key(user.username) sa.add(user) sa.commit() log.info('change password for %s', user_email) if new_passwd is None: raise Exception('unable to generate new password') except: log.error(traceback.format_exc()) sa.rollback() run_task(send_email, user_email, "Your new rhodecode password", 'Your new rhodecode password:%s' % (new_passwd)) log.info('send new password mail to %s', user_email) except: log.error('Failed to update user password') log.error(traceback.format_exc()) return True @task(ignore_result=True) def send_email(recipients, subject, body): """ Sends an email with defined parameters from the .ini files. :param recipients: list of recipients, it this is empty the defined email address from field 'email_to' is used instead :param subject: subject of the mail :param body: body of the mail """ try: log = send_email.get_logger() except: log = logging.getLogger(__name__) email_config = config if not recipients: recipients = [email_config.get('email_to')] mail_from = email_config.get('app_email_from') user = email_config.get('smtp_username') passwd = email_config.get('smtp_password') mail_server = email_config.get('smtp_server') mail_port = email_config.get('smtp_port') tls = str2bool(email_config.get('smtp_use_tls')) ssl = str2bool(email_config.get('smtp_use_ssl')) debug = str2bool(config.get('debug')) try: m = SmtpMailer(mail_from, user, passwd, mail_server, mail_port, ssl, tls, debug=debug) m.send(recipients, subject, body) except: log.error('Mail sending failed') log.error(traceback.format_exc()) return False return True @task(ignore_result=True) def create_repo_fork(form_data, cur_user): try: log = create_repo_fork.get_logger() except: log = logging.getLogger(__name__) from rhodecode.model.repo import RepoModel from vcs import get_backend repo_model = RepoModel(get_session()) repo_model.create(form_data, cur_user, just_db=True, fork=True) repo_name = form_data['repo_name'] repos_path = get_repos_path() repo_path = os.path.join(repos_path, repo_name) repo_fork_path = os.path.join(repos_path, form_data['fork_name']) alias = form_data['repo_type'] log.info('creating repo fork %s as %s', repo_name, repo_path) backend = get_backend(alias) backend(str(repo_fork_path), create=True, src_url=str(repo_path)) def __get_codes_stats(repo_name): LANGUAGES_EXTENSIONS_MAP = {'scm': 'Scheme', 'asmx': 'VbNetAspx', 'Rout': 'RConsole', 'rest': 'Rst', 'abap': 'ABAP', 'go': 'Go', 'phtml': 'HtmlPhp', 'ns2': 'Newspeak', 'xml': 'EvoqueXml', 'sh-session': 'BashSession', 'ads': 'Ada', 'clj': 'Clojure', 'll': 'Llvm', 'ebuild': 'Bash', 'adb': 'Ada', 'ada': 'Ada', 'c++-objdump': 'CppObjdump', 'aspx': 'VbNetAspx', 'ksh': 'Bash', 'coffee': 'CoffeeScript', 'vert': 'GLShader', 'Makefile.*': 'Makefile', 'di': 'D', 'dpatch': 'DarcsPatch', 'rake': 'Ruby', 'moo': 'MOOCode', 'erl-sh': 'ErlangShell', 'geo': 'GLShader', 'pov': 'Povray', 'bas': 'VbNet', 'bat': 'Batch', 'd': 'D', 'lisp': 'CommonLisp', 'h': 'C', 'rbx': 'Ruby', 'tcl': 'Tcl', 'c++': 'Cpp', 'md': 'MiniD', '.vimrc': 'Vim', 'xsd': 'Xml', 'ml': 'Ocaml', 'el': 'CommonLisp', 'befunge': 'Befunge', 'xsl': 'Xslt', 'pyx': 'Cython', 'cfm': 'ColdfusionHtml', 'evoque': 'Evoque', 'cfg': 'Ini', 'htm': 'Html', 'Makefile': 'Makefile', 'cfc': 'ColdfusionHtml', 'tex': 'Tex', 'cs': 'CSharp', 'mxml': 'Mxml', 'patch': 'Diff', 'apache.conf': 'ApacheConf', 'scala': 'Scala', 'applescript': 'AppleScript', 'GNUmakefile': 'Makefile', 'c-objdump': 'CObjdump', 'lua': 'Lua', 'apache2.conf': 'ApacheConf', 'rb': 'Ruby', 'gemspec': 'Ruby', 'rl': 'RagelObjectiveC', 'vala': 'Vala', 'tmpl': 'Cheetah', 'bf': 'Brainfuck', 'plt': 'Gnuplot', 'G': 'AntlrRuby', 'xslt': 'Xslt', 'flxh': 'Felix', 'asax': 'VbNetAspx', 'Rakefile': 'Ruby', 'S': 'S', 'wsdl': 'Xml', 'js': 'Javascript', 'autodelegate': 'Myghty', 'properties': 'Ini', 'bash': 'Bash', 'c': 'C', 'g': 'AntlrRuby', 'r3': 'Rebol', 's': 'Gas', 'ashx': 'VbNetAspx', 'cxx': 'Cpp', 'boo': 'Boo', 'prolog': 'Prolog', 'sqlite3-console': 'SqliteConsole', 'cl': 'CommonLisp', 'cc': 'Cpp', 'pot': 'Gettext', 'vim': 'Vim', 'pxi': 'Cython', 'yaml': 'Yaml', 'SConstruct': 'Python', 'diff': 'Diff', 'txt': 'Text', 'cw': 'Redcode', 'pxd': 'Cython', 'plot': 'Gnuplot', 'java': 'Java', 'hrl': 'Erlang', 'py': 'Python', 'makefile': 'Makefile', 'squid.conf': 'SquidConf', 'asm': 'Nasm', 'toc': 'Tex', 'kid': 'Genshi', 'rhtml': 'Rhtml', 'po': 'Gettext', 'pl': 'Prolog', 'pm': 'Perl', 'hx': 'Haxe', 'ascx': 'VbNetAspx', 'ooc': 'Ooc', 'asy': 'Asymptote', 'hs': 'Haskell', 'SConscript': 'Python', 'pytb': 'PythonTraceback', 'myt': 'Myghty', 'hh': 'Cpp', 'R': 'S', 'aux': 'Tex', 'rst': 'Rst', 'cpp-objdump': 'CppObjdump', 'lgt': 'Logtalk', 'rss': 'Xml', 'flx': 'Felix', 'b': 'Brainfuck', 'f': 'Fortran', 'rbw': 'Ruby', '.htaccess': 'ApacheConf', 'cxx-objdump': 'CppObjdump', 'j': 'ObjectiveJ', 'mll': 'Ocaml', 'yml': 'Yaml', 'mu': 'MuPAD', 'r': 'Rebol', 'ASM': 'Nasm', 'erl': 'Erlang', 'mly': 'Ocaml', 'mo': 'Modelica', 'def': 'Modula2', 'ini': 'Ini', 'control': 'DebianControl', 'vb': 'VbNet', 'vapi': 'Vala', 'pro': 'Prolog', 'spt': 'Cheetah', 'mli': 'Ocaml', 'as': 'ActionScript3', 'cmd': 'Batch', 'cpp': 'Cpp', 'io': 'Io', 'tac': 'Python', 'haml': 'Haml', 'rkt': 'Racket', 'st':'Smalltalk', 'inc': 'Povray', 'pas': 'Delphi', 'cmake': 'CMake', 'csh':'Tcsh', 'hpp': 'Cpp', 'feature': 'Gherkin', 'html': 'Html', 'php':'Php', 'php3':'Php', 'php4':'Php', 'php5':'Php', 'xhtml': 'Html', 'hxx': 'Cpp', 'eclass': 'Bash', 'css': 'Css', 'frag': 'GLShader', 'd-objdump': 'DObjdump', 'weechatlog': 'IrcLogs', 'tcsh': 'Tcsh', 'objdump': 'Objdump', 'pyw': 'Python', 'h++': 'Cpp', 'py3tb': 'Python3Traceback', 'jsp': 'Jsp', 'sql': 'Sql', 'mak': 'Makefile', 'php': 'Php', 'mao': 'Mako', 'man': 'Groff', 'dylan': 'Dylan', 'sass': 'Sass', 'cfml': 'ColdfusionHtml', 'darcspatch': 'DarcsPatch', 'tpl': 'Smarty', 'm': 'ObjectiveC', 'f90': 'Fortran', 'mod': 'Modula2', 'sh': 'Bash', 'lhs': 'LiterateHaskell', 'sources.list': 'SourcesList', 'axd': 'VbNetAspx', 'sc': 'Python'} repos_path = get_repos_path() p = os.path.join(repos_path, repo_name) repo = get_repo(p) tip = repo.get_changeset() code_stats = {} def aggregate(cs): for f in cs[2]: ext = f.extension key = LANGUAGES_EXTENSIONS_MAP.get(ext, ext) key = key or ext if ext in LANGUAGES_EXTENSIONS_MAP.keys() and not f.is_binary: if code_stats.has_key(key): code_stats[key] += 1 else: code_stats[key] = 1 map(aggregate, tip.walk('/')) return code_stats or {}