# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ rhodecode.controllers.changeset ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ changeset controller for pylons showoing changes beetween revisions :created_on: Apr 25, 2010 :author: marcink :copyright: (C) 2010-2012 Marcin Kuzminski :license: GPLv3, see COPYING for more details. """ # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . import logging import traceback from collections import defaultdict from webob.exc import HTTPForbidden from pylons import tmpl_context as c, url, request, response from pylons.i18n.translation import _ from pylons.controllers.util import redirect from pylons.decorators import jsonify from rhodecode.lib.vcs.exceptions import RepositoryError, ChangesetError, \ ChangesetDoesNotExistError from rhodecode.lib.vcs.nodes import FileNode import rhodecode.lib.helpers as h from rhodecode.lib.auth import LoginRequired, HasRepoPermissionAnyDecorator from rhodecode.lib.base import BaseRepoController, render from rhodecode.lib.utils import EmptyChangeset from rhodecode.lib.compat import OrderedDict from rhodecode.lib import diffs from rhodecode.model.db import ChangesetComment from rhodecode.model.comment import ChangesetCommentsModel from rhodecode.model.meta import Session from rhodecode.lib.diffs import wrapped_diff log = logging.getLogger(__name__) def _update_with_GET(params, GET): for k in ['diff1', 'diff2', 'diff']: params[k] += GET.getall(k) def anchor_url(revision, path, GET): fid = h.FID(revision, path) return h.url.current(anchor=fid, **dict(GET)) def get_ignore_ws(fid, GET): ig_ws_global = GET.get('ignorews') ig_ws = filter(lambda k: k.startswith('WS'), GET.getall(fid)) if ig_ws: try: return int(ig_ws[0].split(':')[-1]) except: pass return ig_ws_global def _ignorews_url(GET, fileid=None): fileid = str(fileid) if fileid else None params = defaultdict(list) _update_with_GET(params, GET) lbl = _('show white space') ig_ws = get_ignore_ws(fileid, GET) ln_ctx = get_line_ctx(fileid, GET) # global option if fileid is None: if ig_ws is None: params['ignorews'] += [1] lbl = _('ignore white space') ctx_key = 'context' ctx_val = ln_ctx # per file options else: if ig_ws is None: params[fileid] += ['WS:1'] lbl = _('ignore white space') ctx_key = fileid ctx_val = 'C:%s' % ln_ctx # if we have passed in ln_ctx pass it along to our params if ln_ctx: params[ctx_key] += [ctx_val] params['anchor'] = fileid img = h.image(h.url('/images/icons/text_strikethrough.png'), lbl, class_='icon') return h.link_to(img, h.url.current(**params), title=lbl, class_='tooltip') def get_line_ctx(fid, GET): ln_ctx_global = GET.get('context') ln_ctx = filter(lambda k: k.startswith('C'), GET.getall(fid)) if ln_ctx: retval = ln_ctx[0].split(':')[-1] else: retval = ln_ctx_global try: return int(retval) except: return def _context_url(GET, fileid=None): """ Generates url for context lines :param fileid: """ fileid = str(fileid) if fileid else None ig_ws = get_ignore_ws(fileid, GET) ln_ctx = (get_line_ctx(fileid, GET) or 3) * 2 params = defaultdict(list) _update_with_GET(params, GET) # global option if fileid is None: if ln_ctx > 0: params['context'] += [ln_ctx] if ig_ws: ig_ws_key = 'ignorews' ig_ws_val = 1 # per file option else: params[fileid] += ['C:%s' % ln_ctx] ig_ws_key = fileid ig_ws_val = 'WS:%s' % 1 if ig_ws: params[ig_ws_key] += [ig_ws_val] lbl = _('%s line context') % ln_ctx params['anchor'] = fileid img = h.image(h.url('/images/icons/table_add.png'), lbl, class_='icon') return h.link_to(img, h.url.current(**params), title=lbl, class_='tooltip') class ChangesetController(BaseRepoController): @LoginRequired() @HasRepoPermissionAnyDecorator('repository.read', 'repository.write', 'repository.admin') def __before__(self): super(ChangesetController, self).__before__() c.affected_files_cut_off = 60 def index(self, revision): c.anchor_url = anchor_url c.ignorews_url = _ignorews_url c.context_url = _context_url limit_off = request.GET.get('fulldiff') #get ranges of revisions if preset rev_range = revision.split('...')[:2] enable_comments = True try: if len(rev_range) == 2: enable_comments = False rev_start = rev_range[0] rev_end = rev_range[1] rev_ranges = c.rhodecode_repo.get_changesets(start=rev_start, end=rev_end) else: rev_ranges = [c.rhodecode_repo.get_changeset(revision)] c.cs_ranges = list(rev_ranges) if not c.cs_ranges: raise RepositoryError('Changeset range returned empty result') except (RepositoryError, ChangesetDoesNotExistError, Exception), e: log.error(traceback.format_exc()) h.flash(str(e), category='warning') return redirect(url('home')) c.changes = OrderedDict() c.lines_added = 0 # count of lines added c.lines_deleted = 0 # count of lines removes cumulative_diff = 0 c.cut_off = False # defines if cut off limit is reached c.comments = [] c.inline_comments = [] c.inline_cnt = 0 # Iterate over ranges (default changeset view is always one changeset) for changeset in c.cs_ranges: c.comments.extend(ChangesetCommentsModel()\ .get_comments(c.rhodecode_db_repo.repo_id, changeset.raw_id)) inlines = ChangesetCommentsModel()\ .get_inline_comments(c.rhodecode_db_repo.repo_id, changeset.raw_id) c.inline_comments.extend(inlines) c.changes[changeset.raw_id] = [] try: changeset_parent = changeset.parents[0] except IndexError: changeset_parent = None #================================================================== # ADDED FILES #================================================================== for node in changeset.added: fid = h.FID(revision, node.path) line_context_lcl = get_line_ctx(fid, request.GET) ign_whitespace_lcl = get_ignore_ws(fid, request.GET) lim = self.cut_off_limit if cumulative_diff > self.cut_off_limit: lim = -1 if limit_off is None else None size, cs1, cs2, diff, st = wrapped_diff( filenode_old=None, filenode_new=node, cut_off_limit=lim, ignore_whitespace=ign_whitespace_lcl, line_context=line_context_lcl, enable_comments=enable_comments ) cumulative_diff += size c.lines_added += st[0] c.lines_deleted += st[1] c.changes[changeset.raw_id].append( ('added', node, diff, cs1, cs2, st) ) #================================================================== # CHANGED FILES #================================================================== for node in changeset.changed: try: filenode_old = changeset_parent.get_node(node.path) except ChangesetError: log.warning('Unable to fetch parent node for diff') filenode_old = FileNode(node.path, '', EmptyChangeset()) fid = h.FID(revision, node.path) line_context_lcl = get_line_ctx(fid, request.GET) ign_whitespace_lcl = get_ignore_ws(fid, request.GET) lim = self.cut_off_limit if cumulative_diff > self.cut_off_limit: lim = -1 if limit_off is None else None size, cs1, cs2, diff, st = wrapped_diff( filenode_old=filenode_old, filenode_new=node, cut_off_limit=lim, ignore_whitespace=ign_whitespace_lcl, line_context=line_context_lcl, enable_comments=enable_comments ) cumulative_diff += size c.lines_added += st[0] c.lines_deleted += st[1] c.changes[changeset.raw_id].append( ('changed', node, diff, cs1, cs2, st) ) #================================================================== # REMOVED FILES #================================================================== for node in changeset.removed: c.changes[changeset.raw_id].append( ('removed', node, None, None, None, (0, 0)) ) # count inline comments for path, lines in c.inline_comments: for comments in lines.values(): c.inline_cnt += len(comments) if len(c.cs_ranges) == 1: c.changeset = c.cs_ranges[0] c.changes = c.changes[c.changeset.raw_id] return render('changeset/changeset.html') else: return render('changeset/changeset_range.html') def raw_changeset(self, revision): method = request.GET.get('diff', 'show') ignore_whitespace = request.GET.get('ignorews') == '1' line_context = request.GET.get('context', 3) try: c.scm_type = c.rhodecode_repo.alias c.changeset = c.rhodecode_repo.get_changeset(revision) except RepositoryError: log.error(traceback.format_exc()) return redirect(url('home')) else: try: c.changeset_parent = c.changeset.parents[0] except IndexError: c.changeset_parent = None c.changes = [] for node in c.changeset.added: filenode_old = FileNode(node.path, '') if filenode_old.is_binary or node.is_binary: diff = _('binary file') + '\n' else: f_gitdiff = diffs.get_gitdiff(filenode_old, node, ignore_whitespace=ignore_whitespace, context=line_context) diff = diffs.DiffProcessor(f_gitdiff, format='gitdiff').raw_diff() cs1 = None cs2 = node.changeset.raw_id c.changes.append(('added', node, diff, cs1, cs2)) for node in c.changeset.changed: filenode_old = c.changeset_parent.get_node(node.path) if filenode_old.is_binary or node.is_binary: diff = _('binary file') else: f_gitdiff = diffs.get_gitdiff(filenode_old, node, ignore_whitespace=ignore_whitespace, context=line_context) diff = diffs.DiffProcessor(f_gitdiff, format='gitdiff').raw_diff() cs1 = filenode_old.changeset.raw_id cs2 = node.changeset.raw_id c.changes.append(('changed', node, diff, cs1, cs2)) response.content_type = 'text/plain' if method == 'download': response.content_disposition = 'attachment; filename=%s.patch' \ % revision c.parent_tmpl = ''.join(['# Parent %s\n' % x.raw_id for x in c.changeset.parents]) c.diffs = '' for x in c.changes: c.diffs += x[2] return render('changeset/raw_changeset.html') @jsonify def comment(self, repo_name, revision): comm = ChangesetCommentsModel().create( text=request.POST.get('text'), repo_id=c.rhodecode_db_repo.repo_id, user_id=c.rhodecode_user.user_id, revision=revision, f_path=request.POST.get('f_path'), line_no=request.POST.get('line') ) Session.commit() data = { 'target_id': h.safeid(h.safe_unicode(request.POST.get('f_path'))), } if comm: c.co = comm data.update(comm.get_dict()) data.update({'rendered_text': render('changeset/changeset_comment_block.html')}) return data @jsonify def delete_comment(self, repo_name, comment_id): co = ChangesetComment.get(comment_id) owner = lambda: co.author.user_id == c.rhodecode_user.user_id if h.HasPermissionAny('hg.admin', 'repository.admin')() or owner: ChangesetCommentsModel().delete(comment=co) Session.commit() return True else: raise HTTPForbidden()