""" this is forms validation classes http://formencode.org/module-formencode.validators.html for list off all availible validators we can create our own validators The table below outlines the options which can be used in a schema in addition to the validators themselves pre_validators [] These validators will be applied before the schema chained_validators [] These validators will be applied after the schema allow_extra_fields False If True, then it is not an error when keys that aren't associated with a validator are present filter_extra_fields False If True, then keys that aren't associated with a validator are removed if_key_missing NoDefault If this is given, then any keys that aren't available but are expected will be replaced with this value (and then validated). This does not override a present .if_missing attribute on validators. NoDefault is a special FormEncode class to mean that no default values has been specified and therefore missing keys shouldn't take a default value. ignore_key_missing False If True, then missing keys will be missing in the result, if the validator doesn't have .if_missing on it already = formencode.validators. must equal form name list=[1,2,3,4,5] for SELECT use formencode.All(OneOf(list), Int()) """ from formencode.validators import UnicodeString, OneOf, Int, Number, Regex from pylons import session from pylons.i18n.translation import _ from pylons_app.lib.auth import get_crypt_password from pylons_app.model import meta from pylons_app.model.db import Users from sqlalchemy.exc import OperationalError from sqlalchemy.orm.exc import NoResultFound, MultipleResultsFound from webhelpers.pylonslib.secure_form import authentication_token import formencode import logging log = logging.getLogger(__name__) #this is needed to translate the messages using _() in validators class State_obj(object): _ = staticmethod(_) #=============================================================================== # VALIDATORS #=============================================================================== class ValidAuthToken(formencode.validators.FancyValidator): messages = {'invalid_token':_('Token mismatch')} def validate_python(self, value, state): if value != authentication_token(): raise formencode.Invalid(self.message('invalid_token', state, search_number=value), value, state) class ValidAuth(formencode.validators.FancyValidator): messages = { 'invalid_password':_('invalid password'), 'invalid_login':_('invalid user name'), 'disabled_account':_('Your acccount is disabled') } #error mapping e_dict = {'username':messages['invalid_login'], 'password':messages['invalid_password']} def validate_python(self, value, state): sa = meta.Session crypted_passwd = get_crypt_password(value['password']) username = value['username'] try: user = sa.query(Users).filter(Users.username == username).one() except (NoResultFound, MultipleResultsFound, OperationalError) as e: log.error(e) user = None if user: if user.active: if user.username == username and user.password == crypted_passwd: log.info('user %s authenticated correctly', username) from pylons_app.lib.auth import AuthUser auth_user = AuthUser() auth_user.username = username auth_user.is_authenticated = True auth_user.is_admin = user.admin session['hg_app_user'] = auth_user session.save() return value else: log.warning('user %s not authenticated', username) raise formencode.Invalid(self.message('invalid_password', state=State_obj), value, state, error_dict=self.e_dict) else: log.warning('user %s is disabled', username) raise formencode.Invalid(self.message('disabled_account', state=State_obj), value, state, error_dict=self.e_dict) #=============================================================================== # FORMS #=============================================================================== class LoginForm(formencode.Schema): allow_extra_fields = True filter_extra_fields = True username = UnicodeString( strip=True, min=3, not_empty=True, messages={ 'empty':_('Please enter a login'), 'tooShort':_('Enter a value %(min)i characters long or more')} ) password = UnicodeString( strip=True, min=3, not_empty=True, messages={ 'empty':_('Please enter a password'), 'tooShort':_('Enter a value %(min)i characters long or more')} ) #chained validators have access to all data chained_validators = [ValidAuth]