# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . """ kallithea.controllers.changeset ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ changeset controller showing changes between revisions This file was forked by the Kallithea project in July 2014. Original author and date, and relevant copyright and licensing information is below: :created_on: Apr 25, 2010 :author: marcink :copyright: (c) 2013 RhodeCode GmbH, and others. :license: GPLv3, see LICENSE.md for more details. """ import binascii import logging import traceback from collections import OrderedDict, defaultdict from tg import request, response from tg import tmpl_context as c from tg.i18n import ugettext as _ from webob.exc import HTTPBadRequest, HTTPForbidden, HTTPFound, HTTPNotFound import kallithea.lib.helpers as h from kallithea.lib import diffs from kallithea.lib.auth import HasRepoPermissionLevelDecorator, LoginRequired from kallithea.lib.base import BaseRepoController, jsonify, render from kallithea.lib.graphmod import graph_data from kallithea.lib.utils import action_logger from kallithea.lib.utils2 import ascii_str, safe_str from kallithea.lib.vcs.backends.base import EmptyChangeset from kallithea.lib.vcs.exceptions import ChangesetDoesNotExistError, EmptyRepositoryError, RepositoryError from kallithea.model.changeset_status import ChangesetStatusModel from kallithea.model.comment import ChangesetCommentsModel from kallithea.model.db import ChangesetComment, ChangesetStatus from kallithea.model.meta import Session from kallithea.model.pull_request import PullRequestModel log = logging.getLogger(__name__) def _update_with_GET(params, GET): for k in ['diff1', 'diff2', 'diff']: params[k] += GET.getall(k) def anchor_url(revision, path, GET): fid = h.FID(revision, path) return h.url.current(anchor=fid, **dict(GET)) def get_ignore_ws(fid, GET): ig_ws_global = GET.get('ignorews') ig_ws = [k for k in GET.getall(fid) if k.startswith('WS')] if ig_ws: try: return int(ig_ws[0].split(':')[-1]) except ValueError: raise HTTPBadRequest() return ig_ws_global def _ignorews_url(GET, fileid=None): fileid = str(fileid) if fileid else None params = defaultdict(list) _update_with_GET(params, GET) lbl = _('Show whitespace') ig_ws = get_ignore_ws(fileid, GET) ln_ctx = get_line_ctx(fileid, GET) # global option if fileid is None: if ig_ws is None: params['ignorews'] += [1] lbl = _('Ignore whitespace') ctx_key = 'context' ctx_val = ln_ctx # per file options else: if ig_ws is None: params[fileid] += ['WS:1'] lbl = _('Ignore whitespace') ctx_key = fileid ctx_val = 'C:%s' % ln_ctx # if we have passed in ln_ctx pass it along to our params if ln_ctx: params[ctx_key] += [ctx_val] params['anchor'] = fileid icon = h.literal('') return h.link_to(icon, h.url.current(**params), title=lbl, **{'data-toggle': 'tooltip'}) def get_line_ctx(fid, GET): ln_ctx_global = GET.get('context') if fid: ln_ctx = [k for k in GET.getall(fid) if k.startswith('C')] else: _ln_ctx = [k for k in GET if k.startswith('C')] ln_ctx = GET.get(_ln_ctx[0]) if _ln_ctx else ln_ctx_global if ln_ctx: ln_ctx = [ln_ctx] if ln_ctx: retval = ln_ctx[0].split(':')[-1] else: retval = ln_ctx_global try: return int(retval) except Exception: return 3 def _context_url(GET, fileid=None): """ Generates url for context lines :param fileid: """ fileid = str(fileid) if fileid else None ig_ws = get_ignore_ws(fileid, GET) ln_ctx = (get_line_ctx(fileid, GET) or 3) * 2 params = defaultdict(list) _update_with_GET(params, GET) # global option if fileid is None: if ln_ctx > 0: params['context'] += [ln_ctx] if ig_ws: ig_ws_key = 'ignorews' ig_ws_val = 1 # per file option else: params[fileid] += ['C:%s' % ln_ctx] ig_ws_key = fileid ig_ws_val = 'WS:%s' % 1 if ig_ws: params[ig_ws_key] += [ig_ws_val] lbl = _('Increase diff context to %(num)s lines') % {'num': ln_ctx} params['anchor'] = fileid icon = h.literal('') return h.link_to(icon, h.url.current(**params), title=lbl, **{'data-toggle': 'tooltip'}) def create_cs_pr_comment(repo_name, revision=None, pull_request=None, allowed_to_change_status=True): """ Add a comment to the specified changeset or pull request, using POST values from the request. Comments can be inline (when a file path and line number is specified in POST) or general comments. A comment can be accompanied by a review status change (accepted, rejected, etc.). Pull requests can be closed or deleted. Parameter 'allowed_to_change_status' is used for both status changes and closing of pull requests. For deleting of pull requests, more specific checks are done. """ assert request.environ.get('HTTP_X_PARTIAL_XHR') if pull_request: pull_request_id = pull_request.pull_request_id else: pull_request_id = None status = request.POST.get('changeset_status') close_pr = request.POST.get('save_close') delete = request.POST.get('save_delete') f_path = request.POST.get('f_path') line_no = request.POST.get('line') if (status or close_pr or delete) and (f_path or line_no): # status votes and closing is only possible in general comments raise HTTPBadRequest() if not allowed_to_change_status: if status or close_pr: h.flash(_('No permission to change status'), 'error') raise HTTPForbidden() if pull_request and delete == "delete": if (pull_request.owner_id == request.authuser.user_id or h.HasPermissionAny('hg.admin')() or h.HasRepoPermissionLevel('admin')(pull_request.org_repo.repo_name) or h.HasRepoPermissionLevel('admin')(pull_request.other_repo.repo_name) ) and not pull_request.is_closed(): PullRequestModel().delete(pull_request) Session().commit() h.flash(_('Successfully deleted pull request %s') % pull_request_id, category='success') return { 'location': h.url('my_pullrequests'), # or repo pr list? } raise HTTPFound(location=h.url('my_pullrequests')) # or repo pr list? raise HTTPForbidden() text = request.POST.get('text', '').strip() comment = ChangesetCommentsModel().create( text=text, repo=c.db_repo.repo_id, author=request.authuser.user_id, revision=revision, pull_request=pull_request_id, f_path=f_path or None, line_no=line_no or None, status_change=ChangesetStatus.get_status_lbl(status) if status else None, closing_pr=close_pr, ) if status: ChangesetStatusModel().set_status( c.db_repo.repo_id, status, request.authuser.user_id, comment, revision=revision, pull_request=pull_request_id, ) if pull_request: action = 'user_commented_pull_request:%s' % pull_request_id else: action = 'user_commented_revision:%s' % revision action_logger(request.authuser, action, c.db_repo, request.ip_addr) if pull_request and close_pr: PullRequestModel().close_pull_request(pull_request_id) action_logger(request.authuser, 'user_closed_pull_request:%s' % pull_request_id, c.db_repo, request.ip_addr) Session().commit() data = { 'target_id': h.safeid(request.POST.get('f_path')), } if comment is not None: c.comment = comment data.update(comment.get_dict()) data.update({'rendered_text': render('changeset/changeset_comment_block.html')}) return data def delete_cs_pr_comment(repo_name, comment_id): """Delete a comment from a changeset or pull request""" co = ChangesetComment.get_or_404(comment_id) if co.repo.repo_name != repo_name: raise HTTPNotFound() if co.pull_request and co.pull_request.is_closed(): # don't allow deleting comments on closed pull request raise HTTPForbidden() owner = co.author_id == request.authuser.user_id repo_admin = h.HasRepoPermissionLevel('admin')(repo_name) if h.HasPermissionAny('hg.admin')() or repo_admin or owner: ChangesetCommentsModel().delete(comment=co) Session().commit() return True else: raise HTTPForbidden() class ChangesetController(BaseRepoController): def _before(self, *args, **kwargs): super(ChangesetController, self)._before(*args, **kwargs) c.affected_files_cut_off = 60 def _index(self, revision, method): c.pull_request = None c.anchor_url = anchor_url c.ignorews_url = _ignorews_url c.context_url = _context_url c.fulldiff = request.GET.get('fulldiff') # for reporting number of changed files # get ranges of revisions if preset rev_range = revision.split('...')[:2] enable_comments = True c.cs_repo = c.db_repo try: if len(rev_range) == 2: enable_comments = False rev_start = rev_range[0] rev_end = rev_range[1] rev_ranges = c.db_repo_scm_instance.get_changesets(start=rev_start, end=rev_end) else: rev_ranges = [c.db_repo_scm_instance.get_changeset(revision)] c.cs_ranges = list(rev_ranges) if not c.cs_ranges: raise RepositoryError('Changeset range returned empty result') except (ChangesetDoesNotExistError, EmptyRepositoryError): log.debug(traceback.format_exc()) msg = _('Such revision does not exist for this repository') h.flash(msg, category='error') raise HTTPNotFound() c.changes = OrderedDict() c.lines_added = 0 # count of lines added c.lines_deleted = 0 # count of lines removes c.changeset_statuses = ChangesetStatus.STATUSES comments = dict() c.statuses = [] c.inline_comments = [] c.inline_cnt = 0 # Iterate over ranges (default changeset view is always one changeset) for changeset in c.cs_ranges: if method == 'show': c.statuses.extend([ChangesetStatusModel().get_status( c.db_repo.repo_id, changeset.raw_id)]) # Changeset comments comments.update((com.comment_id, com) for com in ChangesetCommentsModel() .get_comments(c.db_repo.repo_id, revision=changeset.raw_id)) # Status change comments - mostly from pull requests comments.update((st.comment_id, st.comment) for st in ChangesetStatusModel() .get_statuses(c.db_repo.repo_id, changeset.raw_id, with_revisions=True) if st.comment_id is not None) inlines = ChangesetCommentsModel() \ .get_inline_comments(c.db_repo.repo_id, revision=changeset.raw_id) c.inline_comments.extend(inlines) cs2 = changeset.raw_id cs1 = changeset.parents[0].raw_id if changeset.parents else EmptyChangeset().raw_id context_lcl = get_line_ctx('', request.GET) ign_whitespace_lcl = get_ignore_ws('', request.GET) raw_diff = diffs.get_diff(c.db_repo_scm_instance, cs1, cs2, ignore_whitespace=ign_whitespace_lcl, context=context_lcl) diff_limit = None if c.fulldiff else self.cut_off_limit file_diff_data = [] if method == 'show': diff_processor = diffs.DiffProcessor(raw_diff, vcs=c.db_repo_scm_instance.alias, diff_limit=diff_limit) c.limited_diff = diff_processor.limited_diff for f in diff_processor.parsed: st = f['stats'] c.lines_added += st['added'] c.lines_deleted += st['deleted'] filename = f['filename'] fid = h.FID(changeset.raw_id, filename) url_fid = h.FID('', filename) html_diff = diffs.as_html(enable_comments=enable_comments, parsed_lines=[f]) file_diff_data.append((fid, url_fid, f['operation'], f['old_filename'], filename, html_diff, st)) else: # downloads/raw we only need RAW diff nothing else file_diff_data.append(('', None, None, None, raw_diff, None)) c.changes[changeset.raw_id] = (cs1, cs2, file_diff_data) # sort comments in creation order c.comments = [com for com_id, com in sorted(comments.items())] # count inline comments for __, lines in c.inline_comments: for comments in lines.values(): c.inline_cnt += len(comments) if len(c.cs_ranges) == 1: c.changeset = c.cs_ranges[0] c.parent_tmpl = ''.join(['# Parent %s\n' % x.raw_id for x in c.changeset.parents]) c.changeset_graft_source_hash = ascii_str(c.changeset.extra.get(b'source', b'')) c.changeset_transplant_source_hash = ascii_str(binascii.hexlify(c.changeset.extra.get(b'transplant_source', b''))) if method == 'download': response.content_type = 'text/plain' response.content_disposition = 'attachment; filename=%s.diff' \ % revision[:12] return raw_diff elif method == 'patch': response.content_type = 'text/plain' c.diff = safe_str(raw_diff) return render('changeset/patch_changeset.html') elif method == 'raw': response.content_type = 'text/plain' return raw_diff elif method == 'show': if len(c.cs_ranges) == 1: return render('changeset/changeset.html') else: c.cs_ranges_org = None c.cs_comments = {} revs = [ctx.revision for ctx in reversed(c.cs_ranges)] c.jsdata = graph_data(c.db_repo_scm_instance, revs) return render('changeset/changeset_range.html') @LoginRequired(allow_default_user=True) @HasRepoPermissionLevelDecorator('read') def index(self, revision, method='show'): return self._index(revision, method=method) @LoginRequired(allow_default_user=True) @HasRepoPermissionLevelDecorator('read') def changeset_raw(self, revision): return self._index(revision, method='raw') @LoginRequired(allow_default_user=True) @HasRepoPermissionLevelDecorator('read') def changeset_patch(self, revision): return self._index(revision, method='patch') @LoginRequired(allow_default_user=True) @HasRepoPermissionLevelDecorator('read') def changeset_download(self, revision): return self._index(revision, method='download') @LoginRequired() @HasRepoPermissionLevelDecorator('read') @jsonify def comment(self, repo_name, revision): return create_cs_pr_comment(repo_name, revision=revision) @LoginRequired() @HasRepoPermissionLevelDecorator('read') @jsonify def delete_comment(self, repo_name, comment_id): return delete_cs_pr_comment(repo_name, comment_id) @LoginRequired(allow_default_user=True) @HasRepoPermissionLevelDecorator('read') @jsonify def changeset_info(self, repo_name, revision): if request.is_xhr: try: return c.db_repo_scm_instance.get_changeset(revision) except ChangesetDoesNotExistError as e: return EmptyChangeset(message=str(e)) else: raise HTTPBadRequest() @LoginRequired(allow_default_user=True) @HasRepoPermissionLevelDecorator('read') @jsonify def changeset_children(self, repo_name, revision): if request.is_xhr: changeset = c.db_repo_scm_instance.get_changeset(revision) result = {"results": []} if changeset.children: result = {"results": changeset.children} return result else: raise HTTPBadRequest() @LoginRequired(allow_default_user=True) @HasRepoPermissionLevelDecorator('read') @jsonify def changeset_parents(self, repo_name, revision): if request.is_xhr: changeset = c.db_repo_scm_instance.get_changeset(revision) result = {"results": []} if changeset.parents: result = {"results": changeset.parents} return result else: raise HTTPBadRequest()