# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ vcs.backends.base ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Base for all available scm backends :created_on: Apr 8, 2010 :copyright: (c) 2010-2011 by Marcin Kuzminski, Lukasz Balcerzak. """ import datetime from itertools import chain from rhodecode.lib.vcs.utils import author_name, author_email from rhodecode.lib.vcs.utils.lazy import LazyProperty from rhodecode.lib.vcs.utils.helpers import get_dict_for_attrs from rhodecode.lib.vcs.conf import settings from rhodecode.lib.vcs.exceptions import ChangesetError, EmptyRepositoryError, \ NodeAlreadyAddedError, NodeAlreadyChangedError, NodeAlreadyExistsError, \ NodeAlreadyRemovedError, NodeDoesNotExistError, NodeNotChangedError, \ RepositoryError class BaseRepository(object): """ Base Repository for final backends **Attributes** ``DEFAULT_BRANCH_NAME`` name of default branch (i.e. "trunk" for svn, "master" for git etc. ``scm`` alias of scm, i.e. *git* or *hg* ``repo`` object from external api ``revisions`` list of all available revisions' ids, in ascending order ``changesets`` storage dict caching returned changesets ``path`` absolute path to the repository ``branches`` branches as list of changesets ``tags`` tags as list of changesets """ scm = None DEFAULT_BRANCH_NAME = None EMPTY_CHANGESET = '0' * 40 def __init__(self, repo_path, create=False, **kwargs): """ Initializes repository. Raises RepositoryError if repository could not be find at the given ``repo_path`` or directory at ``repo_path`` exists and ``create`` is set to True. :param repo_path: local path of the repository :param create=False: if set to True, would try to craete repository. :param src_url=None: if set, should be proper url from which repository would be cloned; requires ``create`` parameter to be set to True - raises RepositoryError if src_url is set and create evaluates to False """ raise NotImplementedError def __str__(self): return '<%s at %s>' % (self.__class__.__name__, self.path) def __repr__(self): return self.__str__() def __len__(self): return self.count() def __eq__(self, other): same_instance = isinstance(other, self.__class__) return same_instance and getattr(other, 'path', None) == self.path @LazyProperty def alias(self): for k, v in settings.BACKENDS.items(): if v.split('.')[-1] == str(self.__class__.__name__): return k @LazyProperty def name(self): raise NotImplementedError @LazyProperty def owner(self): raise NotImplementedError @LazyProperty def description(self): raise NotImplementedError @LazyProperty def size(self): """ Returns combined size in bytes for all repository files """ size = 0 try: tip = self.get_changeset() for topnode, dirs, files in tip.walk('/'): for f in files: size += tip.get_file_size(f.path) for dir in dirs: for f in files: size += tip.get_file_size(f.path) except RepositoryError, e: pass return size def is_valid(self): """ Validates repository. """ raise NotImplementedError def get_last_change(self): self.get_changesets() #========================================================================== # CHANGESETS #========================================================================== def get_changeset(self, revision=None): """ Returns instance of ``Changeset`` class. If ``revision`` is None, most recent changeset is returned. :raises ``EmptyRepositoryError``: if there are no revisions """ raise NotImplementedError def __iter__(self): """ Allows Repository objects to be iterated. *Requires* implementation of ``__getitem__`` method. """ for revision in self.revisions: yield self.get_changeset(revision) def get_changesets(self, start=None, end=None, start_date=None, end_date=None, branch_name=None, reverse=False): """ Returns iterator of ``MercurialChangeset`` objects from start to end not inclusive This should behave just like a list, ie. end is not inclusive :param start: None or str :param end: None or str :param start_date: :param end_date: :param branch_name: :param reversed: """ raise NotImplementedError def __getslice__(self, i, j): """ Returns a iterator of sliced repository """ for rev in self.revisions[i:j]: yield self.get_changeset(rev) def __getitem__(self, key): return self.get_changeset(key) def count(self): return len(self.revisions) def tag(self, name, user, revision=None, message=None, date=None, **opts): """ Creates and returns a tag for the given ``revision``. :param name: name for new tag :param user: full username, i.e.: "Joe Doe " :param revision: changeset id for which new tag would be created :param message: message of the tag's commit :param date: date of tag's commit :raises TagAlreadyExistError: if tag with same name already exists """ raise NotImplementedError def remove_tag(self, name, user, message=None, date=None): """ Removes tag with the given ``name``. :param name: name of the tag to be removed :param user: full username, i.e.: "Joe Doe " :param message: message of the tag's removal commit :param date: date of tag's removal commit :raises TagDoesNotExistError: if tag with given name does not exists """ raise NotImplementedError def get_diff(self, rev1, rev2, path=None, ignore_whitespace=False, context=3): """ Returns (git like) *diff*, as plain text. Shows changes introduced by ``rev2`` since ``rev1``. :param rev1: Entry point from which diff is shown. Can be ``self.EMPTY_CHANGESET`` - in this case, patch showing all the changes since empty state of the repository until ``rev2`` :param rev2: Until which revision changes should be shown. :param ignore_whitespace: If set to ``True``, would not show whitespace changes. Defaults to ``False``. :param context: How many lines before/after changed lines should be shown. Defaults to ``3``. """ raise NotImplementedError # ========== # # COMMIT API # # ========== # @LazyProperty def in_memory_changeset(self): """ Returns ``InMemoryChangeset`` object for this repository. """ raise NotImplementedError def add(self, filenode, **kwargs): """ Commit api function that will add given ``FileNode`` into this repository. :raises ``NodeAlreadyExistsError``: if there is a file with same path already in repository :raises ``NodeAlreadyAddedError``: if given node is already marked as *added* """ raise NotImplementedError def remove(self, filenode, **kwargs): """ Commit api function that will remove given ``FileNode`` into this repository. :raises ``EmptyRepositoryError``: if there are no changesets yet :raises ``NodeDoesNotExistError``: if there is no file with given path """ raise NotImplementedError def commit(self, message, **kwargs): """ Persists current changes made on this repository and returns newly created changeset. :raises ``NothingChangedError``: if no changes has been made """ raise NotImplementedError def get_state(self): """ Returns dictionary with ``added``, ``changed`` and ``removed`` lists containing ``FileNode`` objects. """ raise NotImplementedError def get_config_value(self, section, name, config_file=None): """ Returns configuration value for a given [``section``] and ``name``. :param section: Section we want to retrieve value from :param name: Name of configuration we want to retrieve :param config_file: A path to file which should be used to retrieve configuration from (might also be a list of file paths) """ raise NotImplementedError def get_user_name(self, config_file=None): """ Returns user's name from global configuration file. :param config_file: A path to file which should be used to retrieve configuration from (might also be a list of file paths) """ raise NotImplementedError def get_user_email(self, config_file=None): """ Returns user's email from global configuration file. :param config_file: A path to file which should be used to retrieve configuration from (might also be a list of file paths) """ raise NotImplementedError # =========== # # WORKDIR API # # =========== # @LazyProperty def workdir(self): """ Returns ``Workdir`` instance for this repository. """ raise NotImplementedError class BaseChangeset(object): """ Each backend should implement it's changeset representation. **Attributes** ``repository`` repository object within which changeset exists ``id`` may be ``raw_id`` or i.e. for mercurial's tip just ``tip`` ``raw_id`` raw changeset representation (i.e. full 40 length sha for git backend) ``short_id`` shortened (if apply) version of ``raw_id``; it would be simple shortcut for ``raw_id[:12]`` for git/mercurial backends or same as ``raw_id`` for subversion ``revision`` revision number as integer ``files`` list of ``FileNode`` (``Node`` with NodeKind.FILE) objects ``dirs`` list of ``DirNode`` (``Node`` with NodeKind.DIR) objects ``nodes`` combined list of ``Node`` objects ``author`` author of the changeset, as unicode ``message`` message of the changeset, as unicode ``parents`` list of parent changesets ``last`` ``True`` if this is last changeset in repository, ``False`` otherwise; trying to access this attribute while there is no changesets would raise ``EmptyRepositoryError`` """ def __str__(self): return '<%s at %s:%s>' % (self.__class__.__name__, self.revision, self.short_id) def __repr__(self): return self.__str__() def __unicode__(self): return u'%s:%s' % (self.revision, self.short_id) def __eq__(self, other): return self.raw_id == other.raw_id def __json__(self): return dict( short_id=self.short_id, raw_id=self.raw_id, revision=self.revision, message=self.message, date=self.date, author=self.author, ) @LazyProperty def last(self): if self.repository is None: raise ChangesetError("Cannot check if it's most recent revision") return self.raw_id == self.repository.revisions[-1] @LazyProperty def parents(self): """ Returns list of parents changesets. """ raise NotImplementedError @LazyProperty def children(self): """ Returns list of children changesets. """ raise NotImplementedError @LazyProperty def id(self): """ Returns string identifying this changeset. """ raise NotImplementedError @LazyProperty def raw_id(self): """ Returns raw string identifying this changeset. """ raise NotImplementedError @LazyProperty def short_id(self): """ Returns shortened version of ``raw_id`` attribute, as string, identifying this changeset, useful for web representation. """ raise NotImplementedError @LazyProperty def revision(self): """ Returns integer identifying this changeset. """ raise NotImplementedError @LazyProperty def committer(self): """ Returns Committer for given commit """ raise NotImplementedError @LazyProperty def committer_name(self): """ Returns Author name for given commit """ return author_name(self.committer) @LazyProperty def committer_email(self): """ Returns Author email address for given commit """ return author_email(self.committer) @LazyProperty def author(self): """ Returns Author for given commit """ raise NotImplementedError @LazyProperty def author_name(self): """ Returns Author name for given commit """ return author_name(self.author) @LazyProperty def author_email(self): """ Returns Author email address for given commit """ return author_email(self.author) def get_file_mode(self, path): """ Returns stat mode of the file at the given ``path``. """ raise NotImplementedError def get_file_content(self, path): """ Returns content of the file at the given ``path``. """ raise NotImplementedError def get_file_size(self, path): """ Returns size of the file at the given ``path``. """ raise NotImplementedError def get_file_changeset(self, path): """ Returns last commit of the file at the given ``path``. """ raise NotImplementedError def get_file_history(self, path): """ Returns history of file as reversed list of ``Changeset`` objects for which file at given ``path`` has been modified. """ raise NotImplementedError def get_nodes(self, path): """ Returns combined ``DirNode`` and ``FileNode`` objects list representing state of changeset at the given ``path``. :raises ``ChangesetError``: if node at the given ``path`` is not instance of ``DirNode`` """ raise NotImplementedError def get_node(self, path): """ Returns ``Node`` object from the given ``path``. :raises ``NodeDoesNotExistError``: if there is no node at the given ``path`` """ raise NotImplementedError def fill_archive(self, stream=None, kind='tgz', prefix=None): """ Fills up given stream. :param stream: file like object. :param kind: one of following: ``zip``, ``tar``, ``tgz`` or ``tbz2``. Default: ``tgz``. :param prefix: name of root directory in archive. Default is repository name and changeset's raw_id joined with dash. repo-tip. """ raise NotImplementedError def get_chunked_archive(self, **kwargs): """ Returns iterable archive. Tiny wrapper around ``fill_archive`` method. :param chunk_size: extra parameter which controls size of returned chunks. Default:8k. """ chunk_size = kwargs.pop('chunk_size', 8192) stream = kwargs.get('stream') self.fill_archive(**kwargs) while True: data = stream.read(chunk_size) if not data: break yield data @LazyProperty def root(self): """ Returns ``RootNode`` object for this changeset. """ return self.get_node('') def next(self, branch=None): """ Returns next changeset from current, if branch is gives it will return next changeset belonging to this branch :param branch: show changesets within the given named branch """ raise NotImplementedError def prev(self, branch=None): """ Returns previous changeset from current, if branch is gives it will return previous changeset belonging to this branch :param branch: show changesets within the given named branch """ raise NotImplementedError @LazyProperty def added(self): """ Returns list of added ``FileNode`` objects. """ raise NotImplementedError @LazyProperty def changed(self): """ Returns list of modified ``FileNode`` objects. """ raise NotImplementedError @LazyProperty def removed(self): """ Returns list of removed ``FileNode`` objects. """ raise NotImplementedError @LazyProperty def size(self): """ Returns total number of bytes from contents of all filenodes. """ return sum((node.size for node in self.get_filenodes_generator())) def walk(self, topurl=''): """ Similar to os.walk method. Insted of filesystem it walks through changeset starting at given ``topurl``. Returns generator of tuples (topnode, dirnodes, filenodes). """ topnode = self.get_node(topurl) yield (topnode, topnode.dirs, topnode.files) for dirnode in topnode.dirs: for tup in self.walk(dirnode.path): yield tup def get_filenodes_generator(self): """ Returns generator that yields *all* file nodes. """ for topnode, dirs, files in self.walk(): for node in files: yield node def as_dict(self): """ Returns dictionary with changeset's attributes and their values. """ data = get_dict_for_attrs(self, ['id', 'raw_id', 'short_id', 'revision', 'date', 'message']) data['author'] = {'name': self.author_name, 'email': self.author_email} data['added'] = [node.path for node in self.added] data['changed'] = [node.path for node in self.changed] data['removed'] = [node.path for node in self.removed] return data class BaseWorkdir(object): """ Working directory representation of single repository. :attribute: repository: repository object of working directory """ def __init__(self, repository): self.repository = repository def get_branch(self): """ Returns name of current branch. """ raise NotImplementedError def get_changeset(self): """ Returns current changeset. """ raise NotImplementedError def get_added(self): """ Returns list of ``FileNode`` objects marked as *new* in working directory. """ raise NotImplementedError def get_changed(self): """ Returns list of ``FileNode`` objects *changed* in working directory. """ raise NotImplementedError def get_removed(self): """ Returns list of ``RemovedFileNode`` objects marked as *removed* in working directory. """ raise NotImplementedError def get_untracked(self): """ Returns list of ``FileNode`` objects which are present within working directory however are not tracked by repository. """ raise NotImplementedError def get_status(self): """ Returns dict with ``added``, ``changed``, ``removed`` and ``untracked`` lists. """ raise NotImplementedError def commit(self, message, **kwargs): """ Commits local (from working directory) changes and returns newly created ``Changeset``. Updates repository's ``revisions`` list. :raises ``CommitError``: if any error occurs while committing """ raise NotImplementedError def update(self, revision=None): """ Fetches content of the given revision and populates it within working directory. """ raise NotImplementedError def checkout_branch(self, branch=None): """ Checks out ``branch`` or the backend's default branch. Raises ``BranchDoesNotExistError`` if the branch does not exist. """ raise NotImplementedError class BaseInMemoryChangeset(object): """ Represents differences between repository's state (most recent head) and changes made *in place*. **Attributes** ``repository`` repository object for this in-memory-changeset ``added`` list of ``FileNode`` objects marked as *added* ``changed`` list of ``FileNode`` objects marked as *changed* ``removed`` list of ``FileNode`` or ``RemovedFileNode`` objects marked to be *removed* ``parents`` list of ``Changeset`` representing parents of in-memory changeset. Should always be 2-element sequence. """ def __init__(self, repository): self.repository = repository self.added = [] self.changed = [] self.removed = [] self.parents = [] def add(self, *filenodes): """ Marks given ``FileNode`` objects as *to be committed*. :raises ``NodeAlreadyExistsError``: if node with same path exists at latest changeset :raises ``NodeAlreadyAddedError``: if node with same path is already marked as *added* """ # Check if not already marked as *added* first for node in filenodes: if node.path in (n.path for n in self.added): raise NodeAlreadyAddedError("Such FileNode %s is already " "marked for addition" % node.path) for node in filenodes: self.added.append(node) def change(self, *filenodes): """ Marks given ``FileNode`` objects to be *changed* in next commit. :raises ``EmptyRepositoryError``: if there are no changesets yet :raises ``NodeAlreadyExistsError``: if node with same path is already marked to be *changed* :raises ``NodeAlreadyRemovedError``: if node with same path is already marked to be *removed* :raises ``NodeDoesNotExistError``: if node doesn't exist in latest changeset :raises ``NodeNotChangedError``: if node hasn't really be changed """ for node in filenodes: if node.path in (n.path for n in self.removed): raise NodeAlreadyRemovedError("Node at %s is already marked " "as removed" % node.path) try: self.repository.get_changeset() except EmptyRepositoryError: raise EmptyRepositoryError("Nothing to change - try to *add* new " "nodes rather than changing them") for node in filenodes: if node.path in (n.path for n in self.changed): raise NodeAlreadyChangedError("Node at '%s' is already " "marked as changed" % node.path) self.changed.append(node) def remove(self, *filenodes): """ Marks given ``FileNode`` (or ``RemovedFileNode``) objects to be *removed* in next commit. :raises ``NodeAlreadyRemovedError``: if node has been already marked to be *removed* :raises ``NodeAlreadyChangedError``: if node has been already marked to be *changed* """ for node in filenodes: if node.path in (n.path for n in self.removed): raise NodeAlreadyRemovedError("Node is already marked to " "for removal at %s" % node.path) if node.path in (n.path for n in self.changed): raise NodeAlreadyChangedError("Node is already marked to " "be changed at %s" % node.path) # We only mark node as *removed* - real removal is done by # commit method self.removed.append(node) def reset(self): """ Resets this instance to initial state (cleans ``added``, ``changed`` and ``removed`` lists). """ self.added = [] self.changed = [] self.removed = [] self.parents = [] def get_ipaths(self): """ Returns generator of paths from nodes marked as added, changed or removed. """ for node in chain(self.added, self.changed, self.removed): yield node.path def get_paths(self): """ Returns list of paths from nodes marked as added, changed or removed. """ return list(self.get_ipaths()) def check_integrity(self, parents=None): """ Checks in-memory changeset's integrity. Also, sets parents if not already set. :raises CommitError: if any error occurs (i.e. ``NodeDoesNotExistError``). """ if not self.parents: parents = parents or [] if len(parents) == 0: try: parents = [self.repository.get_changeset(), None] except EmptyRepositoryError: parents = [None, None] elif len(parents) == 1: parents += [None] self.parents = parents # Local parents, only if not None parents = [p for p in self.parents if p] # Check nodes marked as added for p in parents: for node in self.added: try: p.get_node(node.path) except NodeDoesNotExistError: pass else: raise NodeAlreadyExistsError("Node at %s already exists " "at %s" % (node.path, p)) # Check nodes marked as changed missing = set(self.changed) not_changed = set(self.changed) if self.changed and not parents: raise NodeDoesNotExistError(str(self.changed[0].path)) for p in parents: for node in self.changed: try: old = p.get_node(node.path) missing.remove(node) if old.content != node.content: not_changed.remove(node) except NodeDoesNotExistError: pass if self.changed and missing: raise NodeDoesNotExistError("Node at %s is missing " "(parents: %s)" % (node.path, parents)) if self.changed and not_changed: raise NodeNotChangedError("Node at %s wasn't actually changed " "since parents' changesets: %s" % (not_changed.pop().path, parents) ) # Check nodes marked as removed if self.removed and not parents: raise NodeDoesNotExistError("Cannot remove node at %s as there " "were no parents specified" % self.removed[0].path) really_removed = set() for p in parents: for node in self.removed: try: p.get_node(node.path) really_removed.add(node) except ChangesetError: pass not_removed = set(self.removed) - really_removed if not_removed: raise NodeDoesNotExistError("Cannot remove node at %s from " "following parents: %s" % (not_removed[0], parents)) def commit(self, message, author, parents=None, branch=None, date=None, **kwargs): """ Performs in-memory commit (doesn't check workdir in any way) and returns newly created ``Changeset``. Updates repository's ``revisions``. .. note:: While overriding this method each backend's should call ``self.check_integrity(parents)`` in the first place. :param message: message of the commit :param author: full username, i.e. "Joe Doe " :param parents: single parent or sequence of parents from which commit would be derieved :param date: ``datetime.datetime`` instance. Defaults to ``datetime.datetime.now()``. :param branch: branch name, as string. If none given, default backend's branch would be used. :raises ``CommitError``: if any error occurs while committing """ raise NotImplementedError class EmptyChangeset(BaseChangeset): """ An dummy empty changeset. It's possible to pass hash when creating an EmptyChangeset """ def __init__(self, cs='0' * 40, repo=None, requested_revision=None, alias=None, revision=-1, message='', author='', date=None): self._empty_cs = cs self.revision = revision self.message = message self.author = author self.date = date or datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(0) self.repository = repo self.requested_revision = requested_revision self.alias = alias @LazyProperty def raw_id(self): """ Returns raw string identifying this changeset, useful for web representation. """ return self._empty_cs @LazyProperty def branch(self): from rhodecode.lib.vcs.backends import get_backend return get_backend(self.alias).DEFAULT_BRANCH_NAME @LazyProperty def short_id(self): return self.raw_id[:12] def get_file_changeset(self, path): return self def get_file_content(self, path): return u'' def get_file_size(self, path): return 0