import os class LockFile(object): """Provides methods to obtain, check for, and release a file based lock which should be used to handle concurrent access to the same file. As we are a utility class to be derived from, we only use protected methods. Locks will automatically be released on destruction""" __slots__ = ("_file_path", "_owns_lock") def __init__(self, file_path): self._file_path = file_path self._owns_lock = False def __del__(self): self._release_lock() def _lock_file_path(self): """:return: Path to lockfile""" return "%s.lock" % (self._file_path) def _has_lock(self): """:return: True if we have a lock and if the lockfile still exists :raise AssertionError: if our lock-file does not exist""" if not self._owns_lock: return False return True def _obtain_lock_or_raise(self): """Create a lock file as flag for other instances, mark our instance as lock-holder :raise IOError: if a lock was already present or a lock file could not be written""" if self._has_lock(): return lock_file = self._lock_file_path() if os.path.isfile(lock_file): raise IOError("Lock for file %r did already exist, delete %r in case the lock is illegal" % (self._file_path, lock_file)) try: fd =, os.O_WRONLY | os.O_CREAT | os.O_EXCL, 0) os.close(fd) except OSError,e: raise IOError(str(e)) self._owns_lock = True def _obtain_lock(self): """The default implementation will raise if a lock cannot be obtained. Subclasses may override this method to provide a different implementation""" return self._obtain_lock_or_raise() def _release_lock(self): """Release our lock if we have one""" if not self._has_lock(): return # if someone removed our file beforhand, lets just flag this issue # instead of failing, to make it more usable. lfp = self._lock_file_path() try: # on bloody windows, the file needs write permissions to be removable. # Why ... if == 'nt': os.chmod(lfp, 0777) # END handle win32 os.remove(lfp) except OSError: pass self._owns_lock = False