# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ rhodecode.model.comment ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ comments model for RhodeCode :created_on: Nov 11, 2011 :author: marcink :copyright: (C) 2011-2012 Marcin Kuzminski <marcin@python-works.com> :license: GPLv3, see COPYING for more details. """ # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. import logging import traceback from pylons.i18n.translation import _ from sqlalchemy.util.compat import defaultdict from rhodecode.lib.utils2 import extract_mentioned_users, safe_unicode from rhodecode.lib import helpers as h from rhodecode.model import BaseModel from rhodecode.model.db import ChangesetComment, User, Repository, \ Notification, PullRequest from rhodecode.model.notification import NotificationModel from rhodecode.model.meta import Session log = logging.getLogger(__name__) class ChangesetCommentsModel(BaseModel): cls = ChangesetComment def __get_changeset_comment(self, changeset_comment): return self._get_instance(ChangesetComment, changeset_comment) def __get_pull_request(self, pull_request): return self._get_instance(PullRequest, pull_request) def _extract_mentions(self, s): user_objects = [] for username in extract_mentioned_users(s): user_obj = User.get_by_username(username, case_insensitive=True) if user_obj: user_objects.append(user_obj) return user_objects def _get_notification_data(self, repo, comment, user, comment_text, line_no=None, revision=None, pull_request=None, status_change=None, closing_pr=False): """ Get notification data :param comment_text: :param line: :returns: tuple (subj,body,recipients,notification_type,email_kwargs) """ # make notification body = comment_text # text of the comment line = '' if line_no: line = _('on line %s') % line_no #changeset if revision: notification_type = Notification.TYPE_CHANGESET_COMMENT cs = repo.scm_instance.get_changeset(revision) desc = "%s" % (cs.short_id) _url = h.url('changeset_home', repo_name=repo.repo_name, revision=revision, anchor='comment-%s' % comment.comment_id, qualified=True, ) subj = safe_unicode( h.link_to('Re changeset: %(desc)s %(line)s' % \ {'desc': desc, 'line': line}, _url) ) email_subject = 'User %s commented on changeset %s' % \ (user.username, h.short_id(revision)) # get the current participants of this changeset recipients = ChangesetComment.get_users(revision=revision) # add changeset author if it's in rhodecode system cs_author = User.get_from_cs_author(cs.author) if not cs_author: #use repo owner if we cannot extract the author correctly cs_author = repo.user recipients += [cs_author] email_kwargs = { 'status_change': status_change, 'cs_comment_user': h.person(user.email), 'cs_target_repo': h.url('summary_home', repo_name=repo.repo_name, qualified=True), 'cs_comment_url': _url, 'raw_id': revision, 'message': cs.message } #pull request elif pull_request: notification_type = Notification.TYPE_PULL_REQUEST_COMMENT desc = comment.pull_request.title _url = h.url('pullrequest_show', repo_name=pull_request.other_repo.repo_name, pull_request_id=pull_request.pull_request_id, anchor='comment-%s' % comment.comment_id, qualified=True, ) subj = safe_unicode( h.link_to('Re pull request #%(pr_id)s: %(desc)s %(line)s' % \ {'desc': desc, 'pr_id': comment.pull_request.pull_request_id, 'line': line}, _url) ) email_subject = 'User %s commented on pull request #%s' % \ (user.username, comment.pull_request.pull_request_id) # get the current participants of this pull request recipients = ChangesetComment.get_users(pull_request_id= pull_request.pull_request_id) # add pull request author recipients += [pull_request.author] # add the reviewers to notification recipients += [x.user for x in pull_request.reviewers] #set some variables for email notification email_kwargs = { 'pr_id': pull_request.pull_request_id, 'status_change': status_change, 'closing_pr': closing_pr, 'pr_comment_url': _url, 'pr_comment_user': h.person(user.email), 'pr_target_repo': h.url('summary_home', repo_name=pull_request.other_repo.repo_name, qualified=True) } return subj, body, recipients, notification_type, email_kwargs, email_subject def create(self, text, repo, user, revision=None, pull_request=None, f_path=None, line_no=None, status_change=None, closing_pr=False, send_email=True): """ Creates new comment for changeset or pull request. IF status_change is not none this comment is associated with a status change of changeset or changesets associated with pull request :param text: :param repo: :param user: :param revision: :param pull_request: :param f_path: :param line_no: :param status_change: :param closing_pr: :param send_email: """ if not text: log.warning('Missing text for comment, skipping...') return repo = self._get_repo(repo) user = self._get_user(user) comment = ChangesetComment() comment.repo = repo comment.author = user comment.text = text comment.f_path = f_path comment.line_no = line_no if revision: comment.revision = revision elif pull_request: pull_request = self.__get_pull_request(pull_request) comment.pull_request = pull_request else: raise Exception('Please specify revision or pull_request_id') Session().add(comment) Session().flush() if send_email: (subj, body, recipients, notification_type, email_kwargs, email_subject) = self._get_notification_data( repo, comment, user, comment_text=text, line_no=line_no, revision=revision, pull_request=pull_request, status_change=status_change, closing_pr=closing_pr) # create notification objects, and emails NotificationModel().create( created_by=user, subject=subj, body=body, recipients=recipients, type_=notification_type, email_kwargs=email_kwargs, email_subject=email_subject ) mention_recipients = set(self._extract_mentions(body))\ .difference(recipients) if mention_recipients: email_kwargs.update({'pr_mention': True}) subj = _('[Mention]') + ' ' + subj NotificationModel().create( created_by=user, subject=subj, body=body, recipients=mention_recipients, type_=notification_type, email_kwargs=email_kwargs ) return comment def delete(self, comment): """ Deletes given comment :param comment_id: """ comment = self.__get_changeset_comment(comment) Session().delete(comment) return comment def get_comments(self, repo_id, revision=None, pull_request=None): """ Get's main comments based on revision or pull_request_id :param repo_id: :param revision: :param pull_request: """ q = ChangesetComment.query()\ .filter(ChangesetComment.repo_id == repo_id)\ .filter(ChangesetComment.line_no == None)\ .filter(ChangesetComment.f_path == None) if revision: q = q.filter(ChangesetComment.revision == revision) elif pull_request: pull_request = self.__get_pull_request(pull_request) q = q.filter(ChangesetComment.pull_request == pull_request) else: raise Exception('Please specify revision or pull_request') q = q.order_by(ChangesetComment.created_on) return q.all() def get_inline_comments(self, repo_id, revision=None, pull_request=None): q = Session().query(ChangesetComment)\ .filter(ChangesetComment.repo_id == repo_id)\ .filter(ChangesetComment.line_no != None)\ .filter(ChangesetComment.f_path != None)\ .order_by(ChangesetComment.comment_id.asc())\ if revision: q = q.filter(ChangesetComment.revision == revision) elif pull_request: pull_request = self.__get_pull_request(pull_request) q = q.filter(ChangesetComment.pull_request == pull_request) else: raise Exception('Please specify revision or pull_request_id') comments = q.all() paths = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(list)) for co in comments: paths[co.f_path][co.line_no].append(co) return paths.items()