# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ rhodecode.controllers.pullrequests ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ pull requests controller for rhodecode for initializing pull requests :created_on: May 7, 2012 :author: marcink :copyright: (C) 2010-2012 Marcin Kuzminski :license: GPLv3, see COPYING for more details. """ # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . import logging import traceback import formencode from webob.exc import HTTPNotFound, HTTPForbidden from collections import defaultdict from itertools import groupby from pylons import request, response, session, tmpl_context as c, url from pylons.controllers.util import abort, redirect from pylons.i18n.translation import _ from rhodecode.lib.compat import json from rhodecode.lib.base import BaseRepoController, render from rhodecode.lib.auth import LoginRequired, HasRepoPermissionAnyDecorator,\ NotAnonymous from rhodecode.lib import helpers as h from rhodecode.lib import diffs from rhodecode.lib.utils import action_logger, jsonify from rhodecode.lib.vcs.exceptions import EmptyRepositoryError from rhodecode.lib.vcs.backends.base import EmptyChangeset from rhodecode.lib.diffs import LimitedDiffContainer from rhodecode.model.db import User, PullRequest, ChangesetStatus,\ ChangesetComment from rhodecode.model.pull_request import PullRequestModel from rhodecode.model.meta import Session from rhodecode.model.repo import RepoModel from rhodecode.model.comment import ChangesetCommentsModel from rhodecode.model.changeset_status import ChangesetStatusModel from rhodecode.model.forms import PullRequestForm log = logging.getLogger(__name__) class PullrequestsController(BaseRepoController): @LoginRequired() @HasRepoPermissionAnyDecorator('repository.read', 'repository.write', 'repository.admin') def __before__(self): super(PullrequestsController, self).__before__() repo_model = RepoModel() c.users_array = repo_model.get_users_js() c.users_groups_array = repo_model.get_users_groups_js() def _get_repo_refs(self, repo): hist_l = [] branches_group = ([('branch:%s:%s' % (k, v), k) for k, v in repo.branches.iteritems()], _("Branches")) bookmarks_group = ([('book:%s:%s' % (k, v), k) for k, v in repo.bookmarks.iteritems()], _("Bookmarks")) tags_group = ([('tag:%s:%s' % (k, v), k) for k, v in repo.tags.iteritems() if k != 'tip'], _("Tags")) tip = repo.tags['tip'] tipref = 'tag:tip:%s' % tip colontip = ':' + tip tips = [x[1] for x in branches_group[0] + bookmarks_group[0] + tags_group[0] if x[0].endswith(colontip)] tags_group[0].append((tipref, 'tip (%s)' % ', '.join(tips))) hist_l.append(bookmarks_group) hist_l.append(branches_group) hist_l.append(tags_group) return hist_l, tipref def _get_is_allowed_change_status(self, pull_request): owner = self.rhodecode_user.user_id == pull_request.user_id reviewer = self.rhodecode_user.user_id in [x.user_id for x in pull_request.reviewers] return (self.rhodecode_user.admin or owner or reviewer) def show_all(self, repo_name): c.pull_requests = PullRequestModel().get_all(repo_name) c.repo_name = repo_name return render('/pullrequests/pullrequest_show_all.html') @NotAnonymous() def index(self): org_repo = c.rhodecode_db_repo if org_repo.scm_instance.alias != 'hg': log.error('Review not available for GIT REPOS') raise HTTPNotFound try: org_repo.scm_instance.get_changeset() except EmptyRepositoryError, e: h.flash(h.literal(_('There are no changesets yet')), category='warning') redirect(url('summary_home', repo_name=org_repo.repo_name)) other_repos_info = {} c.org_repos = [] c.org_repos.append((org_repo.repo_name, org_repo.repo_name)) c.default_org_repo = org_repo.repo_name c.org_refs, c.default_org_ref = self._get_repo_refs(org_repo.scm_instance) c.other_repos = [] # add org repo to other so we can open pull request against itself c.other_repos.extend(c.org_repos) c.default_other_repo = org_repo.repo_name c.default_other_refs, c.default_other_ref = self._get_repo_refs(org_repo.scm_instance) usr_data = lambda usr: dict(user_id=usr.user_id, username=usr.username, firstname=usr.firstname, lastname=usr.lastname, gravatar_link=h.gravatar_url(usr.email, 14)) other_repos_info[org_repo.repo_name] = { 'user': usr_data(org_repo.user), 'description': org_repo.description, 'revs': h.select('other_ref', c.default_other_ref, c.default_other_refs, class_='refs') } # gather forks and add to this list ... even though it is rare to # request forks to pull their parent for fork in org_repo.forks: c.other_repos.append((fork.repo_name, fork.repo_name)) refs, default_ref = self._get_repo_refs(fork.scm_instance) other_repos_info[fork.repo_name] = { 'user': usr_data(fork.user), 'description': fork.description, 'revs': h.select('other_ref', default_ref, refs, class_='refs') } # add parents of this fork also, but only if it's not empty if org_repo.parent and org_repo.parent.scm_instance.revisions: c.default_other_repo = org_repo.parent.repo_name c.default_other_refs, c.default_other_ref = self._get_repo_refs(org_repo.parent.scm_instance) c.other_repos.append((org_repo.parent.repo_name, org_repo.parent.repo_name)) other_repos_info[org_repo.parent.repo_name] = { 'user': usr_data(org_repo.parent.user), 'description': org_repo.parent.description, 'revs': h.select('other_ref', c.default_other_ref, c.default_other_refs, class_='refs') } c.other_repos_info = json.dumps(other_repos_info) # other repo owner c.review_members = [] return render('/pullrequests/pullrequest.html') @NotAnonymous() def create(self, repo_name): repo = RepoModel()._get_repo(repo_name) try: _form = PullRequestForm(repo.repo_id)().to_python(request.POST) except formencode.Invalid, errors: log.error(traceback.format_exc()) if errors.error_dict.get('revisions'): msg = 'Revisions: %s' % errors.error_dict['revisions'] elif errors.error_dict.get('pullrequest_title'): msg = _('Pull request requires a title with min. 3 chars') else: msg = _('error during creation of pull request') h.flash(msg, 'error') return redirect(url('pullrequest_home', repo_name=repo_name)) org_repo = _form['org_repo'] org_ref = _form['org_ref'] other_repo = _form['other_repo'] other_ref = _form['other_ref'] revisions = _form['revisions'] reviewers = _form['review_members'] # if we have cherry picked pull request we don't care what is in # org_ref/other_ref rev_start = request.POST.get('rev_start') rev_end = request.POST.get('rev_end') if rev_start and rev_end: # this is swapped to simulate that rev_end is a revision from # parent of the fork org_ref = 'rev:%s:%s' % (rev_end, rev_end) other_ref = 'rev:%s:%s' % (rev_start, rev_start) title = _form['pullrequest_title'] description = _form['pullrequest_desc'] try: pull_request = PullRequestModel().create( self.rhodecode_user.user_id, org_repo, org_ref, other_repo, other_ref, revisions, reviewers, title, description ) Session().commit() h.flash(_('Successfully opened new pull request'), category='success') except Exception: h.flash(_('Error occurred during sending pull request'), category='error') log.error(traceback.format_exc()) return redirect(url('pullrequest_home', repo_name=repo_name)) return redirect(url('pullrequest_show', repo_name=other_repo, pull_request_id=pull_request.pull_request_id)) @NotAnonymous() @jsonify def update(self, repo_name, pull_request_id): pull_request = PullRequest.get_or_404(pull_request_id) if pull_request.is_closed(): raise HTTPForbidden() #only owner or admin can update it owner = pull_request.author.user_id == c.rhodecode_user.user_id if h.HasPermissionAny('hg.admin', 'repository.admin')() or owner: reviewers_ids = map(int, filter(lambda v: v not in [None, ''], request.POST.get('reviewers_ids', '').split(','))) PullRequestModel().update_reviewers(pull_request_id, reviewers_ids) Session().commit() return True raise HTTPForbidden() @NotAnonymous() @jsonify def delete(self, repo_name, pull_request_id): pull_request = PullRequest.get_or_404(pull_request_id) #only owner can delete it ! if pull_request.author.user_id == c.rhodecode_user.user_id: PullRequestModel().delete(pull_request) Session().commit() h.flash(_('Successfully deleted pull request'), category='success') return redirect(url('admin_settings_my_account', anchor='pullrequests')) raise HTTPForbidden() def _load_compare_data(self, pull_request, enable_comments=True): """ Load context data needed for generating compare diff :param pull_request: :type pull_request: """ rev_start = request.GET.get('rev_start') rev_end = request.GET.get('rev_end') org_repo = pull_request.org_repo (org_ref_type, org_ref_name, org_ref_rev) = pull_request.org_ref.split(':') other_repo = org_repo (other_ref_type, other_ref_name, other_ref_rev) = pull_request.other_ref.split(':') # despite opening revisions for bookmarks/branches/tags, we always # convert this to rev to prevent changes after book or branch change org_ref = ('rev', org_ref_rev) other_ref = ('rev', other_ref_rev) c.org_repo = org_repo c.other_repo = other_repo c.fulldiff = fulldiff = request.GET.get('fulldiff') c.cs_ranges = [org_repo.get_changeset(x) for x in pull_request.revisions] other_ref = ('rev', getattr(c.cs_ranges[0].parents[0] if c.cs_ranges[0].parents else EmptyChangeset(), 'raw_id')) c.statuses = org_repo.statuses([x.raw_id for x in c.cs_ranges]) # defines that we need hidden inputs with changesets c.as_form = request.GET.get('as_form', False) c.org_ref = org_ref[1] c.org_ref_type = org_ref[0] c.other_ref = other_ref[1] c.other_ref_type = other_ref[0] diff_limit = self.cut_off_limit if not fulldiff else None #we swap org/other ref since we run a simple diff on one repo _diff = diffs.differ(org_repo, other_ref, other_repo, org_ref) diff_processor = diffs.DiffProcessor(_diff or '', format='gitdiff', diff_limit=diff_limit) _parsed = diff_processor.prepare() c.limited_diff = False if isinstance(_parsed, LimitedDiffContainer): c.limited_diff = True c.files = [] c.changes = {} c.lines_added = 0 c.lines_deleted = 0 for f in _parsed: st = f['stats'] if st[0] != 'b': c.lines_added += st[0] c.lines_deleted += st[1] fid = h.FID('', f['filename']) c.files.append([fid, f['operation'], f['filename'], f['stats']]) diff = diff_processor.as_html(enable_comments=enable_comments, parsed_lines=[f]) c.changes[fid] = [f['operation'], f['filename'], diff] def show(self, repo_name, pull_request_id): repo_model = RepoModel() c.users_array = repo_model.get_users_js() c.users_groups_array = repo_model.get_users_groups_js() c.pull_request = PullRequest.get_or_404(pull_request_id) c.allowed_to_change_status = self._get_is_allowed_change_status(c.pull_request) cc_model = ChangesetCommentsModel() cs_model = ChangesetStatusModel() _cs_statuses = cs_model.get_statuses(c.pull_request.org_repo, pull_request=c.pull_request, with_revisions=True) cs_statuses = defaultdict(list) for st in _cs_statuses: cs_statuses[st.author.username] += [st] c.pull_request_reviewers = [] c.pull_request_pending_reviewers = [] for o in c.pull_request.reviewers: st = cs_statuses.get(o.user.username, None) if st: sorter = lambda k: k.version st = [(x, list(y)[0]) for x, y in (groupby(sorted(st, key=sorter), sorter))] else: c.pull_request_pending_reviewers.append(o.user) c.pull_request_reviewers.append([o.user, st]) # pull_requests repo_name we opened it against # ie. other_repo must match if repo_name != c.pull_request.other_repo.repo_name: raise HTTPNotFound # load compare data into template context enable_comments = not c.pull_request.is_closed() self._load_compare_data(c.pull_request, enable_comments=enable_comments) # inline comments c.inline_cnt = 0 c.inline_comments = cc_model.get_inline_comments( c.rhodecode_db_repo.repo_id, pull_request=pull_request_id) # count inline comments for __, lines in c.inline_comments: for comments in lines.values(): c.inline_cnt += len(comments) # comments c.comments = cc_model.get_comments(c.rhodecode_db_repo.repo_id, pull_request=pull_request_id) try: cur_status = c.statuses[c.pull_request.revisions[0]][0] except: log.error(traceback.format_exc()) cur_status = 'undefined' if c.pull_request.is_closed() and 0: c.current_changeset_status = cur_status else: # changeset(pull-request) status calulation based on reviewers c.current_changeset_status = cs_model.calculate_status( c.pull_request_reviewers, ) c.changeset_statuses = ChangesetStatus.STATUSES return render('/pullrequests/pullrequest_show.html') @NotAnonymous() @jsonify def comment(self, repo_name, pull_request_id): pull_request = PullRequest.get_or_404(pull_request_id) if pull_request.is_closed(): raise HTTPForbidden() status = request.POST.get('changeset_status') change_status = request.POST.get('change_changeset_status') text = request.POST.get('text') close_pr = request.POST.get('save_close') allowed_to_change_status = self._get_is_allowed_change_status(pull_request) if status and change_status and allowed_to_change_status: _def = (_('status change -> %s') % ChangesetStatus.get_status_lbl(status)) if close_pr: _def = _('Closing with') + ' ' + _def text = text or _def comm = ChangesetCommentsModel().create( text=text, repo=c.rhodecode_db_repo.repo_id, user=c.rhodecode_user.user_id, pull_request=pull_request_id, f_path=request.POST.get('f_path'), line_no=request.POST.get('line'), status_change=(ChangesetStatus.get_status_lbl(status) if status and change_status and allowed_to_change_status else None), closing_pr=close_pr ) action_logger(self.rhodecode_user, 'user_commented_pull_request:%s' % pull_request_id, c.rhodecode_db_repo, self.ip_addr, self.sa) if allowed_to_change_status: # get status if set ! if status and change_status: ChangesetStatusModel().set_status( c.rhodecode_db_repo.repo_id, status, c.rhodecode_user.user_id, comm, pull_request=pull_request_id ) if close_pr: if status in ['rejected', 'approved']: PullRequestModel().close_pull_request(pull_request_id) action_logger(self.rhodecode_user, 'user_closed_pull_request:%s' % pull_request_id, c.rhodecode_db_repo, self.ip_addr, self.sa) else: h.flash(_('Closing pull request on other statuses than ' 'rejected or approved forbidden'), category='warning') Session().commit() if not request.environ.get('HTTP_X_PARTIAL_XHR'): return redirect(h.url('pullrequest_show', repo_name=repo_name, pull_request_id=pull_request_id)) data = { 'target_id': h.safeid(h.safe_unicode(request.POST.get('f_path'))), } if comm: c.co = comm data.update(comm.get_dict()) data.update({'rendered_text': render('changeset/changeset_comment_block.html')}) return data @NotAnonymous() @jsonify def delete_comment(self, repo_name, comment_id): co = ChangesetComment.get(comment_id) if co.pull_request.is_closed(): #don't allow deleting comments on closed pull request raise HTTPForbidden() owner = co.author.user_id == c.rhodecode_user.user_id if h.HasPermissionAny('hg.admin', 'repository.admin')() or owner: ChangesetCommentsModel().delete(comment=co) Session().commit() return True else: raise HTTPForbidden()