# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ rhodecode.model.notification ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Model for notifications :created_on: Nov 20, 2011 :author: marcink :copyright: (C) 2010-2012 Marcin Kuzminski :license: GPLv3, see COPYING for more details. """ # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . import os import logging import traceback from pylons import tmpl_context as c from pylons.i18n.translation import _ import rhodecode from rhodecode.lib import helpers as h from rhodecode.model import BaseModel from rhodecode.model.db import Notification, User, UserNotification from rhodecode.model.meta import Session log = logging.getLogger(__name__) class NotificationModel(BaseModel): cls = Notification def __get_notification(self, notification): if isinstance(notification, Notification): return notification elif isinstance(notification, (int, long)): return Notification.get(notification) else: if notification: raise Exception('notification must be int, long or Instance' ' of Notification got %s' % type(notification)) def create(self, created_by, subject, body, recipients=None, type_=Notification.TYPE_MESSAGE, with_email=True, email_kwargs={}, email_subject=None): """ Creates notification of given type :param created_by: int, str or User instance. User who created this notification :param subject: :param body: :param recipients: list of int, str or User objects, when None is given send to all admins :param type_: type of notification :param with_email: send email with this notification :param email_kwargs: additional dict to pass as args to email template :param email_subject: use given subject as email subject """ from rhodecode.lib.celerylib import tasks, run_task if recipients and not getattr(recipients, '__iter__', False): raise Exception('recipients must be a list or iterable') created_by_obj = self._get_user(created_by) if recipients: recipients_objs = [] for u in recipients: obj = self._get_user(u) if obj: recipients_objs.append(obj) recipients_objs = set(recipients_objs) log.debug('sending notifications %s to %s' % ( type_, recipients_objs) ) else: # empty recipients means to all admins recipients_objs = User.query().filter(User.admin == True).all() log.debug('sending notifications %s to admins: %s' % ( type_, recipients_objs) ) notif = Notification.create( created_by=created_by_obj, subject=subject, body=body, recipients=recipients_objs, type_=type_ ) if with_email is False: return notif #don't send email to person who created this comment rec_objs = set(recipients_objs).difference(set([created_by_obj])) # send email with notification to all other participants for rec in rec_objs: if not email_subject: email_subject = NotificationModel().make_description(notif, show_age=False) type_ = type_ email_body = body ## this is passed into template kwargs = {'subject': subject, 'body': h.rst_w_mentions(body)} kwargs.update(email_kwargs) email_body_html = EmailNotificationModel()\ .get_email_tmpl(type_, **kwargs) run_task(tasks.send_email, rec.email, email_subject, email_body, email_body_html) return notif def delete(self, user, notification): # we don't want to remove actual notification just the assignment try: notification = self.__get_notification(notification) user = self._get_user(user) if notification and user: obj = UserNotification.query()\ .filter(UserNotification.user == user)\ .filter(UserNotification.notification == notification)\ .one() Session().delete(obj) return True except Exception: log.error(traceback.format_exc()) raise def get_for_user(self, user, filter_=None): """ Get mentions for given user, filter them if filter dict is given :param user: :param filter: """ user = self._get_user(user) q = UserNotification.query()\ .filter(UserNotification.user == user)\ .join((Notification, UserNotification.notification_id == Notification.notification_id)) if filter_: q = q.filter(Notification.type_.in_(filter_)) return q.all() def mark_read(self, user, notification): try: notification = self.__get_notification(notification) user = self._get_user(user) if notification and user: obj = UserNotification.query()\ .filter(UserNotification.user == user)\ .filter(UserNotification.notification == notification)\ .one() obj.read = True Session().add(obj) return True except Exception: log.error(traceback.format_exc()) raise def mark_all_read_for_user(self, user, filter_=None): user = self._get_user(user) q = UserNotification.query()\ .filter(UserNotification.user == user)\ .filter(UserNotification.read == False)\ .join((Notification, UserNotification.notification_id == Notification.notification_id)) if filter_: q = q.filter(Notification.type_.in_(filter_)) # this is a little inefficient but sqlalchemy doesn't support # update on joined tables :( for obj in q.all(): obj.read = True Session().add(obj) def get_unread_cnt_for_user(self, user): user = self._get_user(user) return UserNotification.query()\ .filter(UserNotification.read == False)\ .filter(UserNotification.user == user).count() def get_unread_for_user(self, user): user = self._get_user(user) return [x.notification for x in UserNotification.query()\ .filter(UserNotification.read == False)\ .filter(UserNotification.user == user).all()] def get_user_notification(self, user, notification): user = self._get_user(user) notification = self.__get_notification(notification) return UserNotification.query()\ .filter(UserNotification.notification == notification)\ .filter(UserNotification.user == user).scalar() def make_description(self, notification, show_age=True): """ Creates a human readable description based on properties of notification object """ #alias _n = notification _map = { _n.TYPE_CHANGESET_COMMENT: _('commented on changeset at %(when)s'), _n.TYPE_MESSAGE: _('sent message at %(when)s'), _n.TYPE_MENTION: _('mentioned you at %(when)s'), _n.TYPE_REGISTRATION: _('registered in RhodeCode at %(when)s'), _n.TYPE_PULL_REQUEST: _('opened new pull request at %(when)s'), _n.TYPE_PULL_REQUEST_COMMENT: _('commented on pull request at %(when)s') } # action == _map string tmpl = "%(user)s %(action)s " if show_age: when = h.age(notification.created_on) else: when = h.fmt_date(notification.created_on) data = dict( user=notification.created_by_user.username, action=_map[notification.type_] % {'when': when}, ) return tmpl % data class EmailNotificationModel(BaseModel): TYPE_CHANGESET_COMMENT = Notification.TYPE_CHANGESET_COMMENT TYPE_PASSWORD_RESET = 'password_link' TYPE_REGISTRATION = Notification.TYPE_REGISTRATION TYPE_PULL_REQUEST = Notification.TYPE_PULL_REQUEST TYPE_PULL_REQUEST_COMMENT = Notification.TYPE_PULL_REQUEST_COMMENT TYPE_DEFAULT = 'default' def __init__(self): self._template_root = rhodecode.CONFIG['pylons.paths']['templates'][0] self._tmpl_lookup = rhodecode.CONFIG['pylons.app_globals'].mako_lookup self.email_types = { self.TYPE_CHANGESET_COMMENT: 'email_templates/changeset_comment.html', self.TYPE_PASSWORD_RESET: 'email_templates/password_reset.html', self.TYPE_REGISTRATION: 'email_templates/registration.html', self.TYPE_DEFAULT: 'email_templates/default.html', self.TYPE_PULL_REQUEST: 'email_templates/pull_request.html', self.TYPE_PULL_REQUEST_COMMENT: 'email_templates/pull_request_comment.html', } def get_email_tmpl(self, type_, **kwargs): """ return generated template for email based on given type :param type_: """ base = self.email_types.get(type_, self.email_types[self.TYPE_DEFAULT]) email_template = self._tmpl_lookup.get_template(base) # translator and helpers inject _kwargs = {'_': _, 'h': h, 'c': c} _kwargs.update(kwargs) log.debug('rendering tmpl %s with kwargs %s' % (base, _kwargs)) return email_template.render(**_kwargs)