${h.form(url('admin_settings_visual'), method='post')}
${_('Allows storing additional customized fields per repository.')}
${_('Shows or hides a version number of RhodeCode displayed in the footer.')}
${h.text('rhodecode_gravatar_url', size=80)} ${_('''Gravatar url allows you to use other avatar server application. Following variables of the URL will be replaced accordingly. {scheme} 'http' or 'https' sent from running RhodeCode server, {email} user email, {md5email} md5 hash of the user email (like at gravatar.com), {size} size of the image that is expected from the server application, {netloc} network location/server host of running RhodeCode server''')}
${h.text('rhodecode_clone_uri_tmpl', size=80)} ${_('''Schema of clone url construction eg. '{scheme}://{user}@{netloc}/{repo}', available vars: {scheme} 'http' or 'https' sent from running RhodeCode server, {user} current user username, {netloc} network location/server host of running RhodeCode server, {repo} full repository name, {repoid} ID of repository, can be used to contruct clone-by-id''')}
${h.text('rhodecode_dashboard_items',size=5)} ${_('Number of items displayed in the main page dashboard before pagination is shown.')}
${h.text('rhodecode_admin_grid_items',size=5)} ${_('Number of items displayed in the admin pages grids before pagination is shown.')}
${_('Show public/private icons next to repositories names.')}
  • [featured] featured
  • [stale] stale
  • [dead] dead
  • [lang => lang] lang
  • [license => License] License
  • [requires => Repo] requires => Repo
  • [recommends => Repo] recommends => Repo
  • [see => URI] see => URI
${_('Parses meta tags from repository description field and turns them into colored tags.')}
${h.submit('save',_('Save settings'),class_="btn")} ${h.reset('reset',_('Reset'),class_="btn")}