.. _setup: ===== Setup ===== Setting up Kallithea -------------------- First, you will need to create a Kallithea configuration file. Run the following command to do so:: paster make-config Kallithea my.ini This will create the file ``my.ini`` in the current directory. This configuration file contains the various settings for Kallithea, e.g. proxy port, email settings, usage of static files, cache, Celery settings, and logging. Next, you need to create the databases used by Kallithea. It is recommended to use PostgreSQL or SQLite (default). If you choose a database other than the default, ensure you properly adjust the database URL in your ``my.ini`` configuration file to use this other database. Kallithea currently supports PostgreSQL, SQLite and MySQL databases. Create the database by running the following command:: paster setup-db my.ini This will prompt you for a "root" path. This "root" path is the location where Kallithea will store all of its repositories on the current machine. After entering this "root" path ``setup-db`` will also prompt you for a username and password for the initial admin account which ``setup-db`` sets up for you. The ``setup-db`` values can also be given on the command line. Example:: paster setup-db my.ini --user=nn --password=secret --email=nn@example.com --repos=/srv/repos The ``setup-db`` command will create all needed tables and an admin account. When choosing a root path you can either use a new empty location, or a location which already contains existing repositories. If you choose a location which contains existing repositories Kallithea will add all of the repositories at the chosen location to its database. (Note: make sure you specify the correct path to the root). .. note:: the given path for Mercurial_ repositories **must** be write accessible for the application. It's very important since the Kallithea web interface will work without write access, but when trying to do a push it will fail with permission denied errors unless it has write access. You are now ready to use Kallithea. To run it simply execute:: paster serve my.ini - This command runs the Kallithea server. The web app should be available at The IP address and port is configurable via the configuration file created in the previous step. - Log in to Kallithea using the admin account created when running ``setup-db``. - The default permissions on each repository is read, and the owner is admin. Remember to update these if needed. - In the admin panel you can toggle LDAP, anonymous, and permissions settings, as well as edit more advanced options on users and repositories. Extensions ---------- Optionally one can create an ``rcextensions`` package that extends Kallithea functionality. To generate a skeleton extensions package, run:: paster make-rcext my.ini This will create an ``rcextensions`` package next to the specified ``ini`` file. With ``rcextensions`` it's possible to add additional mapping for whoosh, stats and add additional code into the push/pull/create/delete repo hooks, for example for sending signals to build-bots such as Jenkins. See the ``__init__.py`` file inside the generated ``rcextensions`` package for more details. Using Kallithea with SSH ------------------------ Kallithea currently only hosts repositories using http and https. (The addition of ssh hosting is a planned future feature.) However you can easily use ssh in parallel with Kallithea. (Repository access via ssh is a standard "out of the box" feature of Mercurial_ and you can use this to access any of the repositories that Kallithea is hosting. See PublishingRepositories_) Kallithea repository structures are kept in directories with the same name as the project. When using repository groups, each group is a subdirectory. This allows you to easily use ssh for accessing repositories. In order to use ssh you need to make sure that your web server and the users' login accounts have the correct permissions set on the appropriate directories. .. note:: These permissions are independent of any permissions you have set up using the Kallithea web interface. If your main directory (the same as set in Kallithea settings) is for example set to ``/srv/repos`` and the repository you are using is named ``kallithea``, then to clone via ssh you should run:: hg clone ssh://user@kallithea.example.com/srv/repos/kallithea Using other external tools such as mercurial-server_ or using ssh key-based authentication is fully supported. .. note:: In an advanced setup, in order for your ssh access to use the same permissions as set up via the Kallithea web interface, you can create an authentication hook to connect to the Kallithea db and run check functions for permissions against that. Setting up Whoosh full text search ---------------------------------- Kallithea provides full text search of repositories using `Whoosh`__. .. __: https://pythonhosted.org/Whoosh/ For an incremental index build, run:: paster make-index my.ini For a full index rebuild, run:: paster make-index my.ini -f The ``--repo-location`` option allows the location of the repositories to be overriden; usually, the location is retrieved from the Kallithea database. The ``--index-only`` option can be used to limit the indexed repositories to a comma-separated list:: paster make-index my.ini --index-only=vcs,kallithea To keep your index up-to-date it is necessary to do periodic index builds; for this, it is recommended to use a crontab entry. Example:: 0 3 * * * /path/to/virtualenv/bin/paster make-index /path/to/kallithea/my.ini When using incremental mode (the default), Whoosh will check the last modification date of each file and add it to be reindexed if a newer file is available. The indexing daemon checks for any removed files and removes them from index. If you want to rebuild the index from scratch, you can use the ``-f`` flag as above, or in the admin panel you can check the "build from scratch" checkbox. Setting up LDAP support ----------------------- Kallithea supports LDAP authentication. In order to use LDAP, you have to install the python-ldap_ package. This package is available via PyPI, so you can install it by running:: pip install python-ldap .. note:: ``python-ldap`` requires some libraries to be installed on your system, so before installing it check that you have at least the ``openldap`` and ``sasl`` libraries. Choose *Admin > Authentication*, click the ``kallithea.lib.auth_modules.auth_ldap`` button and then *Save*, to enable the LDAP plugin and configure its settings. Here's a typical LDAP setup:: Connection settings Enable LDAP = checked Host = host.example.com Port = 389 Account = Password = Connection Security = LDAPS connection Certificate Checks = DEMAND Search settings Base DN = CN=users,DC=host,DC=example,DC=org LDAP Filter = (&(objectClass=user)(!(objectClass=computer))) LDAP Search Scope = SUBTREE Attribute mappings Login Attribute = uid First Name Attribute = firstName Last Name Attribute = lastName Email Attribute = mail If your user groups are placed in an Organisation Unit (OU) structure, the Search Settings configuration differs:: Search settings Base DN = DC=host,DC=example,DC=org LDAP Filter = (&(memberOf=CN=your user group,OU=subunit,OU=unit,DC=host,DC=example,DC=org)(objectClass=user)) LDAP Search Scope = SUBTREE .. _enable_ldap: Enable LDAP : required Whether to use LDAP for authenticating users. .. _ldap_host: Host : required LDAP server hostname or IP address. Can be also a comma separated list of servers to support LDAP fail-over. .. _Port: Port : required 389 for un-encrypted LDAP, 636 for SSL-encrypted LDAP. .. _ldap_account: Account : optional Only required if the LDAP server does not allow anonymous browsing of records. This should be a special account for record browsing. This will require `LDAP Password`_ below. .. _LDAP Password: Password : optional Only required if the LDAP server does not allow anonymous browsing of records. .. _Enable LDAPS: Connection Security : required Defines the connection to LDAP server No encryption Plain non encrypted connection LDAPS connection Enable LDAPS connections. It will likely require `Port`_ to be set to a different value (standard LDAPS port is 636). When LDAPS is enabled then `Certificate Checks`_ is required. START_TLS on LDAP connection START TLS connection .. _Certificate Checks: Certificate Checks : optional How SSL certificates verification is handled -- this is only useful when `Enable LDAPS`_ is enabled. Only DEMAND or HARD offer full SSL security while the other options are susceptible to man-in-the-middle attacks. SSL certificates can be installed to /etc/openldap/cacerts so that the DEMAND or HARD options can be used with self-signed certificates or certificates that do not have traceable certificates of authority. NEVER A serve certificate will never be requested or checked. ALLOW A server certificate is requested. Failure to provide a certificate or providing a bad certificate will not terminate the session. TRY A server certificate is requested. Failure to provide a certificate does not halt the session; providing a bad certificate halts the session. DEMAND A server certificate is requested and must be provided and authenticated for the session to proceed. HARD The same as DEMAND. .. _Base DN: Base DN : required The Distinguished Name (DN) where searches for users will be performed. Searches can be controlled by `LDAP Filter`_ and `LDAP Search Scope`_. .. _LDAP Filter: LDAP Filter : optional A LDAP filter defined by RFC 2254. This is more useful when `LDAP Search Scope`_ is set to SUBTREE. The filter is useful for limiting which LDAP objects are identified as representing Users for authentication. The filter is augmented by `Login Attribute`_ below. This can commonly be left blank. .. _LDAP Search Scope: LDAP Search Scope : required This limits how far LDAP will search for a matching object. BASE Only allows searching of `Base DN`_ and is usually not what you want. ONELEVEL Searches all entries under `Base DN`_, but not Base DN itself. SUBTREE Searches all entries below `Base DN`_, but not Base DN itself. When using SUBTREE `LDAP Filter`_ is useful to limit object location. .. _Login Attribute: Login Attribute : required The LDAP record attribute that will be matched as the USERNAME or ACCOUNT used to connect to Kallithea. This will be added to `LDAP Filter`_ for locating the User object. If `LDAP Filter`_ is specified as "LDAPFILTER", `Login Attribute`_ is specified as "uid" and the user has connected as "jsmith" then the `LDAP Filter`_ will be augmented as below :: (&(LDAPFILTER)(uid=jsmith)) .. _ldap_attr_firstname: First Name Attribute : required The LDAP record attribute which represents the user's first name. .. _ldap_attr_lastname: Last Name Attribute : required The LDAP record attribute which represents the user's last name. .. _ldap_attr_email: Email Attribute : required The LDAP record attribute which represents the user's email address. If all data are entered correctly, and python-ldap_ is properly installed users should be granted access to Kallithea with LDAP accounts. At this time user information is copied from LDAP into the Kallithea user database. This means that updates of an LDAP user object may not be reflected as a user update in Kallithea. If You have problems with LDAP access and believe You entered correct information check out the Kallithea logs, any error messages sent from LDAP will be saved there. Active Directory ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Kallithea can use Microsoft Active Directory for user authentication. This is done through an LDAP or LDAPS connection to Active Directory. The following LDAP configuration settings are typical for using Active Directory :: Base DN = OU=SBSUsers,OU=Users,OU=MyBusiness,DC=v3sys,DC=local Login Attribute = sAMAccountName First Name Attribute = givenName Last Name Attribute = sn Email Attribute = mail All other LDAP settings will likely be site-specific and should be appropriately configured. Authentication by container or reverse-proxy -------------------------------------------- Kallithea supports delegating the authentication of users to its WSGI container, or to a reverse-proxy server through which all clients access the application. When these authentication methods are enabled in Kallithea, it uses the username that the container/proxy (Apache or Nginx, etc.) provides and doesn't perform the authentication itself. The authorization, however, is still done by Kallithea according to its settings. When a user logs in for the first time using these authentication methods, a matching user account is created in Kallithea with default permissions. An administrator can then modify it using Kallithea's admin interface. It's also possible for an administrator to create accounts and configure their permissions before the user logs in for the first time, using the :ref:`create-user` API. Container-based authentication ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ In a container-based authentication setup, Kallithea reads the user name from the ``REMOTE_USER`` server variable provided by the WSGI container. After setting up your container (see `Apache with mod_wsgi`_), you'll need to configure it to require authentication on the location configured for Kallithea. Proxy pass-through authentication ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ In a proxy pass-through authentication setup, Kallithea reads the user name from the ``X-Forwarded-User`` request header, which should be configured to be sent by the reverse-proxy server. After setting up your proxy solution (see `Apache virtual host reverse proxy example`_, `Apache as subdirectory`_ or `Nginx virtual host example`_), you'll need to configure the authentication and add the username in a request header named ``X-Forwarded-User``. For example, the following config section for Apache sets a subdirectory in a reverse-proxy setup with basic auth: .. code-block:: apache ProxyPass ProxyPassReverse SetEnvIf X-Url-Scheme https HTTPS=1 AuthType Basic AuthName "Kallithea authentication" AuthUserFile /srv/kallithea/.htpasswd Require valid-user RequestHeader unset X-Forwarded-User RewriteEngine On RewriteCond %{LA-U:REMOTE_USER} (.+) RewriteRule .* - [E=RU:%1] RequestHeader set X-Forwarded-User %{RU}e .. note:: If you enable proxy pass-through authentication, make sure your server is only accessible through the proxy. Otherwise, any client would be able to forge the authentication header and could effectively become authenticated using any account of their liking. Integration with issue trackers ------------------------------- Kallithea provides a simple integration with issue trackers. It's possible to define a regular expression that will match an issue ID in commit messages, and have that replaced with a URL to the issue. To enable this simply uncomment the following variables in the ini file:: issue_pat = (?:^#|\s#)(\w+) issue_server_link = https://issues.example.com/{repo}/issue/{id} issue_prefix = # ``issue_pat`` is the regular expression describing which strings in commit messages will be treated as issue references. A match group in parentheses should be used to specify the actual issue id. The default expression matches issues in the format ``#``, e.g., ``#300``. Matched issue references are replaced with the link specified in ``issue_server_link``. ``{id}`` is replaced with the issue ID, and ``{repo}`` with the repository name. Since the # is stripped away, ``issue_prefix`` is prepended to the link text. ``issue_prefix`` doesn't necessarily need to be ``#``: if you set issue prefix to ``ISSUE-`` this will generate a URL in the format: .. code-block:: html ISSUE-300 If needed, more than one pattern can be specified by appending a unique suffix to the variables. For example:: issue_pat_wiki = (?:wiki-)(.+) issue_server_link_wiki = https://wiki.example.com/{id} issue_prefix_wiki = WIKI- With these settings, wiki pages can be referenced as wiki-some-id, and every such reference will be transformed into: .. code-block:: html WIKI-some-id Hook management --------------- Hooks can be managed in similar way to that used in ``.hgrc`` files. To manage hooks, choose *Admin > Settings > Hooks*. The built-in hooks cannot be modified, though they can be enabled or disabled in the *VCS* section. To add another custom hook simply fill in the first textbox with ``.`` and the second with the hook path. Example hooks can be found in ``kallithea.lib.hooks``. Changing default encoding ------------------------- By default, Kallithea uses UTF-8 encoding. This is configurable as ``default_encoding`` in the .ini file. This affects many parts in Kallithea including user names, filenames, and encoding of commit messages. In addition Kallithea can detect if the ``chardet`` library is installed. If ``chardet`` is detected Kallithea will fallback to it when there are encode/decode errors. Celery configuration -------------------- Kallithea can use the distributed task queue system Celery_ to run tasks like cloning repositories or sending emails. Kallithea will in most setups work perfectly fine out of the box (without Celery), executing all tasks in the web server process. Some tasks can however take some time to run and it can be better to run such tasks asynchronously in a separate process so the web server can focus on serving web requests. For installation and configuration of Celery, see the `Celery documentation`_. Note that Celery requires a message broker service like RabbitMQ_ (recommended) or Redis_. The use of Celery is configured in the Kallithea ini configuration file. To enable it, simply set:: use_celery = true and add or change the ``celery.*`` and ``broker.*`` configuration variables. Remember that the ini files use the format with '.' and not with '_' like Celery. So for example setting `BROKER_HOST` in Celery means setting `broker.host` in the configuration file. To start the Celery process, run:: paster celeryd .. note:: Make sure you run this command from the same virtualenv, and with the same user that Kallithea runs. HTTPS support ------------- Kallithea will by default generate URLs based on the WSGI environment. Alternatively, you can use some special configuration settings to control directly which scheme/protocol Kallithea will use when generating URLs: - With ``https_fixup = true``, the scheme will be taken from the ``X-Url-Scheme``, ``X-Forwarded-Scheme`` or ``X-Forwarded-Proto`` HTTP header (default ``http``). - With ``force_https = true`` the default will be ``https``. - With ``use_htsts = true``, Kallithea will set ``Strict-Transport-Security`` when using https. Nginx virtual host example -------------------------- Sample config for Nginx using proxy: .. code-block:: nginx upstream kallithea { server; # add more instances for load balancing #server; #server; } ## gist alias server { listen 443; server_name gist.example.com; access_log /var/log/nginx/gist.access.log; error_log /var/log/nginx/gist.error.log; ssl on; ssl_certificate gist.your.kallithea.server.crt; ssl_certificate_key gist.your.kallithea.server.key; ssl_session_timeout 5m; ssl_protocols SSLv3 TLSv1; ssl_ciphers DHE-RSA-AES256-SHA:DHE-RSA-AES128-SHA:EDH-RSA-DES-CBC3-SHA:AES256-SHA:DES-CBC3-SHA:AES128-SHA:RC4-SHA:RC4-MD5; ssl_prefer_server_ciphers on; rewrite ^/(.+)$ https://kallithea.example.com/_admin/gists/$1; rewrite (.*) https://kallithea.example.com/_admin/gists; } server { listen 443; server_name kallithea.example.com access_log /var/log/nginx/kallithea.access.log; error_log /var/log/nginx/kallithea.error.log; ssl on; ssl_certificate your.kallithea.server.crt; ssl_certificate_key your.kallithea.server.key; ssl_session_timeout 5m; ssl_protocols SSLv3 TLSv1; ssl_ciphers DHE-RSA-AES256-SHA:DHE-RSA-AES128-SHA:EDH-RSA-DES-CBC3-SHA:AES256-SHA:DES-CBC3-SHA:AES128-SHA:RC4-SHA:RC4-MD5; ssl_prefer_server_ciphers on; ## uncomment root directive if you want to serve static files by nginx ## requires static_files = false in .ini file #root /path/to/installation/kallithea/public; include /etc/nginx/proxy.conf; location / { try_files $uri @kallithea; } location @kallithea { proxy_pass; } } Here's the proxy.conf. It's tuned so it will not timeout on long pushes or large pushes:: proxy_redirect off; proxy_set_header Host $host; ## needed for container auth #proxy_set_header REMOTE_USER $remote_user; #proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-User $remote_user; proxy_set_header X-Url-Scheme $scheme; proxy_set_header X-Host $http_host; proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr; proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for; proxy_set_header Proxy-host $proxy_host; proxy_buffering off; proxy_connect_timeout 7200; proxy_send_timeout 7200; proxy_read_timeout 7200; proxy_buffers 8 32k; client_max_body_size 1024m; client_body_buffer_size 128k; large_client_header_buffers 8 64k; Apache virtual host reverse proxy example ----------------------------------------- Here is a sample configuration file for Apache using proxy: .. code-block:: apache ServerName kallithea.example.com # For Apache 2.4 and later: Require all granted # For Apache 2.2 and earlier, instead use: # Order allow,deny # Allow from all #important ! #Directive to properly generate url (clone url) for pylons ProxyPreserveHost On #kallithea instance ProxyPass / ProxyPassReverse / #to enable https use line below #SetEnvIf X-Url-Scheme https HTTPS=1 Additional tutorial http://pylonsbook.com/en/1.1/deployment.html#using-apache-to-proxy-requests-to-pylons Apache as subdirectory ---------------------- Apache subdirectory part: .. code-block:: apache > ProxyPass ProxyPassReverse SetEnvIf X-Url-Scheme https HTTPS=1 Besides the regular apache setup you will need to add the following line into ``[app:main]`` section of your .ini file:: filter-with = proxy-prefix Add the following at the end of the .ini file:: [filter:proxy-prefix] use = egg:PasteDeploy#prefix prefix = / then change ```` into your chosen prefix Apache with mod_wsgi -------------------- Alternatively, Kallithea can be set up with Apache under mod_wsgi. For that, you'll need to: - Install mod_wsgi. If using a Debian-based distro, you can install the package libapache2-mod-wsgi:: aptitude install libapache2-mod-wsgi - Enable mod_wsgi:: a2enmod wsgi - Create a wsgi dispatch script, like the one below. Make sure you check that the paths correctly point to where you installed Kallithea and its Python Virtual Environment. - Enable the ``WSGIScriptAlias`` directive for the WSGI dispatch script, as in the following example. Once again, check the paths are correctly specified. Here is a sample excerpt from an Apache Virtual Host configuration file: .. code-block:: apache WSGIDaemonProcess kallithea \ processes=1 threads=4 \ python-path=/srv/kallithea/pyenv/lib/python2.7/site-packages WSGIScriptAlias / /srv/kallithea/dispatch.wsgi WSGIPassAuthorization On Or if using a dispatcher WSGI script with proper virtualenv activation: .. code-block:: apache WSGIDaemonProcess kallithea processes=1 threads=4 WSGIScriptAlias / /srv/kallithea/dispatch.wsgi WSGIPassAuthorization On .. note:: When running apache as root, please make sure it doesn't run Kallithea as root, for examply by adding: ``user=www-data group=www-data`` to the configuration. Example WSGI dispatch script: .. code-block:: python import os os.environ["HGENCODING"] = "UTF-8" os.environ['PYTHON_EGG_CACHE'] = '/srv/kallithea/.egg-cache' # sometimes it's needed to set the curent dir os.chdir('/srv/kallithea/') import site site.addsitedir("/srv/kallithea/pyenv/lib/python2.7/site-packages") from paste.deploy import loadapp from paste.script.util.logging_config import fileConfig fileConfig('/srv/kallithea/my.ini') application = loadapp('config:/srv/kallithea/my.ini') Or using proper virtualenv activation: .. code-block:: python activate_this = '/srv/kallithea/venv/bin/activate_this.py' execfile(activate_this, dict(__file__=activate_this)) import os os.environ['HOME'] = '/srv/kallithea' ini = '/srv/kallithea/kallithea.ini' from paste.script.util.logging_config import fileConfig fileConfig(ini) from paste.deploy import loadapp application = loadapp('config:' + ini) Other configuration files ------------------------- A number of `example init.d scripts`__ can be found in the ``init.d`` directory of the Kallithea source. .. __: https://kallithea-scm.org/repos/kallithea/files/tip/init.d/ . .. _virtualenv: http://pypi.python.org/pypi/virtualenv .. _python: http://www.python.org/ .. _Mercurial: http://mercurial.selenic.com/ .. _Celery: http://celeryproject.org/ .. _Celery documentation: http://docs.celeryproject.org/en/latest/getting-started/index.html .. _RabbitMQ: http://www.rabbitmq.com/ .. _Redis: http://redis.io/ .. _python-ldap: http://www.python-ldap.org/ .. _mercurial-server: http://www.lshift.net/mercurial-server.html .. _PublishingRepositories: http://mercurial.selenic.com/wiki/PublishingRepositories