# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ rhodecode.lib.indexers.__init__ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Whoosh indexing module for RhodeCode :created_on: Aug 17, 2010 :author: marcink :copyright: (C) 2009-2010 Marcin Kuzminski :license: GPLv3, see COPYING for more details. """ # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . import os import sys import traceback from os.path import dirname as dn, join as jn #to get the rhodecode import sys.path.append(dn(dn(dn(os.path.realpath(__file__))))) from string import strip from shutil import rmtree from whoosh.analysis import RegexTokenizer, LowercaseFilter, StopFilter from whoosh.fields import TEXT, ID, STORED, Schema, FieldType from whoosh.index import create_in, open_dir from whoosh.formats import Characters from whoosh.highlight import highlight, SimpleFragmenter, HtmlFormatter from webhelpers.html.builder import escape from sqlalchemy import engine_from_config from vcs.utils.lazy import LazyProperty from rhodecode.model import init_model from rhodecode.model.scm import ScmModel from rhodecode.config.environment import load_environment from rhodecode.lib import LANGUAGES_EXTENSIONS_MAP from rhodecode.lib.utils import BasePasterCommand, Command, add_cache #EXTENSIONS WE WANT TO INDEX CONTENT OFF INDEX_EXTENSIONS = LANGUAGES_EXTENSIONS_MAP.keys() #CUSTOM ANALYZER wordsplit + lowercase filter ANALYZER = RegexTokenizer(expression=r"\w+") | LowercaseFilter() #INDEX SCHEMA DEFINITION SCHEMA = Schema(owner=TEXT(), repository=TEXT(stored=True), path=TEXT(stored=True), content=FieldType(format=Characters(ANALYZER), scorable=True, stored=True), modtime=STORED(), extension=TEXT(stored=True)) IDX_NAME = 'HG_INDEX' FORMATTER = HtmlFormatter('span', between='\n...\n') FRAGMENTER = SimpleFragmenter(200) class MakeIndex(BasePasterCommand): max_args = 1 min_args = 1 usage = "CONFIG_FILE" summary = "Creates index for full text search given configuration file" group_name = "RhodeCode" takes_config_file = -1 parser = Command.standard_parser(verbose=True) def command(self): from pylons import config add_cache(config) engine = engine_from_config(config, 'sqlalchemy.db1.') init_model(engine) index_location = config['index_dir'] repo_location = self.options.repo_location repo_list = map(strip, self.options.repo_list.split(',')) \ if self.options.repo_list else None #====================================================================== # WHOOSH DAEMON #====================================================================== from rhodecode.lib.pidlock import LockHeld, DaemonLock from rhodecode.lib.indexers.daemon import WhooshIndexingDaemon try: l = DaemonLock(file=jn(dn(dn(index_location)), 'make_index.lock')) WhooshIndexingDaemon(index_location=index_location, repo_location=repo_location, repo_list=repo_list)\ .run(full_index=self.options.full_index) l.release() except LockHeld: sys.exit(1) def update_parser(self): self.parser.add_option('--repo-location', action='store', dest='repo_location', help="Specifies repositories location to index REQUIRED", ) self.parser.add_option('--index-only', action='store', dest='repo_list', help="Specifies a comma separated list of repositores " "to build index on OPTIONAL", ) self.parser.add_option('-f', action='store_true', dest='full_index', help="Specifies that index should be made full i.e" " destroy old and build from scratch", default=False) class ResultWrapper(object): def __init__(self, search_type, searcher, matcher, highlight_items): self.search_type = search_type self.searcher = searcher self.matcher = matcher self.highlight_items = highlight_items self.fragment_size = 200 / 2 @LazyProperty def doc_ids(self): docs_id = [] while self.matcher.is_active(): docnum = self.matcher.id() chunks = [offsets for offsets in self.get_chunks()] docs_id.append([docnum, chunks]) self.matcher.next() return docs_id def __str__(self): return '<%s at %s>' % (self.__class__.__name__, len(self.doc_ids)) def __repr__(self): return self.__str__() def __len__(self): return len(self.doc_ids) def __iter__(self): """ Allows Iteration over results,and lazy generate content *Requires* implementation of ``__getitem__`` method. """ for docid in self.doc_ids: yield self.get_full_content(docid) def __getitem__(self, key): """ Slicing of resultWrapper """ i, j = key.start, key.stop slice = [] for docid in self.doc_ids[i:j]: slice.append(self.get_full_content(docid)) return slice def get_full_content(self, docid): res = self.searcher.stored_fields(docid[0]) f_path = res['path'][res['path'].find(res['repository']) \ + len(res['repository']):].lstrip('/') content_short = self.get_short_content(res, docid[1]) res.update({'content_short':content_short, 'content_short_hl':self.highlight(content_short), 'f_path':f_path}) return res def get_short_content(self, res, chunks): return ''.join([res['content'][chunk[0]:chunk[1]] for chunk in chunks]) def get_chunks(self): """ Smart function that implements chunking the content but not overlap chunks so it doesn't highlight the same close occurrences twice. :param matcher: :param size: """ memory = [(0, 0)] for span in self.matcher.spans(): start = span.startchar or 0 end = span.endchar or 0 start_offseted = max(0, start - self.fragment_size) end_offseted = end + self.fragment_size if start_offseted < memory[-1][1]: start_offseted = memory[-1][1] memory.append((start_offseted, end_offseted,)) yield (start_offseted, end_offseted,) def highlight(self, content, top=5): if self.search_type != 'content': return '' hl = highlight(escape(content), self.highlight_items, analyzer=ANALYZER, fragmenter=FRAGMENTER, formatter=FORMATTER, top=top) return hl