"""Helper functions Consists of functions to typically be used within templates, but also available to Controllers. This module is available to both as 'h'. """ import random import hashlib import StringIO import urllib import math import logging import re import urlparse import textwrap from datetime import datetime from pygments.formatters.html import HtmlFormatter from pygments import highlight as code_highlight from pylons import url from pylons.i18n.translation import _, ungettext from hashlib import md5 from webhelpers.html import literal, HTML, escape from webhelpers.html.tools import * from webhelpers.html.builder import make_tag from webhelpers.html.tags import auto_discovery_link, checkbox, css_classes, \ end_form, file, form, hidden, image, javascript_link, link_to, \ link_to_if, link_to_unless, ol, required_legend, select, stylesheet_link, \ submit, text, password, textarea, title, ul, xml_declaration, radio from webhelpers.html.tools import auto_link, button_to, highlight, \ js_obfuscate, mail_to, strip_links, strip_tags, tag_re from webhelpers.number import format_byte_size, format_bit_size from webhelpers.pylonslib import Flash as _Flash from webhelpers.pylonslib.secure_form import secure_form from webhelpers.text import chop_at, collapse, convert_accented_entities, \ convert_misc_entities, lchop, plural, rchop, remove_formatting, \ replace_whitespace, urlify, truncate, wrap_paragraphs from webhelpers.date import time_ago_in_words from webhelpers.paginate import Page as _Page from webhelpers.html.tags import _set_input_attrs, _set_id_attr, \ convert_boolean_attrs, NotGiven, _make_safe_id_component from rhodecode.lib.annotate import annotate_highlight from rhodecode.lib.utils import repo_name_slug, get_custom_lexer from rhodecode.lib.utils2 import str2bool, safe_unicode, safe_str, \ get_changeset_safe, datetime_to_time, time_to_datetime, AttributeDict,\ safe_int from rhodecode.lib.markup_renderer import MarkupRenderer from rhodecode.lib.vcs.exceptions import ChangesetDoesNotExistError from rhodecode.lib.vcs.backends.base import BaseChangeset, EmptyChangeset from rhodecode.config.conf import DATE_FORMAT, DATETIME_FORMAT from rhodecode.model.changeset_status import ChangesetStatusModel from rhodecode.model.db import URL_SEP, Permission log = logging.getLogger(__name__) def html_escape(text, html_escape_table=None): """Produce entities within text.""" if not html_escape_table: html_escape_table = { "&": "&", '"': """, "'": "'", ">": ">", "<": "<", } return "".join(html_escape_table.get(c, c) for c in text) def shorter(text, size=20): postfix = '...' if len(text) > size: return text[:size - len(postfix)] + postfix return text def _reset(name, value=None, id=NotGiven, type="reset", **attrs): """ Reset button """ _set_input_attrs(attrs, type, name, value) _set_id_attr(attrs, id, name) convert_boolean_attrs(attrs, ["disabled"]) return HTML.input(**attrs) reset = _reset safeid = _make_safe_id_component def FID(raw_id, path): """ Creates a uniqe ID for filenode based on it's hash of path and revision it's safe to use in urls :param raw_id: :param path: """ return 'C-%s-%s' % (short_id(raw_id), md5(safe_str(path)).hexdigest()[:12]) def get_token(): """Return the current authentication token, creating one if one doesn't already exist. """ token_key = "_authentication_token" from pylons import session if not token_key in session: try: token = hashlib.sha1(str(random.getrandbits(128))).hexdigest() except AttributeError: # Python < 2.4 token = hashlib.sha1(str(random.randrange(2 ** 128))).hexdigest() session[token_key] = token if hasattr(session, 'save'): session.save() return session[token_key] class _GetError(object): """Get error from form_errors, and represent it as span wrapped error message :param field_name: field to fetch errors for :param form_errors: form errors dict """ def __call__(self, field_name, form_errors): tmpl = """%s""" if form_errors and field_name in form_errors: return literal(tmpl % form_errors.get(field_name)) get_error = _GetError() class _ToolTip(object): def __call__(self, tooltip_title, trim_at=50): """ Special function just to wrap our text into nice formatted autowrapped text :param tooltip_title: """ tooltip_title = escape(tooltip_title) tooltip_title = tooltip_title.replace('<', '<').replace('>', '>') return tooltip_title tooltip = _ToolTip() class _FilesBreadCrumbs(object): def __call__(self, repo_name, rev, paths): if isinstance(paths, str): paths = safe_unicode(paths) url_l = [link_to(repo_name, url('files_home', repo_name=repo_name, revision=rev, f_path=''), class_='ypjax-link')] paths_l = paths.split('/') for cnt, p in enumerate(paths_l): if p != '': url_l.append(link_to(p, url('files_home', repo_name=repo_name, revision=rev, f_path='/'.join(paths_l[:cnt + 1]) ), class_='ypjax-link' ) ) return literal('/'.join(url_l)) files_breadcrumbs = _FilesBreadCrumbs() class CodeHtmlFormatter(HtmlFormatter): """ My code Html Formatter for source codes """ def wrap(self, source, outfile): return self._wrap_div(self._wrap_pre(self._wrap_code(source))) def _wrap_code(self, source): for cnt, it in enumerate(source): i, t = it t = '
' ' + ls + ' | ')
yield 0, ('
" %s ")
tooltip_html = tooltip_html % (author, date, message)
lnk_format = '%5s:%s' % ('r%s' % changeset.revision,
uri = link_to(
url('changeset_home', repo_name=repo_name,
uri += '\n'
return uri
return _url_func
return literal(annotate_highlight(filenode, url_func(repo_name), **kwargs))
def is_following_repo(repo_name, user_id):
from rhodecode.model.scm import ScmModel
return ScmModel().is_following_repo(repo_name, user_id)
class _Message(object):
"""A message returned by ``Flash.pop_messages()``.
Converting the message to a string returns the message text. Instances
also have the following attributes:
* ``message``: the message text.
* ``category``: the category specified when the message was created.
def __init__(self, category, message):
def __str__(self):
return self.message
__unicode__ = __str__
def __html__(self):
return escape(safe_unicode(self.message))
class Flash(_Flash):
def pop_messages(self):
"""Return all accumulated messages and delete them from the session.
The return value is a list of ``Message`` objects.
from pylons import session
messages = session.pop(self.session_key, [])
return [_Message(*m) for m in messages]
flash = Flash()
# SCM FILTERS available via h.
from rhodecode.lib.vcs.utils import author_name, author_email
from rhodecode.lib.utils2 import credentials_filter, age as _age
from rhodecode.model.db import User, ChangesetStatus
age = lambda x, y=False: _age(x, y)
capitalize = lambda x: x.capitalize()
email = author_email
short_id = lambda x: x[:12]
hide_credentials = lambda x: ''.join(credentials_filter(x))
def show_id(cs):
Configurable function that shows ID
by default it's r123:fffeeefffeee
:param cs: changeset instance
from rhodecode import CONFIG
def_len = safe_int(CONFIG.get('show_sha_length', 12))
show_rev = str2bool(CONFIG.get('show_revision_number', True))
raw_id = cs.raw_id[:def_len]
if show_rev:
return 'r%s:%s' % (cs.revision, raw_id)
return '%s' % (raw_id)
def fmt_date(date):
if date:
_fmt = u"%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S".encode('utf8')
return date.strftime(_fmt).decode('utf8')
return ""
def is_git(repository):
if hasattr(repository, 'alias'):
_type = repository.alias
elif hasattr(repository, 'repo_type'):
_type = repository.repo_type
_type = repository
return _type == 'git'
def is_hg(repository):
if hasattr(repository, 'alias'):
_type = repository.alias
elif hasattr(repository, 'repo_type'):
_type = repository.repo_type
_type = repository
return _type == 'hg'
def email_or_none(author):
# extract email from the commit string
_email = email(author)
if _email != '':
# check it against RhodeCode database, and use the MAIN email for this
# user
user = User.get_by_email(_email, case_insensitive=True, cache=True)
if user is not None:
return user.email
return _email
# See if it contains a username we can get an email from
user = User.get_by_username(author_name(author), case_insensitive=True,
if user is not None:
return user.email
# No valid email, not a valid user in the system, none!
return None
def person(author, show_attr="username_and_name"):
# attr to return from fetched user
person_getter = lambda usr: getattr(usr, show_attr)
# Valid email in the attribute passed, see if they're in the system
_email = email(author)
if _email != '':
user = User.get_by_email(_email, case_insensitive=True, cache=True)
if user is not None:
return person_getter(user)
# Maybe it's a username?
_author = author_name(author)
user = User.get_by_username(_author, case_insensitive=True,
if user is not None:
return person_getter(user)
# Still nothing? Just pass back the author name if any, else the email
return _author or _email
def person_by_id(id_, show_attr="username_and_name"):
# attr to return from fetched user
person_getter = lambda usr: getattr(usr, show_attr)
#maybe it's an ID ?
if str(id_).isdigit() or isinstance(id_, int):
id_ = int(id_)
user = User.get(id_)
if user is not None:
return person_getter(user)
return id_
def desc_stylize(value):
converts tags from value into html equivalent
:param value:
value = re.sub(r'\[see\ \=\>\ *([a-zA-Z0-9\/\=\?\&\ \:\/\.\-]*)\]',
' ', value)
value = re.sub(r'\[license\ \=\>\ *([a-zA-Z0-9\/\=\?\&\ \:\/\.\-]*)\]',
' ', value)
value = re.sub(r'\[(requires|recommends|conflicts|base)\ \=\>\ *([a-zA-Z0-9\-\/]*)\]',
' ', value)
value = re.sub(r'\[(lang|language)\ \=\>\ *([a-zA-Z\-\/\#\+]*)\]',
' ', value)
value = re.sub(r'\[([a-z]+)\]',
' ', value)
return value
def boolicon(value):
"""Returns boolean value of a value, represented as small html image of true/false
:param value: value
if value:
return HTML.tag('img', src=url("/images/icons/accept.png"),
return HTML.tag('img', src=url("/images/icons/cancel.png"),
def action_parser(user_log, feed=False, parse_cs=False):
This helper will action_map the specified string action into translated
fancy names with icons and links
:param user_log: user log instance
:param feed: use output for feeds (no html and fancy icons)
:param parse_cs: parse Changesets into VCS instances
action = user_log.action
action_params = ' '
x = action.split(':')
if len(x) > 1:
action, action_params = x
def get_cs_links():
revs_limit = 3 # display this amount always
revs_top_limit = 50 # show upto this amount of changesets hidden
revs_ids = action_params.split(',')
deleted = user_log.repository is None
if deleted:
return ','.join(revs_ids)
repo_name = user_log.repository.repo_name
def lnk(rev, repo_name):
if isinstance(rev, BaseChangeset) or isinstance(rev, AttributeDict):
lazy_cs = True
if getattr(rev, 'op', None) and getattr(rev, 'ref_name', None):
lazy_cs = False
lbl = '?'
if rev.op == 'delete_branch':
lbl = '%s' % _('Deleted branch: %s') % rev.ref_name
title = ''
elif rev.op == 'tag':
lbl = '%s' % _('Created tag: %s') % rev.ref_name
title = ''
_url = '#'
lbl = '%s' % (rev.short_id[:8])
_url = url('changeset_home', repo_name=repo_name,
title = tooltip(rev.message)
## changeset cannot be found/striped/removed etc.
lbl = ('%s' % rev)[:12]
_url = '#'
title = _('Changeset not found')
if parse_cs:
return link_to(lbl, _url, title=title, class_='tooltip')
return link_to(lbl, _url, raw_id=rev.raw_id, repo_name=repo_name,
class_='lazy-cs' if lazy_cs else '')
def _get_op(rev_txt):
_op = None
_name = rev_txt
if len(rev_txt.split('=>')) == 2:
_op, _name = rev_txt.split('=>')
return _op, _name
revs = []
if len(filter(lambda v: v != '', revs_ids)) > 0:
repo = None
for rev in revs_ids[:revs_top_limit]:
_op, _name = _get_op(rev)
# we want parsed changesets, or new log store format is bad
if parse_cs:
if repo is None:
repo = user_log.repository.scm_instance
_rev = repo.get_changeset(rev)
except ChangesetDoesNotExistError:
log.error('cannot find revision %s in this repo' % rev)
_rev = AttributeDict({
'short_id': rev[:12],
'raw_id': rev,
'message': '',
'op': _op,
'ref_name': _name
cs_links = [" " + ', '.join(
[lnk(rev, repo_name) for rev in revs[:revs_limit]]
_op1, _name1 = _get_op(revs_ids[0])
_op2, _name2 = _get_op(revs_ids[-1])
_rev = '%s...%s' % (_name1, _name2)
compare_view = (
' Date: %s Message:" " %s '
'%s ' % (
_('Show all combined changesets %s->%s') % (
revs_ids[0][:12], revs_ids[-1][:12]
url('changeset_home', repo_name=repo_name,
_('compare view')
# if we have exactly one more than normally displayed
# just display it, takes less space than displaying
# "and 1 more revisions"
if len(revs_ids) == revs_limit + 1:
rev = revs[revs_limit]
cs_links.append(", " + lnk(rev, repo_name))
# hidden-by-default ones
if len(revs_ids) > revs_limit + 1:
uniq_id = revs_ids[0]
html_tmpl = (
' %s %s %s'
if not feed:
cs_links.append(html_tmpl % (
uniq_id, _('%s more') % (len(revs_ids) - revs_limit),
if not feed:
html_tmpl = ' '
html_tmpl = ' %s '
morelinks = ', '.join(
[lnk(rev, repo_name) for rev in revs[revs_limit:]]
if len(revs_ids) > revs_top_limit:
morelinks += ', ...'
cs_links.append(html_tmpl % (uniq_id, morelinks))
if len(revs) > 1:
return ''.join(cs_links)
def get_fork_name():
repo_name = action_params
_url = url('summary_home', repo_name=repo_name)
return _('fork name %s') % link_to(action_params, _url)
def get_user_name():
user_name = action_params
return user_name
def get_users_group():
group_name = action_params
return group_name
def get_pull_request():
pull_request_id = action_params
deleted = user_log.repository is None
if deleted:
repo_name = user_log.repository_name
repo_name = user_log.repository.repo_name
return link_to(_('Pull request #%s') % pull_request_id,
url('pullrequest_show', repo_name=repo_name,
def get_archive_name():
archive_name = action_params
return archive_name
# action : translated str, callback(extractor), icon
action_map = {
'user_deleted_repo': (_('[deleted] repository'),
None, 'database_delete.png'),
'user_created_repo': (_('[created] repository'),
None, 'database_add.png'),
'user_created_fork': (_('[created] repository as fork'),
None, 'arrow_divide.png'),
'user_forked_repo': (_('[forked] repository'),
get_fork_name, 'arrow_divide.png'),
'user_updated_repo': (_('[updated] repository'),
None, 'database_edit.png'),
'user_downloaded_archive': (_('[downloaded] archive from repository'),
get_archive_name, 'page_white_compressed.png'),
'admin_deleted_repo': (_('[delete] repository'),
None, 'database_delete.png'),
'admin_created_repo': (_('[created] repository'),
None, 'database_add.png'),
'admin_forked_repo': (_('[forked] repository'),
None, 'arrow_divide.png'),
'admin_updated_repo': (_('[updated] repository'),
None, 'database_edit.png'),
'admin_created_user': (_('[created] user'),
get_user_name, 'user_add.png'),
'admin_updated_user': (_('[updated] user'),
get_user_name, 'user_edit.png'),
'admin_created_users_group': (_('[created] user group'),
get_users_group, 'group_add.png'),
'admin_updated_users_group': (_('[updated] user group'),
get_users_group, 'group_edit.png'),
'user_commented_revision': (_('[commented] on revision in repository'),
get_cs_links, 'comment_add.png'),
'user_commented_pull_request': (_('[commented] on pull request for'),
get_pull_request, 'comment_add.png'),
'user_closed_pull_request': (_('[closed] pull request for'),
get_pull_request, 'tick.png'),
'push': (_('[pushed] into'),
get_cs_links, 'script_add.png'),
'push_local': (_('[committed via RhodeCode] into repository'),
get_cs_links, 'script_edit.png'),
'push_remote': (_('[pulled from remote] into repository'),
get_cs_links, 'connect.png'),
'pull': (_('[pulled] from'),
None, 'down_16.png'),
'started_following_repo': (_('[started following] repository'),
None, 'heart_add.png'),
'stopped_following_repo': (_('[stopped following] repository'),
None, 'heart_delete.png'),
action_str = action_map.get(action, action)
if feed:
action = action_str[0].replace('[', '').replace(']', '')
action = action_str[0]\
.replace('[', '')\
.replace(']', '')
action_params_func = lambda: ""
if callable(action_str[1]):
action_params_func = action_str[1]
def action_parser_icon():
action = user_log.action
action_params = None
x = action.split(':')
if len(x) > 1:
action, action_params = x
tmpl = """' suf = '' if len(nodes) > 30: suf = ' ' + _(' and %s more') % (len(nodes) - 30) return literal(pref + ' '.join([safe_unicode(x.path) for x in nodes[:30]]) + suf) else: return ': ' + _('No Files') def repo_link(groups_and_repos): """ Makes a breadcrumbs link to repo within a group joins » on each group to create a fancy link ex:: group >> subgroup >> repo :param groups_and_repos: :param last_url: """ groups, just_name, repo_name = groups_and_repos last_url = url('summary_home', repo_name=repo_name) last_link = link_to(just_name, last_url) def make_link(group): return link_to(group.name, url('repos_group_home', group_name=group.group_name)) return literal(' » '.join(map(make_link, groups) + ['%s' % last_link])) def fancy_file_stats(stats): """ Displays a fancy two colored bar for number of added/deleted lines of code on file :param stats: two element list of added/deleted lines of code """ from rhodecode.lib.diffs import NEW_FILENODE, DEL_FILENODE, \ MOD_FILENODE, RENAMED_FILENODE, CHMOD_FILENODE, BIN_FILENODE def cgen(l_type, a_v, d_v): mapping = {'tr': 'top-right-rounded-corner-mid', 'tl': 'top-left-rounded-corner-mid', 'br': 'bottom-right-rounded-corner-mid', 'bl': 'bottom-left-rounded-corner-mid'} map_getter = lambda x: mapping[x] if l_type == 'a' and d_v: #case when added and deleted are present return ' '.join(map(map_getter, ['tl', 'bl'])) if l_type == 'a' and not d_v: return ' '.join(map(map_getter, ['tr', 'br', 'tl', 'bl'])) if l_type == 'd' and a_v: return ' '.join(map(map_getter, ['tr', 'br'])) if l_type == 'd' and not a_v: return ' '.join(map(map_getter, ['tr', 'br', 'tl', 'bl'])) a, d = stats['added'], stats['deleted'] width = 100 if stats['binary']: #binary mode lbl = '' bin_op = 1 if BIN_FILENODE in stats['ops']: lbl = 'bin+' if NEW_FILENODE in stats['ops']: lbl += _('new file') bin_op = NEW_FILENODE elif MOD_FILENODE in stats['ops']: lbl += _('mod') bin_op = MOD_FILENODE elif DEL_FILENODE in stats['ops']: lbl += _('del') bin_op = DEL_FILENODE elif RENAMED_FILENODE in stats['ops']: lbl += _('rename') bin_op = RENAMED_FILENODE #chmod can go with other operations if CHMOD_FILENODE in stats['ops']: _org_lbl = _('chmod') lbl += _org_lbl if lbl.endswith('+') else '+%s' % _org_lbl #import ipdb;ipdb.set_trace() b_d = ' %s ' % (bin_op, cgen('a', a_v='', d_v=0), lbl)
b_a = ''
return literal('%s%s ' % (width, b_a, b_d))
t = stats['added'] + stats['deleted']
unit = float(width) / (t or 1)
# needs > 9% of width to be visible or 0 to be hidden
a_p = max(9, unit * a) if a > 0 else 0
d_p = max(9, unit * d) if d > 0 else 0
p_sum = a_p + d_p
if p_sum > width:
#adjust the percentage to be == 100% since we adjusted to 9
if a_p > d_p:
a_p = a_p - (p_sum - width)
d_p = d_p - (p_sum - width)
a_v = a if a > 0 else ''
d_v = d if d > 0 else ''
d_a = '%s ' % (
cgen('a', a_v, d_v), a_p, a_v
d_d = '%s ' % (
cgen('d', a_v, d_v), d_p, d_v
return literal('%s%s ' % (width, d_a, d_d))
def urlify_text(text_, safe=True):
Extrac urls from text and make html links out of them
:param text_:
url_pat = re.compile(r'''(http[s]?://(?:[a-zA-Z]|[0-9]|[$-_@.&+]'''
def url_func(match_obj):
url_full = match_obj.groups()[0]
return '%(url)s' % ({'url': url_full})
_newtext = url_pat.sub(url_func, text_)
if safe:
return literal(_newtext)
return _newtext
def urlify_changesets(text_, repository):
Extract revision ids from changeset and make link from them
:param text_:
:param repository: repo name to build the URL with
from pylons import url # doh, we need to re-import url to mock it later
URL_PAT = re.compile(r'(^|\s)([0-9a-fA-F]{12,40})($|\s)')
def url_func(match_obj):
rev = match_obj.groups()[1]
pref = match_obj.groups()[0]
suf = match_obj.groups()[2]
tmpl = (
return tmpl % {
'pref': pref,
'cls': 'revision-link',
'url': url('changeset_home', repo_name=repository, revision=rev),
'rev': rev,
'suf': suf
newtext = URL_PAT.sub(url_func, text_)
return newtext
def urlify_commit(text_, repository=None, link_=None):
Parses given text message and makes proper links.
issues are linked to given issue-server, and rest is a changeset link
if link_ is given, in other case it's a plain text
:param text_:
:param repository:
:param link_: changeset link
import traceback
from pylons import url # doh, we need to re-import url to mock it later
def escaper(string):
return string.replace('<', '<').replace('>', '>')
def linkify_others(t, l):
urls = re.compile(r'(\%s ' %
def rst_w_mentions(source):
Wrapped rst renderer with @mention highlighting
:param source:
return literal('%s ' %
def changeset_status(repo, revision):
return ChangesetStatusModel().get_status(repo, revision)
def changeset_status_lbl(changeset_status):
return dict(ChangesetStatus.STATUSES).get(changeset_status)
def get_permission_name(key):
return dict(Permission.PERMS).get(key)
def journal_filter_help():
return _(textwrap.dedent('''
Example filter terms:
date:[20120101100000 TO 20120102]
Generate wildcards using '*' character:
"repositroy:vcs*" - search everything starting with 'vcs'
"repository:*vcs*" - search for repository containing 'vcs'
Optional AND / OR operators in queries
"repository:vcs OR repository:test"
"username:test AND repository:test*"
def not_mapped_error(repo_name):
flash(_('%s repository is not mapped to db perhaps'
' it was created or renamed from the filesystem'
' please run the application again'
' in order to rescan repositories') % repo_name, category='error')
def ip_range(ip_addr):
from rhodecode.model.db import UserIpMap
s, e = UserIpMap._get_ip_range(ip_addr)
return '%s - %s' % (s, e)