# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ vcs.backends.hg.repository ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Mercurial repository implementation. :created_on: Apr 8, 2010 :copyright: (c) 2010-2011 by Marcin Kuzminski, Lukasz Balcerzak. """ import datetime import logging import os import time import urllib.error import urllib.parse import urllib.request from collections import OrderedDict import mercurial.commands import mercurial.error import mercurial.exchange import mercurial.hg import mercurial.hgweb import mercurial.httppeer import mercurial.localrepo import mercurial.match import mercurial.mdiff import mercurial.node import mercurial.patch import mercurial.scmutil import mercurial.sshpeer import mercurial.tags import mercurial.ui import mercurial.url import mercurial.util from kallithea.lib.vcs.backends.base import BaseRepository, CollectionGenerator from kallithea.lib.vcs.exceptions import ( BranchDoesNotExistError, ChangesetDoesNotExistError, EmptyRepositoryError, RepositoryError, TagAlreadyExistError, TagDoesNotExistError, VCSError) from kallithea.lib.vcs.utils import ascii_str, author_email, author_name, date_fromtimestamp, makedate, safe_bytes, safe_str from kallithea.lib.vcs.utils.lazy import LazyProperty from kallithea.lib.vcs.utils.paths import abspath from .changeset import MercurialChangeset from .inmemory import MercurialInMemoryChangeset from .workdir import MercurialWorkdir log = logging.getLogger(__name__) class MercurialRepository(BaseRepository): """ Mercurial repository backend """ DEFAULT_BRANCH_NAME = 'default' scm = 'hg' def __init__(self, repo_path, create=False, baseui=None, src_url=None, update_after_clone=False): """ Raises RepositoryError if repository could not be find at the given ``repo_path``. :param repo_path: local path of the repository :param create=False: if set to True, would try to create repository if it does not exist rather than raising exception :param baseui=None: user data :param src_url=None: would try to clone repository from given location :param update_after_clone=False: sets update of working copy after making a clone """ if not isinstance(repo_path, str): raise VCSError('Mercurial backend requires repository path to ' 'be instance of got %s instead' % type(repo_path)) self.path = abspath(repo_path) self.baseui = baseui or mercurial.ui.ui() # We've set path and ui, now we can set _repo itself self._repo = self._get_repo(create, src_url, update_after_clone) @property def _empty(self): """ Checks if repository is empty ie. without any changesets """ # TODO: Following raises errors when using InMemoryChangeset... # return len(self._repo.changelog) == 0 return len(self.revisions) == 0 @LazyProperty def revisions(self): """ Returns list of revisions' ids, in ascending order. Being lazy attribute allows external tools to inject shas from cache. """ return self._get_all_revisions() @LazyProperty def name(self): return os.path.basename(self.path) @LazyProperty def branches(self): return self._get_branches() @LazyProperty def closed_branches(self): return self._get_branches(normal=False, closed=True) @LazyProperty def allbranches(self): """ List all branches, including closed branches. """ return self._get_branches(closed=True) def _get_branches(self, normal=True, closed=False): """ Gets branches for this repository Returns only not closed branches by default :param closed: return also closed branches for mercurial :param normal: return also normal branches """ if self._empty: return {} bt = OrderedDict() for bn, _heads, node, isclosed in sorted(self._repo.branchmap().iterbranches()): if isclosed: if closed: bt[safe_str(bn)] = ascii_str(mercurial.node.hex(node)) else: if normal: bt[safe_str(bn)] = ascii_str(mercurial.node.hex(node)) return bt @LazyProperty def tags(self): """ Gets tags for this repository """ return self._get_tags() def _get_tags(self): if self._empty: return {} return OrderedDict(sorted( ((safe_str(n), ascii_str(mercurial.node.hex(h))) for n, h in self._repo.tags().items()), reverse=True, key=lambda x: x[0], # sort by name )) def tag(self, name, user, revision=None, message=None, date=None, **kwargs): """ Creates and returns a tag for the given ``revision``. :param name: name for new tag :param user: full username, i.e.: "Joe Doe " :param revision: changeset id for which new tag would be created :param message: message of the tag's commit :param date: date of tag's commit :raises TagAlreadyExistError: if tag with same name already exists """ if name in self.tags: raise TagAlreadyExistError("Tag %s already exists" % name) changeset = self.get_changeset(revision) local = kwargs.setdefault('local', False) if message is None: message = "Added tag %s for changeset %s" % (name, changeset.short_id) if date is None: date = safe_bytes(datetime.datetime.now().strftime('%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S')) try: mercurial.tags.tag(self._repo, safe_bytes(name), changeset._ctx.node(), safe_bytes(message), local, safe_bytes(user), date) except mercurial.error.Abort as e: raise RepositoryError(e.args[0]) # Reinitialize tags self.tags = self._get_tags() tag_id = self.tags[name] return self.get_changeset(revision=tag_id) def remove_tag(self, name, user, message=None, date=None): """ Removes tag with the given ``name``. :param name: name of the tag to be removed :param user: full username, i.e.: "Joe Doe " :param message: message of the tag's removal commit :param date: date of tag's removal commit :raises TagDoesNotExistError: if tag with given name does not exists """ if name not in self.tags: raise TagDoesNotExistError("Tag %s does not exist" % name) if message is None: message = "Removed tag %s" % name if date is None: date = safe_bytes(datetime.datetime.now().strftime('%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S')) local = False try: mercurial.tags.tag(self._repo, safe_bytes(name), mercurial.commands.nullid, safe_bytes(message), local, safe_bytes(user), date) self.tags = self._get_tags() except mercurial.error.Abort as e: raise RepositoryError(e.args[0]) @LazyProperty def bookmarks(self): """ Gets bookmarks for this repository """ return self._get_bookmarks() def _get_bookmarks(self): if self._empty: return {} return OrderedDict(sorted( ((safe_str(n), ascii_str(h)) for n, h in self._repo._bookmarks.items()), reverse=True, key=lambda x: x[0], # sort by name )) def _get_all_revisions(self): return [ascii_str(self._repo[x].hex()) for x in self._repo.filtered(b'visible').changelog.revs()] def get_diff(self, rev1, rev2, path='', ignore_whitespace=False, context=3): """ Returns (git like) *diff*, as plain text. Shows changes introduced by ``rev2`` since ``rev1``. :param rev1: Entry point from which diff is shown. Can be ``self.EMPTY_CHANGESET`` - in this case, patch showing all the changes since empty state of the repository until ``rev2`` :param rev2: Until which revision changes should be shown. :param ignore_whitespace: If set to ``True``, would not show whitespace changes. Defaults to ``False``. :param context: How many lines before/after changed lines should be shown. Defaults to ``3``. If negative value is passed-in, it will be set to ``0`` instead. """ # Negative context values make no sense, and will result in # errors. Ensure this does not happen. if context < 0: context = 0 if hasattr(rev1, 'raw_id'): rev1 = getattr(rev1, 'raw_id') if hasattr(rev2, 'raw_id'): rev2 = getattr(rev2, 'raw_id') # Check if given revisions are present at repository (may raise # ChangesetDoesNotExistError) if rev1 != self.EMPTY_CHANGESET: self.get_changeset(rev1) self.get_changeset(rev2) if path: file_filter = mercurial.match.exact(path) else: file_filter = None return b''.join(mercurial.patch.diff(self._repo, rev1, rev2, match=file_filter, opts=mercurial.mdiff.diffopts(git=True, showfunc=True, ignorews=ignore_whitespace, context=context))) @classmethod def _check_url(cls, url, repoui=None): """ Function will check given url and try to verify if it's a valid link. Sometimes it may happened that mercurial will issue basic auth request that can cause whole API to hang when used from python or other external calls. On failures it'll raise urllib2.HTTPError, exception is also thrown when the return code is non 200 """ # check first if it's not an local url if os.path.isdir(url) or url.startswith(b'file:'): return True if url.startswith(b'ssh:'): # in case of invalid uri or authentication issues, sshpeer will # throw an exception. mercurial.sshpeer.instance(repoui or mercurial.ui.ui(), url, False).lookup(b'tip') return True url_prefix = None if b'+' in url[:url.find(b'://')]: url_prefix, url = url.split(b'+', 1) handlers = [] url_obj = mercurial.util.url(url) test_uri, authinfo = url_obj.authinfo() url_obj.passwd = b'*****' cleaned_uri = str(url_obj) if authinfo: # create a password manager passmgr = urllib.request.HTTPPasswordMgrWithDefaultRealm() passmgr.add_password(*authinfo) handlers.extend((mercurial.url.httpbasicauthhandler(passmgr), mercurial.url.httpdigestauthhandler(passmgr))) o = urllib.request.build_opener(*handlers) o.addheaders = [('Content-Type', 'application/mercurial-0.1'), ('Accept', 'application/mercurial-0.1')] req = urllib.request.Request( "%s?%s" % ( test_uri, urllib.parse.urlencode({ 'cmd': 'between', 'pairs': "%s-%s" % ('0' * 40, '0' * 40), }) )) try: resp = o.open(req) if resp.code != 200: raise Exception('Return Code is not 200') except Exception as e: # means it cannot be cloned raise urllib.error.URLError("[%s] org_exc: %s" % (cleaned_uri, e)) if not url_prefix: # skip svn+http://... (and git+... too) # now check if it's a proper hg repo try: mercurial.httppeer.instance(repoui or mercurial.ui.ui(), url, False).lookup(b'tip') except Exception as e: raise urllib.error.URLError( "url [%s] does not look like an hg repo org_exc: %s" % (cleaned_uri, e)) return True def _get_repo(self, create, src_url=None, update_after_clone=False): """ Function will check for mercurial repository in given path and return a localrepo object. If there is no repository in that path it will raise an exception unless ``create`` parameter is set to True - in that case repository would be created and returned. If ``src_url`` is given, would try to clone repository from the location at given clone_point. Additionally it'll make update to working copy accordingly to ``update_after_clone`` flag """ try: if src_url: url = safe_bytes(self._get_url(src_url)) opts = {} if not update_after_clone: opts.update({'noupdate': True}) MercurialRepository._check_url(url, self.baseui) mercurial.commands.clone(self.baseui, url, safe_bytes(self.path), **opts) # Don't try to create if we've already cloned repo create = False return mercurial.localrepo.instance(self.baseui, safe_bytes(self.path), create=create) except (mercurial.error.Abort, mercurial.error.RepoError) as err: if create: msg = "Cannot create repository at %s. Original error was %s" \ % (self.name, err) else: msg = "Not valid repository at %s. Original error was %s" \ % (self.name, err) raise RepositoryError(msg) @LazyProperty def in_memory_changeset(self): return MercurialInMemoryChangeset(self) @LazyProperty def description(self): _desc = self._repo.ui.config(b'web', b'description', None, untrusted=True) return safe_str(_desc or b'unknown') @LazyProperty def contact(self): return safe_str(mercurial.hgweb.common.get_contact(self._repo.ui.config) or b'Unknown') @LazyProperty def last_change(self): """ Returns last change made on this repository as datetime object """ return date_fromtimestamp(self._get_mtime(), makedate()[1]) def _get_mtime(self): try: return time.mktime(self.get_changeset().date.timetuple()) except RepositoryError: # fallback to filesystem cl_path = os.path.join(self.path, '.hg', "00changelog.i") st_path = os.path.join(self.path, '.hg', "store") if os.path.exists(cl_path): return os.stat(cl_path).st_mtime else: return os.stat(st_path).st_mtime def _get_revision(self, revision): """ Given any revision identifier, returns a 40 char string with revision hash. :param revision: str or int or None """ if self._empty: raise EmptyRepositoryError("There are no changesets yet") if revision in [-1, None]: revision = b'tip' elif isinstance(revision, unicode): revision = safe_bytes(revision) try: if isinstance(revision, int): return ascii_str(self._repo[revision].hex()) return ascii_str(mercurial.scmutil.revsymbol(self._repo, revision).hex()) except (IndexError, ValueError, mercurial.error.RepoLookupError, TypeError): msg = "Revision %r does not exist for %s" % (safe_str(revision), self.name) raise ChangesetDoesNotExistError(msg) except (LookupError, ): msg = "Ambiguous identifier `%s` for %s" % (safe_str(revision), self.name) raise ChangesetDoesNotExistError(msg) def get_ref_revision(self, ref_type, ref_name): """ Returns revision number for the given reference. """ if ref_type == 'rev' and not ref_name.strip('0'): return self.EMPTY_CHANGESET # lookup up the exact node id _revset_predicates = { 'branch': 'branch', 'book': 'bookmark', 'tag': 'tag', 'rev': 'id', } # avoid expensive branch(x) iteration over whole repo rev_spec = "%%s & %s(%%s)" % _revset_predicates[ref_type] try: revs = self._repo.revs(rev_spec, ref_name, ref_name) except LookupError: msg = "Ambiguous identifier %s:%s for %s" % (ref_type, ref_name, self.name) raise ChangesetDoesNotExistError(msg) except mercurial.error.RepoLookupError: msg = "Revision %s:%s does not exist for %s" % (ref_type, ref_name, self.name) raise ChangesetDoesNotExistError(msg) if revs: revision = revs.last() else: # TODO: just report 'not found'? revision = ref_name return self._get_revision(revision) def _get_archives(self, archive_name='tip'): allowed = self.baseui.configlist(b"web", b"allow_archive", untrusted=True) for name, ext in [(b'zip', '.zip'), (b'gz', '.tar.gz'), (b'bz2', '.tar.bz2')]: if name in allowed or self._repo.ui.configbool(b"web", b"allow" + name, untrusted=True): yield {"type": safe_str(name), "extension": ext, "node": archive_name} def _get_url(self, url): """ Returns normalized url. If schema is not given, fall back to filesystem (``file:///``) schema. """ if url != 'default' and '://' not in url: url = "file:" + urllib.request.pathname2url(url) return url def get_changeset(self, revision=None): """ Returns ``MercurialChangeset`` object representing repository's changeset at the given ``revision``. """ return MercurialChangeset(repository=self, revision=self._get_revision(revision)) def get_changesets(self, start=None, end=None, start_date=None, end_date=None, branch_name=None, reverse=False, max_revisions=None): """ Returns iterator of ``MercurialChangeset`` objects from start to end (both are inclusive) :param start: None, str, int or mercurial lookup format :param end: None, str, int or mercurial lookup format :param start_date: :param end_date: :param branch_name: :param reversed: return changesets in reversed order """ start_raw_id = self._get_revision(start) start_pos = None if start is None else self.revisions.index(start_raw_id) end_raw_id = self._get_revision(end) end_pos = None if end is None else self.revisions.index(end_raw_id) if start_pos is not None and end_pos is not None and start_pos > end_pos: raise RepositoryError("Start revision '%s' cannot be " "after end revision '%s'" % (start, end)) if branch_name and branch_name not in self.allbranches: msg = "Branch %r not found in %s" % (branch_name, self.name) raise BranchDoesNotExistError(msg) if end_pos is not None: end_pos += 1 # filter branches filter_ = [] if branch_name: filter_.append(b'branch("%s")' % safe_bytes(branch_name)) if start_date: filter_.append(b'date(">%s")' % safe_bytes(str(start_date))) if end_date: filter_.append(b'date("<%s")' % safe_bytes(str(end_date))) if filter_ or max_revisions: if filter_: revspec = b' and '.join(filter_) else: revspec = b'all()' if max_revisions: revspec = b'limit(%s, %d)' % (revspec, max_revisions) revisions = mercurial.scmutil.revrange(self._repo, [revspec]) else: revisions = self.revisions # this is very much a hack to turn this into a list; a better solution # would be to get rid of this function entirely and use revsets revs = list(revisions)[start_pos:end_pos] if reverse: revs.reverse() return CollectionGenerator(self, revs) def pull(self, url): """ Tries to pull changes from external location. """ other = mercurial.hg.peer(self._repo, {}, safe_bytes(self._get_url(url))) try: mercurial.exchange.pull(self._repo, other, heads=None, force=None) except mercurial.error.Abort as err: # Propagate error but with vcs's type raise RepositoryError(str(err)) @LazyProperty def workdir(self): """ Returns ``Workdir`` instance for this repository. """ return MercurialWorkdir(self) def get_config_value(self, section, name=None, config_file=None): """ Returns configuration value for a given [``section``] and ``name``. :param section: Section we want to retrieve value from :param name: Name of configuration we want to retrieve :param config_file: A path to file which should be used to retrieve configuration from (might also be a list of file paths) """ if config_file is None: config_file = [] elif isinstance(config_file, str): config_file = [config_file] config = self._repo.ui if config_file: config = mercurial.ui.ui() for path in config_file: config.readconfig(safe_bytes(path)) value = config.config(safe_bytes(section), safe_bytes(name)) return value if value is None else safe_str(value) def get_user_name(self, config_file=None): """ Returns user's name from global configuration file. :param config_file: A path to file which should be used to retrieve configuration from (might also be a list of file paths) """ username = self.get_config_value('ui', 'username', config_file=config_file) if username: return author_name(username) return None def get_user_email(self, config_file=None): """ Returns user's email from global configuration file. :param config_file: A path to file which should be used to retrieve configuration from (might also be a list of file paths) """ username = self.get_config_value('ui', 'username', config_file=config_file) if username: return author_email(username) return None