.. _setup: Setup ===== Setting up RhodeCode -------------------------- First, you will need to create a RhodeCode configuration file. Run the following command to do this:: paster make-config RhodeCode production.ini - This will create the file `production.ini` in the current directory. This configuration file contains the various settings for RhodeCode, e.g proxy port, email settings, usage of static files, cache, celery settings and logging. Next, you need to create the databases used by RhodeCode. I recommend that you use sqlite (default) or postgresql. If you choose a database other than the default ensure you properly adjust the db url in your production.ini configuration file to use this other database. Create the databases by running the following command:: paster setup-app production.ini This will prompt you for a "root" path. This "root" path is the location where RhodeCode will store all of its repositories on the current machine. After entering this "root" path ``setup-app`` will also prompt you for a username and password for the initial admin account which ``setup-app`` sets up for you. - The ``setup-app`` command will create all of the needed tables and an admin account. When choosing a root path You can either use a new empty location, or a location which already contains existing repositories. If you choose a location which contains existing repositories RhodeCode will simply add all of the repositories at the chosen location to it's database. (Note: make sure you specify the correct path to the root). - Note: the given path for mercurial_ repositories **must** be write accessible for the application. It's very important since the RhodeCode web interface will work without write access, but when trying to do a push it will eventually fail with permission denied errors unless it has write access. You are now ready to use RhodeCode, to run it simply execute:: paster serve production.ini - This command runs the RhodeCode server. The web app should be available at the This ip and port is configurable via the production.ini file created in previous step - Use the admin account you created above when running ``setup-app`` to login to the web app. - The default permissions on each repository is read, and the owner is admin. Remember to update these if needed. - In the admin panel You can toggle ldap, anonymous, permissions settings. As well as edit more advanced options on users and repositories Try copying your own mercurial repository into the "root" directory you are using, then from within the RhodeCode web application choose Admin > repositories. Then choose Add New Repository. Add the repository you copied into the root. Test that you can browse your repository from within RhodCode and then try cloning your repository from RhodeCode with:: hg clone where *repository name* is replaced by the name of your repository. Using RhodeCode with SSH ------------------------ RhodeCode repository structures are kept in directories with the same name as the project, when using repository groups, each group is a subdirectory. This will allow you to use ssh for accessing repositories quite easily. There are some exceptions when using ssh for accessing repositories. You have to make sure that the web-server as well as the ssh users have unix permission for the appropriate directories. Secondly, when using ssh rhodecode will not authenticate those requests and permissions set by the web interface will not work on the repositories accessed via ssh. There is a solution to this to use auth hooks, that connects to rhodecode db, and runs check functions for permissions. If your main directory (the same as set in RhodeCode settings) is for example set to **/home/hg** and the repository you are using is named `rhodecode`, then to clone via ssh you should run:: hg clone ssh://user@server.com/home/hg/rhodecode Using external tools such as mercurial server or using ssh key based authentication is fully supported. Setting up Whoosh full text search ---------------------------------- Starting from version 1.1 the whoosh index can be build by using the paster command ``make-index``. To use ``make-index`` You must specify the configuration file that stores the location of the index, and the location of the repositories (`--repo-location`). You may optionally pass the option `-f` to enable a full index rebuild. Without the `-f` option, indexing will run always in "incremental" mode. For an incremental index build use:: paster make-index production.ini --repo-location= For a full index rebuild use:: paster make-index production.ini -f --repo-location= - For full text search you can either put crontab entry for In order to do periodical index builds and keep your index always up to date. It's recommended to do a crontab entry for incremental indexing. An example entry might look like this:: /path/to/python/bin/paster /path/to/rhodecode/production.ini --repo-location= When using incremental mode (the default) whoosh will check the last modification date of each file and add it to be reindexed if a newer file is available. The indexing daemon checks for any removed files and removes them from index. If you want to rebuild index from scratch, you can use the `-f` flag as above, or in the admin panel you can check `build from scratch` flag. Setting up LDAP support ----------------------- RhodeCode starting from version 1.1 supports ldap authentication. In order to use LDAP, you have to install python-ldap_ package. This package is available via pypi, so you can install it by running :: easy_install python-ldap :: pip install python-ldap .. note:: python-ldap requires some certain libs on your system, so before installing it check that you have at least `openldap`, and `sasl` libraries. ldap settings are located in admin->ldap section, Here's a typical ldap setup:: Enable ldap = checked #controls if ldap access is enabled Host = host.domain.org #actual ldap server to connect Port = 389 or 689 for ldaps #ldap server ports Enable LDAPS = unchecked #enable disable ldaps Account = #access for ldap server(if required) Password = #password for ldap server(if required) Base DN = uid=%(user)s,CN=users,DC=host,DC=domain,DC=org `Account` and `Password` are optional, and used for two-phase ldap authentication so those are credentials to access your ldap, if it doesn't support anonymous search/user lookups. Base DN must have %(user)s template inside, it's a placer where your uid used to login would go, it allows admins to specify not standard schema for uid variable If all data are entered correctly, and `python-ldap` is properly installed Users should be granted to access RhodeCode wit ldap accounts. When logging at the first time an special ldap account is created inside RhodeCode, so you can control over permissions even on ldap users. If such user exists already in RhodeCode database ldap user with the same username would be not able to access RhodeCode. If you have problems with ldap access and believe you entered correct information check out the RhodeCode logs,any error messages sent from ldap will be saved there. Setting Up Celery ----------------- Since version 1.1 celery is configured by the rhodecode ini configuration files simply set use_celery=true in the ini file then add / change the configuration variables inside the ini file. Remember that the ini files uses format with '.' not with '_' like celery so for example setting `BROKER_HOST` in celery means setting `broker.host` in the config file. In order to make start using celery run:: paster celeryd .. note:: Make sure you run this command from same virtualenv, and with the same user that rhodecode runs. HTTPS support ------------- There are two ways to enable https, first is to set HTTP_X_URL_SCHEME in your http server headers, than rhodecode will recognise this headers and make proper https redirections, another way is to set `force_https = true` in the ini cofiguration to force using https, no headers are needed than to enable https Nginx virtual host example -------------------------- Sample config for nginx using proxy:: server { listen 80; server_name hg.myserver.com; access_log /var/log/nginx/rhodecode.access.log; error_log /var/log/nginx/rhodecode.error.log; location / { root /var/www/rhodecode/rhodecode/public/; if (!-f $request_filename){ proxy_pass; } #this is important if you want to use https !!! proxy_set_header X-Url-Scheme $scheme; include /etc/nginx/proxy.conf; } } Here's the proxy.conf. It's tuned so it'll not timeout on long pushes and also on large pushes:: proxy_redirect off; proxy_set_header Host $host; proxy_set_header X-Host $http_host; proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr; proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for; proxy_set_header Proxy-host $proxy_host; client_max_body_size 400m; client_body_buffer_size 128k; proxy_buffering off; proxy_connect_timeout 3600; proxy_send_timeout 3600; proxy_read_timeout 3600; proxy_buffer_size 16k; proxy_buffers 4 16k; proxy_busy_buffers_size 64k; proxy_temp_file_write_size 64k; Also when using root path with nginx you might set the static files to false in production.ini file:: [app:main] use = egg:rhodecode full_stack = true static_files = false lang=en cache_dir = %(here)s/data To not have the statics served by the application. And improve speed. Apache virtual host example --------------------------- Sample config for apache using proxy:: ServerName hg.myserver.com ServerAlias hg.myserver.com Order allow,deny Allow from all #important ! #Directive to properly generate url (clone url) for pylons ProxyPreserveHost On #rhodecode instance ProxyPass / ProxyPassReverse / #to enable https use line below #SetEnvIf X-Url-Scheme https HTTPS=1 Additional tutorial http://wiki.pylonshq.com/display/pylonscookbook/Apache+as+a+reverse+proxy+for+Pylons Apache as subdirectory ---------------------- Apache subdirectory part:: ProxyPass ProxyPassReverse SetEnvIf X-Url-Scheme https HTTPS=1 Besides the regular apache setup you will need to add such part to .ini file:: filter-with = proxy-prefix Add the following at the end of the .ini file:: [filter:proxy-prefix] use = egg:PasteDeploy#prefix prefix = / Apache's example FCGI config ---------------------------- TODO ! Other configuration files ------------------------- Some example init.d script can be found here, for debian and gentoo: https://rhodeocode.org/rhodecode/files/tip/init.d Troubleshooting --------------- - missing static files ? - make sure either to set the `static_files = true` in the .ini file or double check the root path for your http setup. It should point to for example: /home/my-virtual-python/lib/python2.6/site-packages/rhodecode/public - can't install celery/rabbitmq - don't worry RhodeCode works without them too. No extra setup required - long lasting push timeouts ? - make sure you set a longer timeouts in your proxy/fcgi settings, timeouts are caused by https server and not RhodeCode - large pushes timeouts ? - make sure you set a proper max_body_size for the http server - Apache doesn't pass basicAuth on pull/push ? - Make sure you added `WSGIPassAuthorization true` .. _virtualenv: http://pypi.python.org/pypi/virtualenv .. _python: http://www.python.org/ .. _mercurial: http://mercurial.selenic.com/ .. _celery: http://celeryproject.org/ .. _rabbitmq: http://www.rabbitmq.com/ .. _python-ldap: http://www.python-ldap.org/