##// END OF EJS Templates
commands: add hidden -T option for files/manifest/status/tags...
commands: add hidden -T option for files/manifest/status/tags These commands have generic formatting support but no way to enable it yet. When this feature is more fully developed, this flag will be unhidden.

File last commit:

r22413:3cb0318b default
r22429:7a7eed51 default
Show More
443 lines | 13.3 KiB | text/troff | Tads3Lexer
/ tests / test-convert-git.t
Matt Mackall
tests: replace exit 80 with #require
r22046 #require git
Matt Mackall
tests: unify test-convert-git
Eduard-Cristian Stefan
test-convert: disable autocrlf for git...
r16892 $ echo "[core]" >> $HOME/.gitconfig
$ echo "autocrlf = false" >> $HOME/.gitconfig
Eduard-Cristian Stefan
test-convert: disable autocrlf for git
r16954 $ echo "[core]" >> $HOME/.gitconfig
$ echo "autocrlf = false" >> $HOME/.gitconfig
Matt Mackall
tests: unify test-convert-git
r12530 $ echo "[extensions]" >> $HGRCPATH
$ echo "convert=" >> $HGRCPATH
$ GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL='test@example.org'; export GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL
$ GIT_AUTHOR_DATE="2007-01-01 00:00:00 +0000"; export GIT_AUTHOR_DATE
Ben Goswami
splicemap: improve error handling when source is git (issue2084)...
r19121 $ INVALIDID1=afd12345af
$ INVALIDID2=28173x36ddd1e67bf7098d541130558ef5534a86
$ VALIDID1=39b3d83f9a69a9ba4ebb111461071a0af0027357
$ VALIDID2=8dd6476bd09d9c7776355dc454dafe38efaec5da
Matt Mackall
tests: unify test-convert-git
r12530 $ count=10
$ commit()
> {
> GIT_AUTHOR_DATE="2007-01-01 00:00:$count +0000"
> git commit "$@" >/dev/null 2>/dev/null || echo "git commit error"
> count=`expr $count + 1`
> }
$ mkdir git-repo
$ cd git-repo
$ git init-db >/dev/null 2>/dev/null
$ echo a > a
$ mkdir d
$ echo b > d/b
$ git add a d
$ commit -a -m t1
Matt Mackall
tests: fixup issue markers to make check-commit happy
r22183 Remove the directory, then try to replace it with a file (issue754)
Matt Mackall
tests: unify test-convert-git
$ git rm -f d/b
rm 'd/b'
$ commit -m t2
$ echo d > d
$ git add d
$ commit -m t3
$ echo b >> a
$ commit -a -m t4.1
$ git checkout -b other HEAD~ >/dev/null 2>/dev/null
$ echo c > a
$ echo a >> a
$ commit -a -m t4.2
$ git checkout master >/dev/null 2>/dev/null
$ git pull --no-commit . other > /dev/null 2>/dev/null
$ commit -m 'Merge branch other'
$ cd ..
Augie Fackler
test-convert-git.t: add a test of convert progress bars for git...
r22412 $ hg convert --config extensions.progress= --config progress.assume-tty=1 \
> --config progress.delay=0 --config progress.changedelay=0 \
> --config progress.refresh=0 --config progress.width=60 \
> --datesort git-repo
\r (no-eol) (esc)
Augie Fackler
convert: enable deterministic conversion progress bar for git
r22413 scanning [======> ] 1/6\r (no-eol) (esc)
scanning [=============> ] 2/6\r (no-eol) (esc)
scanning [=====================> ] 3/6\r (no-eol) (esc)
scanning [============================> ] 4/6\r (no-eol) (esc)
scanning [===================================> ] 5/6\r (no-eol) (esc)
scanning [===========================================>] 6/6\r (no-eol) (esc)
Augie Fackler
test-convert-git.t: add a test of convert progress bars for git...
r22412 \r (no-eol) (esc)
\r (no-eol) (esc)
converting [ ] 0/6\r (no-eol) (esc)
getting files [==================> ] 1/2\r (no-eol) (esc)
getting files [======================================>] 2/2\r (no-eol) (esc)
\r (no-eol) (esc)
\r (no-eol) (esc)
converting [======> ] 1/6\r (no-eol) (esc)
getting files [======================================>] 1/1\r (no-eol) (esc)
\r (no-eol) (esc)
\r (no-eol) (esc)
converting [=============> ] 2/6\r (no-eol) (esc)
getting files [======================================>] 1/1\r (no-eol) (esc)
\r (no-eol) (esc)
\r (no-eol) (esc)
converting [====================> ] 3/6\r (no-eol) (esc)
getting files [======================================>] 1/1\r (no-eol) (esc)
\r (no-eol) (esc)
\r (no-eol) (esc)
converting [===========================> ] 4/6\r (no-eol) (esc)
getting files [======================================>] 1/1\r (no-eol) (esc)
\r (no-eol) (esc)
\r (no-eol) (esc)
converting [==================================> ] 5/6\r (no-eol) (esc)
getting files [======================================>] 1/1\r (no-eol) (esc)
\r (no-eol) (esc)
Matt Mackall
tests: unify test-convert-git
r12530 assuming destination git-repo-hg
initializing destination git-repo-hg repository
scanning source...
5 t1
4 t2
3 t3
2 t4.1
1 t4.2
0 Merge branch other
Edouard Gomez
convert: add bookmarks reading support to git backend
r13756 updating bookmarks
Matt Mackall
tests: unify test-convert-git
r12530 $ hg up -q -R git-repo-hg
$ hg -R git-repo-hg tip -v
changeset: 5:c78094926be2
Edouard Gomez
convert: add bookmarks reading support to git backend
r13756 bookmark: master
Matt Mackall
tests: unify test-convert-git
r12530 tag: tip
parent: 3:f5f5cb45432b
parent: 4:4e174f80c67c
user: test <test@example.org>
date: Mon Jan 01 00:00:15 2007 +0000
files: a
Merge branch other
$ count=10
$ mkdir git-repo2
$ cd git-repo2
$ git init-db >/dev/null 2>/dev/null
$ echo foo > foo
$ git add foo
$ commit -a -m 'add foo'
$ echo >> foo
$ commit -a -m 'change foo'
$ git checkout -b Bar HEAD~ >/dev/null 2>/dev/null
$ echo quux >> quux
$ git add quux
$ commit -a -m 'add quux'
$ echo bar > bar
$ git add bar
$ commit -a -m 'add bar'
$ git checkout -b Baz HEAD~ >/dev/null 2>/dev/null
$ echo baz > baz
$ git add baz
$ commit -a -m 'add baz'
$ git checkout master >/dev/null 2>/dev/null
$ git pull --no-commit . Bar Baz > /dev/null 2>/dev/null
$ commit -m 'Octopus merge'
$ echo bar >> bar
$ commit -a -m 'change bar'
$ git checkout -b Foo HEAD~ >/dev/null 2>/dev/null
$ echo >> foo
$ commit -a -m 'change foo'
$ git checkout master >/dev/null 2>/dev/null
$ git pull --no-commit -s ours . Foo > /dev/null 2>/dev/null
$ commit -m 'Discard change to foo'
$ cd ..
$ glog()
> {
Martin Geisler
tests: don't load unnecessary graphlog extension...
r20117 > hg log -G --template '{rev} "{desc|firstline}" files: {files}\n' "$@"
Matt Mackall
tests: unify test-convert-git
r12530 > }
$ splitrepo()
> {
> msg="$1"
> files="$2"
> opts=$3
> echo "% $files: $msg"
> prefix=`echo "$files" | sed -e 's/ /-/g'`
> fmap="$prefix.fmap"
> repo="$prefix.repo"
> for i in $files; do
Adrian Buehlmann
check-code: add 'no tab indent' check for unified tests...
r12743 > echo "include $i" >> "$fmap"
Matt Mackall
tests: unify test-convert-git
r12530 > done
> hg -q convert $opts --filemap "$fmap" --datesort git-repo2 "$repo"
> hg up -q -R "$repo"
> glog -R "$repo"
> hg -R "$repo" manifest --debug
> }
full conversion
$ hg -q convert --datesort git-repo2 fullrepo
$ hg up -q -R fullrepo
$ glog -R fullrepo
@ 9 "Discard change to foo" files: foo
| o 8 "change foo" files: foo
| |
o | 7 "change bar" files: bar
o 6 "(octopus merge fixup)" files:
| o 5 "Octopus merge" files: baz
| |\
o | | 4 "add baz" files: baz
| | |
+---o 3 "add bar" files: bar
| |
o | 2 "add quux" files: quux
| |
| o 1 "change foo" files: foo
o 0 "add foo" files: foo
$ hg -R fullrepo manifest --debug
245a3b8bc653999c2b22cdabd517ccb47aecafdf 644 bar
354ae8da6e890359ef49ade27b68bbc361f3ca88 644 baz
9277c9cc8dd4576fc01a17939b4351e5ada93466 644 foo
88dfeab657e8cf2cef3dec67b914f49791ae76b1 644 quux
$ splitrepo 'octopus merge' 'foo bar baz'
% foo bar baz: octopus merge
@ 8 "Discard change to foo" files: foo
| o 7 "change foo" files: foo
| |
o | 6 "change bar" files: bar
o 5 "(octopus merge fixup)" files:
| o 4 "Octopus merge" files: baz
| |\
o | | 3 "add baz" files: baz
| | |
+---o 2 "add bar" files: bar
| |
| o 1 "change foo" files: foo
o 0 "add foo" files: foo
245a3b8bc653999c2b22cdabd517ccb47aecafdf 644 bar
354ae8da6e890359ef49ade27b68bbc361f3ca88 644 baz
9277c9cc8dd4576fc01a17939b4351e5ada93466 644 foo
$ splitrepo 'only some parents of an octopus merge; "discard" a head' 'foo baz quux'
% foo baz quux: only some parents of an octopus merge; "discard" a head
@ 6 "Discard change to foo" files: foo
o 5 "change foo" files: foo
o 4 "Octopus merge" files:
| o 3 "add baz" files: baz
| |
| o 2 "add quux" files: quux
| |
o | 1 "change foo" files: foo
o 0 "add foo" files: foo
354ae8da6e890359ef49ade27b68bbc361f3ca88 644 baz
9277c9cc8dd4576fc01a17939b4351e5ada93466 644 foo
88dfeab657e8cf2cef3dec67b914f49791ae76b1 644 quux
Matt Mackall
tests: fixup issue markers to make check-commit happy
r22183 test binary conversion (issue1359)
Matt Mackall
tests: unify test-convert-git
$ mkdir git-repo3
$ cd git-repo3
$ git init-db >/dev/null 2>/dev/null
$ python -c 'file("b", "wb").write("".join([chr(i) for i in range(256)])*16)'
$ git add b
$ commit -a -m addbinary
$ cd ..
convert binary file
$ hg convert git-repo3 git-repo3-hg
initializing destination git-repo3-hg repository
scanning source...
0 addbinary
Edouard Gomez
convert: add bookmarks reading support to git backend
r13756 updating bookmarks
Matt Mackall
tests: unify test-convert-git
r12530 $ cd git-repo3-hg
$ hg up -C
1 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved
$ python -c 'print len(file("b", "rb").read())'
$ cd ..
test author vs committer
$ mkdir git-repo4
$ cd git-repo4
$ git init-db >/dev/null 2>/dev/null
$ echo >> foo
$ git add foo
$ commit -a -m addfoo
$ echo >> foo
$ GIT_AUTHOR_NAME="nottest"
$ commit -a -m addfoo2
$ cd ..
convert author committer
$ hg convert git-repo4 git-repo4-hg
initializing destination git-repo4-hg repository
scanning source...
1 addfoo
0 addfoo2
Edouard Gomez
convert: add bookmarks reading support to git backend
r13756 updating bookmarks
Matt Mackall
tests: unify test-convert-git
r12530 $ hg -R git-repo4-hg log -v
changeset: 1:d63e967f93da
Edouard Gomez
convert: add bookmarks reading support to git backend
r13756 bookmark: master
Matt Mackall
tests: unify test-convert-git
r12530 tag: tip
user: nottest <test@example.org>
date: Mon Jan 01 00:00:21 2007 +0000
files: foo
committer: test <test@example.org>
changeset: 0:0735477b0224
user: test <test@example.org>
date: Mon Jan 01 00:00:20 2007 +0000
files: foo
--sourceorder should fail
$ hg convert --sourcesort git-repo4 git-repo4-sourcesort-hg
initializing destination git-repo4-sourcesort-hg repository
abort: --sourcesort is not supported by this data source
YaNan Xu
convert: add support for converting git submodule (issue3528)...
r17929 test sub modules
$ mkdir git-repo5
$ cd git-repo5
$ git init-db >/dev/null 2>/dev/null
$ echo 'sub' >> foo
$ git add foo
$ commit -a -m 'addfoo'
Mads Kiilerich
tests: use `pwd` instead of ${PWD} in test-convert-git.t - because of Solaris
r18508 $ BASE=`pwd`
YaNan Xu
convert: add support for converting git submodule (issue3528)...
r17929 $ cd ..
$ mkdir git-repo6
$ cd git-repo6
$ git init-db >/dev/null 2>/dev/null
$ git submodule add ${BASE} >/dev/null 2>/dev/null
$ commit -a -m 'addsubmodule' >/dev/null 2>/dev/null
$ cd ..
Ben Goswami
splicemap: improve error handling when source is git (issue2084)...
r19121 test invalid splicemap1
$ cat > splicemap <<EOF
$ hg convert --splicemap splicemap git-repo2 git-repo2-splicemap1-hg
initializing destination git-repo2-splicemap1-hg repository
abort: syntax error in splicemap(1): child parent1[,parent2] expected
test invalid splicemap2
$ cat > splicemap <<EOF
$ hg convert --splicemap splicemap git-repo2 git-repo2-splicemap2-hg
initializing destination git-repo2-splicemap2-hg repository
abort: syntax error in splicemap(1): child parent1[,parent2] expected
test invalid splicemap3
$ cat > splicemap <<EOF
$ hg convert --splicemap splicemap git-repo2 git-repo2-splicemap3-hg
initializing destination git-repo2-splicemap3-hg repository
abort: splicemap entry afd12345af is not a valid revision identifier
YaNan Xu
convert: add support for converting git submodule (issue3528)...
r17929 convert sub modules
$ hg convert git-repo6 git-repo6-hg
initializing destination git-repo6-hg repository
scanning source...
0 addsubmodule
updating bookmarks
$ hg -R git-repo6-hg log -v
changeset: 0:* (glob)
bookmark: master
tag: tip
user: nottest <test@example.org>
date: Mon Jan 01 00:00:23 2007 +0000
files: .hgsub .hgsubstate
committer: test <test@example.org>
$ cd git-repo6-hg
$ hg up >/dev/null 2>/dev/null
$ cat .hgsubstate
* git-repo5 (glob)
$ cd git-repo5
$ cat foo
Ross Lagerwall
test-convert-git: stabilize corruption of test git repo...
$ cd ../..
FUJIWARA Katsunori
convert: detect removal of ".gitmodules" at git source revisions correctly...
r21868 convert the revision removing '.gitmodules' itself (and related
$ cd git-repo6
$ git rm .gitmodules
rm '.gitmodules'
$ git rm --cached git-repo5
rm 'git-repo5'
$ commit -a -m 'remove .gitmodules and submodule git-repo5'
$ cd ..
$ hg convert -q git-repo6 git-repo6-hg
$ hg -R git-repo6-hg tip -T "{desc|firstline}\n"
remove .gitmodules and submodule git-repo5
$ hg -R git-repo6-hg tip -T "{file_dels}\n"
.hgsub .hgsubstate
Ross Lagerwall
test-convert-git: stabilize corruption of test git repo...
r18571 damaged git repository tests:
In case the hard-coded hashes change, the following commands can be used to
list the hashes and their corresponding types in the repository:
cd git-repo4/.git/objects
find . -type f | cut -c 3- | sed 's_/__' | xargs -n 1 -t git cat-file -t
cd ../../..
damage git repository by renaming a commit object
$ COMMIT_OBJ=1c/0ce3c5886f83a1d78a7b517cdff5cf9ca17bdd
$ mv git-repo4/.git/objects/$COMMIT_OBJ git-repo4/.git/objects/$COMMIT_OBJ.tmp
$ hg convert git-repo4 git-repo4-broken-hg 2>&1 | grep 'abort:'
abort: cannot read tags from git-repo4/.git
$ mv git-repo4/.git/objects/$COMMIT_OBJ.tmp git-repo4/.git/objects/$COMMIT_OBJ
damage git repository by renaming a blob object
$ BLOB_OBJ=8b/137891791fe96927ad78e64b0aad7bded08bdc
$ mv git-repo4/.git/objects/$BLOB_OBJ git-repo4/.git/objects/$BLOB_OBJ.tmp
$ hg convert git-repo4 git-repo4-broken-hg 2>&1 | grep 'abort:'
abort: cannot read 'blob' object at 8b137891791fe96927ad78e64b0aad7bded08bdc
$ mv git-repo4/.git/objects/$BLOB_OBJ.tmp git-repo4/.git/objects/$BLOB_OBJ
damage git repository by renaming a tree object
$ TREE_OBJ=72/49f083d2a63a41cc737764a86981eb5f3e4635
$ mv git-repo4/.git/objects/$TREE_OBJ git-repo4/.git/objects/$TREE_OBJ.tmp
$ hg convert git-repo4 git-repo4-broken-hg 2>&1 | grep 'abort:'
abort: cannot read changes in 1c0ce3c5886f83a1d78a7b517cdff5cf9ca17bdd