##// END OF EJS Templates
tests: check availability of pyflakes by trying to import pyflakes module...
tests: check availability of pyflakes by trying to import pyflakes module Since e397c6d74652, we use the pyflakes module instead of the pyflakes executable. As was pointed out during the review, the hghave check can be rewritten to try to import the pyflakes module instead of spawning a new subprocess.

File last commit:

r44270:ce088b38 default
r44987:aa0e1341 default
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88 lines | 2.9 KiB | application/rls-services+xml | RustLexer
Yuya Nishihara
rust-chg: add callback to handle pager and shell command requests...
r40010 // Copyright 2018 Yuya Nishihara <yuya@tcha.org>
// This software may be used and distributed according to the terms of the
// GNU General Public License version 2 or any later version.
Gregory Szorc
rust: run rustfmt...
r44270 use futures::future::IntoFuture;
Yuya Nishihara
rust-chg: add callback to handle pager and shell command requests...
r40010 use futures::Future;
use std::io;
use std::os::unix::io::AsRawFd;
use std::os::unix::process::ExitStatusExt;
use std::process::{Command, Stdio};
use tokio;
use tokio_process::{ChildStdin, CommandExt};
use super::message::CommandSpec;
use super::procutil;
/// Callback to process shell command requests received from server.
pub trait SystemHandler: Sized {
type PagerStdin: AsRawFd;
type SpawnPagerResult: IntoFuture<Item = (Self, Self::PagerStdin), Error = io::Error>;
type RunSystemResult: IntoFuture<Item = (Self, i32), Error = io::Error>;
/// Handles pager command request.
/// Returns the pipe to be attached to the server if the pager is spawned.
fn spawn_pager(self, spec: CommandSpec) -> Self::SpawnPagerResult;
/// Handles system command request.
/// Returns command exit code (positive) or signal number (negative).
fn run_system(self, spec: CommandSpec) -> Self::RunSystemResult;
/// Default cHg implementation to process requests received from server.
Gregory Szorc
rust: run rustfmt...
r44270 pub struct ChgUiHandler {}
Yuya Nishihara
rust-chg: add callback to handle pager and shell command requests...
impl ChgUiHandler {
pub fn new() -> ChgUiHandler {
ChgUiHandler {}
impl SystemHandler for ChgUiHandler {
type PagerStdin = ChildStdin;
type SpawnPagerResult = io::Result<(Self, Self::PagerStdin)>;
type RunSystemResult = Box<dyn Future<Item = (Self, i32), Error = io::Error> + Send>;
fn spawn_pager(self, spec: CommandSpec) -> Self::SpawnPagerResult {
let mut pager = new_shell_command(&spec)
let pin = pager.stdin().take().unwrap();
Yuya Nishihara
rust-chg: remove SIGCHLD handler which won't work in oxidized chg...
r40155 // TODO: if pager exits, notify the server with SIGPIPE immediately.
// otherwise the server won't get SIGPIPE if it does not write
// anything. (issue5278)
// kill(peerpid, SIGPIPE);
Gregory Szorc
rust: run rustfmt...
r44270 tokio::spawn(pager.map(|_| ()).map_err(|_| ())); // just ignore errors
Yuya Nishihara
rust-chg: add callback to handle pager and shell command requests...
r40010 Ok((self, pin))
fn run_system(self, spec: CommandSpec) -> Self::RunSystemResult {
let fut = new_shell_command(&spec)
.map(|status| {
Gregory Szorc
rust: run rustfmt...
r44270 let code = status
.or_else(|| status.signal().map(|n| -n))
Yuya Nishihara
rust-chg: add callback to handle pager and shell command requests...
r40010 .expect("either exit code or signal should be set");
(self, code)
fn new_shell_command(spec: &CommandSpec) -> Command {
let mut builder = Command::new("/bin/sh");
Gregory Szorc
rust: run rustfmt...
r44270 }