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349 lines | 11.7 KiB | text/x-python | PythonLexer
Augie Fackler
remotefilelog: import pruned-down remotefilelog extension from hg-experimental...
r40530 # shallowrepo.py - shallow repository that uses remote filelogs
# Copyright 2013 Facebook, Inc.
# This software may be used and distributed according to the terms of the
# GNU General Public License version 2 or any later version.
import os
from mercurial.i18n import _
Joerg Sonnenberger
node: replace nullid and friends with nodeconstants class...
r47771 from mercurial.node import hex, nullrev
Augie Fackler
remotefilelog: import pruned-down remotefilelog extension from hg-experimental...
r40530 from mercurial import (
from mercurial.utils import procutil
from . import (
# These make*stores functions are global so that other extensions can replace
# them.
def makelocalstores(repo):
"""In-repo stores, like .hg/store/data; can not be discarded."""
Augie Fackler
formatting: byteify all mercurial/ and hgext/ string literals...
r43347 localpath = os.path.join(repo.svfs.vfs.base, b'data')
Augie Fackler
remotefilelog: import pruned-down remotefilelog extension from hg-experimental...
r40530 if not os.path.exists(localpath):
# Instantiate local data stores
localcontent = contentstore.remotefilelogcontentstore(
Augie Fackler
formatting: blacken the codebase...
r43346 repo, localpath, repo.name, shared=False
Augie Fackler
remotefilelog: import pruned-down remotefilelog extension from hg-experimental...
r40530 localmetadata = metadatastore.remotefilelogmetadatastore(
Augie Fackler
formatting: blacken the codebase...
r43346 repo, localpath, repo.name, shared=False
Augie Fackler
remotefilelog: import pruned-down remotefilelog extension from hg-experimental...
r40530 return localcontent, localmetadata
Augie Fackler
formatting: blacken the codebase...
Augie Fackler
remotefilelog: import pruned-down remotefilelog extension from hg-experimental...
r40530 def makecachestores(repo):
"""Typically machine-wide, cache of remote data; can be discarded."""
# Instantiate shared cache stores
cachepath = shallowutil.getcachepath(repo.ui)
cachecontent = contentstore.remotefilelogcontentstore(
Augie Fackler
formatting: blacken the codebase...
r43346 repo, cachepath, repo.name, shared=True
Augie Fackler
remotefilelog: import pruned-down remotefilelog extension from hg-experimental...
r40530 cachemetadata = metadatastore.remotefilelogmetadatastore(
Augie Fackler
formatting: blacken the codebase...
r43346 repo, cachepath, repo.name, shared=True
Augie Fackler
remotefilelog: import pruned-down remotefilelog extension from hg-experimental...
repo.sharedstore = cachecontent
return cachecontent, cachemetadata
Augie Fackler
formatting: blacken the codebase...
Augie Fackler
remotefilelog: import pruned-down remotefilelog extension from hg-experimental...
r40530 def makeremotestores(repo, cachecontent, cachemetadata):
"""These stores fetch data from a remote server."""
# Instantiate remote stores
repo.fileservice = fileserverclient.fileserverclient(repo)
remotecontent = contentstore.remotecontentstore(
Augie Fackler
formatting: blacken the codebase...
r43346 repo.ui, repo.fileservice, cachecontent
Augie Fackler
remotefilelog: import pruned-down remotefilelog extension from hg-experimental...
r40530 remotemetadata = metadatastore.remotemetadatastore(
Augie Fackler
formatting: blacken the codebase...
r43346 repo.ui, repo.fileservice, cachemetadata
Augie Fackler
remotefilelog: import pruned-down remotefilelog extension from hg-experimental...
r40530 return remotecontent, remotemetadata
Augie Fackler
formatting: blacken the codebase...
Augie Fackler
remotefilelog: import pruned-down remotefilelog extension from hg-experimental...
r40530 def makepackstores(repo):
"""Packs are more efficient (to read from) cache stores."""
# Instantiate pack stores
Augie Fackler
formatting: blacken the codebase...
r43346 packpath = shallowutil.getcachepackpath(repo, constants.FILEPACK_CATEGORY)
Augie Fackler
remotefilelog: import pruned-down remotefilelog extension from hg-experimental...
r40530 packcontentstore = datapack.datapackstore(repo.ui, packpath)
packmetadatastore = historypack.historypackstore(repo.ui, packpath)
Augie Fackler
formatting: blacken the codebase...
r43346 shallowutil.reportpackmetrics(
Augie Fackler
formatting: byteify all mercurial/ and hgext/ string literals...
r43347 repo.ui, b'filestore', packcontentstore, packmetadatastore
Augie Fackler
formatting: blacken the codebase...
r43346 )
Augie Fackler
remotefilelog: import pruned-down remotefilelog extension from hg-experimental...
r40530 return packcontentstore, packmetadatastore
Augie Fackler
formatting: blacken the codebase...
Augie Fackler
remotefilelog: import pruned-down remotefilelog extension from hg-experimental...
r40530 def makeunionstores(repo):
"""Union stores iterate the other stores and return the first result."""
repo.shareddatastores = []
repo.sharedhistorystores = []
packcontentstore, packmetadatastore = makepackstores(repo)
cachecontent, cachemetadata = makecachestores(repo)
localcontent, localmetadata = makelocalstores(repo)
Augie Fackler
formatting: blacken the codebase...
r43346 remotecontent, remotemetadata = makeremotestores(
repo, cachecontent, cachemetadata
Augie Fackler
remotefilelog: import pruned-down remotefilelog extension from hg-experimental...
# Instantiate union stores
repo.contentstore = contentstore.unioncontentstore(
Augie Fackler
formatting: blacken the codebase...
r43346 packcontentstore,
Augie Fackler
remotefilelog: import pruned-down remotefilelog extension from hg-experimental...
r40530 repo.metadatastore = metadatastore.unionmetadatastore(
Augie Fackler
formatting: blacken the codebase...
r43346 packmetadatastore,
Augie Fackler
remotefilelog: import pruned-down remotefilelog extension from hg-experimental...
fileservicedatawrite = cachecontent
fileservicehistorywrite = cachemetadata
Augie Fackler
formatting: blacken the codebase...
r43346 repo.fileservice.setstore(
Augie Fackler
formatting: byteify all mercurial/ and hgext/ string literals...
r43347 repo.ui, b'filestore', packcontentstore, packmetadatastore
Augie Fackler
formatting: blacken the codebase...
r43346 )
Augie Fackler
remotefilelog: import pruned-down remotefilelog extension from hg-experimental...
def wraprepo(repo):
class shallowrepository(repo.__class__):
def name(self):
Augie Fackler
formatting: byteify all mercurial/ and hgext/ string literals...
r43347 return self.ui.config(b'remotefilelog', b'reponame')
Augie Fackler
remotefilelog: import pruned-down remotefilelog extension from hg-experimental...
def fallbackpath(self):
Augie Fackler
formatting: blacken the codebase...
r43346 path = repo.ui.config(
Augie Fackler
formatting: byteify all mercurial/ and hgext/ string literals...
r43347 b"remotefilelog",
repo.ui.config(b'paths', b'default'),
Augie Fackler
formatting: blacken the codebase...
r43346 )
Augie Fackler
remotefilelog: import pruned-down remotefilelog extension from hg-experimental...
r40530 if not path:
Augie Fackler
formatting: blacken the codebase...
r43346 raise error.Abort(
Augie Fackler
formatting: byteify all mercurial/ and hgext/ string literals...
r43347 b"no remotefilelog server "
b"configured - is your .hg/hgrc trusted?"
Augie Fackler
formatting: blacken the codebase...
r43346 )
Augie Fackler
remotefilelog: import pruned-down remotefilelog extension from hg-experimental...
return path
def maybesparsematch(self, *revs, **kwargs):
Augie Fackler
formating: upgrade to black 20.8b1...
r46554 """
Augie Fackler
remotefilelog: import pruned-down remotefilelog extension from hg-experimental...
r40530 A wrapper that allows the remotefilelog to invoke sparsematch() if
this is a sparse repository, or returns None if this is not a
sparse repository.
Augie Fackler
formating: upgrade to black 20.8b1...
r46554 """
Augie Fackler
remotefilelog: import pruned-down remotefilelog extension from hg-experimental...
r40530 if revs:
Kyle Lippincott
remotefilelog: fix bug in maybesparsematch returning alwaysmatcher...
r41107 ret = sparse.matcher(repo, revs=revs)
ret = sparse.matcher(repo)
if ret.always():
return None
return ret
Augie Fackler
remotefilelog: import pruned-down remotefilelog extension from hg-experimental...
def file(self, f):
Augie Fackler
formatting: byteify all mercurial/ and hgext/ string literals...
r43347 if f[0] == b'/':
Augie Fackler
remotefilelog: import pruned-down remotefilelog extension from hg-experimental...
r40530 f = f[1:]
if self.shallowmatch(f):
return remotefilelog.remotefilelog(self.svfs, f, self)
return super(shallowrepository, self).file(f)
def filectx(self, path, *args, **kwargs):
if self.shallowmatch(path):
return remotefilectx.remotefilectx(self, path, *args, **kwargs)
Augie Fackler
formatting: blacken the codebase...
r43346 return super(shallowrepository, self).filectx(
path, *args, **kwargs
Augie Fackler
remotefilelog: import pruned-down remotefilelog extension from hg-experimental...
Valentin Gatien-Baron
convert: add a config option to help doing identity hg->hg conversion...
r42839 def commitctx(self, ctx, error=False, origctx=None):
Augie Fackler
remotefilelog: import pruned-down remotefilelog extension from hg-experimental...
r40530 """Add a new revision to current repository.
Revision information is passed via the context argument.
# some contexts already have manifest nodes, they don't need any
# prefetching (for example if we're just editing a commit message
# we can reuse manifest
if not ctx.manifestnode():
# prefetch files that will likely be compared
m1 = ctx.p1().manifest()
files = []
for f in ctx.modified() + ctx.added():
Joerg Sonnenberger
node: replace nullid and friends with nodeconstants class...
r47771 fparent1 = m1.get(f, self.nullid)
if fparent1 != self.nullid:
Augie Fackler
remotefilelog: import pruned-down remotefilelog extension from hg-experimental...
r40530 files.append((f, hex(fparent1)))
Augie Fackler
formatting: blacken the codebase...
r43346 return super(shallowrepository, self).commitctx(
ctx, error=error, origctx=origctx
Augie Fackler
remotefilelog: import pruned-down remotefilelog extension from hg-experimental...
Augie Fackler
formatting: blacken the codebase...
r43346 def backgroundprefetch(
remotefilelog: remove the `ensurestart` usage...
r44303 self, revs, base=None, repack=False, pats=None, opts=None
Augie Fackler
formatting: blacken the codebase...
r43346 ):
Augie Fackler
formating: upgrade to black 20.8b1...
r46554 """Runs prefetch in background with optional repack"""
Augie Fackler
formatting: byteify all mercurial/ and hgext/ string literals...
r43347 cmd = [procutil.hgexecutable(), b'-R', repo.origroot, b'prefetch']
Augie Fackler
remotefilelog: import pruned-down remotefilelog extension from hg-experimental...
r40530 if repack:
Augie Fackler
formatting: byteify all mercurial/ and hgext/ string literals...
r43347 cmd.append(b'--repack')
Augie Fackler
remotefilelog: import pruned-down remotefilelog extension from hg-experimental...
r40530 if revs:
Augie Fackler
formatting: byteify all mercurial/ and hgext/ string literals...
r43347 cmd += [b'-r', revs]
Augie Fackler
remotefilelog: tell runbgcommand to not block on child process startup...
r42697 # We know this command will find a binary, so don't block
# on it starting.
remotefilelog: add a developer option to wait for background processes...
r44298 kwargs = {}
if repo.ui.configbool(b'devel', b'remotefilelog.bg-wait'):
kwargs['record_wait'] = repo.ui.atexit
Augie Fackler
formatting: blacken the codebase...
r43346 procutil.runbgcommand(
remotefilelog: remove the `ensurestart` usage...
r44303 cmd, encoding.environ, ensurestart=False, **kwargs
Augie Fackler
formatting: blacken the codebase...
r43346 )
Augie Fackler
remotefilelog: import pruned-down remotefilelog extension from hg-experimental...
def prefetch(self, revs, base=None, pats=None, opts=None):
"""Prefetches all the necessary file revisions for the given revs
Optionally runs repack in background
Augie Fackler
formatting: blacken the codebase...
r43346 with repo._lock(
Augie Fackler
formatting: byteify all mercurial/ and hgext/ string literals...
r43347 b'prefetchlock',
Augie Fackler
formatting: blacken the codebase...
r43346 True,
Augie Fackler
formatting: byteify all mercurial/ and hgext/ string literals...
r43347 _(b'prefetching in %s') % repo.origroot,
Augie Fackler
formatting: blacken the codebase...
r43346 ):
Augie Fackler
remotefilelog: import pruned-down remotefilelog extension from hg-experimental...
r40530 self._prefetch(revs, base, pats, opts)
def _prefetch(self, revs, base=None, pats=None, opts=None):
fallbackpath = self.fallbackpath
if fallbackpath:
# If we know a rev is on the server, we should fetch the server
# version of those files, since our local file versions might
# become obsolete if the local commits are stripped.
Augie Fackler
formatting: byteify all mercurial/ and hgext/ string literals...
r43347 localrevs = repo.revs(b'outgoing(%s)', fallbackpath)
Augie Fackler
remotefilelog: import pruned-down remotefilelog extension from hg-experimental...
r40530 if base is not None and base != nullrev:
Augie Fackler
formatting: blacken the codebase...
r43346 serverbase = list(
Augie Fackler
formatting: byteify all mercurial/ and hgext/ string literals...
r43347 repo.revs(
b'first(reverse(::%s) - %ld)', base, localrevs
Augie Fackler
formatting: blacken the codebase...
r43346 )
Augie Fackler
remotefilelog: import pruned-down remotefilelog extension from hg-experimental...
r40530 if serverbase:
base = serverbase[0]
localrevs = repo
mfl = repo.manifestlog
Augie Fackler
formatting: byteify all mercurial/ and hgext/ string literals...
r43347 mfrevlog = mfl.getstorage(b'')
Augie Fackler
remotefilelog: import pruned-down remotefilelog extension from hg-experimental...
r40530 if base is not None:
mfdict = mfl[repo[base].manifestnode()].read()
Gregory Szorc
global: bulk replace simple pycompat.iteritems(x) with x.items()...
r49768 skip = set(mfdict.items())
Augie Fackler
remotefilelog: import pruned-down remotefilelog extension from hg-experimental...
r40530 else:
skip = set()
# Copy the skip set to start large and avoid constant resizing,
# and since it's likely to be very similar to the prefetch set.
files = skip.copy()
serverfiles = skip.copy()
visited = set()
revcount = len(revs)
Augie Fackler
formatting: byteify all mercurial/ and hgext/ string literals...
r43347 progress = self.ui.makeprogress(_(b'prefetching'), total=revcount)
Martin von Zweigbergk
remotefilelog: use progress helper in shallowrepo...
r40880 progress.update(0)
Augie Fackler
remotefilelog: import pruned-down remotefilelog extension from hg-experimental...
r40530 for rev in sorted(revs):
ctx = repo[rev]
if pats:
m = scmutil.match(ctx, pats, opts)
sparsematch = repo.maybesparsematch(rev)
mfnode = ctx.manifestnode()
mfrev = mfrevlog.rev(mfnode)
# Decompressing manifests is expensive.
# When possible, only read the deltas.
p1, p2 = mfrevlog.parentrevs(mfrev)
if p1 in visited and p2 in visited:
mfdict = mfl[mfnode].readfast()
mfdict = mfl[mfnode].read()
Gregory Szorc
global: bulk replace simple pycompat.iteritems(x) with x.items()...
r49768 diff = mfdict.items()
Augie Fackler
remotefilelog: import pruned-down remotefilelog extension from hg-experimental...
r40530 if pats:
diff = (pf for pf in diff if m(pf[0]))
if sparsematch:
diff = (pf for pf in diff if sparsematch(pf[0]))
if rev not in localrevs:
Martin von Zweigbergk
remotefilelog: use progress helper in shallowrepo...
r40880 progress.increment()
Augie Fackler
remotefilelog: import pruned-down remotefilelog extension from hg-experimental...
Martin von Zweigbergk
remotefilelog: use progress helper in shallowrepo...
r40880 progress.complete()
Augie Fackler
remotefilelog: import pruned-down remotefilelog extension from hg-experimental...
# Fetch files known to be on the server
if serverfiles:
results = [(path, hex(fnode)) for (path, fnode) in serverfiles]
repo.fileservice.prefetch(results, force=True)
# Fetch files that may or may not be on the server
if files:
results = [(path, hex(fnode)) for (path, fnode) in files]
def close(self):
super(shallowrepository, self).close()
repo.__class__ = shallowrepository
Martin von Zweigbergk
match: delete unused root and cwd arguments from {always,never,exact}() (API)...
r41825 repo.shallowmatch = match.always()
Augie Fackler
remotefilelog: import pruned-down remotefilelog extension from hg-experimental...
Augie Fackler
formatting: blacken the codebase...
r43346 repo.includepattern = repo.ui.configlist(
Augie Fackler
formatting: byteify all mercurial/ and hgext/ string literals...
r43347 b"remotefilelog", b"includepattern", None
Augie Fackler
formatting: blacken the codebase...
r43346 )
repo.excludepattern = repo.ui.configlist(
Augie Fackler
formatting: byteify all mercurial/ and hgext/ string literals...
r43347 b"remotefilelog", b"excludepattern", None
Augie Fackler
formatting: blacken the codebase...
r43346 )
safehasattr: drop usage in favor of hasattr...
r51821 if not hasattr(repo, 'connectionpool'):
Augie Fackler
remotefilelog: import pruned-down remotefilelog extension from hg-experimental...
r40530 repo.connectionpool = connectionpool.connectionpool(repo)
if repo.includepattern or repo.excludepattern:
Augie Fackler
formatting: blacken the codebase...
r43346 repo.shallowmatch = match.match(
Augie Fackler
formatting: byteify all mercurial/ and hgext/ string literals...
r43347 repo.root, b'', None, repo.includepattern, repo.excludepattern
Augie Fackler
formatting: blacken the codebase...
r43346 )