diff --git a/hgext/convert/__init__.py b/hgext/convert/__init__.py
--- a/hgext/convert/__init__.py
+++ b/hgext/convert/__init__.py
@@ -228,6 +228,12 @@ def convert(ui, src, dest=None, revmapfi
         part of a changeset then the default may not be long enough.
         The default is 60.
+    :convert.cvsps.logencoding: Specify encoding name to be used for
+        transcoding CVS log messages. Multiple encoding names can be
+        specified as a list (see :hg:`help config.Syntax`), but only
+        the first acceptable encoding in the list is used per CVS log
+        entries. This transcoding is executed before cvslog hook below.
     :convert.cvsps.mergeto: Specify a regular expression to which
         commit log messages are matched. If a match occurs, then the
         conversion process will insert a dummy revision merging the
diff --git a/hgext/convert/cvsps.py b/hgext/convert/cvsps.py
--- a/hgext/convert/cvsps.py
+++ b/hgext/convert/cvsps.py
@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ import re
 from mercurial.i18n import _
 from mercurial import (
+    error,
@@ -491,6 +492,35 @@ def createlog(ui, directory=None, root="
     ui.status(_('%d log entries\n') % len(log))
+    encodings = ui.configlist('convert', 'cvsps.logencoding')
+    if encodings:
+        def revstr(r):
+            # this is needed, because logentry.revision is a tuple of "int"
+            # (e.g. (1, 2) for "1.2")
+            return '.'.join(pycompat.maplist(pycompat.bytestr, r))
+        for entry in log:
+            comment = entry.comment
+            for e in encodings:
+                try:
+                    entry.comment = comment.decode(e).encode('utf-8')
+                    if ui.debugflag:
+                        ui.debug("transcoding by %s: %s of %s\n" %
+                                 (e, revstr(entry.revision), entry.file))
+                    break
+                except UnicodeDecodeError:
+                    pass # try next encoding
+                except LookupError as inst: # unknown encoding, maybe
+                    raise error.Abort(inst,
+                                      hint=_('check convert.cvsps.logencoding'
+                                             ' configuration'))
+            else:
+                raise error.Abort(_("no encoding can transcode"
+                                    " CVS log message for %s of %s")
+                                  % (revstr(entry.revision), entry.file),
+                                  hint=_('check convert.cvsps.logencoding'
+                                         ' configuration'))
     hook.hook(ui, None, "cvslog", True, log=log)
     return log
diff --git a/tests/test-convert-cvs.t b/tests/test-convert-cvs.t
--- a/tests/test-convert-cvs.t
+++ b/tests/test-convert-cvs.t
@@ -498,3 +498,157 @@ update and verify the cvsps cache
   $ cd ..
+Test transcoding CVS log messages (issue5597)
+To emulate commit messages in (non-ascii) multiple encodings portably,
+this test scenario writes CVS history file (*,v file) directly via
+python code.
+Commit messages of version 1.2 - 1.4 use u3042 in 3 encodings below.
+|encoding  |byte sequence | decodable as:      |
+|          |              | utf-8 euc-jp cp932 |
+|utf-8     |\xe3\x81\x82  |  o      x     x    |
+|euc-jp    |\xa4\xa2      |  x      o     o    |
+|cp932     |\x82\xa0      |  x      x     o    |
+  $ mkdir -p cvsrepo/transcoding
+  $ python <<EOF
+  > fp = open('cvsrepo/transcoding/file,v', 'w')
+  > fp.write(('''
+  > head	1.4;
+  > access;
+  > symbols
+  > 	start: INITIAL:1.1.1;
+  > locks; strict;
+  > comment	@# @;
+  > 
+  > 
+  > 1.4
+  > date	2017.;	author nobody;	state Exp;
+  > branches;
+  > next	1.3;
+  > commitid	10059635D016A510FFA;
+  > 
+  > 1.3
+  > date	2017.;	author nobody;	state Exp;
+  > branches;
+  > next	1.2;
+  > commitid	10059635CFF6A4FF34E;
+  > 
+  > 1.2
+  > date	2017.;	author nobody;	state Exp;
+  > branches;
+  > next	1.1;
+  > commitid	10059635CFD6A4D5095;
+  > 
+  > 1.1
+  > date	2017.;	author nobody;	state Exp;
+  > branches
+  >;
+  > next	;
+  > commitid	10059635CFB6A4A3C33;
+  > 
+  >
+  > date	2017.;	author nobody;	state Exp;
+  > branches;
+  > next	;
+  > commitid	10059635CFB6A4A3C33;
+  > 
+  > 
+  > desc
+  > @@
+  > 
+  > 
+  > 1.4
+  > log
+  > @''' + u'\u3042'.encode('cp932') + ''' (cp932)
+  > @
+  > text
+  > @1
+  > 2
+  > 3
+  > 4
+  > @
+  > 
+  > 
+  > 1.3
+  > log
+  > @''' + u'\u3042'.encode('euc-jp') + ''' (euc-jp)
+  > @
+  > text
+  > @d4 1
+  > @
+  > 
+  > 
+  > 1.2
+  > log
+  > @''' + u'\u3042'.encode('utf-8') +  ''' (utf-8)
+  > @
+  > text
+  > @d3 1
+  > @
+  > 
+  > 
+  > 1.1
+  > log
+  > @Initial revision
+  > @
+  > text
+  > @d2 1
+  > @
+  > 
+  > 
+  >
+  > log
+  > @import
+  > @
+  > text
+  > @@
+  > ''').lstrip())
+  > EOF
+  $ cvscall -q checkout transcoding
+  U transcoding/file
+Test converting in normal case
+(filtering by grep in order to check only form of debug messages)
+  $ hg convert --config convert.cvsps.logencoding=utf-8,euc-jp,cp932 -q --debug transcoding transcoding-hg | grep 'transcoding by'
+  transcoding by utf-8: 1.1 of file
+  transcoding by utf-8: of file
+  transcoding by utf-8: 1.2 of file
+  transcoding by euc-jp: 1.3 of file
+  transcoding by cp932: 1.4 of file
+  $ hg -R transcoding-hg --encoding utf-8 log -T "{rev}: {desc}\n"
+  5: update tags
+  4: import
+  3: \xe3\x81\x82 (cp932) (esc)
+  2: \xe3\x81\x82 (euc-jp) (esc)
+  1: \xe3\x81\x82 (utf-8) (esc)
+  0: Initial revision
+  $ rm -rf transcoding-hg
+Test converting in error cases
+unknown encoding in convert.cvsps.logencoding
+  $ hg convert --config convert.cvsps.logencoding=foobar -q transcoding transcoding-hg
+  abort: unknown encoding: foobar
+  (check convert.cvsps.logencoding configuration)
+  [255]
+  $ rm -rf transcoding-hg
+no acceptable encoding in convert.cvsps.logencoding
+  $ hg convert --config convert.cvsps.logencoding=utf-8,euc-jp -q transcoding transcoding-hg
+  abort: no encoding can transcode CVS log message for 1.4 of file
+  (check convert.cvsps.logencoding configuration)
+  [255]
+  $ rm -rf transcoding-hg
diff --git a/tests/test-convert.t b/tests/test-convert.t
--- a/tests/test-convert.t
+++ b/tests/test-convert.t
@@ -171,6 +171,12 @@
                     single changeset. When very large files were checked in as
                     part of a changeset then the default may not be long enough.
                     The default is 60.
+      convert.cvsps.logencoding
+                    Specify encoding name to be used for transcoding CVS log
+                    messages. Multiple encoding names can be specified as a list
+                    (see 'hg help config.Syntax'), but only the first acceptable
+                    encoding in the list is used per CVS log entries. This
+                    transcoding is executed before cvslog hook below.
                     Specify a regular expression to which commit log messages
                     are matched. If a match occurs, then the conversion process