diff --git a/hgext/histedit.py b/hgext/histedit.py
--- a/hgext/histedit.py
+++ b/hgext/histedit.py
@@ -1209,8 +1209,8 @@ def _aborthistedit(ui, repo, state):
         if repo.unfiltered().revs('parents() and (%n  or %ln::)',
                                 state.parentctxnode, leafs | tmpnodes):
             hg.clean(repo, state.topmost, show_stats=True, quietempty=True)
-        safecleanupnode(ui, repo, 'created', tmpnodes)
-        safecleanupnode(ui, repo, 'temp', leafs)
+        cleanupnode(ui, repo, 'created', tmpnodes)
+        cleanupnode(ui, repo, 'temp', leafs)
     except Exception:
         if state.inprogress():
             ui.warn(_('warning: encountered an exception during histedit '
diff --git a/tests/test-histedit-obsolete.t b/tests/test-histedit-obsolete.t
--- a/tests/test-histedit-obsolete.t
+++ b/tests/test-histedit-obsolete.t
@@ -503,49 +503,3 @@ Note that there is a few reordering in t
   abort: cannot edit history that contains merges
   $ cd ..
-  $ cp -R base abort
-  $ cd abort
-  $ hg histedit -r 'b449568bf7fc' --commands - << EOF
-  > pick b449568bf7fc 13 f
-  > pick 7395e1ff83bd 15 h
-  > pick 6b70183d2492 14 g
-  > pick b605fb7503f2 16 i
-  > pick 3a6c53ee7f3d 17 j
-  > edit ee118ab9fa44 18 k
-  > EOF
-  Editing (ee118ab9fa44), you may commit or record as needed now.
-  (hg histedit --continue to resume)
-  [1]
-  $ hg histedit --abort
-  1 files updated, 0 files merged, 0 files removed, 0 files unresolved
-  $ hg log -G --hidden -r '::. + .:'
-  x  22:44ca09d59ae4 (secret) j
-  |
-  x  21:31747692a644 (secret) i
-  |
-  x  20:9985cd4f21fa (draft) g
-  |
-  x  19:4dc06258baa6 (draft) h
-  |
-  | @  18:ee118ab9fa44 (secret) k
-  | |
-  | o  17:3a6c53ee7f3d (secret) j
-  | |
-  | o  16:b605fb7503f2 (secret) i
-  | |
-  | o  15:7395e1ff83bd (draft) h
-  | |
-  | o  14:6b70183d2492 (draft) g
-  |/
-  o  13:b449568bf7fc (draft) f
-  |
-  o  12:40db8afa467b (public) c
-  |
-  o  0:cb9a9f314b8b (public) a