diff --git a/mercurial/help/config.txt b/mercurial/help/config.txt
--- a/mercurial/help/config.txt
+++ b/mercurial/help/config.txt
@@ -1008,10 +1008,18 @@ The following options control default be
     Defines the minimum channel encryption protocol to use.
-    By default, the highest version of TLS - 1.0 or greater - supported by
-    both client and server is used.
-    Allowed values are: ``tls1.0`` (the default), ``tls1.1``, ``tls1.2``.
+    By default, the highest version of TLS supported by both client and server
+    is used.
+    Allowed values are: ``tls1.0``, ``tls1.1``, ``tls1.2``.
+    When running on an old Python version, only ``tls1.0`` is allowed since
+    old versions of Python only support up to TLS 1.0.
+    When running a Python that supports modern TLS versions, the default is
+    ``tls1.1``. ``tls1.0`` can still be used to allow TLS 1.0. However, this
+    weakens security and should only be used as a feature of last resort if
+    a server does not support TLS 1.1+.
 Options in the ``[hostsecurity]`` section can have the form
 ``hostname``:``setting``. This allows multiple settings to be defined on a
diff --git a/mercurial/sslutil.py b/mercurial/sslutil.py
--- a/mercurial/sslutil.py
+++ b/mercurial/sslutil.py
@@ -154,9 +154,17 @@ def _hostsettings(ui, hostname):
                 hint=_('valid protocols: %s') %
                      ' '.join(sorted(configprotocols)))
+    # Legacy Python can only do TLS 1.0. We default to TLS 1.1+ where we
+    # can because TLS 1.0 has known vulnerabilities (like BEAST and POODLE).
+    # We allow users to downgrade to TLS 1.0+ via config options in case a
+    # legacy server is encountered.
+    if modernssl:
+        defaultprotocol = 'tls1.1'
+    else:
+        defaultprotocol = 'tls1.0'
     key = 'minimumprotocol'
-    # Default to TLS 1.0+ as that is what browsers are currently doing.
-    protocol = ui.config('hostsecurity', key, 'tls1.0')
+    protocol = ui.config('hostsecurity', key, defaultprotocol)
     validateprotocol(protocol, key)
     key = '%s:minimumprotocol' % hostname
diff --git a/tests/test-https.t b/tests/test-https.t
--- a/tests/test-https.t
+++ b/tests/test-https.t
@@ -377,6 +377,11 @@ Clients talking same TLS versions work
 Clients requiring newer TLS version than what server supports fail
+  $ P="$CERTSDIR" hg id https://localhost:$HGPORT/
+  (could not negotiate a common protocol; see https://mercurial-scm.org/wiki/SecureConnections for how to configure Mercurial to avoid this error)
+  abort: error: *unsupported protocol* (glob)
+  [255]
   $ P="$CERTSDIR" hg --config hostsecurity.minimumprotocol=tls1.1 id https://localhost:$HGPORT/
   (could not negotiate a common protocol; see https://mercurial-scm.org/wiki/SecureConnections for how to configure Mercurial to avoid this error)
   abort: error: *unsupported protocol* (glob)