diff --git a/rust/hg-core/src/copy_tracing.rs b/rust/hg-core/src/copy_tracing.rs
--- a/rust/hg-core/src/copy_tracing.rs
+++ b/rust/hg-core/src/copy_tracing.rs
@@ -1,3 +1,10 @@
+mod tests_support;
+mod tests;
 use crate::utils::hg_path::HgPath;
 use crate::utils::hg_path::HgPathBuf;
 use crate::Revision;
diff --git a/rust/hg-core/src/copy_tracing/tests.rs b/rust/hg-core/src/copy_tracing/tests.rs
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rust/hg-core/src/copy_tracing/tests.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,141 @@
+use super::*;
+/// Unit tests for:
+/// ```ignore
+/// fn compare_value(
+///     current_merge: Revision,
+///     merge_case_for_dest: impl Fn() -> MergeCase,
+///     src_minor: &CopySource,
+///     src_major: &CopySource,
+/// ) -> (MergePick, /* overwrite: */ bool)
+///  ```
+fn test_compare_value() {
+    // The `compare_value!` macro calls the `compare_value` function with
+    // arguments given in pseudo-syntax:
+    //
+    // * For `merge_case_for_dest` it takes a plain `MergeCase` value instead
+    //   of a closure.
+    // * `CopySource` values are represented as `(rev, path, overwritten)`
+    //   tuples of type `(Revision, Option<PathToken>, OrdSet<Revision>)`.
+    // * `PathToken` is an integer not read by `compare_value`. It only checks
+    //   for `Some(_)` indicating a file copy v.s. `None` for a file deletion.
+    // * `OrdSet<Revision>` is represented as a Python-like set literal.
+    use MergeCase::*;
+    use MergePick::*;
+    assert_eq!(
+        compare_value!(1, Normal, (1, None, { 1 }), (1, None, { 1 })),
+        (Any, false)
+    );
+/// Unit tests for:
+/// ```ignore
+/// fn merge_copies_dict(
+///     path_map: &TwoWayPathMap, // Not visible in test cases
+///     current_merge: Revision,
+///     minor: InternalPathCopies,
+///     major: InternalPathCopies,
+///     get_merge_case: impl Fn(&HgPath) -> MergeCase + Copy,
+/// ) -> InternalPathCopies
+/// ```
+fn test_merge_copies_dict() {
+    // The `merge_copies_dict!` macro calls the `merge_copies_dict` function
+    // with arguments given in pseudo-syntax:
+    //
+    // * `TwoWayPathMap` and path tokenization are implicitly taken care of.
+    //   All paths are given as string literals.
+    // * Key-value maps are represented with `{key1 => value1, key2 => value2}`
+    //   pseudo-syntax.
+    // * `InternalPathCopies` is a map of copy destination path keys to
+    //   `CopySource` values.
+    //   - `CopySource` is represented as a `(rev, source_path, overwritten)`
+    //     tuple of type `(Revision, Option<Path>, OrdSet<Revision>)`.
+    //   - Unlike in `test_compare_value`, source paths are string literals.
+    //   - `OrdSet<Revision>` is again represented as a Python-like set
+    //     literal.
+    // * `get_merge_case` is represented as a map of copy destination path to
+    //   `MergeCase`. The default for paths not in the map is
+    //   `MergeCase::Normal`.
+    //
+    // `internal_path_copies!` creates an `InternalPathCopies` value with the
+    // same pseudo-syntax as in `merge_copies_dict!`.
+    use MergeCase::*;
+    assert_eq!(
+        merge_copies_dict!(
+            1,
+            {"foo" => (1, None, {})},
+            {},
+            {"foo" => Merged}
+        ),
+        internal_path_copies!("foo" => (1, None, {}))
+    );
+/// Unit tests for:
+/// ```ignore
+/// impl CombineChangesetCopies {
+///     fn new(children_count: HashMap<Revision, usize>) -> Self
+///     // Called repeatedly:
+///     fn add_revision_inner<'a>(
+///         &mut self,
+///         rev: Revision,
+///         p1: Revision,
+///         p2: Revision,
+///         copy_actions: impl Iterator<Item = Action<'a>>,
+///         get_merge_case: impl Fn(&HgPath) -> MergeCase + Copy,
+///     )
+///     fn finish(mut self, target_rev: Revision) -> PathCopies
+/// }
+/// ```
+fn test_combine_changeset_copies() {
+    // `combine_changeset_copies!` creates a `CombineChangesetCopies` with
+    // `new`, then calls `add_revision_inner` repeatedly, then calls `finish`
+    // for its return value.
+    //
+    // All paths given as string literals.
+    //
+    // * Key-value maps are represented with `{key1 => value1, key2 => value2}`
+    //   pseudo-syntax.
+    // * `children_count` is a map of revision numbers to count of children in
+    //   the DAG. It includes all revisions that should be considered by the
+    //   algorithm.
+    // * Calls to `add_revision_inner` are represented as an array of anonymous
+    //   structs with named fields, one pseudo-struct per call.
+    //
+    // `path_copies!` creates a `PathCopies` value, a map of copy destination
+    // keys to copy source values. Note: the arrows for map literal syntax
+    // point **backwards** compared to the logical direction of copy!
+    use crate::NULL_REVISION as NULL;
+    use Action::*;
+    use MergeCase::*;
+    assert_eq!(
+        combine_changeset_copies!(
+            { 1 => 1, 2 => 1 },
+            [
+                { rev: 1, p1: NULL, p2: NULL, actions: [], merge_cases: {}, },
+                { rev: 2, p1: NULL, p2: NULL, actions: [], merge_cases: {}, },
+                {
+                    rev: 3, p1: 1, p2: 2,
+                    actions: [CopiedFromP1("destination.txt", "source.txt")],
+                    merge_cases: {"destination.txt" => Merged},
+                },
+            ],
+            3,
+        ),
+        path_copies!("destination.txt" => "source.txt")
+    );
diff --git a/rust/hg-core/src/copy_tracing/tests_support.rs b/rust/hg-core/src/copy_tracing/tests_support.rs
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rust/hg-core/src/copy_tracing/tests_support.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,199 @@
+//! Supporting macros for `tests.rs` in the same directory.
+//! See comments there for usage.
+/// Python-like set literal
+macro_rules! set {
+    (
+        $Type: ty {
+            $( $value: expr ),* $(,)?
+        }
+    ) => {{
+        #[allow(unused_mut)]
+        let mut set = <$Type>::new();
+        $( set.insert($value); )*
+        set
+    }}
+/// `{key => value}` map literal
+macro_rules! map {
+    (
+        $Type: ty {
+            $( $key: expr => $value: expr ),* $(,)?
+        }
+    ) => {{
+        #[allow(unused_mut)]
+        let mut set = <$Type>::new();
+        $( set.insert($key, $value); )*
+        set
+    }}
+macro_rules! copy_source {
+    ($rev: expr, $path: expr, $overwritten: tt) => {
+        CopySource {
+            rev: $rev,
+            path: $path,
+            overwritten: set!(OrdSet<Revision> $overwritten),
+        }
+    };
+macro_rules! compare_value {
+    (
+        $merge_revision: expr,
+        $merge_case_for_dest: ident,
+        ($min_rev: expr, $min_path: expr, $min_overwrite: tt),
+        ($maj_rev: expr, $maj_path: expr, $maj_overwrite: tt) $(,)?
+    ) => {
+        compare_value(
+            $merge_revision,
+            || $merge_case_for_dest,
+            &copy_source!($min_rev, $min_path, $min_overwrite),
+            &copy_source!($maj_rev, $maj_path, $maj_overwrite),
+        )
+    };
+macro_rules! tokenized_path_copies {
+    (
+        $path_map: ident, {$(
+            $dest: expr => (
+                $src_rev: expr,
+                $src_path: expr,
+                $src_overwrite: tt
+            )
+        ),*}
+        $(,)*
+    ) => {
+        map!(InternalPathCopies {$(
+            $path_map.tokenize(HgPath::new($dest)) =>
+            copy_source!(
+                $src_rev,
+                Option::map($src_path, |p: &str| {
+                    $path_map.tokenize(HgPath::new(p))
+                }),
+                $src_overwrite
+            )
+        )*})
+    }
+macro_rules! merge_case_callback {
+    (
+        $( $merge_path: expr => $merge_case: ident ),*
+        $(,)?
+    ) => {
+        #[allow(unused)]
+        |merge_path| -> MergeCase {
+            $(
+                if (merge_path == HgPath::new($merge_path)) {
+                    return $merge_case
+                }
+            )*
+            MergeCase::Normal
+        }
+    };
+macro_rules! merge_copies_dict {
+    (
+        $current_merge: expr,
+        $minor_copies: tt,
+        $major_copies: tt,
+        $get_merge_case: tt $(,)?
+    ) => {
+        {
+            #[allow(unused_mut)]
+            let mut map = TwoWayPathMap::default();
+            let minor = tokenized_path_copies!(map, $minor_copies);
+            let major = tokenized_path_copies!(map, $major_copies);
+            merge_copies_dict(
+                &map, $current_merge, minor, major,
+                merge_case_callback! $get_merge_case,
+            )
+            .into_iter()
+            .map(|(token, source)| {
+                (
+                    map.untokenize(token).to_string(),
+                    (
+                        source.rev,
+                        source.path.map(|t| map.untokenize(t).to_string()),
+                        source.overwritten.into_iter().collect(),
+                    ),
+                )
+            })
+            .collect::<OrdMap<_, _>>()
+        }
+    };
+macro_rules! internal_path_copies {
+    (
+        $(
+            $dest: expr => (
+                $src_rev: expr,
+                $src_path: expr,
+                $src_overwrite: tt $(,)?
+            )
+        ),*
+        $(,)*
+    ) => {
+        map!(OrdMap<_, _> {$(
+            String::from($dest) => (
+                $src_rev,
+                $src_path,
+                set!(OrdSet<Revision> $src_overwrite)
+            )
+        ),*})
+    };
+macro_rules! combine_changeset_copies {
+    (
+        $children_count: tt,
+        [
+            $(
+                {
+                    rev: $rev: expr,
+                    p1: $p1: expr,
+                    p2: $p2: expr,
+                    actions: [
+                        $(
+                            $Action: ident($( $action_path: expr ),+)
+                        ),*
+                        $(,)?
+                    ],
+                    merge_cases: $merge: tt
+                    $(,)?
+                }
+            ),*
+            $(,)?
+        ],
+        $target_rev: expr $(,)*
+    ) => {{
+        let count = map!(HashMap<Revision, usize> $children_count);
+        let mut combine_changeset_copies = CombineChangesetCopies::new(count);
+        $(
+            let actions = vec![$(
+                $Action($( HgPath::new($action_path) ),*)
+            ),*];
+            combine_changeset_copies.add_revision_inner(
+                $rev, $p1, $p2, actions.into_iter(),
+                merge_case_callback! $merge
+            );
+        )*
+        combine_changeset_copies.finish($target_rev)
+    }};
+macro_rules! path_copies {
+    (
+        $( $expected_destination: expr => $expected_source: expr ),* $(,)?
+    ) => {
+        map!(PathCopies {$(
+            HgPath::new($expected_destination).to_owned()
+                => HgPath::new($expected_source).to_owned(),
+        ),*})
+    };